
Should People Eat Green Food?
Recently our class had a discussion about whether people should eat green food.
About 65% of the students believe people should eat green food,since the environment isn't polluted in the process of production.(高分句型一)Also,it is produced without harmful chemicals,making it safer to eat.(高分句型二)
But 35% of the students think people shouldn't eat green food,since it is much more expensive.What's more,most green food is sold in big supermarkets,making it inconvenient to buy.(高分句型三)
In my opinion,people should eat green food if they can afford it.Why would they want to risk making themselves sick?.

分析 这是一篇提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来.动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化.平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果 
【亮点说明】范文中运用一些常见的短语What's more而且;In my opinion在我看来;risk doing 冒险做某事;Recently our class had a discussion on whether people should eat green food这个句子wheither引导on的宾语从句; Also,it is produced without harmful chemicals,making it safe to eat.这个句子making做伴随状语; 
About 65% of the students believe people should eat green food,since the environment isn't polluted in the process of production.(高分句型一)
Also,it is produced without harmful chemicals,making it safer to eat.(高分句型二)
What's more,most green food is sold in big supermarkets,making it inconvenient to buy.(高分句型三)

解答 Should People Eat Green Food?
      Recently our class had a discussion about whether people should eat green food.
      About 65% of the students believe people should eat green food,since the environment isn't polluted in the process of production.(高分句型一)Also,it is produced without harmful chemicals,making it safer to eat.(高分句型二)
       But 35% of the students think people shouldn't eat green food,since it is much more expensive.What's more,most green food is sold in big supermarkets,making it inconvenient to buy.(高分句型三)
      In my opinion,people should eat green food if they can afford it.Why would they want to risk making themselves sick?

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

7.The other day,BBC broadcast its documentary(纪录片)"Are Our Kids Tough Enough?-Chinese School",in which the British and Chinese teaching styles competed against each other,with both sides tested after four weeks to see who comes out on top.
In this unique experiment,five Chinese teachers took over a British classroom with 50teenagers aged 13and 14in a British school for one month and taught them in a typical Chinese way:no talking,no questions and experiencing the severe classroom discipline within an extended school-hour from 7a.m.to 7p.m.In the meantime,another group of students were guided in the British teaching style:free talking,free questioning,thinking for themselves and relaxing learning atmosphere.
At the end of the documentary,all the pupils took part in the same exams in a few subjects.Next is the result.
Chinese style67.7446.8858.33
British style54.8436.4650
Faced with the result,many netizens in Britain made a strong suggestion to their Education Minister that Britain should learn from China and adopt China's educational style.
1.用约 30 个单词完成上文的概要;
2.用约 120 个单词发表你的观点,你应当
(2  用 2-3个理由或论据支撑你的观点.
Dear Minister,
I hear that 
                                                                         .It is said you are collecting opinions from Chinese students.The following is my view.
Yours sincerely
A Chinese senior student.
12.Your smart phone can do a lot of things.It can call people.It connects to the Internet.It enables you to play fun games.But there is a dark side-it might also spread diseases.
This may be hard to believe,but scientists reached this conclusion after they tested eight random cell phones from an office in Chicago.All the tested phones showed high numbers of bacteria,with about 2,700to 4,200 units on each phone.In drinking water,the healthy limit is less than 1unit per 100ml (毫升) of water.
Although computers,keys and pens all carry bacteria,our smart phones get far dirtier.They touch a lot of things,including our hands and the inside of our pocket or purse.We take them almost everywhere:the bus,the subway and who hasn't played smart phone games while sitting on the toilet?
What's even worse is that after the phone returns from its dirty trip,it then spends most of its time cozying up to our faces.You don't think about how often you touch your phone to your face,do you?Our noses,mouths and ears are all warm and rich in grease (油脂),an environment that bacteria really like.
Compared to traditional keyboard,touch screens spread bacteria more easily to hands.An expert in Australia warned that playing with iPads and iPhones at Apple stores is a health risk.
There is one simple and reliable way you can reduce the bacteria on your phone's surface:wash your hands regularly.So how do you keep your smart phone clean?Alcohol is effective when used to kill bacteria from the back and side of your phone.

