
Students usually have great fun during the vacation. When it’s time to return to school, they usually feel sad. 1.It can be hard to adjust from the dog days of a long vacation to the busy and fast pace of the school year. Here are some tips to get back into the school mode and start this year in a right way.

2.I highly suggest getting folders and binders(活页来)with patterns and designs to make note taking more fun. During the first day of class most teachers will tell you everything they require for their courses. Make sure that you get the specified supplies so that you are able to keep up with the class work and stay organized.

Get an agenda. The school year is such a busy time. Between taking tests, doing homework, and attending activities and school events, it can be really hard to keep track of everything. By keeping an updated agenda you can better mange your time. 3.Time management is the key to being successful and staying on top of everything you need to do.

4.It is very important to know what your teachers are expecting from you. Pay attention to what the teacher is saying about the workload of the class and what they are hoping for you to get out of it. Knowing their expectations and achieving them will help your year start smoothly. Always remember that communicating with your teachers is the key to understanding their expectations.

Make a list of your academic goals. Write out a list of goals that you want to achieve for the upcoming school year. Do you want to play the lead role in they play, have a wonderful performance on the basketball team or improve your grades? When you write down the goals, you are able to plan and know what you need to do to prepare for them. 5.

A. Know what is expected from you.

B. Prepare folders and binders for your classes.

C. Remember where there is a will, there is a way.

D. You can also know what you have to accomplish

E. You can reach all the goals you have set for this year

F. The relaxing days are over and they’ll get busy again

G. Have the proper school supplies that you need for your classes.


Here are a few practical apps that can help you with your studies, and beyond.


Price: Free

Platform: iOS and Android

As you star your new term, let the planning app MyHomework create a personalized study schedule. Rank as one for the best homework management apps by USA Today, this app allows you to prioritize(排序)assignments by color-coding subjects. It also reminds you of every single deadline and upcoming test you have. MyHomework is not only for smart phones but also for Apple Watch.


Price: 18 yuan

Platform: iOS

Taking good notes is important to good results. As a result, one note-taking app, Notability, is gaining popularity among students. This app allows users to take handwritten notes on touch screens and type essays. Plus, Notability users can easily share files with classmates through e-mail or cloud services like iCloud.

Sleep Cycle

Price: 6 yuan

Platform: iOS and Android

For students struggling to wake up on time during school days, Sleep Cycle can be your lifesaver. It cleverly records your sleep. After you wake up, the app shows your sleep quality through easy-to-read graphics(图表). Even better, Sleep Cycle has an intelligent wake-up mode. It wakes you up when you are in your lightest sleep state with the help of soft music. This stress-free wake-up call can potentially improve your daily productivity.


Price: Free

Platform: iOS and Android

MyMoney, a Chinese money management app, can help you achieve financial independence. This popular app allows you to add up all your accounts including campus(校园)cards and transportation cards. And it tracks your every expense(开支)to help you understand your spending habits. If any of your accounts is low, MyMoney will alarm you.

1.What can we know about Notability?

A. It’s a drawing app B. It can run on Apple Watch

C. It can be used to share notes D. It helps users organize homework

2.Which of the following helps to improve users’ spending habits?

A. MyHomework B. Notability

C. Sleep Cycle D. MyMoney

3.What do the four apps have in common?

A. They are all free of charge B. They are intended for students

C. They require Android platform D. They all help users with studies

My husband and I are saving thousands of dollars every year by growing our own vegetables in our backyard. We learn something new every year and this website has been made to share tips with other people that would like to grow some of their own food.

It’s true that if you are starting from fresh, it will cost a little bit of money to get started. However, once everything is set up, the cost is very small and the rewards are huge. The size of your family and how many vegetables you eat determine exactly how much money you can save every year. We do a lot of juicing, so we are saving thousands of dollars by growing some carefully selected greens.

There is an amazing sense of accomplishment when you grow your own vegetables. Vegetables out of your vegetable garden don’t get any fresher, tastier or more satisfying. The whole family can get involved in this hobby and kids will learn where food comes from and appreciate nature even more.

Our approach to vegetable gardening is completely different from the normal one. We are doing it in the lazy way with zero digging and fertilizing(施肥). The way we grow our vegetables is to emulate natural ecosystems. No rows of carrots can be found in our garden beds. Rain forests seem to do just fine without human interference(干预) or having plants sown in rows, so we have applied the same principle to our vegetable garden and we care producing more vegetables than ever.

By copying nature we spend little time working in the vegetable garden but get a much better crop than previous years when we followed the rules. What can I say? We’re such rebels.(叛逆者)

1.What does the author think about people growing their own vegetables?

A. It is a rewarding activity. B. It is costly in the beginning.

C. People should devote many efforts. D. People should share their tips.

2.What does the underlined word “emulate” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. Create. B. Imitate(模仿).

C. Protect D. Improve.

3.Why does the author call her and her husband “rebels”?

A. They use unconventional ways to grow vegetables.

B. They don’t buy vegetables from the market.

C. They even try to grow vegetables in the rain forests.

D. They don’t grow ordinary vegetables.

4.Which of the following shows the structure of the text? (P: Paragraph)

A. B.

C. D.

The earth is the only planet that scientists think has life. Why does the earth have life while the other planets don’t? For one thing, the earth is just the right temperature. As the third planet from the sun, the earth seems to be just the right distance away. The planets which are closer to the sun are so hot. The farthest planets are cold balls.

When the earth developed—which scientists believe may have happened about 4 billion years ago—many gases covered the earth. The gases caused the earth to be hot. But something wonderful happened. The temperature was just right for thick clouds to form. It rained very hard for a very long time. This gave the earth its oceans. Water made it possible for plants to grow. The plants created oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen is the gas that humans and animals breathe.

Only one other planet in the solar system seems to be something like the earth. That planet is Mars(火星). Mars is smaller than the earth, and it is quite a bit cooler. But it is not too cold for humans. On some days, the temperatures are as low as a winter day in the northern United States. If you wore a special spacesuit, you could walk around on Mars. The most difficulty is that you have to bring your own air to breathe, because the air on Mars is too thin to breathe.

Mars has the largest volcano(火山) in the solar system. It is sixteen miles high. The highest volcano on the earth is five miles high. Scientists believe that Mars was once much better than it is now. Does this mean there could have been living things on Mars? Scientists are not sure, but there has been no sign so far.

1.Which of the following is NOT the reason that the earth has life?

A. The earth is just the right temperature.

B. There is oxygen in the atmosphere of the earth.

C. The volcanoes on the earth are lower than those on Mars.

D. The earth seems to be just the right distance away from the sun.

2.The underlined phrase “the third planet” in the first paragraph refers to_______.

A. the Sun B. the Moon

C. the Earth D. the Mars

3.Which of the following about the Mars is NOT true?

A. There is almost no oxygen in the air on Mars.

B. There could have been living things on Mars.

C. Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system.

D. Mars is smaller and quite a bit cooler than the earth.

4.Which is the first trouble for human to live on Mars?

A. The volcanoes. B. The temperature.

C. The air. D. The food.

5.Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?

A. The Earth B. The Moon

C. Planets in the Solar System D. Mars is Most Like the Earth

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