

Washington D.C. is No.1

It is best known as a city of monument. In the middle of traffic circles or on street corners, you'll find statues, plaques (匾牌), and simple blocks of marble there. They honor the people who helped shape the US.

And on Oct. 20, Lonely Planet, one of the world's largest travel guides, named Washington D.C. the No.1 city in its list of “Best in Travel 2015”.

“The year 2015 is a fantastic year to visit Washington D.C.,” Tom Hall, editorial director of Lonely Planet, told The Guardian. “The 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination (暗杀) makes this year big for Washington D.C. The famous top hat of America's 16th president and the gun that fired the deadly shot will be on display. Add that to its incredible eats, performing arts and museums. The nation's capital is looking better than ever.”

There are a lot of free museums in the city. When British scientist James Smithson died in 1829, he left a will giving his money to the United States to open a museum at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution. It has turned out to be a wonderful gift, and the institution now covers 19 museums. And of course, no Washington tour is complete without seeing the White House, the Capitol, and the Supreme Court, which are home to the three pillars (核心) of the

US government. But there is more to explore in the center of the US power. It is a city you can walk across, with wide?open avenues, old neighborhoods, and river views.

And as USA_Today notes, diversity is another reason to “fall in love with the city”. “There is a lot of diversity in Washington D.C., seen in its people, its neighborhoods and its landmarks. From Chinatown to Little Ethiopia, visiting the nation's capital is like seeing the world in one trip,” said the newspaper.

1.One of the reasons why Washington D.C. is worth a visit in 2015 is that ________.

A.food and performing arts there are much better than anywhere else in the world

B.the top hat of 15th president of America will be on show in the year 2015

C.seeing the museums will make your tour in Washington D.C. complete

D.the diversity of the city offers you an opportunity to see more in one trip

2.Which of the following details is RIGHT according to the article?

A.The 150th anniversary of Lincoln's assassination makes the tour more worthwhile.

B.The first reason why Washington D.C. is worth a visit is that it is the capital of the country.

C.Lonely Planet decides to make Washington D.C. a most?visited place in 2015.

D.All the museums in Washington D.C. were named after the Smithsonian Institution.

3.What is USA Today according to the last paragraph?

A.A well?known company.

B.A newspaper.

C.An advanced institution.

D.A website.



Two recent studies have found that punishment is not the best way to influence behavior.

One showed that adults are much more cooperative if they work in a system based on rewards. Researchers at Harvard University in the United States and the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden did the study.

They had about two hundred college students play a version of the game known as the Prisoner's Dilemma. The game is based on the tension (紧张气氛) between the interests of an individual and a group. The students played in groups of four. Each player could win points for the group, so they would all gain equally. But each player could also reward or punish each of the other three players, at a cost to the punisher.

Harvard researcher David Rand says the most successful behavior proved to be cooperation. The groups that rewarded it the most earned about twice as much in the game as the groups that rewarded it the least. And the more a group punished itself, the lower its earnings were. The group with the most punishment earned twenty?five percent less than the group with the least punishment. The study appeared last month in the journal Science.

The other study involved children. It was presented last month in California at a conference on violence and abuse. Researchers used intelligence tests given to two groups. More

than eight hundred children aged two to four the first time they were tested. More than seven hundred children aged five to nine.

The two groups were retested four years later, and the study compared the results with the first test. Both groups contained children whose parents used physical punishment and children whose parents did not. The study says the IQs — or intelligence quotients — of the younger children who were not spanked were five points higher than those who were. In the older group, the difference was almost three points.

Murray Strauss from the University of New Hampshire worked with Mallie Paschall from the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. Professor Strauss has written extensively about physical punishment of children. He says the more they are spanked, the slower their mental development. He also looked at average IQs in other nations and found them lower where spanking was more common.

1.Which could be the best title of the passage?


B.The Best Way to Influence Behavior

C.Punishment or Reward: Which Works Better on Behavior?

D.Two Recent Studies

2.The underlined word “spanked” probably means “______”.

