
18.The entry point tissue in the very front of eye functions as the window_________all light has to pass on its way.(  )
A.whichB.thatC.across whichD.through which

分析 眼睛里最前端的入口点的组织的功能就像窗户一样,所有光线在传进眼睛的过程中一定要通过它.

解答 答案是D.本题考查定语从句中关系词的选择;题干中空格后面是以the window 为先行词的定语从句;把the window 带入到定语从句,从句完整的表达为"all light has to pass through the window on its way.",可见先行词前需要介词through,故答案是D.

点评 选择定语从句中的关系词,首先要理解各关系词的用法;然后找准先行词,将先行词带入到定语从句;最后根据先行词在定语从句中的作用判断关系词.

9.Every year thousands of people get hurt or die when they are crossing the road.Most of these people are old people and children.Old people often get hurt or die because they can't see or hear very well.Children usually meet with accidents because of their carelessness.They forgot to look and listen before they cross the road.
How can we lessen(减少) traffic accidents?All of us must obey the traffic rules.For the drivers,they shouldn't drive too fast.If they drive too fast,it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very short time.For the pedestrians(行人),it's very important to be careful when they are walking on the road.Therefore,when we walk across the road,we must try to walk along the pavements.We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road.Look left first,next look right,then look left again.Only when we are sure that the road is clear,we can cross it.The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly.It's not safe to run.If people run across the road,they may fall down.Teens should try to help children,old people or blind people to cross the road,and never play in the street.

21.Which of the following is NOT the right way to cross the road?D
A.Stop and look both ways.
B.Run quickly.
C.Make sure that the road is clear
D.Walk quickly.
22.Why do most old people often get hurt or die when they are crossing the road?C
A.Because they are not careful.
B.Because they forget to look and listen.
C.Because they can't see or hear very well.
D.Because they often run across the road.
23.The best title for this article may beB.
A.How to lessen traffic accidents?
B.How to cross the road?
C.Please obey the traffic rules.
D.Meeting with traffic accidents.
24.As a student,you canD to try to lessen traffic accidents.
A.let drivers drive slowly
B.play in the street carefully
C.run across the road quickly
D.help children to cross the road.
6.You arrive on time at the Smith's house to babysit three-year-old Max.When Mrs.Smith invites you into the house,you find Max sitting on the floor with an I-pad.You look around for a book,and then you realize the i-pad is teaching him how to read through a series of songs and games.Mrs Smith looks as though she couldn't be prouder of her son for playing such educational games.
Technology is becoming more important in our everyday lives.From playing a game to asking Siri for directions to a restaurant,we are depending heavily on our handheld device.Companies such as Fisher-price and Open solutions are making apps such as"Laugh and Learn","Baby Hear and Read"and"Baby's First Puzzle."These apps are marketed to parents and their babies.Some companies say that their apps will help the baby learn to read while others promise skills such as identifying shapes and sounds.Many parents say that these games have helped their children a lot.
Recently the campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood,a Boston-based group,has been accusing companies,who make these supposedly educational games,of false advertising.The campaign believes that these games are doing very little to improve the education of young children.
"What babies need for healthy brain development is active play,hands-on creative play and face-to-face interaction."says Susan Linn,the group's director.This means that when you are babysitting little Max,you should play board games with him or games that require him to use his own imagination.This will help him to learn not only skills that the games teach him,but he will learn social skills.The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees with Linn,discouraging any electronic time for babies under 2,while older children should be limited to one to two hours a day.

