

“Mum, you're always on the computer!” Laure complained.

“No, I'm not,” I ______.

“Every day I come home from school you're working on the computer.”

“Well, at least I'm here _______ you!”

My daughter was right. Day after day, in my home office, I would stare into space as my ____ typed out the thoughts of a speaker or research completed for an article. It seemed that my work as a writer and speaker _______ my fingers to the keyboard and my mind to valuable ideas. What Laure did not _______ was that during her day away, I'd also be doing a lot of housework. It was only around three in the afternoon that I'd ______ seat myself at my desk for a few _______moments of deep thought. Then she'd come from school.

I was ______of myself on being available to my children. After all, I am a speaker on child behavior and parenting. But Laure's observation _____ my heart. In her eyes, I must have been a mom who was ______ but unapproachable. I wouldn't make such an image (形象) before her. My relationship with my children is more _____ than any other work.

“Laure,” I called, “come here a minute.”

She wandered to my doorway. I had decided to have her _____ me when I was too devoted to work. I wanted her to have the _______ to let me know when she thought I was cold.

After I explained my ______ and the fact that I chose home office to be accessible to her and her sister, I offered Laure the following ______.

“Whenever you feel I'm ignoring you or you need my _______, I want you to ______ me,” I said. “Just come up and give me a little hug. That'll be our signal that you ______ me.”

Years later we still have that _______ sign. I've become much more sensitive to my daughters' comings and goings. _______ she always gives me a little hug to remind me of the real reason why I work at home.

1.A.thought B.refused C.defended D.agreed

2.A.for B.over C.against D.after

3.A.feet B.hands C.eyes D.ears

4.A.connected B.turn C.gave D.added

5.A.admit B.realize C.believe D.recognize

6.A.luckily B.gradually C.instantly D.finally

7.A.anxious B.precious C.busy D.rare

8.A.proud B.ashamed C.afraid D.scared

9.A.filled B.broke C.touched D.mended

10.A.suitable B.available C.acceptable D.reasonable

11.A.important B.funny C.obvious D.wonderful

12.A.warn B.persuade C.encourage D.remind

13.A.patience B.time C.power D.honor

14.A.pattern B.dream C.schedule D.choice

15.A.promise B.chance C.answer D.truth

16.A.help B.attention C.decision D.advice

17.A.hug B.shake C.kiss D.kick

18.A.miss B.hate C.need D.scold

19.A.unknown B.unexpected C.unfinished D.unspoken

20.A.And B.But C.Or D.Yet


For many people, being without any electronic devices (设备) creates an uneasy feeling. I recently experienced a weekend without __________. Allow me to share my ________.

Last month, my family and I drove to my aunt Nan's home. My aunt was preparing to move closer to us. The _________ of our visit was to help her pack her belongings. During the ride, my dad __________ us that Aunt Nan's style of living was _________. We wouldn't hear cell phones ring because signals for electronic devices are not _________ in the mountains. My dad also told us that Aunt Nan had a television, but it _________ few channels.My mother added that my aunt doesn't own a computer and that I would need to write my English paper on Aunt Nan's typewriter.

Once we finally _________ Aunt Nan's house, we packed household items. Very quickly, however, I realized that it was __________ to figure out what to do in my free moments. I was used to watching television or movies in my _________ time. I was becoming restless (焦虑的).

I'm sure that adults you know _________ tell you stories about the games they played and how they had time to think quietly when they were our age.Our parents grew up in a time when electronic devices were not advanced, _________ instant communication with friends and family wasn't even possible.

Once the packing was __________, there seemed to be nothing else to do. All the quiet thinking time made me _________, so I began writing my English paper. The old typewriter was fun to use, but I had to be a lot more _________ about making typing mistakes since there was no delete key. The best part of _________ the typewriter was hearing the sound that the keys made.

I soon finished my paper. My __________ had time to hike, draw, and make unusual crafts — much like my parents did. The _________ of putting these ideas on paper made me think that our dependence on electronics has _________ our creativity. I challenge you to spend a day without _________ any electronic devices. Maybe you will discover the benefit of thinking quietly as well.