29.What might be the disadvantage of smart phones?A
A.It might be a potential risk of diseases.
B.It can be used to make immediate talks.
C.It can be connected with the Internet.
D.It can serve as a game-playing machine.
30.Which ottle of water may be safe to drink?A
A.A 350ml bottle of water checked with 3 units of bacteria.
B.A 500ml bottle of water checked with 50 units of bacteria.
C.A 650ml bottle of water checked with 10 units of bacteria.
D.A 1000ml bottle of water checked with 15 units of bacteria.
31.Which is true according to the passage?B
A.Our keys carry more bacteria than smart phones.
B.Smart phone users risk being exposed to bacteria.
C.There's no way to reduce the bacteria on smart phones.
D.Experts warned not to touch iPhones in Apple stores.
32.What can be the best title for the passage?C
A.A New Problem of Smart Phones
B.Take Care of Your Smart Phones
C.Smart Phones-A New Health Risk
D.How to Keep Smart Phones Clean.
2.Make home a happier place to beSometimes,kids don't think their parents are fair to them.When you want do dress in a modern way,your mum doesn't approve of what you're wearing.When you are making phone calls to friends,they ask if you're speaking to a boy or a girl.Sometimes,it seems that you're not at close to your parents as you used to be.(36)C
Closing the Gap,by American author Jay McGraw,gives advice on how to have a better relationship with your parents.(37)GWhen you think"my parents don't want me to have any fun,"that usually means your parents want you to be safe.(38)DThey need to feel they are important and loved.You should tell your parents your needs,and find out what their needs are.Then,you can think of a way to make all of you happy.The book gives you some ideas.
●(39)AYou could talk about your school life and your plans for the future.
●Keep a diary.This is t help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.
●Show your parents you are growing up.Wash your own clothes and help around the house.(40)E
If you follow these steps,slowly,you will be able to break down the walls between your parents and yourself.

A.Make time to talk.
B.Here are some suggestions.
C.How can you become close again?
D.Both parents and children have needs.
E.Your parents will feel that you are no longer a small child.
F.Show respect for your parents,relatives and all the guests.
G.He gives ways to help teens understand their parents.
9.I still remember the first day of fourth grade.Later that day,my teacher read us a chapter from Tme Hitches by Roald Dahl.Instantly.I was impressed by Roald Dahl's clever and amusing style of writing,as well as the complex details of his story.It was as if the writing had flown off the paper and been illustrated(插画)into a picture book.To this day,I consider Roald Dahl my hero because of his exceptional play of words that has led me to understand the power of writing.
Through writing.Roald Dahl was able to show readers the wonderful but mysterious path of life.He shared with others the strong feelings of great success,joy,tragedy and violent anger.Reading his books.is often like riding emotional roller coasters,where one moment,you are alongside the characters,laughing at their foolishness,but the next moment crying for their mistakes.
I remember when I first read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,a classic novel about a penniless family whose son,Charlie,found a golden ticket that changed their lives.The story was centered on how anyone has the chance for success,but unfortunately also the chances of letting their ego(自我)override their moral values(道德价值).Through Roald Dahl's carefully planned plot,Charlie showed me the childish joys of life are often overlooked,when they are actually the foundations for success.He showed me the bitter realities of life,where sometimes,others will move on without you.But mostly,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory opened my eyes to the world of reading-where there would always be a character by your side,guiding you through your own life journey.
Although I have never met Roald Dahl personally,I was able to understand and gain insight(洞察)into his personality through the characters he developed in his novels.Roald Dahl used his understandings to skillfully strengthenthe characters'thoughts and actions.Roald Dahl is my hero.He is able to put lifelong lessons and his brilliant imagination into a simple novel that can be understood by anybody.
Roald Dahl's wrting is admirable not only hSfmSand characters,but also because of he grcat eforts he put into developing his unique and individual style of writing.

24.What can we learn about Roald Dahl's writing?B
A.It's full of illustrations.
B.It's humorous and vivid.
C.It's difficult to understand.
D.It's intended for adult readers.
25.What can we infer about Roald Dahl from Paragraph 2?D
A.He enjoyed riding roller coasters.
B.He often created stupid characters.
C.He was easily affected by others'feelings.
D.He could arouse strong emotions in readers.
26.What do we know about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?A
A.It deeply influences the author.
B.It talks about Charlie's weaknesses.
C.It's based on Roald Dahl's experiences.
D.It's Roald Dahl's most successful novel.
27.What does the author say about the characters Roald Dahl created?C
A.They have strong beliefs.
B.They have simple thoughts.
C.They reflect Roald Dahl's inner world.
D.They are developed from Roald Dahl's friends.
6.You may have had Chinese food in Chinese restaurants in your country.Have you noticed some differences that you may not know between Chinese and western eating?
1.Chopsticks vs.knives and forks.Chinese usually share their dishes with others.Chinese cooks usually cut everything into bite size pieces,thus people don't need knives to cut it,and just pick up their food with chopsticks.Westerners usually enjoy individual(个人的)servings(36)E.
2.Seasoning bottles.(37)F.But if you have breakfast at a dumpling and steamed bun shop,you can increase the flavor with soy sauce or vinegar from a bottle poured into a dipping dish.
3.(38)A.Sweet desserts are served after western dinners,while Chinese have fresh fruit or tea for dessert.
4.Round tables vs.square tables.Chinese traditionally eat at round tables,particularly family meals,as it's convenient to share dishes with others,especially with a lady.Roundness symbolizes unity in China.(39)G.
5.Cooking methods.Where westerners limit themselves to boiling,frying,roasting,and baking usually,Chinese use more methods of cooking,like steaming and quick-frying.(40)C.However,westerners use more butter,sunflower oil,and olive oil.
Hopefully sharing these differences will help you prepare for your experience,and has given you some insights into Chinese and western culture.

