
11.How to make a successful apology
Have you done something that you feel bad about?Is there a person who you have treated badly?Do you need to say"I am sorry"to someone?Here are five things you can do to have a successful apology(道歉).
●Make your apology real.(36)DPeople can tell if you take responsibility for what you did or if you are lying.
●Do not make excuses.(37)EIt is saying that you were wrong to do it.(38)BAn apology should show that you have learned from what you did.Show that you mean what you say.
Make it clear that you are apologizing.Just saying"I am sorry"is not enough.Talk about what you did and then say you feel bad about doing it.(39)GBe prepared for the unexpected.Be prepared for it to take some time for your apology to be accepted.This may be a long moment,a few minutes,or even days or weeks.The person may stay angry with you.(40)A.

A.Be patient and hopeful
B.Make a promise to change
C.Choose the right time to apologize
D.An apology will be better accepted if it is sincere
E.An apology is not explaining why you did something
F.You can give your apology to the other person as a letter
G.It is important that the person knows you are apologizing.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了如何真诚的道歉的一些技巧.

解答 36.D.推理判断题.根据后文People can tell if you take responsibility for what you did or if you are lying可知道歉会被更好的接受,如果它是真诚的;故选D.
37.E.推理判断题.根据后文It is saying that you were wrong to do it可知道歉不需要解释你为什么那么做的原因;故选E.
38.B.推理判断题.根据后文An apology should show that you have learned from what you did.Show that you mean what you say可知要作出改变的承诺;故选B.
39.G.推理判断题.根据前文Make it clear that you are apologizing.Just saying"I am sorry"is not enough可知要让人知道你在道歉时很重要的;故选G.
40.A.推理判断题.根据前文This may be a long moment,a few minutes,or even days or weeks.The person may stay angry with you可知道歉要耐心并且怀抱希望;故选A.

点评 七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子.解题时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词),选出最符合语境的句子.

16.Mr.and Mrs.Green lived in a big city.One summer they went to the country for their holiday.They enjoyed it very much because it was a quiet,clean place.
One day they went for a walk early in the morning and met an old man.He lived on a farm,and he was sitting in the warm sun in front of his house.Mr.Green asked him,"Do you like to live in this quiet place?"
The old man said,"Yes,I do."
Mr.Green then asked,"What are the good things about it?"
The old man answered,"Well,the people here know each other.They often come and visit me,and I often go and visit them.And there are also lots of children here."Mr.Green said,"That's interesting,and what are the bad things?"
The old man thought for a moment and then said,"Well,the same things,really."

15.Mr.and Mrs.Green went to the countryB.
A.to see the old man          
B.to spend their holiday
C.to see the quiet place         
D.to have a walk
16.Mr.and Mrs.Green enjoyed the country becauseD.
A.there were many children      
B.there was an old man
C.it was far from the city         
D.it was quiet and clean
17.Mr.and Mrs.Green took a walkB.
A.in the afternoon    
B.early in the morning 
C.after breakfast    
D.in the evening
18.The old man said,"Yes,I do.""I do"here meansA.
A.I like to live in this place     
B.I like the people here
C.I like to sit in the warm sun   
D.I like to go out for a walk.
6.(36)G Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness of finger-prints and discovered that no exactly similar pattern is passed on from parents to children,though nobody knows why this is the case.
The ridge(隆起) structure on a person's fingers does not change with growth and is not affected by surface injuries.Burns,cuts and other damage to the outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by new one,which bears a reproduction of the original pattern. (37)C Some criminals make use of this fact to remove their own finger-prints but this is a dangerous and rare step to take.
Finger-prints can be made very easily with printer's ink.They can be recorded easily. (38)D Because of the simplicity and economy of this system,finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case.A suspected man may deny a charge but this may be in vain. (39)FWhen a suspect leaves finger-prints behind at the scene of a crime,they are difficult to detect(察觉) with the naked eye. (40 )A Some of the marks found are incomplete but identification is possible if a print of a quarter of an inch square can be obtained.

A.Special techniques are used to"develop"them.
B.A fingerprint is an impression of the friction ridges of all part of the finger.
C.It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be destroyed.
D.With special methods,identification can be achieved successfully within a short time.
E.A latent(潜在的) print is the chance reproduction of the friction ridges deposited on the surface of an item.
F.His finger-prints can prove who he is even if his appearance has been changed by age or accident.
G.Every human being has a unique arrangement of the skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable.

Recently my husband had his Achilles tendon(跟腱) cut when feeding a chicken. When sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for surgery stressfully, I decided to treat myself for a minute and start to read about “The Little House on the Prairie”. Suddenly I felt my life seemed like a slack(懈怠) compared to the Ingalls who do all their washing and cooking but they feel so happy. Their every happiness is created from the work with their own hands. Yet I’m walking around feeling sorry for myself because I’m picking up the slack! So I’m thinking “Work it out! Get up and get busy.”

