Young people have different attitude towards music£®As we all known£¬most people throughout the world love music£®Anyway£¬nowadays young people have begun to show enthusiasm for pop stars£®Many young people have a greatly passion for different kinds of pop music£®They buy CDs and to download songs from the Internet£®They enjoy the excitement pop music bring£¬and try to convey their own ideas in pop music£®
As far as I concerned£¬we cannot deny that pop music is an essential part of our life£®However£¬follow pop music blind should be discouraged£®That we should do is to take a more critical attitude towards the pursuit of pop music£®


½â´ð Young people have different attitude towards music£®As we all known£¬most people throughout the world love music£®
                                          attitudes                                       know
Anyway£¬nowadays young people have begun to show enthusiasm for pop stars£®Many young people have a greatly passion 
However                                                                                                                                                 great
for different kinds of pop music£®They buy CDs and to download songs from the Internet£®They enjoy the excitement pop music bring£¬
                                                                            È¥µô                                                                                                         brings
and try to convey their own ideas in pop music£®

As far as I¡Äconcerned£¬we cannot deny that pop music is an essential part of our life£®However£¬follow pop music blind should 
                am            As far as I¡Äconcerned                                                                                                              following            blindly  
be discouraged£®That we should do is to take a more critical attitude towards the pursuit of pop music£®
1£®attitude¡úattitudes ¿¼²éÃû´Êµ¥¸´Êý£®attitudeÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬Ç°ÃæÓÐdifferentÐÞÊΣ¬ËùÒÔÓø´ÊýÐÎʽ£®
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As far as I can remember£¬grow up in Ohio left many good memories and very few bad ones£®We rented a home near a lake where I spent good time of my life£®I attended to school to learn a variety of course£¬and went camping overnight in the woods£®My dog and I would go fishing in the lake that I mentioned early£®During the winter we will come down at night and go ice-skating on the lake£®In Ohio the snow could be heavily sometimes and too deep to walk in as I was not that tall at the time£®It was not until I was sixteen and moved to California when the life was changed£®This was a tough change for me because the area total differed from Ohio£®There was no rivers or lakes to fish in at a11£®
11£®Mum£¬it's me£®Hopefully£¬this Mothering Sunday you will get to hear those three words£®I will£¬of course£¬try to phone you£®I hope we will be able to speak for the allowed 10minutes£®But I suspect many inmates will be using the phone£¬so if I don't call and if we don't speak£¬then this is what I would have said£º
It's not your fault that I am here£®I know that deep in your heart you have questioned whether my current circumstance is somehow your fault£¬if the reckless stupidity of my past is somehow a failure on your part£®It is not£®Only one person is to blame£¬only one person should hurt-me£®You have always taught me that when the room goes dark£¬you can wait for the lights to be switched back on or you can search in the dark and turn the light on yourself£®You are my light£®You always have been and always will be£®There is nobody I admire more£¬nobody I have strived harder to please in my life£¬which is why my current failure hurts me so much£®
I am so sorry that I will not be there to see you£¬but I want you to know that now£¬as always£¬you are here with me£®In my darkest hours£¬and in the coldest loneliness of my past few months£¬my mind has so often wandered to the past£¬to when it was you and me-and I have been able to smile£®Yours is the strength that I draw upon£®
A parent's job is to make sure that they pass on the best of themselves to their children£®You have done that£®It is the inner you in me that will get me through this£®
I have failed you so epically£¬but you have never failed me£®If I think back to the tears I shed when Dad left£¬all those years ago£¬I see you through their misty glaze£®You holding me and you telling me we'd be OK£¬and we will be£®We are and always will be the best team£®
Childhood heroes such as footballers£¬actors and rock stars are clich¨¦d£®If the job's done right£¬a child's heroes should be their parents-you are mine£®The strength you showed after the divorce from Dad to find your biological parents£¬to go to university and get your teaching qualifications£¬to begin your life again£¬is the strength that I draw on now£®It is the belief in myself£¬it is the belief you have in me£¬that tells me that once I am released I can and will rebuild my life£®I will make you proud again£®I will make you happy to have me as your son£®Yours is the will that gets me through every day£®
I don't believe you can judge a person for the mistakes they make£¬as we all make them£¬but you can judge them for what they do afterwards£®And after this£¬when it is all over£¬you will still have a son with the same hopes and dreams£®They have not diminished£®If you can dream it£¬then you have to believe it can happen-right£¿
So this Mothering Sunday£¬please think back to that morning in the 80s£¬the first Mother's Day without Dad£¬when a six-year-old me got up early and made breakfast for you£®Do you remember it£¿Could you ever forget£¿A slice of bread a doorstep thick and a wedge of cheese equally dense£®You didn't have to eat it£¬but you did£¬chewing every dry mouthful£®I know now why you forced yourself-because it had been made with love£®Well£¬things don't change this year-this letter is that bread and cheese £¨it sure has plenty of the cheese!£©£®
I love you so much£®I am sorry I have let you down£¬but you have taught me that we will always pick ourselves up and become better than we were before£®Thank you for everything and this year£¬more than ever£º
Happy Mothering Sunday£®
Love£¬your son

