
10. The fact      didn't make him disappointed and he continued to set his mind on his experiment, (fail)


10. that he had failed several times


 There were still six miles to walk,and I came along as fast as I could. The night grew darker and darker,and I wished for my 1 ,because I knew that some of the bears had come out of their winter caves. I had seen their 2 when I went to town in the morning.

  Bears are hungry and cross at this time of year;you know they have been 3in their caves all winter long with nothing to eat,and that makes them thin and hungry when they wake up. I did not want to meet 4 .

  I hurried 5 as quickly as I could in the dark. By and by the stars gave a little light. It was still black as pitch(漆黑的)6 the woods were thick, 7 in the open places I could see dimly(朦胧地).I was 8 when I came into an open place where the stars gave me this faint light.

  All the time I was 9 ,as well as I could, for bears. I was listening for the sounds they make when they go 10 through the bushes.

  Then I came11 into an open place,and there,right in the middle of the road,I saw a big,black bear.

He was standing up on his hind legs,looking at me. I could see his eyes12 I could see his pig snout( 口鼻部).I could even see one of his claws, in the starlight.

  My13 stood straight up. I stopped in my tracks, and stood still. The bear did not move. There he stood, looking at me.

  I knew it would do no good to try to go around him. He would follow me into the dark woods, where he could see 14 than I could.

  I had to pass that bear,to get home. I thought that I could 15 him,he might get out of the road and let me go. So I took a deep16,and suddenly I shouted with my strength and ran at him,waving my 17 He didn't move.

At last I looked around,and I got a solid heavy branch that had been broken from a tree by the weight of 18 in the winter.

  I lifted it up in my hands,and ran straight at that bear. I swung(挥舞)my branch as 19 as I could and brought it down. Bang!On his head.

  And 20 he still stood, for he was nothing but a big,black, burned stump(树桩)!

(   ) 1. A. food    B. book    C. gun    D. pen

(   ) 2. A. roads    B. tracks  C. paths    D. ways

(   ) 3. A. sleeping    B. living C. moving    D. fighting

(   ) 4. A. it    B. him        C. that    D. one

(   ) 5. A. up    B. along        C. through    D. across

(   ) 6. A. when    B. if       C. where    D. and

(   ) 7. A. but    B. and       C. since    D. as

(   ) 8. A. afraid    B. surprised  C. concerned    D. glad

(   ) 9. A. waiting    B. watching  C. searching    D. hoping

(   ) 10. A. carelessly   B. silently    C. quickly    D. slowly

(   ) 11. A. back        B. out       C. again    D. along

(   ) 12. A. closed    B. shine      C. open    D. move

(   ) 13. A. hair    B. body      C. legs    D. nerve

(   ) 14. A. less    B. more      C. better    D. worse

(   ) 15. A. beat    B. kill      C. fight    D. frighten

(   ) 16. A. shout    B. breath     C. look    D. thought

(   ) 17. A. gun    B. head      C. arms    D. legs

(   ) 18. A. bear    B. leaves     C. snow    D. rain

(   ) 19. A. hard    B. well      C. quickly    D. suddenly

(   ) 20. A. thus    B. then      C. here    D. there

  Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, liked to walk about in a railway station near his home. One day when he was walking up and down as 1 ,looking at people getting on and off the 2 ,he heard a lady 3 after him, " Hey,you old fellow,go and bring back my handbag in the 4 room which I 5 there.”

  Tolstoy 6there. He 7 the bag up and walked quickly along the platform(站台), At the same time the lady was 8 beside the carriage, looking 9 . When 10 the old man gave the bag back to her,she 11 it to make sure nothing was 12 . "Good,old man," said the woman. "You are just as 13 as I can expect. Here you are.”She gave a copper coin(硬币)to him. Tolstoy 14 the coin and put it into his pocket with a smile.

  But the woman was very15 when she heard that he was Tolstoy, the author(作者)of the great novel War and Peace. She 16 to Tolstoy and said, "Oh,excuse me... Oh,how silly I was to 17 you as a porter(搬运工).Please throw back that coin 18 you forgive me.”

  "Oh,madam,why? You've done 19 wrong. " Tolstoy laughed. "The coin is given for my work,so I'll 20 it. Thank you,madam!"

(   ) 1. A. possible    B. often C. usual    D. well

(   ) 2. A. trains    B. cars    C. planes    D. bikes

(   ) 3. A. talking    B. speaking C. whispering    D. shouting

(   ) 4. A. resting    B. meeting  C. waiting    D. dining

(   ) 5. A. lost    B. forgot     C. left    D. bought

(   ) 6. A. rode    B. arrived     C. went    D. entered

(   ) 7. A. lifted    B. drew     C. picked    D. brought

(   ) 8. A. waiting    B. sitting   C. thinking    D. wandering

(   ) 9. A. excited    B. pleased    C. annoyed    D. worried

(   ) 10. A. at first    B. at last  C. at ease    D. at once

(   ) 11. A. opened    B. reached    C. received    D. had

(   ) 12. A. thrown    B. done      C. gone    D. hidden

(   ) 13. A. quick    B. careful     C. strong    D. smart

(   ) 14. A. got      B. received      C. accepted  D. picked

(   ) 15. A. disappointed    B. surprised   C. happy    D. worried

(   ) 16. A. returned    B. shouted    C. responded    D. turned

(   ) 17. A. see        B. treat      C. have    D. use

(   ) 18. A. unless    B. if        C, when     D. until

(   ) 19. A. something    B. everything    C. anything    D. nothing

(   ) 20. A. spend    B. save        C. keep    D. return

 A Good Friend,a Second Self

  I couldn't believe my ears when I heard my name called for the leading role in our high school play. Mrs. Dermitt, my drama teacher, had been looking for someone to play an ener?getic boy in a comedy. Luckily for me,she thought that I could handle the1

  That afternoon my friend Kevin and I talked 2about the play. Although Kevin hadn't been 3 for a part on stage,his job with the set crew was important to the success of the play. I told him I was a little 4 because I had a lot of lines to memorize.