B.Fresh fruit and tea.
C.Chinese usually use animal or peanut oil to fry food.
D.Chinese usually don't remove bones,and just cut them and the meat into pieces.
E.They cook food in big pieces and serve it with knives and forks for cutting it up.
F.You usually won't find any salt,pepper.or tomato sauce on the table in a Chinese restaurant.
G.Westerners eat at square tables,which is much easier for individual meals,with long tables for bigger groups.
7.Last summer,I spent an afternoon with my daughter,Ava Scarlett.As her mother,I know about her true nature,but you can always learn new things about your child through how she makes the tough 
I asked,"Which would you rather have?All the Barbies (toys girls like much) or all the cake?Ava had a wrinkle formed on her nose.It wasn't a fair question,of course,but I was curious.
My daughter is seven years old,and like many kids her age,she has a red-hot love of barbies.I sometimes worry about what Mattel's plastic princess and her straight,blond hair and unrealistic measurements will don to my daughter's developing psyche.
My daughter,like many kids her age,is fascinated with cakes of all kinds.But it's not about eating them-or not solely(单独地).She wants to be the person baking amazing shapes and colors.Unblinking,her eyes shine as show watches chocolate.
Ava Scarlett turned,staring at me with her answer in mind.And it was good."Why can't we have both and share with everyone who wants?"
My daughter always splits her cookie in two so her brother can have some.She offers me her last bite of cucumber,even though it's her favorite vegetable.She wants us to know how much she cares for us-each of us.and she even makes the list of loved ones who will get to have her dream cakes.
Truth to be told,we don't bake a whole lot in our house.But given the opportunity,Ava Scarlett is satisfied with baking cakes for the family.Today,it's dinner:she has declared herself in charge of beating the egg for dinner.
Carefully,she carries her little white chair over to the fridge.The chair isn't heavy,and she's now big enough to lift it easily-no more dragging it across the floor.Looking into the wire basket of brown and white eggs we keep in the fridge,Ava Scarlett has a question of her own.
"Can I choose any egg I want?"
"Of course."
She takes a long moment."I think I'll choose a brown one,because I love my mother."I blink----Ava Scarlett often doesn't realize that she is also brown.I remember wanting to be a standard Barbie when I was seven,too,which is really just a way of saying,"I don't want to feel different."
I give my daughter a quick smile.She does her best and then reaches in to pick one out.I know she did so to express her love for me and our family.At this moment,I choose to accept her comment as a generous one.Ava Scarlett's desire is for people around her to be as happy as possible.She wants things to be smooth.These days,though she'd rather be Barbie than a brown egg,she'd never want me to feel abandoned by her.This little apple hasn't fallen very far from my tree.It's amazing what your children mirror back.
I hand Ava Scarlett a fork."Did you know that eggs come in all kinds of colors and shapes?They're all exactly the same on the inside,though.Just like people."
"I know."She said.
I can almost hear the gears in her head turning my words over and around.Of course,eggs are the same on the inside,just like people,she's thinking.I know she understands this.
66.What made the author so worried?B
A.That her daughter loves only Barbies and ignores other toys.
B.That Barbies would have a negative effect on her daughter.
C.That she was too busy to be there for her daughter
D.That her daughter doesn't know how to share
67.How does the author's express love to her?A
A.By selecting a brown egg
B.By sharing her cookie with her
C.By giving up her favorite Barbies
D.By giving good comments to please her
68.How does the author feel about her daughter's egg-choosing answer?A
A.It's surprising but comforting
B.It's painful but understandable
C.It's bitter and disappointing
D.It's worrying and annoying
69.What does"She'd rather be a Barbie than a brown egg"mean?C
A.She'd rather play toys than make the dinner.
B.She's rather abandon her desire for beauty.
C.She'd rather change her identity as a brown girl.
D.She'd rather make others happy than satisfy her own needs.
70.What would be the most appropriate title for this selection?B
A.Mother knows best
B.My daughter's choice
C.Sharing makes a better world
D.Following your heart rather than your head.

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