It really is true. I realize that I’m happiest when accomplishing tangible(有形的) productive work—working in the yard and washing my dishes—brings me happiness. This does not surprise Kelly Lambert Ph.D. She has been researching the phenomenon she calls “effort-rewards”. When you do meaningful work with your hands, a kind of neurochemical feedback floods your brain with dopamine and serotonin. These happy brain chemicals are natural antidepressants, and we’ve evolved to release them both to reward ourselves for working with our hands and to motivate ourselves to do it some more. Dr. Lambert says Americans have become more depressed in recent years and at the same time we’ve experienced a decrease in purposeful physical activity. Did we lose something vital to our mental health when we started pushing buttons instead of ploughing the fields?

Dr. Pansinski says she gets that happy look when she prepares a meal at the end of a day. “We are programmed to reward ourselves when we accomplish things with our hands. For so many people, it just feels as though everything’s going so fast—life, kids, hundreds of e-mails a day. There is so little you can really see and hold on to. Working with one’s hands is a way to slow down, to take pleasure in life again.”

1.Before reading “The Little House On the Prairie”, the writer might think the Ingalls were ________.

A. unknown B. hardworking

C. foolish D. unhappy

2.The writer develops the first paragraph in a way of ________.

A. giving an example B. making a comparison

C. analyzing a cause D. asking a question

3.From Kelly Lambert Ph. D, we know that ________.

A. her “effort-rewards” is popular among American people

B. working with our hands makes our brain tired easily

C. a decrease in physical work causes people in low mood.

D. we should work with our hands instead of using machine

4.From what Dr. Pansinski says, we can conclude that ________.

A. time and tide wait for no man

B. we should lower our expectation for life

C. it’s better to leave today’s work to tomorrow

D. we should never hurry our life too much

Look at any advertisement for a fashion(时尚)store,and you may notice that most of the models are teens.In Western culture,especially,fashion is an extremely important component of teenage life.But "Why?" you may ask.

For teenagers,fashion is first and foremost a social statement.It is a means of expression to their peers(同龄人)and the rest of the world.

Fashion also provides teenagers a sense of identity by signalling which "grouping" they belong to.It many signal a more independent or inclusive personality.

Teens can be extremely conscious about overall image.They will often make use of fashion as a means to attract a certain type of person.

Rebellion(叛离)may also be acted out via fashion.Since rebellion is often a huge aspect of a teenager's life, teens often use shocking fashion to rebel against their parents,their classmates, and/or society.

Many teens pick up on fashion trends in an effort to avoid losing face.Poor fashion choices in the eyes of others can often be an open door to ridicule.

Often,fashion for teenagers is the result of the desire to be like a celebrity(名人).Celebrities are perhaps the greatest influences on teenagers in the modern world,and the can have a huge effect on a teen's ideas about fashion and its importance.

1.What is the best tide for the text?

A. Why is fashion so important to teens? B. Why do teens learn from celebrities?

C. What fashion do teens want? D. Who leads the fashion?

2.For teens,fashion .

A. has a deep effect on celebrities B. is about expressing themselves

C. can prevent them from rebelling D. will remove their peer pressure

3.Which of the following can describe the main point of Paragraph 3?

A. Fashion and independence. B. Fashion and peers.

C. Fashion and teenagers. D. Fashion and identity.

1.Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends.They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain.So they can help each other.But neither of them is clever.They're both poor though they work hard.Most villagers have built new houses,but they still live in the low and broken houses.They never find out why.
Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife.In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive.He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back.They decided to carry some apples to the city.They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1,000kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor.Bad luck!A lot of apples has already been carried there when they arrived.A few days later they had to sell them at a low price (价格).They felt unhappy and returned to their village.
"I can't understand why we sustained (蒙受) losses in business while others always profit (盈利)"Uncle Li asked one day.
"The tractor was too small"Uncle Wang said without thinking."We'll carry more apples on a truck next time!"
"I agree!"said Uncle Li."How foolish (傻的) we were!"

33.Uncle Li and Uncle Wang live in the low and broken houses becauseB.
A.they hope to save money
B.they're both poor
C.their farms are at the foot of the mountain
D.they're not far from their farms
34.The two farmers carried the apples to the city toD.
A.make a journey(旅行)          
B.visit some places of interest
C.meet their friends              
D.make a profit(盈利)
35.the two farmers had to sell their apples at a low price becauseC.
A.their apple weren't as good as the others'
B.their apple were much less than the others'
C.a lot of apples had been already carried to the city
D.they forgot to carry them on a truck.

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