
There are moments in life 1. you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug (拥抱) them for real.

When the door of happiness closes, 2.opens, but often we look so long at the closed door 3. we don’t see the one which has been opened for us.

Don’t go for looks; they can deceive(欺骗).Don’t go for wealth; even that fades(消退)away. Go for someone 4. makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day bright.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be 5. you want to be.

The 6. (happy) of people don’t 7. (necessary)have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that 8. (come)along their way. The brightest future will always be based 9. a forgotten past.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone 10. you was smiling.














2.】当一扇门关闭,另一扇门会敞开,表示另一个填代词 another。

3.】如此. . . . .以至于“so .加形容词或副词 . that”,是固定短语, 填that。

4.】先行词someone在定语从句中作主语,填 who。.


6.人们的快乐,快乐是名词形式,.填 happiness。



9.】“以. . . . .为基础”是固定短语be based on/upon ,填介词on/upon。

10.周围的人everyone around,填 around。



Do you know of anyone who uses the truth to deceive(欺骗)? When someone tells you something that is true,but leaves out important information that should be included, he can give you a false picture.

For example,someone might say, “I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery(彩票). It was great. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!”

This guy's a winner,right? Maybe,maybe not.We then discover that he bought $ 200 worth of tickets,and only one was a winner.He’s really a big loser!

He didn’t say anything that was false,but he left out important information on purpose.That’s called a half-truth.Half truths are not technically lies,but they are just as dishonest.

Some politicians often use this trick.Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term,her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs.Then she seeks another term.One of her opponents(对手)says,“During Governor Smith’s term,the state lost one million jobs!” That’s true.However,an honest statement would have been,“During Governor Smith's term,the state had a net gain of two million jobs.’’

Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths.It’s against the law to make false statements so they try to mislead you with the truth.An advertisement might say,“Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients to take Yucky Pills to cure toothache.”It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Company.

This kind of deception happens too often.It’s a sad fact of life:Lies are lies,and sometimes the truth can 1ie as well.

1.We may infer that the author believes people should ________.

A.buy lottery tickets if possible

B.make use of half-truths

C.be careful about what they are told

D.not trust the Yucky Company

2.How many examples does the writer give to show how the truth is used to deceive?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Using half truths is against the law.

B.Technically,half truths are in fact lies.

C.Yucky Pills is a very good medicine for toothache.

D.Governor Smith did a good job during her last term.

4.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A.He’s really a big loser!

B.Sometimes the truth can lie as well.

C.Advertisers will sometimes use half truths.

D.It’s against the law to make false statements.


第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分)


The American book Who Moved My Cheese has been a bestseller all over the world. It teaches people how to face changes in their lives. Now its author Spence Johnson has written a book just for teens. The book tells us that when facing change in our lives, like a new school or new friends, don't be afraid. Instead, use this change to make a better life. The book gives an example of a change at school. A school is changing from having two terms to three terms because there are too many students.

Several teens are talking about this. Most of them are unhappy and worried. But Chris is not. He laughs and tells a story about two mice, two “little people” and some cheese.

The four are in a maze looking for the cheese. Here, cheese means something important in life, like moving to a new class or getting into college. But they find the cheese is gone. The mice realize that they can’t change what has happened and have to find more cheese. This means finding different dreams. The little people, however, can’t do this. They are afraid of change so they find no cheese.

After Chris finishes the story, the friends understand one thing: to get more cheese, move in a new direction quickly. His friends understand how this can be used in the changes all teens face, such as doing well at school or having good relationships or just feeling good about yourself.

1.The book Who Moved My Cheese is __________.

A. written all over the world B. read across the world

C. sold only in America D. loved only by teens

2.What does the text mainly discuss?

A. Never change in our life. B. Change whenever you like .

C. Change with the changes. D. Pay attention to the changes,

3.The underline word “four”(paragraph 3) refers to __________.

A. mice and little people B. students

C. cheese D. readers

4.In our lives, we should learn from __________.

A. mice B. little people

C. Chris D. Spence Johnson


Why do Americans struggle with watching their weight, while the French, who consume rich food, continue to stay thin? Now a research by Cornell University suggests how life style and decisions about eating may affect weight. Researchers concluded that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full. However, Americans tend to stop when their plate is empty or their favorite TV show is over.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a health expert, the French see eating as an important part of their life style. They enjoy food and therefore spend a fairly long time at the table, while Americans see eating as something to be squeezed between the other daily activities. Mercola believes Americans lose the ability to sense when they are actually full. So they keep eating long after the French would have stopped. In addition, he points out that Americans drive to huge supermarkets to buy canned and frozen foods for the week. The French, instead, tend to shop daily, walking to small shops and farmers’ markets where they have a choice of fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggs as well as high-quality meats for each meal.

After a visit to the United States, Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don’t Get Fat, decided to write about the importance of knowing when to stop rather than suggesting how to avoid food. Today she continues to stay slim and rarely goes to the gym.

In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits. Today the rate of obesity — or extreme overweight — among adults is only 6%. However, as American fast food gains acceptance and the young reject older traditions, the obesity rate among French children has reached 17% — and is growing.

1. In what way are the French different from Americans according to Dr. Joseph Mercola?

A. They go shopping at supermarkets more frequently.

B. They squeeze eating between the other daily activities.

C. They usually eat too much canned and frozen food.

D. They regard eating as a key part of their lifestyles.

2. This text is mainly the relationship between _________.

A. Americans and the French B. life style and obesity

C. children and adults D. fast food and overweight

3. The text is mainly developed __________.

A. by space B. by process

C. by contrast D. by classification

4.here does this text probably come from?