A.won B.punished

C.tested D.praised

3.According to the passage, the researchers may agree the best way to influence behavior is ________.

A.rewarding good behavior

B.correcting bad behavior

C.punishing badly?behaved children

D.praising well?behaved children

4.The author develops the passage ________.

A.in order of time

B.in order of importance

C.by describing his experiences

D.by using quotations (引证) and statistics


“Mum, you're always on the computer!” Laure complained.

“No, I'm not,” I ______.

“Every day I come home from school you're working on the computer.”

“Well, at least I'm here _______ you!”

My daughter was right. Day after day, in my home office, I would stare into space as my ____ typed out the thoughts of a speaker or research completed for an article. It seemed that my work as a writer and speaker _______ my fingers to the keyboard and my mind to valuable ideas. What Laure did not _______ was that during her day away, I'd also be doing a lot of housework. It was only around three in the afternoon that I'd ______ seat myself at my desk for a few _______moments of deep thought. Then she'd come from school.

I was ______of myself on being available to my children. After all, I am a speaker on child behavior and parenting. But Laure's observation _____ my heart. In her eyes, I must have been a mom who was ______ but unapproachable. I wouldn't make such an image (形象) before her. My relationship with my children is more _____ than any other work.

“Laure,” I called, “come here a minute.”

She wandered to my doorway. I had decided to have her _____ me when I was too devoted to work. I wanted her to have the _______ to let me know when she thought I was cold.

After I explained my ______ and the fact that I chose home office to be accessible to her and her sister, I offered Laure the following ______.

“Whenever you feel I'm ignoring you or you need my _______, I want you to ______ me,” I said. “Just come up and give me a little hug. That'll be our signal that you ______ me.”

Years later we still have that _______ sign. I've become much more sensitive to my daughters' comings and goings. _______ she always gives me a little hug to remind me of the real reason why I work at home.

1.A.thought B.refused C.defended D.agreed

2.A.for B.over C.against D.after

3.A.feet B.hands C.eyes D.ears

4.A.connected B.turn C.gave D.added

5.A.admit B.realize C.believe D.recognize

6.A.luckily B.gradually C.instantly D.finally

7.A.anxious B.precious C.busy D.rare

8.A.proud B.ashamed C.afraid D.scared

9.A.filled B.broke C.touched D.mended

10.A.suitable B.available C.acceptable D.reasonable

11.A.important B.funny C.obvious D.wonderful

12.A.warn B.persuade C.encourage D.remind

13.A.patience B.time C.power D.honor

14.A.pattern B.dream C.schedule D.choice

15.A.promise B.chance C.answer D.truth

16.A.help B.attention C.decision D.advice

17.A.hug B.shake C.kiss D.kick

18.A.miss B.hate C.need D.scold

19.A.unknown B.unexpected C.unfinished D.unspoken

20.A.And B.But C.Or D.Yet


It was a beautiful morning in the summer. My oldest grandson, Seth, now twelve, stood on the small dock (码头) and _______ for me to bait his hook (在鱼钩上放诱饵) with a lively worm. I _______ the worm securely to the hook.“Here you go, Seth,” I told him. “You're all set.” He cast his _______into the water. I baited my own hook and cast my line

into the water. We sat on the dock, enjoyed the brief relief from the heat and ________ watched any signs of a bite.

Seth reeled (往卷轴上绕起) his line in. “What are you _______?” I asked.

“There's no fish.”

“Sure there are!” I said.“They aren't hungry right now,________ they're there.”

He_______ me, pulled his bobber (浮子) and bait in and cast his line in another________. I sat and watched Seth cast. He'd wait a few minutes, reel it in and _______ again.


He looked at me. “Seth! Patience! Fishing is a game of ________: You cast your bait into the water and wait.”

“Poppa, there is no _________ here.”

“Seth, fishing is a game, a very _______ one. Sometimes you win, but mostly you ________. The fish are clever. It's a waiting _______. The fish usually win. They're smart. You need to be_______.”

