
【题目】Have you paid? What’s my share of the bill?

________. It wasn’t very much.

A.Don’t worry about it.B.It’s my share

C.None of your business.D.It’s up to you.



考查情景交际。句意:——你付账了吗?我该分摊多少?——别放在心上。(我付的)不多。It is my share.我该付一份;none of your business不关你的事;it is up to you.由你负责。由答句可知,帐已结了(不多),所以第一方不用担心(表达一种慷慨之情)。CBD都不符合逻辑。故选A


【题目】How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

Eyes are important for everybody. You must take care and try everything in your hand to keep them in good condition. Here are some of the tips to improve your eyesight naturally.


Strain is known to be a factor in many health conditions and eyestrain is no exception. Try meditation, yoga or other methods of stress relief to improve your vision and overall health.

Try palming.

Sit upright in a comfortable chair.2 Cup your hands so that there is no pressure on your eyes. Let your fingers rest across your forehead. There should be no light entering your eyes. Palming should be done for a period of 5 to 10 minutes to start. Palming should be relaxing. It may help to do palming in a darkened room.

Avoid sugar as much as possible.

3 It will unpleasantly affect your eyesight, which affects the eyes by producing a larger amount of insulin (胰岛素) in the blood. Therefore you shouldn’t be having much fruit juice or something that contains a lot of sugar.

Exercise your eyes.

The only exercise most eyes get is that daily rubbing we give them when we’re tired or suffering from eyestrain. But eye exercises are actually good for your eyes and can improve your vision.4 Blink as fast as you can for a few seconds then close your eyes tightly, open and repeat. Do this exercise 3 to 4 times daily.

Eat healthy.

You probably hear that statement all the time but eating the right foods are necessary to good health.5 Foods that are high in fiber, vitamin C, D and beta carotene as well as other vitamins and minerals can help improve your vision. Here are a few foods that can be beneficial to good vision: carrots, eggs, blueberries, spinach, kale, grapes, and fresh garlic.

A. Reduce eyestrain.

B. Keep your eyes moist.

C. Sugar is your eyes’s worst enemy.

D. Give your eyes a workout with the following exercise.

E. You may not be aware that your diet affects your vision but it does.

F. Close eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands.

G. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so your eyes don’t strain to stay open during the day.

【题目】 At 23 I applied for full-time positions with no intention of working five days a week. As a housewife, I had two pre-school children then but wanted to work three days a week.

This was a huge deal for me. I needed to work, but also wanted to spend time with my children while they were young. I didn’t want to miss out on school drop-offs and pick-ups. But I also didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity of promotion.

Before the interviews, I prepared a plan of how I was going to make this work for me and the employer. I saw it as a two-way agreement — the business adapting to me and me adapting to the business.

Finally I became a member of EY at 33. EY was the only firm that seemed receptive to my plan; in fact, we spent time during that first interview talking about how we could make it work together. Most importantly, the person interviewing me worked flexibly too — four days a week.

I appreciated that I’m one of the lucky ones. Even 10 years on, flexible hiring and working remains the exception rather than the rule for most.

What will help shift views and behavior, in addition to organizations updating their hiring policies, is talking more openly about how most of us organize our day around our responsibilities. We all have a life outside of work and we shouldn’t be embarrassed to talk about it, even during a job interview.

It’s a change in the way of thinking, not just for employers but employees too. In the early days I was confident about my ability but I probably did have a preconception (先入之见) that working part-time would limit my career progression. What I quickly realized was that if I took responsibility for my development, I could make sure that I got the same opportunities as if I was working full-time. So I offered solutions to how we could make it work, and it made me stand out.

1Why did the author want a flexible job?

A.To balance her work and life.B.To have more time to relax.

C.To avoid too much stress in life.D.To stand out as a special woman.

2What perhaps made the author become a member of EY?

A.The time spent discussing her plan.

B.Her relationship with the interviewer.

C.Her great confidence in the interview.

D.The interviewer’s understanding her.

3What does the author advise to apply for a flexible job?

A.Trying to seize every opportunity one can get.

B.Persuading the company to change its hiring policies.

C.Being honest about one’s personal life outside of work.

D.Convincing the employer of one’s responsibility for the job.

4What can we infer about her job from the passage?

A.It weakened her ability.

B.It made her highly noticeable.

C.It limited her career promotion.

D.It caused her to earn less money.

【题目】How to Be a Good Listener to Your Family

Communication is important for strong family relationships. However, if you don't truly listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate. Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better and form stronger bonds.1

Stay in the present.

When listening to a family member, do not let your mind wander to other things. It's important to strive to stay in the present to make your family member feel heard and valued.

2Instead, focus only on what's being said. If you feel your mind wandering, return your thoughts to the speakers’ words.


When talking to someone, you often are focusing on what you're going to say next. This tendency can get more intense when talking to a family member. If you're, say, discussing a family problem or disagreement, you may be eager to share your thoughts. However, do not think about how you feel or wish to respond. Focus only on the speaker and their thoughts and opinions on the matter.

Show you're listening using non-verbal cues.

You want the speaker to feel valued. Make sure to show you're listening. You can convey you're paying attention via non-verbal cues. 4 Smiles and laugh when necessary, and keep eye contact.

Make sure the speaker has finished talking before you talk.

It's okay to accept a pause. A couple of seconds of silence in a conversation is not a bad thing, and allows the speaker a chance to fully express themselves. Instead of immediately launching into your response, pause for a moment after the speaker finishes talking.5

People have a natural tendency to pause when they speak. If you notice the speaker has paused, do not assume they've done talking. Give them a few seconds before you respond.

A.Focus on the speaker’s words and not what you'll say next.

B.Never think about other things when someone is talking.

C.You can think of how you will respond later.

D.Thus, it is necessary to make sure to listen actively and here are how.

E.This will allow you to make sure they’ve completely finished talking.

F.Therefore, the following will tell you how to be interactive with the speaker.

G.Nod as the speaker talks.

【题目】Think positive

How are you feeling today? If your head 's in a spin because you 've had a bad night 's sleep, or maybe you've just got too much to do, the chances are you 're not in the best of moods. If everything seems like an effort and you have a negative attitude, the last thing you want to be told is to ‘be positive ! 1 .

Of course, developing a positive attitude is easier said than done. 2 When you're

feeling down, it is hard to be optimistic. But a study in the US has found that people who are optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life. So, maybe the thought of a longer life might encourage you to have a more hopeful outlook on life.

3 . Professor Lewina Lee from Boston University School of Medicine, who worked on the study, told the BBC that : “Our findings speak to the possibility that raising levels of optimism may promote longevity and healthy ageing. ” And she advises that pessimists could benefit from doing things like imagining a future where everything turns out well.

4 .Vicki Siska says “Music feeds my soul. A sense of humour keeps things in perspective.” And Pippa Kennedy says “ being grateful for what you have — and lots of chocolate —helps ! ” 5 . That's probably why other people have recommended doing yoga as well as staying fit and healthy to help maintain a positive outlook on life.

A. It doesn't come naturally to everyone.

B. As we know, every coin has two sides.

C. But being positive could have more benefits than you think.

D. Pessimists tend to give up when facing difficulties.

E. The saying goes that a healthy body leads a healthy mind.

F. People have been giving their personal advice on keeping a positive approach to life.

G. The study concluded that optimists may find it easier to control emotions and get less stressed.

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