64.We can learn that many parents think the apps such as"Laugh and Learn"areC.
A.expensive to buy   
B.complex to operate   
C.beneficial to possess   
D.dull to use
65.Which of the following may Susan Linn agree with?C
A.The i-pad will soon take the place of babysitters.
B.Babies should stay away from these learning apps
C.Baby's First Puzzle is a good choice for parents
D.The apps from Fisher-Price can teach children a lot.
66.What a babysitter really needs to do is toC.
A.buy more educational apps from markets  
B.turn to Commercial-Free Childhood for help
C.create more activities that children can take part in
D.encourage more kids to discover more electronic games
67.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?B
A.Fun educational apps for education
B.Learning apps:Do they really help?
C.Is modern technology improving our lives?
D.The campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood.
13.Parents often assume that time spent with their kids will gradually decrease in adolescence.But a new study suggests that while teens try to avoid spending a lot of time together with their parents,private parent-child meetings may actually increase in their early adolescent years.And that may raise a teenager's self-esteem (自尊) an social confidence,especially if it is time spent with Dad,the researchers added.
The researchers created a long-term study in which they invited families in 16 school districts in central Pennsylvania to participate.In each family,a teenager,a younger sibling,their mother and their father were interviewed at home and then asked about their activities and self-worth five times over a period of seven years.
The study authors were surprised to discover that when fathers spent more time alone with their teenagers,the kids reported they felt better about themselves.Something about the father's role in the family seemed to improve self-esteem among the teenagers in the study,said study author Susan McHale,a professor of human development at Pennsylvania State University.
"Time spent with Dad often involves joking,teasing and other playful interactions.Fathers,as compared to mothers,were more involved in leisure activities and had more friend-like interactions with their children,w hich is crucial for youth social development,"the study showed.
But Marta Flaum,a psychologist in Chappaqua,New York,said,"How these findings reflect the real world is a real question.The sample in the study is so small and so unrepresentative of more families in the country today that I'm not sure how much we can g eneralizing from it.In my commu nity,in Westchester County,I don't see parents and teenagers spending much time together at all.Parents are often working so hard and have less time to be together with their kids."
However,Flaum encourages parents tom make time for their kids no matter how much work they have to do."Research like this reminds us of how important it is.The time we have with them is so short,"she said.
12.According to the study,when teenagers spend more time alone with their fathers,A.
A.their social skills will be improved
B.their fathers will better understand them
C.they will be willing to help their siblings
D.their family will spend more time together
13.What is Flaun's attitude towards the findings of the study?D
14.What does the underlined word"it"in the last paragraph probably refer to?D
A.The research by Susan McHale.
B.The work to be done.
D.Parents'making time for their kids.
15.Where is the passage more likely to have been taken from?B
A.A science magazine  
B.A news report  
C.A research plan  
D.an advertisement.
10.From the very beginning of school we make books and reading a constant source of possible failure and public humiliation.When children are little we make them read aloud,before the teacher and other children,so that we can be sure they"know"all the words they are reading.This means that when they don't know a word,they are going to make a mistake,right in front of everyone.After having taught fifth-grade classes for four years,I decided to try at all costs to rid them of their fear and dislike of books,and to get them to read oftener and more adventurously.
    One day soon after school had started,I said to them,"Now I'm going to say something about reading that you have probably never heard a teacher say before.I would like you to read a lot of books this year,but I want you to read them only for pleasure.I am not going to ask you questions to find out whether you understand the books or not.If you understand enough of a book to enjoy it and want to go on reading it,that's enough for me.And I'm not going to ask you what words mean."
    The children sat stunned and silent.Was this a teacher talking?One girl,who had just come to us from a school where she had had a very hard time,looked at me steadily for a long time after I had finished.Then,still looking at me,she said slowly and seriously,"Mr.Holt,do you really mean that?"I said just as seriously,"I mean every word of it."
    During the spring she really astonished me.One day,she was reading at her desk.From a glimpse of the illustrations I thought I knew what the book was.I said to myself,"It can't be,"and went to take a closer look.Sure enough,she was reading Moby Dick,in the edition with woodcuts.I said,"Don't you find parts of it rather heavy going?"She answered,"Oh,sure,but I just skip over those parts and go on to the next good part."
    This is exactly what reading should be and in school so seldom is---an exciting,joyous adventure.Find something,dive into it,take the good parts,skip the bad parts,get what you can out of it,go on to something else.How different is our mean-spirited,picky insistence that every child get every last little scrap of"understanding"that can be dug out of a book.
41.According to the passage,children's fear and dislike of books may result fromD.
A.reading little and think little.
B.reading often and adventurously
C.being made to read too much   
D.being made to read aloud before others
42.Upon hearing the teacher's talk,the children probably felt thatC.
A.it sounded stupid             
B.it was not surprising at all
C.it sounded too good to be true   
D.it was no different from other teachers'talk
43.Which of the following statements about the girl is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.She skipped over those easy parts while reading.
B.She had a hard time finishing the required reading tasks.
C.She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.
D.She turned out to be a top student after coming to this school.
44.From the teacher's point of view,B.
A.children cannot tell good parts from bad parts while reading   
B.children should be left to decide what to read and how to read
C.reading is never a pleasant and inspiring experience in school   
D.reading involves understanding every little piece of information.
7.One key study published in 2009in Occupational & Environmental Medicine analyzed data on 3,122men to see whether the leadership qualities of their managers were associated with a risk for fatal or nonfatal heart attack and death due to heart disease.
Anna Nyberg,the lead author of the study and a researcher at the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University,says there's an important view from the research:"The longer you have worked at a workplace,the better or worse the situation becomes.So if you are working under a boss who stresses you in a destructive manner,and your possibilities or chances to change the situation are limited,you should try to change jobs as soon as possible."
Research also has linked the degree to which supervisors demonstrate fairness (such as giving timely back information,including praise,and showing trust and respect) to employees'blood pressure.A small 2003study published in Occupational & Environmental Medicine found that workers'blood pressure readings were significantly higher when they worked for supervisors they perceived unfavorably on such characters than when they worked for supervisors they viewed more favorably.
A more recent meta-analysis published in 2012in the Journal of Applied Psychology looked at 279studies to examine the associations between perceived unfairness and employee health; it found a link between unfairness and mental health complaints,such as depression,and physical troubles,such as sleep problems,high blood pressure and being overweight.
"One of the ways that bad bosses work is through splitting people,"O'Connor,a psychotherapist in New York,says."They play favorites and develop a network of informers,so that you don't trust anybody and you really do feel more isolated.You feel that there must be something wrong with me because everybody else seems to be getting along okay."
This produces a fight-or-flight response,which causes your body to begin to change a lot-just as it would if you were running from a tiger baring its teeth,Kelloway says.Your breathing quickens and your heart beats faster as your body prepares to spring into action.When this stress response goes on too long or occurs too often,it can cause damage on the body by promoting other physiological changes that can increase the risk of a-long-time disease.
32.According to Anna Nyberg,what can you do if you work under an extremely bad boss?C
A.Consult a psychologist.
B.Complain to people within the workplace.
C.Quit your job instantly.
D.Try to get used to the situation.
33.The underlined word"splitting"in Para 5is closest in meaning toD.
34.What does the author mainly talk about in the last paragraph?A
A.Why a bad boss can cause diseases.
B.Ways to reduces stress when faced with a bad boss.
C.The troubles of some a-long-time diseases.
D.How we can solve problems with bad bosses.
35.What might be the best title for the passage?D
A.How to avoid a bad boss?
B.Is your boss making you sick?
C.How to deal with a bad boss?
D.Are you working under a good boss?

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