
The bright morning light shone through the window onto farmer Tom’s pillow, making the room hot. Tom is not a(n) riser but the heat woke him up. He hurriedly _ and started to head for his poultry farm(家禽饲养场). He had put all his money in .

Tom got into his that was loaded with ducks in cages and his two _ , Bill and Jim. Their first _ was the City Primary School. On _ the school gate, one of the lorry’s tires was _. Tom left his workers to change the tire _ he went into the dining hall to hand over some ducks.

Meanwhile, a boy had climbed up the lorry and some of the cages. Jim _ to look up; the boy jumped down from the lorry and ran into the school. The ducks were . Jim and Bill hurriedly tried to get the ducks back into the cages but it was . There was a great commotion(混乱): ducks quacking(嘎嘎叫), workers .

Where was the boy? He was at the school gate letting some ducks into the school. On hearing the , many children came out of their classrooms and watched the sight—two men running after ducks that were quacking!

Tom came back just in time to the boy. He then made a funny quacking sound and the ducks to come to him. He put them back into cages, changed the tire and , leaving the boy in the hands of the schoolmaster.

1.A. wise B. early C. honest D. rich

2.A. worked out B. looked around C. got up D. came up

3.A. ducks B. pigs C. dogs D. chickens

4.A. room B. lorry C. train D. station

5.A. waiters B. neighbors C. sons D. workers

6.A. hope B. class C. stop D. call

7.A. touching B. leaving C. building D. reaching

8.A. flat B. dirty C. lost D. soft

9.A. if B. while C. after D. though

10.A. opened B. discovered C. repaired D. checked

11.A. decided B. refused C. expected D. happened

12.A. escaping B. swimming C. waiting D. standing

13.A. different B. useless C. slow D. lucky

14.A. listening B. jumping C. shouting D. laughing

15.A. music B. story C. noise D. joke

16.A. strange B. dangerous C. familiar D. funny

17.A. make fun of B. take care of C. catch hold of D. take notice of

18.A. woke B. promised C. agreed D. began

19.A. happily B. secretly C. selflessly D. frequently

20.A. turned around B. drove off C. held out D. dropped in


One day I was driving home with a woman. She rolled down the window, fifty feet away from the driveway and spit her gum (口香糖)out of the window. “Couldn’t you just wait five seconds and put your gum where it belongs?” I asked, annoyed.

She was not the only one who was gum-lazy. Consider the following. Every time I brush chewed gum under my desk, I shake with fright. At Folsom Middle School, whenever I had to walk by the gum wall next to the girls’ locker room, I felt totally disgusted. When I was young, I walked outside during my dance show in my ballet shoes, always stepping right on a big and juicy piece of bubble gum. I was extremely upset.

The worst part of all these incidents is that a trash can is located near. But some people are too lazy to walk towards it.

If you can’t be a responsible gum chewer, don’t chew at all. That’s all I’m going to say.

Take Singapore as a good example. The chewing gum ban in Singapore was placed. It bans the import and sale of chewing gum in Singapore, whether for the purpose of trade or personal chewing. However, the ban has been partly lifted with some types of gum, such as medical gum, allowable. This comes with the warning that it is sold only by a druggist, who has to take down the names of buyers. Obviously, the Singapore government gets angry at gum stuck in keyholes of mailboxes and on elevator buttons.

Not only is it annoying, but chewing gum can actually do harm to the health. Most gum contains aspartame (阿斯巴甜), a chemical sweetener(增甜剂)that the US government is now deciding whether or not it is a deadly chemical. If it is, it may cause cancer. Other studies suggest that aspartame may cause neurological(神经系统的)disorders. Therefore, aspartame is not allowed to use in the US.

So just say no to chewing gum.

1.What did the author think of the woman’s behavior?

A. It was strange. B. It was unacceptable.

C. It was dangerous. D. It was violent.

2.According to Paragraph 2, the author _________.

A. stepped on a piece of gum while dancing

B. cleaned gum under her desk sometimes

C. was troubled by chewed gum

D. often found chewed gum in her locker

3.What do we know about aspartame?

A. It is proved to be a harmless chemical.

B. It is the cause of many kinds of cancer..

C. It is being refused by the US government.

D. It is the main ingredient of chewing gum.

4.What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To advise people against chewing gum.