1.A.games B.televisions C.electronics D.sports

2.A.feeling B.belongings C.experience D.devices

3.A.value B.purpose C.plan D.result

4.A.blamed B.advised C.announced D.informed

5.A.primitive B.modern C.new D.casual

6.A.stable B.visible C.direct D.confusing

7.A.saved B.received C.accepted D.refused

8.A.complained about B.arrived at C.left for D.cleaned up

9.A.safe B.impossible C.difficult D.easy

10.A.waiting B.travelling C.spare D.busy

11.A.finally B.hardly C.seldom D.frequently

12.A.though B.if C.for D.so

13.A.finished B.included C.paid D.opened

14.A.curious B.uncomfortable C.angry D.uninterested

15.A.careful B.scared C.excited D.crazy

16.A.holding B.using C.fixing D.packing

17.A.characters B.friends C.relatives D.classmates

18.A.process B.story C.idea D.beginning

19.A.failed B.encouraged C.dulled D.developed

20.A.turning down B.turning up C.turning off D.turning on


If your parents were to surprise you with a present on your birthday, which one would you prefer, a trip to the amusement park or a new pair of shoes?

According to Science Daily, about one?third of the people are likely to prefer shoes to a fun trip. These people are called “materialists”, namely, those who value material goods more than experiences. But which of the two choices makes people happier?

Back in 2009, Ryan Howell, a professor at San Francisco State University, found that in the long run, experiences make people happier than possessions. This is because the joy of receiving a new object fades over time as you get used to seeing it every day. Experiences, on the other hand, can continue to bring you joy in the future through happy memories.

But materialists should at least be happy when they first buy something, shouldn't they?

To figure it out, Howell did another study. He classified a group of adults according to their personality types, ranging from less materialistic to more materialistic. Each person was asked different questions to see how they felt about spending money on material goods versus spending money on experiences.

As expected, the more materialistic participants got less happiness from purchases than the less materialistic, because such purchases didn't fit with their personalities and values. But to Howell's surprise, he found that materialists weren't any happier even if they spent money on material items.

This is because materialists worry that others may criticize or look down on their choices. “There are certain value systems that are rejected by society,” said Howell. “When we find out someone is materialistic, we think less of them, and that drives their happiness down.”

Another reason is that materialistic people always focus on what they don't have instead of what they have now. This makes them feel less satisfied and grateful.

If you happen to be a materialistic person, there's something you can try. “If materialists make more accurate purchases, rather than trying to impress others, they will be happier,” Howell said.

You should also remember what an ancient Greek philosopher once said, “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

1.What did Ryan Howell find in his studies?

A.Material goods bring people less happiness than experiences.

B.About one?third of the people prefer material goods to experiences.

C.Materialists have more fun spending money on goods than on experiences.

D.Receiving a new object brings lasting joy while the joy of an experience fades soon.

2.What did Ryan Howell want to find out by doing another study?

A.How to judge whether a person is a materialist.

B.Why materialists are not happy with their purchases.

C.How materialists feel when they spend money on goods.

D.Whether materialists are happy when they first make purchases.

3.Why does the author use the ancient Greek philosopher's words in the last paragraph?

A.To advise materialistic people not to try to impress others.

B.To persuade people to be satisfied with what they have.

C.To prove it's unwise to be materialistic and desire too much.

D.To tell readers what they desire now might one day become theirs.

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A.Are You a Materialist?

B.How To Acquire Happiness?

C.The Best Present for the Birthday

D.Which Can Make People Happier?


Would you like to explore (勘探) the oceans? Do you want to find 1. life than we imagine there? For Jacques Cousteau, the answer was “yes”. His career was a lifelong dream, and he is _2. (probable) the most famous ocean scientist in recent times.

Cousteau was born in France in 1910. Even 3._ a child, he loved water. Cousteau was bright, 4. he got bored with school and began to cause trouble. His parents sent him to a strict boarding school. There, Cousteau finally 5. (challenge). He studied hard and did well in all his courses. In 1933, he served as a general officer in the French Navy. He also began to explore the life under the water. He worked 6. a breathing machine to stay under water longer. It was finished in 1943.

In 1948, Cousteau became a captain, and he had new duties. Even so, he continued to explore the oceans. Two years later, he became the president of the French Oceanographic Campaigns. He also bought a ship 7. (help) with his dives. But he _8. (need) a way to get money for his trips. To do that, he produced many films and published a number of books. His films include The Silent World (1956) and World Without Sun (1996). One of his books is The Living Sea (1963).

In 1974, he founded the Cousteau Society, 9. function was to further oceanic research and encourage people to help protect the oceans and the life within them.