We went home that day empty?handed, but I hoped he _______ a lesson from this experience.

________ is easy in life. We go through pains, struggles and dreams, but _______ we are patient, our goals will bite the hook and we can reel them in.

I'm still waiting for mine. I _______ it's out there, under the waters, searching for the hook.One day it will happen.

In the meantime, I________fishing.

1.A.looked B.worked C.cared D.waited

2.A.applied B.transformed C.fastened D.linked

3.A.line B.bucket C.stone D.bag

4.A.suddenly B.carefully C.proudly D.helplessly

5.A.discovering B.doing C.suggesting D.asking

6.A.but B.so C.or D.and

7.A.left B.followed C.ignored D.accepted

8.A.order B.time C.direction D.form

9.A.cast B.gain C.appear D.win

10.A.humour B.courage C.preparation D.patience

11.A.boat B.fish C.worm D.chance

12.A.easy B.slow C.different D.useful

13.A.succeed B.rise C.dream D.lose

14.A.game B.list C.period D.room

15.A.happier B.stronger C.smarter D.taller

16.A.offered B.taught C.learned D.began

17.A.Anything B.Nothing C.Everything D.Something

18.A.unless B.before C.although D.if

19.A.predict B.guess C.know D.doubt

20.A.keep B.imagine C.stop D.avoid


Beginning to learn gymnastics even before she could barely walk, Svetlana had always dreamed to enter the Olympics scene some day.

However, her ________ ended in the car on the winding road when a lorry appeared out of nowhere. The last thing she ________ was a blinding flash of light. In hospital, when told she would never ________ again, she couldn't believe it. Three months later, she was ________ out of hospital on a wheelchair. Then a friend came to her house to visit her with an old children's storybook. A bookmark in it made her________ to page 117. The name of the _________ was ‘The Day Clara Walked’. She was determined to return to stage whatever it might cost.

_________, after a year's hard exercise, Svetlana recovered and was able to display her gymnastics. While she was sitting on the green bench ________ the Athens Olympic Stadium, memories _________: first, the pain and the tears, the book under her pillow, the words of relatives full of advice and comfort, and the pity in those eyes that had once held _________ for her talent. Then followed the trips to the gym where everyone looked on ________, their disbelief transforming slowly to wonder, ________ she could balance the hoop (圈) as well as her teammates. She registered for the 2004 Olympic Games, and finally she received _________ from the Olympic Committee.

Her _________ was interrupted by the attendant who said, “It's time”, two words that she had been ________ to hear for so long. Smoothing her dress, she walked into the stadium, each ________ firm and steady. Everything was ________, and the applause rang loud in her ears, her heart beating ________ in her chest.

Later that night, Svetlana pulled the gold medal out of her pocket and placed it on the old ________on the shelf, which opened to page 117, to the chapter ‘The Day Clara Walked’, tears ________ her vision.

1.A.intention B.dream C.life D.career

2.A.remembered B.forgot C.experienced D.suffered

3.A.see B.dance C.sing D.walk

4.A.wheeled B.rocked C.thrown D.rushed

5.A.point B.relate C.open D.adapt

6.A.bookmark B.page C.story D.chapter

7.A.Fortunately B.Surprisingly C.Suddenly D.Certainly

8.A.outside B.inside C.beneath D.opposite

9.A.squeezed out B.faded away C.mixed up D.flooded in

10.A.fright B.admiration C.sympathy D.regret

11.A.cheerfully B.thankfully C.nervously D.doubtfully

12.A.until B.while C.as D.once

13.A.approval B.praise C.support D.access

14.A.plan B.thought C.attempt D.sight

15.A.eager B.content C.upset D.proud

16.A.breath B.wave C.step D.look

17.A.unexpected B.perfect C.awful D.finished

18.A.immediately B.swiftly C.properly D.fiercely

19.A.hoop B.letter C.book D.dress

20.A.rolling B.filling C.clouding D.rushing


What do photography and foster (收养的) care have in common? Apparently a lot. Jennifer Loomis, an experienced local photographer, and her husband were a childless couple, so they were considering ____________ a kid. As part of their _____________, they went online and visited sites containing _____________ of children up for adoption. ____________, the photos didn't really express the children.

