
14.5 life lessons you will learn the hard wayLife is not easy when you are pursuing something worthwhile and ready to learn from the best experiences.It always takes tests and then fails us to learn anything worthwhile.Here are five life lessons which people will learn the hard way in majority of cases.
It takes consistent time and effort to be an expert in any area.People usually get discouraged when it takes more time than they thought it would.At this time,people refer only to people who have already achieved what they want to do.Look at any successful person and you'll notice one thing common in all of them:they took time to learn and mastered their skill like no one else.There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.
You don't have to live your life in a way society wants you to.Many old beliefs are being performed these days and are followed blindly.Parents sometimes force their children to select a career they don't want because other children have selected that career.Worst of all,people follow them without even asking.There is no harm in believing in old beliefs but when you pursue them before your interest,sooner or later you'll realize that you should first do what you think is right.
We don't care about the things we get easily.Take health for example.Very few people take their health seriously.They know that if their health is lost,they won't be happy,but they still eat junk food and never exercise.Why?Because they don't take their health seriously and the real reason behind that is they have got it for free.We spend thousands on cars and take care of them nicely.Imagine what would have been the price of human body if we had to pay for it?
Be brave to take the road less traveled.In our whole life,we always want to follow the same path that everyone suggests,do the same thing everyone does,take the same career path everyone takes,wear the same clothes everyone wears,and hang out with the same people we work with.Why?Because we are scared to fail.But when you get bored of life,you realize that you are not meant to do what everyone does and that your destiny is different than anyone else's out there in the world.But the price we pay to realize this is high because it takes a great amount of courage to follow your own trail by listening to your heart.
Break the rules sometimes.We follow rules so that things are in order and no one is disturbed unnecessarily.This is true in case of traffic and other company rules but when it comes to your life,there are rules made by people who are scared to do something apart from their routine and therefore they made rules to prevent others doing so.But when time passes by and you think you are not being directed towards your goal and these so-called rules are your biggest obstacles,BREAK THEM.Sometimes,we need to be bold and act courageously.
5 life lessons you will learn the hard way
Be (71)patient to achieve success●Time-consuming tasks often bring (72)discouragement to people.
●What successful people have in (73)commonis that they took time to learn and mastered their skill.
Live your own life●Old beliefs have their value,but their being followed (74)blindlysometimes may make people suffer.
●It is not a good idea to abandon what you are (75)interestedin for old beliefs.
Never ignore the things we get easilyMost people don't (76)treasure/value/cherishwhat they get for nothing,li ke health.
Take the road by listening to your heart●People are usually trying to be like someone else because they are afraid of (77)failure/failing.
●You need to be (78)courageous/braveto listen to your heart before you pay a high price.
Break the rules sometimes●People tend follow rules so that they can (79)avoidmaking things out of order.
●When rules become (80)obstacles/barriersto your goal,you should break them boldly and courageously.

分析 本文是说明文.作者向我们介绍了需要费一番周折才能学会的5 个生活教训.

