
As a teacher, I often make it a rule that when we are on a field trip,there will be no talking as we enter a building. This rule 5 to entering any place, whether it is a cinema,a church,a theatre, or any other places.

Once,in New York City,I took my class to see a(n) 6 near Times Square. When we arrived at the thea?tre ,there were about twenty other classes 7 outside waiting to get in. The students from the other schools were not 8 and there was pandemonium (骚动).I told my students to stay in a line and keep 9 . I told them that we would not carry ourselves like those other 10  Soon we started to file into the theatre, and it was very disorganized. There was a  lady trying to 11    the groups and get them to their seats, 12 students were everywhere and 13 really knew where to go. My class,observing our rule, walked in 14 in two single-file lines. We stood near the door behind everyone else,and we 15 All of a sudden,the lady who was 16 noticed us and she walked 17 our direction. She asked the students 18 the teacher was for

our group, and I raised my 19 She asked, "Very, very nice to meet you. Come this way. We were led into the theatre, 20 , and we were given front-row


Sometimes 21 for others may not seem like it is going to have an effect, especially when you 22 no one around who is taking manners into 23 . Howev?er, that is usually the time when such 24 actions will be most appreciated and recognized.

5.    A.  leads       B. applies

C.  turns               D. belongs

6.    A.  play B. lady

C.  teacher    D. exhibition

7.    A.   sorted out     B.   settled down

C.   turned away  D.  lined up

8.    A.  behaving B. listening

C.   concentrating D. watching

9.    A.  order       B. contact

C.  watch      D. time

10.   A.  places      B. seats

C.   classes   D. teachers

11.   A.  scold       B. dismiss

C.  attract              D. organize

12.   A.  and  B. but

C.  so    D. while

13.   A.  anyone    B. nobody

C.  everyone  D. somebody

14.   A.  anxiously B. immediately

C.  quietly     D. hurriedly

15.   A.  passed     B. chatted

C.   rushed   D. waited

16.   A.   in trouble      B.  on guard

C.  in charge D.  on business

17.   A.  in    B. to

C.  for   D. under

18.   A.  how B. where

C.  what D. whether

19.   A.  voice       B. arm

C.  head               D. hand

20.   A.  finally     B. somehow

C.   first       D, instead

21.   A.  respect    B. love

C.  concern   D. support

22.   A.  receive    B. visit

C.  recognize D. meet

23.   A.  practice   B. effect

C.  account    D. operation

24.   A.  urgent     B. kind

C.  legal D. firm


B这个规则适用于进人任何地方,无论是电影院、教堂、戏剧院,还是其他任何地方。apply to意为"适用于",符合语境。lead to导致;turn to转向,变成;belong to属于。

A根据下一句中的at the theatre可知,此处表示带学生到时代广场附近去看戏,故选play。

D当"我们"到达剧院时,大约有其他20几个班级的学生在外面排队等着进去。.line up意为"排队",符合语境。sort out 整理,(从中)区分出来;settle down安居,安定下来;turn away走开,避开。


A "我"让自己的学生排好队,维持秩序。keep order意为"维持秩序",为固定短语。故选A项。

C   "我"告诉他们,"我们"不能像其他班级(class)—样。



B   nobody表示"没有人",符合语境。

C "我"班的学生,遵守"我们"的规则,以两列纵队队形静静地进去。quietly"安静地,静静地",符合语境。anxiously 不安地,忧虑地;immediately立刻;hurriedly匆忙地。


C突然,那位负责秩序的女士注意到了"我们",她朝"我们"的方向走了过来。in charge"负责,掌管",符合语境。in trouble处于困境中;on guard警惕,站岗;on business出差。

A walk in one's direction意为"朝某人的方向走来",符合语境。


D raise one's hand"举起某人的手",符合语境。

C "我们"首先(first)被领进剧院,并被给予了前排的座位。



C take —into account"把 考虑在内,顾及  ",符合语境。



Having spent two and a half years in China over several visits, I don't remember ever going through a phase we in the United States call "cultural shock". This period of difficulty in adjusting to a new culture would probably have set in during my semester at Pe?king University. Of course, this is not to say that I didn't notice any differences between the American and Chinese cultures upon my arrival at Peking University, I did notice the differences. Looking back, I remember one of the first differences I noticed: chinese universities are surrounded by walls.

To an American, this is one of the most striking as?pects of a Chinese university which immediately sets it apart from an American campus. Having grown up in the United States, I had never seen a university sur?rounded by high, cement(水泥)walls. My idea of a uni?versity, based on having seen scores of them in different states of the US, was a place of life and learning, an inseparable part of the community in which it was loca?ted, open not only to the students of the school itself, but also fully accessible to students from other schools and to the broader public.

My idea of a university was that it was a centre of cultural life, a resource for the entire community. In all my twenty-one years, it had never occurred to me that a school would have a wall around it. Walls enclose and separate; schools expand and integrate(合并).The very idea seemed fundamentally incompatible. I asked a Chi?nese friend if all Chinese universities have walls around them. "You know, I have never really thought about it. I guess so. I guess all Chinese schools have walls around them, not just universities. ""Why?"I asked. "What's the point?""I don't know. To protect us, I suppose.,, "From whom?""I don't know. Don't you have walls a-round your schools in the United States?"I thought care?fully before answering. "No, I've never seen or heard of a university encircled by a wall. ,, My Chinese friend seemed puzzled. Walls around schools came to strike me as more than just an architectural difference between the United States and China. As China continues to open up to the outside world, these walls seem increasingly out of place.

5.    The author felt strange about Chinese culture when he    .

A.    studied in Peking University

B.    talked with his friends about the walls

C.    experienced the "cultural shock" at his arrival

D.    spent two and a half years in China over several visits

6.    In the author's opinion,   a university is a place

A.    where only students can come to study

B.    which is similar everywhere in the world

C.    that should be surrounded by high cement walls

D.    that is an inseparable part of and a resource for the community

7.    What does the underlined sentence in the last para?graph probably mean?

A.    The two ideas are fundamental.

B.    The two ideas are basically different.

C.    The two ideas about "school" and "wall" are suit?able.

D.    The two ideas about "school" and "wall" are con?flicting.

8.    We can infer from the passage that the author thinks

A.    walls are really useful in the universities

B.    he can never really understand the Chinese culture

C.    Chinese universities should work as public scenic spots

D.    walls around the universities are inappropriate in an open China

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