To Loomis' artful eye, they ____________ to let people know who the children truly were. Loomis then contacted Northwest Adoption Exchange and ____________ a free photo shoot (专业摄影) to help ____________ children show better pictures of them to adoptive parents. The _____________ readily agreed.

One child who _____________ the photo shoot was Deon, a lonely child who had bounced around the foster system. With Loomis' great ______________, a new and more handsome Deon was photographed. And this had a(n) ______________ effect! Soon prospective parents Joanna Church and Sean Vaillancourt saw Deon's new photo on the website and were attracted by the boy with bright, happy eyes (They had previously seen his old photo, but got no ____________ impression of him). Contact was made, and he was _____________ their home.

Now Church and Vaillancourt have become Deon's parents. The ____________ was a godsend (天赐之物) to Deon. He had been in and out of various foster homes since the age of 5, and was losing ____________. At age 18, children no longer qualify for foster care and must begin to ____________ themselves. This is a bitter reality for a child at age 16, ____________ one who has never really found _____________ from a home.

Deon is now paired with a loving family simply ____________ Jennifer Loomis took a better photo of him. She has completely changed Deon's ____________ and that of his adoptive parents.

“When you give someone a chance,” Deon said, “you are basically saving a life.”

1.A.photographing B.interviewing C.adopting D.sponsoring

2.A.study B.treatment C.search D.design

3.A.images B.plans C.stories D.ideas

4.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Otherwise

5.A.managed B.failed C.decided D.tried

6.A.required B.accepted C.offered D.allowed

7.A.curious B.lonely C.happy D.willing

8.A.team B.couple C.government D.organization

9.A.attended B.helped C.refused D.learned

10.A.concerns B.skills C.abilities D.courage

11.A.permanent B.immediate C.positive D.adverse

12.A.unique B.first C.clear D.new

13.A.taken for B.called at C.brought into D.carried away

14.A.match B.performance C.practice D.struggle

15.A.hope B.opportunity C.energy D.interest

16.A.teach B.support C.control D.trust

17.A.usually B.particularly C.specially D.definitely

18.A.freedom B.happiness C.answers D.chances

19.A.though B.unless C.but D.because

20.A.attitude B.manner C.behavior D.life

Arguments happen in every healthy relationship—we know it sounds contradictory, but it’s true—but they can still have a negative impact if they aren’t handled properly. 1.

Take a breath. We know that it can be hard to think clearly when you are angry, so we would first like to encourage you to try to take a second to collect your thoughts before engaging in a dialogue with your partner. 2. If you are not careful you could potentially say what might damage your relationship.

Take the situation as it is. Even though you are angry and it can be hard to be objective, try to see the situation for what it is. Do not escalate (不断恶化) the argument. 3. Try to understand the purpose behind the action—if something happened accidentally, you should not treat as if it were done intentionally.

4. If you have done something wrong, the best possible option for you is to admit it. Denying something only makes it more hurtful and often your partner will be able to forgive you much more quickly if you are honest.

Set ground rules. After a fight you and your partner can have a heart-to-heart talk of what happened. 5. At this point you can set some ground rules for future fights, like not cursing each other or calling each other’s names, which might help reduce the intensity of your fights.

Fighting with someone is never easy. And it’s especially difficult when you are arguing with someone that you care about. Thinking carefully and controlling yourself during an argument can help you avoid saying something that could permanently hurt your relationship.

A. Take positive action.

B. Avoid making excuses.

C. Anger can be poisonous.

D. Here is how to maintain good relationship.

E. You can discuss what hurts each of you and how you can move forward.

F. The trick to prevent an argument from destroying your relationship is learning how to fight fair.

G. Ask yourself if this situation is worth arguing about.

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