B. To criticize people who are lazy.

C. To persuade people to buy medical gum.

D. To make comments on the ban in Singapore.

The ancient city is in Pingyao county, Shanxi Province. The city wall was first built during the Zhou Dynasty. Since 1997, it has been listed as a World Heritage Site. Now Pingyao city is the only one in China completely protected as it was hundreds of years ago.

The perimeter(周长) of this square city is 6.4km long and the city wall is the earliest and largest city wall in China. It is 12 m high with width of 5 m. The wall was built with earth and covered with bricks. Outside the city wall there is a river, 4 m wide and 4 m deep.

There are several gates of the city, two each on the east and west and one each on the south and north side. All the gates have two doors each. This has given the city the name “Turtle City” with the two gates on the south and north standing for the head and tail of the turtle and four gates on the east and west as the four legs. The doors on the south and north stand opposite each other, like the head of the turtle extending out and two wells just beyond southern gate are like a turtle’s two eyes.

Located on the trade route between Beijing and Xi’an, Pingyao developed into a merchant center where the local people set up the nation’s earliest banks. These banks were the first in China to use checks.

Several old courtyards have been turned into museums, most of which were homes and offices of Pingyao’s old banks. One of the most unusual aspects of a visit here is realizing that this place was very important to China’s financial(金融的) history.

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The ancient city—Pingyao.

B. China’s ancient financial center—Pingyao.

C. The city wall of Pingyao.

D. The museums in Pingyao.

2.How many gates are there in Pingyao city?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

3.Which gate in Pingyao city stands for the head of the turtle?

A. The gate on the north.

B. The gate on the south.

C. The gate on the east.

D. The gate on the west.

4. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that__________.

A. Pingyao city played an important role in ancient China’s finance.

B. museums in Pingyao city are now used for bank offices.

C. Pingyao city was one of the largest cities in ancient China.

D. old banks in ancient Pingyao city used checks only.

You may have heard of the book Moby Dick(《白鲸记》), written by the American author Herman Melville. You may also know that Moby Dick is considered one of the greatest novels ever written. However, it might surprise you to find out Herman Melville was not always a highly regarded author.

Melville’s first two novels, Typee and Omoo, were widely read and financially successfully. They were both exciting tales of adventures at sea and experiences with people in foreign lands. Melville became quite famous. However, upon the publication of his third book, Mardi, Melville’s popularity began to weaken. He was no longer interested in telling tales of pure adventure, and his writing took on a style that alienated(使疏远) the general reading public of his time.

Melville published Moby Dick in October of 1851. it was an original novel, combining aspects of sociology and philosophy, which confused readers by its complex symbolism. The book sold poorly.

Melville’s next book, Pierre, was almost completely disregarded by the public. Debt frustration and ill health finally forced Melville to take a low-paying job as a customs inspector. Eventually, Melville abandoned prose(散文) and began to write poetry.

The Civil War is the main subject of Melville’s poetry. He and his brother made a trip to the front line, and he published a book of poems, Battle-Pieces and Aspects of War, based on this experience.

Melville died in 1891 at the age of 72. at this point, his work had been completely forgotten by the public. His talent was to go unrecognized for the next thirty years. Then, in 1920s, his reputation began to improve as critics and readers rediscovered his work. Today Moby Dick is one of the best-known novels ever penned by an American author.

1.What were Melville’s first two novels mainly about?

A. His travel experience.

B. His successful communication skills.

C. Adventurous experiences in the front line.

D. Adventurous voyages and foreign experiences.

2.We can learn from the text that Moby Dick________.

A. sold a little better than Pierre.

B. was Melville’s favorite novel.

C. was copied from other books.

D. made Melville popular again.

3.The text may be taken from___________.

A. a writing guide

B. a literary journal.

C. a science magazine.

D. a critical book on literature.

4. What is the text mainly about?

A. The main works of Melville.

B. The skills in Melville’s writing.

C. The ups and downs of Melville.

D. The reason for Melville’s failure.

Our brains work in complex and strange ways. There are some people who can calculate the day of the week for any given date in 40,000 years, but who cannot add two plus two. Others can perform complex classical piano pieces after hearing them once, but they cannot read or write.

