
Ⅱ.语法填空[2015 •河南商丘高三一模]


Steve is interviewing the famous biographer (传记作家) Garen Thomas.

Steve: Thomas, 9._____ a famous writer, would you please tell us something about yourself and your new books?

Garen : Of course.

Steve : Where were you born?

Garen: I was born in Chicago, but I spent most of my childhood in New York.

Steve: 10. ___________ was your childhood like?

Garen : I had pretty strict parents. They wished me to be
successful  in   studies.    So   I   think   my   childhood was 11.____(bore)and I was always complaining about it.

Steve : Do you get along well 12. ______ your parents now?

Garen: Oh sure, I have reached middle age now. So far I 13.____(understand) their love for me.

Steve; Where did you go to university?

Garen : I graduated 14. ________ Yale University with a degree in English Literature.

Steve: How did you start writing?

Garen: I like writing from young, 15. _____________ it is not easy for me to enter this occupation. You know, I once worked in companies.  I started writing for magazines and eventually was 16. ___________ (ask) to write books, so I was pretty lucky.

Steve : 17.____ did you begin to write the book about the President Obama?

Garen: From the beginning of 2008.  It 18. _______________ (take) me 6 months to prepare for it, interviewing and find?ing information about him. Obama told me many stories about his life and family.

Steve : Sounds interesting.


9.  as   as a famous writer作为一位著名作家。

10. What   What is- like?……是什么样子的?

11boring   语境表达"令人厌烦"。boring令人厌烦的。

12.  with   get on well with和.... 相处融洽。

13. have understood so far与现在完成时连用,意为"至今,迄今为止,,。

14. from   graduate from毕业于。

15. but根据语境可知前后句是转折关系,故填but。


17. When   根据答语中的时间可知填when。



II.完形填空[2015 •东北师范大学高三三模]

I went deaf in my right ear and was left with 50% of hearing in my left ear when I was a little boy. My doctors 9 that I would be completely deaf by now, and today, my remaining hearing  10  to 20% , so I think I'm doing pretty 11 .

For my 18th birthday, my dad asked me to deejay at the restaurant he owned. I was 12 I e-mailed a well-known New York City DJ : "I know you like a challenge. How about teaching a deaf person to deejay?" He wrote back the next day: "Challenge 13 ." He tutored me twice a week for two years, helping me develop proper skills. I practised four hours a day. Now when I'm 14 , muscle memory takes over.

15 I started, I wouldn't tell the club managers I was deaf. I would just 16 , introduce myself and start playing music. At the end of the night, someone would say, "Oh, here's the check. " And I'd say, "What? Oh, I can't hear." They were always so 17 Sometimes I would bring doctor's 18 because they wouldn't believe me. It was re?assurance that they were giving me gigs(现场演奏会)not out of 19 but because I was good. 20 people started call?ing me "Deaf DJ".

Music is not all about 21 . For each show, I can hear some of the lower frequencies and feel the 22 in my feet. I can feel the energy of the song and the  23 goes crazy.

  Next time you go dancing,  24 your ears, and you'll feel a little bit of  25  I do it. You'll start using your other senses. You'll start seeing that you're able to hear the music in a 26 way.

  Now, I play all sorts of get-togethers on various occasions. I also go to schools for the deaf and talk to the students about 27 and believing in themselves. I tell their parents, "My 28 to you is to let your kids chase their dreams. I'm a deaf DJ,so why not?"

9. A. agreed                               B. confirmed
C.  predicted                          D. admitted

10. A. increased                            B. stayed
C.  dropped                              D. kept

11.A. well                                    B. much
C.  badly                                 D. little

12.A. disappointed                      B. moved
C. embarrassed                  D. hooked

13. A. refused                             B. accepted
C.  found                             D. obtained

14.A. singing                             B. watching
C.  performing                      D. listening

15. A. When                                  B. While
C.  After                                 D. Until

16. A. cheer up                         B.  show up
C.  look up                          D.  call up

17. A. satisfied                           B. frightened
C.  worried                         D. surprised

18.A. notes                                B. orders
C.  schedules                       D. letters

19. A. encouragement                   B. favour
C.  sympathy                        D. respect

20.A. Occasionally                   B. Eventually
C.  Regularly                    D. Immediately

21.  A. sensing                             B. playing
C.  feeling                             D. hearing

22. A. beat                             B. noise
C.  clap                               D. wave

23 A. music                                  B. song

C.  crowd                           D. manager

24. A. fold                           B. cover
C.  close                             D. touch

25.  A. what                          B. that
C.  why                               D. how

26. A. funny                            B. traditional
C.  strange                          D. different

27. A. motivation                          B. talent

C.ability                       D. qualification

28. A. chance                         B. advice
C. idea                               D. motto


A [2015 •河北教学质量检测]

Monty Hempel is a professor of environmental science at the University of Redlands in California. He studies ecologi?cal literacy―or eco-literacy, for short. Eco-literacy is the a-bility to think about and understand the natural processes that make life possible.