66£®According to the passage£¬what made the author most upset at present£¿C
A£®Losing his freedom temporarily£®
B£®Being unable to phone his mother£®
C£®Failing to live up to his mother's expectations£®
D£®Having no chance to spend the weekend with mother£®
67£®What does the underlined word"this"in Paragraph 4refer to£¿B
A£®Mothering Sunday£®
B£®Dark time£®
C£®His mistake£®
D£®Near future£®
68£®What did the author do in the loneliness of his past months£¿C
A£®He summed up the causes of the failure in his life£®
B£®He planned to help his mother find her birth parents£®
C£®He recalled the fond memories of being with his mother£®
D£®He prepared himself to go to university for further studies£®
69£®Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word"clich¨¦d"in Paragraph 6£¿D
70£®Which of the following can best describe the author's mother£¿B
A£®Selfless but stubborn£®
B£®Guilty but determined£®
C£®Selfish but responsible£®
D£®Caring but envious£®
8£®Suppose you work in a big firm and find English very important for your job because you often deal with foreign businessmen£®Now you are looking for a place where you can improve your English£¬especially your spoken English£®
Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers£®You may find the information you need£®
Global English Center
General English in all four skills listening£¬speaking£¬reading£¬and writing£®
*3-month£¨700yuan£©£¬6-month£¨1£¬200yuan£©and one-year£¨2£¬000yuan£©courses£®
*Choice of morning or evening classes£¬3hours per day£¬Mon£®-Fri£®
*Experienced college English teachers£®
*Close to city center and bus stops£®
Tel 67705272  Add 105Zhongshan Road£¬100082
Modern Language School
Special courses in English for business£¬travel£¬banking£¬hotel management and office skills£®
*Small classes£¨12-16students£©on Sat£®& Sun£®from 200-500p£®m£®
*Native English teachers from Canada and the USA£®
*Language lab and computers supplied£®
*3-month course 1£¬050yuan£» 6-month course 1£¬850yuan£®
Write or phone Modern Language School£¬675Park Road.100056
Tel 67353019
The 21st Century English Training Centre
*We specialize in effective teaching at all levels£®
*We offer morning or afternoon classes£®Both three months and a half at a cost of 800yuan£®
*We also have a six-week TOEFL preparation class during winter and summer holidays£®
*Entrance exams£ºJune 1and Dec.1£®
*Only 15-minute walk from city center£®
Call 67801642for more information£®
The International House of English
*Three/Six-month English courses for students of all levels at very low cost 60yuan for 12hours per week£®
*Convenient class hours 900-1200a£®m£®and 200-500p£®m£®
*A four-month evening program for developing speaking skills£¨same cost as day classes£©£®
*Free sightseeing and social activities£®
*Very close to the Central Park£®
For further information call 67432308£®
70£®You work from 900a£®m£®to 430p£®m£®every day£®Which school will you choose£¿A£®
A£®Global English Center and the International House£®
B£®Global English Center and Modem Language School£®
C£®Modern Language School and the 21st Century£®
D£®The 21st Century and the International House£®
71£®The 21st Century is different from the other three schools in thatB£®
A£®its teaching quality is better  B£®it requires an entrance examination
C£®its courses are more advanced   D£®it is nearest to the city center
72£®You will probably prefer to go to the International House because itC£®
A£®offers sightseeing and social activities at low prices
B£®costs less than the other schools
C£®has a special course in spoken English
D£®has native English teachers
73£®If you take the four-month evening program at the International House£¬you will pay aboutD£®
A.60yuan   B.240yuan   C.720yuan   D.960yuan£®
18£®Kompong Phhluk Private Tour
Depart the city for an unspoiled floating community called Kompong Phhluk which is astonishing for its stilted-house villages and flooded forest£®
Stop on the way for the Rolous Market tour£®This is a great chance for you to take the photos of locals selling vegetables£¬different fish species and other local produce£®
After this market tour we'll all have a boat trip to the floating community of Kompong Phhluk£¬visit an island pagoda£¬school and houses standing on 8 or 10m high stilts£¬fish farms and learn about the village life£®
Stop and have lunch in a family's house before getting into a row boat and venturing into the flooded forest£¬the habitat to some famous water-bird species£®
Eventually we jump back into the big boat and set off for the largest fresh water lake in SE Asia£¬Tonle Sap£®
 Tour Details
•Departs 8.30am
•Returns around 2pm
•A picnic lunch with sandwiches and drinks is provided£®We cannot provide local food from the area due to poor sanitation£¬lack of hygiene standards and refrigeration£®
•No passes required
•These rates are based on an English speaking guide£®
•Rates include all transport£¬water and a picnic lunch£®
•Children 11 years and under are 50%£®
•Children 4 years and below are free£®
•If your group is larger than 5 people please email us for the best rate£®
Number of People    Price Per Person
1 Person                65
2 People                45
3 People                40
4 People                35
5 People                32
What to Wear
•Please be mindful of your clothing and try to avoid anything too revealing£®
•We strongly recommend a sunglasses£¬hat and sunscreen£®
General Information
•This is a poor rural village£¬please be mindful of the environment£®
•Please do not hand things out to villagers£¬for this contributes to creating a begging cycle
and can create jealousy£®
•We recommend heading to the toilet before you go on this trip as facilities are very basic£®
70£®Kompong Phhluk is famous for itsB
A£®local vegetables and different fish species
B£®stilted-house villages and flooded forest
C£®Rolous Market and island pagoda
D£®water-bird habitat and fish farms
71£®A private trip for two parents and a 3-year-old boy costsC£®
A.40               B.80           C.90           D.120
72£®Which of the following is not included in the rates£¿D
A£®A tourist guide£®B£®Transport£®C£®Drinks£®D£®Local food£®
73£®We can conclude from the passage thatA£®
A£®the living standard in the village is quite low
B£®the tourist facilities along the way are quite good
C£®revealing clothes are appropriate in the hot weather
D£®giving local children small gifts is strongly recommended£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