  "You can do it," he said. I knew I could 5him:we had been friends since the third grade, and we 6 a good team.

  Preparations for the play moved at a rapid pace. While working hard with the set crew,Kevin 7 spent hours helping me learn my lines. He often said my lines with me by silently moving his lips. We 8 that he could probably play my part as well as I could.

  Three days before the 9 night, everything was ready for the performance. But when I woke up 10 a fever and sore throat on the day of the play,the entire production came to a sudden 11 Everyone in the drama department was worried, 12 there was no way I could perform. The play was 13 to open in fewer than six hours,and we had no time to cancel. I tried to think of a way to 14 . Then it hit me―Kevin knew the 15 as well as I did. I called Mrs. Dermitt to give her my 16 . Within a few short hours, Kevin stood on stage in costume and make-up. The amusing lines he had 17 with me so many times made the crowd laugh and cheer. In a strange turn of events, Kevin and I had 18 the day for everyone by working as a team.

  Of course,I was terribly disappointed to have 19 my chance in the spotlight,but I was extremely 20 to have such a good friend.

(   ) 1. A. part    B. play     C. band    D. crew

(   ) 2. A,calmly     B. seriously    C. excitedly D. anxiously

(   ) 3. A. called    B. chosen    C. invited    D. trained

(   ) 4. A. upset    B. bored       C. nervous    D. confused

(   ) 5. A. count on    B. tend to   C. talk with    D. agree with

(   ) 6. A. joined    B. founded     C. took    D. made

(   ) 7. A. also    B. only         C. still    D. simply

(   ) 8. A. expected    B. debated     C. agreed    D. joked

(   ) 9. A. final    B. special       C. opening    D. greeting

(   ) 10. A. with    B. from       C. in    D. by

(   ) 11. A. change    B. turn      C. stop    D. end

(   ) 12. A. for    B. but           C. and    D. so

(   ) 13. A. likely    B. ready     C. sure    D. due

(   ) 14. A. pass    B. help       C. care    D. face

(   ) 15. A. steps    B. lines        C. points    D. cases

(   ) 16. A. introduction  B. instruction   C. explanation   D. suggestion

(   ) 17. A. scanned    B. grasped       C. practiced    D. presented

(   ) 18. A. valued    B. saved       C. left    D. kept

(   ) 19. A. offered    B. avoided      C. risked    D. missed

(   ) 20. A. successful    B. thankful     C. trustful    D. hopeful

 Deserts are found where there is little rainfall or where rain for a whole year falls in only a few weeks' time. Ten inches of rain may be enough for many plants to survive if the rain is spread throughout the year. If it falls within one or two months and the rest of the year is dry, those plants may die and a desert may form.

Sand begins as tiny pieces of rock get smaller and smaller as wind and weather wear them down. Sand dunes(沙丘)are formed as winds move the sand across the desert. Bit by bit,the dunes grow over the years,always moving with the winds and changing the shape. Most of them are only a few feet tall,but they can grow to be several hundred feet high.

  There is,however, much more to a desert than sand. In the deserts of the southwestern United States, cliffs(悬崖)and deep valleys were formed from thick mud that once lay beneath a sea more than millions of years ago. Over the centuries, the water dried up. Wind,sand,rain,heat and cold all wore away at the remaining rocks. The faces of the desert mountains are al?ways changing―very,very slowly―as these forces of nature continue to work on the rock.

  Most deserts have a surprising variety of life. There are plants, animals and insects that have adapted to life in the desert. During the heat of the day,a visitor may see very few signs of living things, but as the air begins to cool in the evening, the desert comes to life. As the sun begins to rise again in the sky,the desert once again becomes quiet and lonely. 

(   ) 1. Where do you often find a desert according to the description of the author?

A.     Where it never rains or snow the whole year.

B.     Where no rivers flow through all the time.

C.     Where you can hardly find any plant and even signs of life.

D.     Where it seldom rains.

(   ) 2. Why does it often take quite a long time for a desert to come into being?

A.     Because the change of climates is very slow.

B.     Because the land is too large to be changed.

C.     Because most deserts come from seas.

D.     Because rocks are hard to be worn down.

(   ) 3. Most living things seemingly tend to be active      

A. in the morning    B. in the afternoon

C. in the evening    D. all day and night

(   ) 4. Which of the following can act as the title of the passage?

A.     How Did the Desert Coming into Being?

B.     All You Should Know of the Dry Land―Desert

C.     The Life around the Mysterious Desert

D.     Desert, the Dead Place for Life

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