Monty Hempel says eco-literacy gives people knowledge about environmental problems. But he says it does not always work to get them to change their behaviour.

Mr Hempel wrote part of the Worldwatch Institute's lat?est State of the World report. He says in his article, "Some people think that eco-literacy is just a green form of science literacy. And what I have tried to ask is whether that's e-nough. In other words, what an ecology-literate person needs to know might include things like the cycles and the flows, the energy systems, all of those kind of things that we would call the science of ecology.,,

"That doesn't seem to lead to action to protect our envi?ronment―to protect our life-support system to the level that we need to. Just because that we know a lot about the envi?ronment doesn't mean that we actually act to save it. After all, actions speak louder than knowledge.,,

He adds that people may not be very worried about envi?ronmental problems if they seem far away. "Some people call it psychological distance. A lot of climate issues are worse in the Arctic and most of us don't spend time in the Arctic. And so, there's a certain distance. But there's also a distance that's happening in the world as it urbanizes―people spend?ing more time in front of screens and less time out in nature. We become, if you will, disconnected from the natural sys?tems that used to be the key to success for a human being.,,

To help children discover the wonders of nature, he adds that children should learn about nature in school. But he also points out we have a high mountain to climb from knowledge to action.

1,   From what Monty Hempel says in Paragraph 3, we learn
that_________ .

A.    knowledge on environmental protection is not enough

B.     knowledge that children learn at school is useless

C.     eco-literacy can help people understand how nature works

D.    people with enough knowledge will protect the envi?ronment well

2.   What is especially important for environmental protection
in Mr Hempel's opinion?

A. Knowledge,

  B. Action. 

  C.  Green living

  D.  Psychological distance.

3.     Mr Hempel thinks people show no concern about some
environmental problems because____________ .


A.     they lack knowledge on environmental protection

B.     they have no awareness of environmental protection

C.     some environmental problems are not worse at all

D.     some environmental problems happened far away

4.     What can be inferred from the last paragraph?


A.     Experts think it is the best way to learn nature in school.

B.     Climbing a high mountain is a good way to exercise well.

C.     Changing people's attitude to environmental protection is hard.

D.     Knowledge can help children take action to protect the environment.


A [2015 •福建龙岩高三质裣]

ACS Middle School is delighted to announce the 10-day Morocco Challenge 2016. We are planning another exciting adventure to Morocco with the support of World Challenge, a global leader in service and adventure based on trips. What sets this programme apart from other middle school trips is that the students will have the opportunity to help plan and lead their own expedition(探险),

This experience gives ACS Middle School students an opportunity to do something really unique that will make them stand out from the crowd. The experience will provide students with a wealth of new skills which they will find in?valuable in school, college, university and the world beyond.

We invite you to join us for an informative Parents' Pres?entation, given by World Challenge, where you will have the opportunity to hear all about the amazing challenges that your son or your daughter will have the chance to experience.

Initial Information Evening for interested students and parents:

Date: Monday, September 22nd, 2015

Time: 4:00 pm

Location; ACS Middle School

The presentation will be an informative and interactive presentation with plenty of opportunities for questions, along with videos and images of the expeditions and what it will be like to take part. There will be lots of information on how the students will fund-raise to take part in this expedition, what they will do while overseas, the safety and backup on the expedition and the benefits they will obtain from taking part.

We hope you and your son or your daughter are able to attend the Parents' Presentation. We are sure you will find it interesting and see why ACS Middle School values the out?come of this programme so highly. If you are unable to attend then your son or your daughter can attend on your behalf and collect the information needed.

E-mail enquiries to: cobmsclubz@acs-schools. com

Subject : Morocco Challenge 2016

1. According to the passage, the Morocco Challenge 2016

 A.     is the first adventure by World Challenge

B.     was announced about 10 days ago

C.     will start on 22nd September 2015

D.     differs from other middle school trips

2.The passage is most probably written by .

 A.World Challenge

B.ACS Middle School students

C.     students' parents

D.     ACS Middle School

3. The passage is written to____________ .

 A.     advertise World Challenge and appeal to more volun?teers

B.     inform students how to fund-raise to join in this expe?dition

C.     invite parents to attend an interactive Parents' Presen?tation

D.     guide students to organize their own expedition

B [2015 •安庆市五校联盟高三联考:I

If a sitcom(情景喜剧)that lasts for 10 years is consid?ered popular,then surely one that still arouses emotions after 20 years must be considered a classic. Friends first aired in the US in 1994, telling about six young men and women in New York. Since then,it's become one of the most famous ti?tles in the sitcom style, and aired in over 100 countries and regions in the world.

The show is typical among those who grew up in the 1990s because it explores basic yet important themes like friendship,struggling to survive in a big city.and finding inde?pendence and identity, all of which are still relevant to young audiences today.

Against the background of the Internet age, IT staff who were once marginalized (排斥)and laughed at have been brought back to life due to the popularity of hit show The Big Bang Theory , in which four talents lacking normal social skills make an attempt at living on a college campus.

