

Long bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end—with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. "Buy Super Clean Toothpaste. " "Drink Good'n Wet Root Beer. " "Fill up with Pacific Gas. " Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared the unending cry of You Need It! Buy It Now!"?

The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you've traveled that way before. Usually some things have changed—new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane? After a while, of course, the excitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.

The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there's a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat, of course, has become harder as the hours have passed. By now you've sat with your legs crossed, with your hands in your lap, with your hands on the arm rests—even with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at no more ways to sit.

【1】According to the writer, long bus rides and TV shows are similar in that __________.

A. they are both long and boring, with commercials disturbing you all the time

B. they both have a beginning, middle, and an end, with commercials in between

C. they are both exciting, with new things to see in every three or four minutes

D. they both make you sit in your seat uncomfortably for a very long time

【2】The writer sounds as if he likes __________.

A. reckless bus drivers B. sleeping on bus trips

C. salty food D. commercials

【3】The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are __________.

A. tiring B. comfortable C. exciting D. boring

【4】When passengers get tired, they tend to __________.

A. watch the commercials B. eat food

C. cross their legs D. change their ways to sit

【5】What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To warn people of the danger on long bus trips.

B. To persuade readers to take a long bus trip.

C. To describe the writer's own feelings from long bus trips.

D. To explain how bus trips and television shows differ.








【1】B 细节理解题。从第一段 Long bus rides are like television shows.They have a beginning, a middle, and an end...可知。

【2】A 推理判断题。从第二段 If the driver is particularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.可推知。 reckless鲁莽的;thrilling令人兴奋的;令人惊悚的。

【3】C 推理判断题。从第二段 The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting 中的 exciting 和第三段 You know it will soon be over and there's a kind of expectation and excitement in that.中的 excitement 可知

【4】D 推理判断题。从第三段 By now you've sat with your legs crossed, with your hands in your lap, with your hands on the arm rests—even with your hands crossed behind your head.可以推知。



【题目】We Chinese are not big huggers. A handshake or a pat on the shoulder is enough to convey our friendship or affection to one another. So when our newly-acquainted Western friends reach out in preparation for a hug, some of us feel awkward.

Many questions go through our head. Where should I put my arms? Under their armpits (胳肢窝) or around their neck? What distance should I maintain? Should our chests touch?

It’s even more difficult with friends from some European countries. Should I kiss them on the cheek while hugging? Which side? Or is it both cheeks? Which side should I start on?

But it isn’t just people from cultures that emphasize a reservedness in expressing physical intimacy(亲密) who find hugging confusing. Hugs can cause discomfort or even distress in people who value their personal space.

In a recent article for The Wall Street Journal, US psychologist Peggy Drexler said that although the US remains a “medium touch” culture — “more physically demonstrative(公开表露感情的) than Japan, where a bow is the all-purpose hello and goodbye, but less demonstrative than Latin or Eastern European cultures, where hugs are strong and can include a kiss on both cheeks”, Americans do seem to be hugging more.

From politicians to celebrities, hugs are given willy-nilly (不管愿意不愿意的)to friends, strangers and enemies alike; and the public has been quick to pick up the practice. US First Lady Michelle Obama has put her arms around icy foreign leaders like Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the Queen of England, on the latter occasion actually breaking the rule of royal manners.

But not all are grateful to be hugged, even by the most influential and famous. To them, any hug is offensive if it’s not sincere.

Amanda Hess, writing for US magazine Slate, says public figures should stop imposing hugs on everyone they meet. For them, a hug is rarely a gesture of sincere fellowship, compassion or affection. It’s all part of a show. Hugs are falsely close power plays used by public figures to establish their social dominance (统治力)over those in their grasp.

Cecilia Walden, a British journalist writing for The Telegraph who lives in New York, holds the same opinion. “Power-hugging”, as she calls it, is “an offender dressed up as kindness”. It has become a fashion in the US where “bosses are already embracing their staff (either shortly before or after firing them), men and women ,their friends or enemies, in a thousand cheating displays of unity”.

1From the first four paragraphs, we can see that ___________.

A. we Chinese people don’t know how to hug

B. people from European countries often get puzzled about hugging

C. people in Western countries seldom use hugs to express their physical closeness

D. hugs can bring pressure to people when used improperly

2The example of US first lady Michelle Obama is given to show that __________.

A. Americans hold a “medium touch” culture

B. public figures know hugging functions well in public

C. she is much liked by American people

D. hugs are forbidden in England

3“Power-hugging” in the last paragraph actually means that _________.

A. hugs are only used sincerely by some people with power

B. hugging is powerful to bosses in US

C. public figures sometimes use hugging just for a show of power

D. public figures can hug anyone in their grasp freely

4What can be the best title of this passage?

A. Hugs, vital or not?

B. Hugs, tricky affair?

C. Hugs and public figures

D. Hugs and power

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