A. A TV interview B. A food advertisement

C. A book review D. A health report


Elizabeth and I are 18 now, and about to graduate. I think about our elementary school friendship, but some memories have blurred(模糊). What happened that day in the fifth grade when Beth suddenly stopped speaking to me? Does she know that I’ve been thinking about her for seven years? If only we could go back, and discover what ended our relationship.

I have to speak with Beth. I see her sometimes, and find out school is “fine”. It’s not the same. It never will be. Someone says that she’s Liz now. what happened to Beth?

I can’t call her. Should I write? What if she doesn’t answer me? How will I know what she’s thinking?

Yes, I’ll write her a letter. These things are easier to express in writing. “Dear Be-,” no, “Dear Li-” no, “Dear Elizabeth,” I begin. The words flow freely, as seven-year-old memories are reborn. I ask her all the questions that have been left unanswered in my mind, and pray she will answer. I seal my thoughts in the perfect white envelope, and imagine Beth looking into the mailbox. Will she know why I’m writing? Maybe she once thought of writing the same letter.

As the mailman takes my envelope from me forever, I wonder if I’ve made the right decision. Do I have the right to force myself into Beth’s life again? Am I simply part of the past? I have taken the first stop. Beth has control of the situation now.

One day has passed. Are my words lying on the bottom of the post office floor.

Two days are gone. I’m lost in thought and don’t even hear the phone ring.

“Hello? It’s Elizabeth”

1.What can we learn about Beth?

A. She had a quarrel with the author in the fifth grade

B. She moved to another school in the fifth grade

C. She is now called Liz instead of Beth

D. She hasn’t seen the author for seven years

2.Why does the author decide to write a letter instead of calling?

A. She is sure that Beth will not answer

B. She’s afraid that they’ll quarrel on the phone

C. She doesn’t know Beth’s telephone number

D. It is easier to express her feelings in writing

3.What does the underlined sentence mean in the fifth paragraph?

A .It’s up to Beth to decide what to do next

B .Beth is to be blamed for the ending of their friendship

C. Beth is in the same situation as the author is

D .The author is completely in the hands of Beth now

4.What might happen at the end of the story?

A. Beth answers her letter two day later

B. The letter doesn’t reach Beth at all

C. They make up their friendship

D. Beth refuses to make peace with her


Hi, I’m your tooth. I’ve been asked to represent the rest of your teeth. We need your help. We like to be clean when you show us off with your big, wide smiles.

First, let me tell you a little about us. You weren’t born with the baby teeth, they developed when you were about six or seven months old. You went from milk to real food in no time thanks to your twenty primary teeth. Eventually, they loosened and fell out, one at a time, probably about the time you were six or seven years old.

Then we came into your life. We are your permanent teeth, all twenty-eight of us. Some people may even have thirty-two depending on those wisdom teeth in the back. Sometimes they are able to help, and sometimes they cause trouble. Many times wisdom teeth are sideways and have to be pulled. Some people don’t even have them at all!

On a more personal note, I am an incisor, and you have seven more just like me, here in the front of your mouth. We do the biting on those chocolate chip cookies you like so much. Next to us are the canines, four sharp teeth, two on either side. Their job is to tear food; pizza is a good one for them. Behind them are eight premolars and eight to twelve molars, depending on those wisdom teeth. The molars do the majority of the work chewing the food that you eat. They do a great job on those carrots you like so much!

Did you know we not only help you bite and chew but also help you talk? That’s right. Try to say “tooth” without letting your tongue touch the back of your teeth. It sounds pretty funny, doesn’t it?

1.How many teeth does a four-year-old boy usually have according to the passage?

A. 20. B. 24. C. 28. D. 32.

2.Why are the wisdom teeth pulled sometimes?

A. Because they are useless.

B. Because they are in the back.

C. Because they are ugly.

D. Because they grow in wrong directions.

3.The word “I” in the passage refers to a _____.

A. wisdom tooth B. baby tooth

C. molar D. permanent tooth


One afternoon after school had finished , Peter and Jane were walking along the street. Suddenly they heard a big noise.

“Come on” shouted Peter.“That sounds like an accident. Let’ see what’s happened.”

They ran to where the noise came from. As soon as they got there, they could see what had happened. A small car had knocked into the side of a truck. The accident had happened in a quiet street with only four houses in it. Peter and Jane were the first ones to reach the site. No other people came.“We must be the only ones who saw the accident,” said Jane. They found that both the car driver and the truck driver were hurt.

“Peter,” said Jane,“ Run back down the road to Mrs Day’s house. Ask her to call the policemen and the ambulance. Hurry. I’ll stay here.”

Off went Peter as fast as he could. There was nothing Jane could do but wait. She knew that when people were hurt in an accident, they shouldn’t be moved. It wasn’t long before the police car and the ambulance arrived. The policeman got the car door open and they carried the man out. Then they got the truck driver out. The men weren’t seriously hurt, but they were both taken to the hospital. The policemen thanked Peter and Jane, “You were very good to act so quickly when you saw the accident. Thank you for all your help.”

1.The accident happened _______.

A. in a quiet street one school day afternoon

B. in a busy street one school day afternoon

C. in a quiet street one Sunday after noon

D. in a busy street one Sunday afternoon

2._______heard the noise.

A. Only Peter

B. Peter and Jane

C. Peter, Jane and Mrs Day

D. Peter , Jane, Mrs Day and the policemen

3.______in the accident.

A. Only the car driver was hurt

B. Only the truck driver was hurt

C. Neither of the two drivers was hurt

D. Both the drivers were hurt

4._____called the policeman.

A. Jane B. The drivers

C. Mrs Day D. Peter

5.Jane did nothing before the policemen arrived because _____.

A. she was too frightened to do anything

B. she was alone after Peter left

C. she was waiting for Peter.

D. she knew she shouldn’t move the two drivers.


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