Cousteau won many honors for his work, 10. (include) the Presidential Medal of Freedom and membership in the French Academy in 1989.


Washington D.C. is No.1

It is best known as a city of monument. In the middle of traffic circles or on street corners, you'll find statues, plaques (匾牌), and simple blocks of marble there. They honor the people who helped shape the US.

And on Oct. 20, Lonely Planet, one of the world's largest travel guides, named Washington D.C. the No.1 city in its list of “Best in Travel 2015”.

“The year 2015 is a fantastic year to visit Washington D.C.,” Tom Hall, editorial director of Lonely Planet, told The Guardian. “The 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination (暗杀) makes this year big for Washington D.C. The famous top hat of America's 16th president and the gun that fired the deadly shot will be on display. Add that to its incredible eats, performing arts and museums. The nation's capital is looking better than ever.”

There are a lot of free museums in the city. When British scientist James Smithson died in 1829, he left a will giving his money to the United States to open a museum at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution. It has turned out to be a wonderful gift, and the institution now covers 19 museums. And of course, no Washington tour is complete without seeing the White House, the Capitol, and the Supreme Court, which are home to the three pillars (核心) of the

US government. But there is more to explore in the center of the US power. It is a city you can walk across, with wide?open avenues, old neighborhoods, and river views.

And as USA_Today notes, diversity is another reason to “fall in love with the city”. “There is a lot of diversity in Washington D.C., seen in its people, its neighborhoods and its landmarks. From Chinatown to Little Ethiopia, visiting the nation's capital is like seeing the world in one trip,” said the newspaper.

1.One of the reasons why Washington D.C. is worth a visit in 2015 is that ________.

A.food and performing arts there are much better than anywhere else in the world

B.the top hat of 15th president of America will be on show in the year 2015

C.seeing the museums will make your tour in Washington D.C. complete

D.the diversity of the city offers you an opportunity to see more in one trip

2.Which of the following details is RIGHT according to the article?

A.The 150th anniversary of Lincoln's assassination makes the tour more worthwhile.

B.The first reason why Washington D.C. is worth a visit is that it is the capital of the country.

C.Lonely Planet decides to make Washington D.C. a most?visited place in 2015.

D.All the museums in Washington D.C. were named after the Smithsonian Institution.

3.What is USA Today according to the last paragraph?

A.A well?known company.

B.A newspaper.

C.An advanced institution.

D.A website.


At least 3 people are dead in the Philippines now that Typhoon Hagupit has landed.

The typhoon, which hit the eastern Philippines over the weekend, has blown down trees and sent more than 650?thousand people into shelters before weakening.

“There were very strong winds last night. The roof was beginning to move, and rain was getting inside the rooms,” said a villager.

The storm hit with gusts (强风) of over 100 miles per hour. And while the storm has slowed considerably from the super typhoon level it had last week, Hagupit still remains strong enough to create more damage.

Christopher Perez is a local weather forecaster. He says, “We are continuing to expect bad weather and rough ocean waves. Threats of possible flash floods and landslides (滑坡) as well as possible storm waves are occurring in coastal areas.”

Hagupit is expected to roll into the South China Sea tomorrow.

It's currently going westward toward the southern tip of Vietnam, meaning it's unlikely to affect China.

Hagupit's strength in the Philippines is much less severe than Typhoon Haiyan, which rolled through the country in 2013.

Haiyan's tsunami?like storm waves and killer winds left thousands of people dead and leveled_entire_villages.

The central Philippines is still trying to recover from last year's massive storm waves.

1.We can know from the passage that the Typhoon Hagupit is ________.

A.getting stronger


C.going to affect China soon

D.moving more than 120 miles per hour

2.The underlined part “leveled entire villages” probably means “________”.

A.destroyed all the buildings in the villages

B.were of the same sea level as the villages

C.killed all the villagers

D.blew down all the trees in the villages

3.Which of the following places suffered most when Typhoon Haiyan rolled in?

A.The eastern Philippines.

B.The southern tip of Vietnam.

C.The South China Sea.

D.The central Philippines.

4.What do we know about Typhoon Haiyan from the passage?

A.It caused less severe damage than Typhoon Hagupit.

B.It also rolled in Vietnam and China.

C.It brought about a lot of deaths.

D.It damaged the roofs of all the houses.

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