Dr. J. Langdon Down first described this condition in 1887. He called these people idiot savants. An idiot savant is a person who has significant mental injury, such as in autism (自闭症) or retardation. At the same time, the person also exhibits some extraordinary skills, which are unusual for most people. The skills of the savant may vary from being exceptionally gifted in music or in mathematics, or having a photographic memory.

One of the first descriptions of a human who could calculate quickly was written in 1789 by Dr. Benjamin Rush, an American doctor. His patient, Thomas Fuller, was brought to Virginia as a slave in 1724. It took Thomas only 90 seconds to work out that a man who has lived 70 years, 17 days, and 12 hours has lived 2,210,500,800 seconds. Despite this ability, he died in 1790 without ever learning to read or write.

Another idiot savant slave became famous as a pianist in the 1860s. Blind Tom had a vocabulary of only 100 words, but he played 5,000 musical pieces beautifully.

In the excellent movie Rain Man, made in 1988 and available on video cassette, Dustin Hoffman plays an idiot savant who amazes his brother played by Tom Cruise, with his ability to perform complex calculations very rapidly.

Today we more clearly recognize that the idiot savant is special because of brain impairment. Yet not all brain injury leads to savant skills. Some studies have shown that people who have purposeful interruption of the left side of the brain can develop idiot savant skills. However few people wish to participate in such experiments. There are many excellent reasons for not undergoing unnecessary experimentation on one’s brain. The term idiot savant is outdated and inappropriate. Virtually all savants have a high degree of intelligence and are thus not idiots.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Idiot savants have areas of outstanding abilities.

B. Human Beings have complicated thinking process.

C. The brains of the idiot savants are partly impaired.

D. The reasons why people have wonderful skills vary.

2.Which of the following can be done by Rain Man?

A. He can play wonderful pieces of classical music.

B. He can guess out exactly the length of a man’s life.

C. He can memorize the contents of the pictures fast.

D. He can count matches dropped on the floor quickly.

3.What can you infer from the passage?

A. Idiot savants have real talents for art and math.

B. Dr. Down is the first person who found idiot savants.

C. Few people wish to risk becoming savants by brain operations.

D. Intentional left brain impairments will surely lead to idiot savants.

Dear College Dean,

It is my understanding that this college has received a large donation to be used to enhance (improve) the quality of life for students: expand the bookstore or add computers to the computer lab. It is the tradition of this school to promote education and to be the pioneer of new technology. That is why I strongly argue in favor of the addition of more computers to the computer lab.

Although expanding the campus bookstore to include CDs, gifts, and a snack bar will give a nicer look to the college, we have to think about a greater goal and a more practical way to enhance the quality of life for students. What do we .want for our students and our college? Do we want our college to be known as a place with a great bookstore where you can find CDs and gifts, or as a place where the students can explore and research in their field using the best tools provided by technology? In addition, there are already several snack bars on campus, and there are music stores nearby, so students do not depend on the college bookstore for these things.

We live in a highly technological world and computers play an increasingly important role in how we live. As a learning institution, this college has the responsibility to offer its students the best technology to help them prepare for their future. Many students will be expected to be familiar with the latest software and other tools when they go on to work or to graduate school.

While they are in college, students find they are expected to use computers. Many professors expect students to use computers to do homework or to complete projects. Since students are competing for good grades, those who have limited access to computers are at a great disadvantage. Furthermore, being able to do projects using the computer enhances the process of learning.

If there are more computers, no more will students have to wait in line while scanning the room for an empty chair and computer.. No longer will they have to sit and wait while an outdated computer struggles to follow their commands. Having more new and faster computers available will enable students to finish their work more quickly.

The more computers are used in society, the more colleges will depend on them as a tool of teaching and learning. Making computers more available to students facilitates their learning process by making the process easier, more interesting, more engaging, and in the process enhancing their quality of life.

1.From the passage we can infer that .

A. present computers in the college cannot meet the demands of the students

B. computers in the college will be updated to meet the students’ demands soon

C. the college has the responsibility to help the students to prepare for their future

D. it is also necessary to expand the college bookstore by using part of the donation

2.In paragraph 4,the author mainly wants to tell us that .

A. computers are beneficial to students’ academic(学业) success

B. computers are helpful to students competition for success

C. students find it convenient to do assignments by using computers

D. students wish to use the money to buy more advanced computers

3.Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?

CP: central point SP: sub-point(次要点) P: point C: conclusion

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