解答 71.patient   72.discouragement   73.common   74.blindly   75.interested  76.treasure/value/cherish    77.failure/failing   78.courageous/brave   79.avoid 80.obstacles/barriers
71.patient  信息归纳题.根据第二段中的"It takes consistent time and effort to be an expert in any area.People usually get discouraged when it takes more time than they thought it would…they took time to learn and mastered their skill like no one else"可知,成为某一领域的专家是需要花费时间和精力的,而当事情需要花费的时间比他们想象的多时,人们通常会气馁,成功的人也都是花时间来学习和掌握技能的,故可推知此处表示成功需要耐心.故填 patient.
72.discouragement  信息转换题.根据第二段中的"People usually get discouraged when it takes more time than they thought it would"可知,更加费时的任务经常会给人们带来沮丧感.将句中"discouraged"转换成名词discouragement.
73.common 信息归纳题  根据第二段中Look at any successful person and you'll notice one thing common in all of them:they took time to learn and mastered their skill like no one else.可知,成功的人有一个共同之处:他们都花时间来学习和掌握技能.have…in commom"在…有共同之处",故填commom.
74.blindly 信息查找题.根据第三段中的"Many old beliefs are being performed these days and are followed blindly"可知,人们有时会盲目地跟从旧观念.故填 blindly.
75.interested 信息转换题.根据第三段中的"There is no harm in believing in old beliefs but when you pursue them before your interest…"可知,为了旧观念而放弃自己感兴趣的东西是不明智的.be interested in"对在…感兴趣".
76.treasure/value/cherish 信息归纳题.根据第四段中的"We don't care about the things we get easily.Take health for example.Very few people take their health seriously"及"the real reason behind that is they have got it for free"可知,因为健康是人们免费得来的,很多人认为健康是理所当然的事情,不珍惜、不重视自己的身体.故此处填 treasure/value/cherish.
77.failure/failing 信息转换题.根据第五段中的"Why?Because we are scared to fail"可知,人们通常努力做到与别人相同是因为害怕失败.故填 failure/failing.
78.courageous/brave  信息转换题.根据第五段中的"But the price we pay to realize this is high because it takes a great amount of courage to follow your own trail by listening to your heart"可知,听从自己内心的声音,走自己的路是需要勇气的.故填 courageous/brave.
79.avoid 信息归纳题.根据最后一段中的"We follow rules so that things are in order"可知,我们遵守规则是为了避免事情陷入混乱中.故填 avoid.
80.obstacles/barriers 信息查找题  根据最后一段中的But when time passes by and you think you are not being directed towards your goal and these so-called rules are your biggest obstacles,BREAK THEM.可知,当规则成为你实现目标的最大障碍时,你应该勇敢地打破规则,故填obstacles/barriers.

点评 先看试题,再读文章才能掌握问题的类型,分清是客观信息题还是主观判断题.客观信息题可以从文章中直接找到答案,而主观判断题考查的是对文章的主旨大意,作者的观点等,必须对整篇文章进行深层次的理解.其次,了解题干以及各个选项所包含的信息,还能有针对性阅读,有根有据地排除干扰项,得出正确答案.这样既提高了做题的准确率,也节省了宝贵的时间.

19.Several countries in Asia celebrate the Lunar New Year in their own way.But dragon and lion dances in Chinatowns all over the world have helped to make China's New Year the most famous.These days growing (61)numbers(number) of people who are not of Chinese origin are joining in.In Tokyo window cleaners dress up like the animals of the Chinese Shengxiao.America,Canada and New Zealand have published memorial stamps for the year of the rooster.Last year New York City made the Lunar New Year (62)a school holiday for the first time.
The spread of the Spring Festival is (63)partly(part) due to recent immigration from China:9.5million Chinese people (64)have moved(move) abroad since 1978,many of (65)whomare far richer than earlier waves of immigrants.
Aware (66)of China's growing economic and political influence,foreign leaders have noticed the occasion.Britain's prime minister,Theresa May,has given a video address,a tradition (67)started(start) in 2014by her predecessor (前任).This year's World Economic Forum in Davos was held a week earlier than usual (68)to avoid(avoid) conflicting with China's New Year.
China hopes the festival will promote (69)Its(it) cultural"soft power"abroad.It may give the Chinese people (70)satisfaction(satisfy) to see foreigners enjoy such festivities.
3.Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors are produced in Hangzhou City,(61)the provincial capital of Zhejiang Province in East China.In China,the brand Zhang Xiaoquan represents not only scissors,but also deep Chinese culture.Every generation worked hard to keep  62)its (it) reputation.In the past 300years of history,Zhang Xiaoquan has never been(63)more popular. (popular) than today.
Made(64)locally (local) since the period of Emperor Kangxi (1662-1723),Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors are reputed as the best scissors in China.More than 300 hundred years ago,the(65)founder (found) of Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors,Zhang Jiasi,adopted the techniques(66)to make (make) Zhejiang Longquan Sword,and introduced the skill of inlaying scissors with steel.The scissors he made was famous far and wide(67)for their sharpness and shininess.Zhang Xiaoquan,the son of Zhang Jiasi,inherited(继承)his father's business and improved the processing techniques with strict regulations on style,standard,variety and the degree of sharpness.Thus,he(68)set (set) up the brand Zhang Xiaoquan,(69)which made quite a prosperous business in the following several hundred years.
The Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors Factory in Hangzhou(70)was established (establish) in 1957,and now,it has developed into the largest scissors manufacturer in China.

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