
【题目】Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a ______ smile and let him go.





考查形容词辨析。句意:她没有责备那个打破花瓶的孩子,而是宽容地笑了笑,让他走了。A. cautious小心的,谨慎的; B. grateful 感激的;C. tolerant 宽容的;D. wild 野蛮的。根据“Instead of blaming...”可知,她没有责备那个打破花瓶的孩子,而是宽容地笑了笑,让他走了。故选C项。


【题目】Minutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theatre, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups. It was a scene that had been repeated many times in the theatre’s 75-year history. This time, however, the clean-up was a little different. As one group of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seats and other theatre equipment in preparation for the building’s end.

The film classic The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theatre. Though the movie is 30 years old, most of the 250 seats were filled with teary-eyed audience wanting to say goodbye to the old building. Theatre owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate. The movie is set in a small town where the only movie theatre is preparing to close down.

Bradford said that large modern theatres in the city made it impossible for the Plaza to compete. He added that the theatre’s location (位置) was also a reason. “This used to be the centre of town, ”he said. “Now the area is mostly office buildings and warehouses.”

Last week some city officials suggested the city might be interested in turning the old theatre into a museum and public meeting place. However, these plans were abandoned because of financial problems. Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm, which plans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theatre is located.

The theatre audience said goodbye as Bradford locked the doors for the last time. After 75 years the Plaza Theatre has shown its last movie. The theatre will be missed.

1In what way was yesterday’s clean-up at the Plaza special?

A. It signaled the close-down of the theatre.

B. It made room for new equipment.

C. It was done with the help of the audience.

D. It marked the 75th anniversary of the theatre.

2Why was The Last Picture Show put on?

A. It was an all-time classic.

B. The theatre owner found it suitable.

C. The audience requested it.

D. It was about the history of the town.

3What will probably happen to the building?

A. It will be repaired.

B. It will be turned into a museum.

C. It will be knocked down.

D. It will be sold to the city government.

4What can we infer about the audience?

A. They are disappointed with Bradford.

B. They are eager to have a shopping centre.

C. They are supportive of the city officials.

D. They are sad to part with the old theatre.

【题目】New Books Just Waiting for You!

Saving nia

Author: G.B.Jones

Hardback: $34.99

Paperback: $23.99

E-book at www.authorhouse.com $3.99

This book is based on a girl’s true story.Separated from her nappy home and placed with drug-addicted relatives, Nia sinks into a depression and attempts to set herself on fire.The love of another child lights up her darkness and brings her out!

An Insider’s History of the Swingin' Medallions

Author: Carrol Blessoe

Hardback: $29.99

Paperback: $21.99

E-book at www.xlibris.com : $3.99

This book records the story of eight young guys, the Swingin' Medallions, born in a small town in America, who become a national sense in the music world.

Road to Freedom- My Life and Journey from a 3rd World Country

Author: Edward A.Nieto

Hardback: $27.99

Paperback: $19.99

E-book at www.xlibris.com :$3.99

This book details Edward A.Nieto's life and journey.It also includes his struggles with violence. corruption and the politics of living in a third world count.

The Mister

Author: E.L.James

Hardback: $51.99

Paperback: $41.99

E-book at www.xlibris.com :$3.99

This is a new romantic story.Life has been easy for Maxim Trevelyan.But all that changes when he meets an unexpected, young woman who's recently arrived in England.After some awkward moments and dramatic incidents, he finally wins the lady’s heart.

1Who writes about Nia?

A. G.B.Jones.B. Carrol Blessoe.

C. Edward A.Nieto.D. E.L.James.

2What can we know about the book"An Insider's History of the Swingin' Medallions"?

A. It tells a story of adventure.

B. It's a romantic story.

C. It tells the story of some young musicians.

D. It's about Edward A.Nieto's struggling life.

3Which book with a paperback is in the lowest price?

A. Saving Nia.

B. The Mister.

C. An Insider’s History of the Swingin’ Medallions.

D. Road to Freedom-My Life and Journey from a 3rd World Country.

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