At the same time,Gossip Girl ,describing a young cast of New Yorkers born with silver spoons in their mouths,show?ing the difficulties upper-class adolescents experience. The show's fashion and mature subject matter allowed it to draw the interest of both teenagers and adults.

Although these typical TV shows cover a wide timeline and a variety of themes, they all have a universal topic. Why are they still fascinating? It remains to be found out.

5,Why is the sitcom Friends typical among young people in the 1990s?

 A.     Because it is a breakthrough in the producing style.

B.     Because it is the most influential sitcom of all time.

C.     Because it predicts the future of the young at that time.

D.     Because it addresses the subjects faced by the youth.

6,What can we learn about The Big Bang Theory ?

 A.     It improves the conditions of the people in IT.

B.     It arouses people's enthusiasm for computers.

C.     It is about four talents who are good at everything.

D.     It is set in the time before the Internet came into be?ing.

7, According to the passage, Gossip Girl .

 A.     describes the hardships of upper-class people

B.     attracts people of all ages

C.     shows eye-catching style and adult subject

D.     describes the life of ordinary girls

8, What will the author most probably talk about next?

 A.     The introduction to other hit sitcoms.

B.      The further information about the plot.

C.      The analysis of the reasons for the appeal.

D.     The emotional response among audience,

B  [2015 '安庆市五校联考]

Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your fail?ures. Instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.

The seeds and the power to grow them, are contained in the most awesome machine ever created: the human mind. Success is a choice and not a chance. You were born a win?ner. You were born rich. You can be a success if only you make the right choice.

You cannot be successful without first developing your self-confidence. Your level of self-confidence is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. People with low self-confi?dence are people who do not believe that they have any pow?er, or responsibility for their lives. They are always victims. They are leaves tossed(摇摆)by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.

You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe you are responsible for everything that hap?pens in your life. Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance. Successful people realize that they are responsible.

Everything happens as a result of something. If you can identify(确定)the cause, you can control the effect. You are responsible for what you choose to think and believe. One generally rises to the level that one expects. You are respon?sible for setting your expectations. Your success is dependent upon your level of confidence.

In all areas of your life, whether they are financial? physical, or spiritual, you are responsible. Once you recog?nize this, accept it, and firmly believe it. You are on the road to success.

5.     People with low self-confidence are compared to leaves be?cause they .

 A.     don't have the power to face their lives

B.     are ready to change their minds

C.     can't exercise control over themselves

D.     are easily affected by windy weather

6.     Losers would think that ,


A.     they fail only because of bad luck

B.     they don't make efforts to succeed

C.     success is the result of hard work

D.     working hard will lead to success

7.     It can be inferred from the fifth paragraph that .


A.     what we believe in is the result of creative mind

B.     whether we will succeed depends on our attitudes

C.     setting our expectations is vital before taking action

D.     knowing cause and effect is the key to future success

8.     The last paragraph serves as .


A.     an introduction to another topic

B.     a comparison between two views

C.     the proof of the author's points

D.     the conclusion of the argument

Happy April Fool's Day

In celebration of the day, we have put together a list of some of the greatest hoaxes in history. They are the lies that have been designed for innocent people who are ready to believe them.


In 1962 there was only one TV channel inSweden, and it broadcast in black and white. The station's tech?nical expert? Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news to announce that thanks to a newly developed technology, all viewers could now quickly and easily transform their existing sets to display colour reception. All they had to do was pull a nylon stocking over their TV screen, and they would begin to see their favourite shows in colour. Reportedly, hundreds of thousands of people were taken in. Actual colour TV transmission only started to ap?pear in Sweden on April 1, 1970.


In 1977 the British newspaper The Guardian published a special seven-page supplement (增刊)in honour of the tenth anniversary of San Serriffe, a small republic located in the Indian Ocean. A series of articles affectionately described the geography and culture of this un?known nation. The Guardian's phones rang all day as readers asked for more information about the beautiful holiday spot. Few noticed that everything about the is?land was made up.


In 1992 American National Public Radio s Talk of the Nation programme announced that Richard Nichard Nixon, in a surprise move, was running for President again. His new campaign slogan was, "I didn't do any?thing wrong, and I won't do it again. ,, Accompanying this announcement were audio clips (片断)of Nixon de?livering his election speech. Listeners responded imme?diately to the announcement, flooding the show with calls expressing shock and anger. Only during the sec?ond half of the show did the host John Hockenbcrry re?veal that the announcement was a practical joke. Nixon's voice was copied by comedian Rich Little.

1.Which of the following countries is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. India. B.  TheUK.

C.TheUnited States.      D.Sweden.

2.Who worked as a host on the radio?

A.Kjell Stensson.  B.  Rich Little.

C.Richard Nixon.     D.  John Hockenbcrry.

3.When did the small republic San Scrriffe come into being?

A.In 1962.     B.  In 1977.

C.In 1992.  D. Never.

4.Where can we probably read this article?

A.In an ad.    B.   In a magazine.

C.In a novel.    D.  In a textbook.

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