
【题目】根据句子意思, 选择方框里的单词填空。

freedom observing circulating worthwhile behave childhood disturbing output equip entertainment expanding shade outspoken struggled export

【1】She spent years _________________ and recording their daily activities.

【2】Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they _______________ like humans.

【3】At that time, hunger was a ________________ problem in many parts of the countryside.

【4He therefore gives millions of yuan to ___________ others for their research in agriculture.

【5】Since her _____________ she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment.

【6】He is now __________ his knowledge in many less developed countries to increase their rice harvests.

【7She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for ___________ or advertisements.

【8】Everybody sits and waits in the ____________of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.

【9】He searched for a way to increase rice harvest without ________________ the area of the fields.

【10】Yuan Longping has another dream: to __________ his rice so that it can be grown around the globe.

【11】In 1973, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high __________.

【12】For forty years Jane has been _______________ about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.

【13】Yuan Longping has ______________ for millions of Chinese farmers for the past five decades.

【14】He feels it gives him less ___________ to do his research.

【15】However, the evening makes it all ____________________.


















【1】observing 考查短语。“spend doing”是固定用法,所以这里动词用-ing的形式,根据and后面的recording意为“记录”,可知这里表示边观察边记录,故填observing。

【2】behave 考查动词。根据前面Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years说明,他多年都在研究黑猩猩,故推断后面意为黑猩猩表现多么像人类,故填behave。

【3disturbing 考查形容词。句意:在那个时候,饥荒在乡村地区是一种很令人恐慌的问题。根据句意,故填disturbing。

【4】equip 考查动词。根据for their research in agriculture可知,这是花了钱对农业研究上面进行了装备,“equip for”意为“对……进行装备”,符合语境,故填equip。

【5】childhood 考查名词。根据语境可知,从童年起就想在动物生活的环境中研究它们,故填childhood。

【6】circulating 考查动词。circulating意为“循环,传播”,根据语境可知,他在许多欠发达的地区传播他的知识,帮助他们增加农产量,故填circulating。

【7】entertainment 考查名词。entertainment意为“娱乐”,根据语境可知她认为野生动物应该放生在野外,而不是用来娱乐做广告,故填entertainment。

【8】shade 考查名词。“shade of the trees”意为“树的凉”,符合语境,故填shade。

【9】expanding 考查名词。expanding意为“扩大,扩张”,根据语境可知,他在寻找一种没有扩大土地面积就可以增加水稻产量方法,故填expanding。

【10】export 考查动词。export意为“出口,输出”,根据语境可知,袁隆平有另一个梦想,就是将大米出口,使全球都能种植,故填export。

【11】output 考查名词。output意为“产量”,根据语境可知,他成为了世界上的首位培植出高产大米的农业先驱。故填output。

【12】outspoken 考查形容词。outspoken意为“坦率的,直言不讳的”。根据语境可知,这里表示简这么多年一直直言不讳让全世界尊重动物的生活。outspoken符合语境。

【13】struggled 考查动词。struggle意为“斗争,拼搏,努力。根据语境可知,袁隆平在过去的五十年里一直为上百万中国农民努力。

【14】freedom 考查名词。freedom意为“自由”,根据语境可知,他觉得这让他做研究更少自由,故填freedom。

【15】worthwhile 考查形容词。worthwhile意为“有价值的”,根据语境可知,这里表示这个夜晚变得很有价值,符合语境,故填worthwhile。



All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

【1】 They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when their player or team wins.

2 Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! 3 Think how many lovers to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or Canada.

Some sports or game go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. 4 Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. 5 One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.

A. And think of people in cold countries.

B. Sports help to train a person’s character.

C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.

D. Many people like to watch others play games.

E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.

F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.

G. People are inventing new sports or games all the


Telephone tips

If the phone rings and someone speaks in English, don’t be afraid to answer it! The fear of talking on the phone in a second language will disappear if you practice often. Here are a few tips for helping you improve your ability to answer a call in English.


Listening to someone speaking in a second language over the telephone can be very challenging because you cannot see the person you are trying to hear. However, it may be even more difficult for the person you are talking with to understand you. You may not realize that your pronunciation isn’t clear because your teacher and fellow students know and understand you. Pay special attention to your weak areas of your pronunciation when you are on the phone.


Don’t pretend to understand everything you hear over the telephone. Even native speakers ask each other to repeat and confirm information from time to time. This is especially important if you are taking a message for someone else. Learn the appropriate expressions that English speakers use when they don’t hear something properly. Don’t be afraid to remind the person to slow down more than once. Keep your telephone in an area that is away from other noise distractions such as a radio or television.


Ask another student to practice talking on the phone with you. You might choose one night a week and take turns phoning each other at a certain time. Try to talk for at least fifteen minutes. You can talk socially, or role play different scenarios in a business environment. The most important thing about practicing telephone English is that you are not able to see each other’s mouths.


There are many ways to get free telephone English practice. After business hours, you can call and listen to recorded messages. Write down what you hear the first time, and then call back and check if your notes are accurate. Make sure you have a pen handy so that you can repeat the information and check your comprehension.


The way that you speak to your best friend on the phone is very different from the way you should speak to someone in a business setting. Many speakers make the mistake of being too direct on the telephone. It is possible that the person on the other line will think that you are being rude on purpose if you don’t use formal language in certain situations. Sometimes just one word such as could or may is necessary in order to sound polite. Take the time to learn how to answer the phone and say goodbye in a polite manner, as well as all the various ways one can start and end a conversation casually.

Listening to someone on the telephone is like listening to a taped recording in class. The only difference is that you have to talk back! Follow the tips above and remember that practice makes perfect!

A. Use business recordings

B. Speak slowly and clearly

C. Learn telephone manners

D. Practice often with a friend

E. Always be considerate of your friends

F. Make sure you understand the other speaker


Each year there is an increasing number of cars on roads and streets as millions of new cars and trucks are produced. One out of every six Americans works at putting together the parts of cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling cars and trucks with gas. 【1】

Most Americans would find it hard to imagine what life would look like without cars. 2 The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.

3 That’s what several of the large car factories have been trying to do. But to build a clean car is easier said than done. Progress in this field has been slow.

Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else. 4 Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that pleases man.

To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we’ll have to make some changes in the way many of us live. Americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total cars. They are encouraged to travel and go to work by bicycle. Bicycling is thought to help keep the air clean. But this change does not come easily. A large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down. 5

Although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new problems.

A. Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment.

B. Americans know cars very well.

C. However, some have realized the serious problems of the air pollution that is caused by cars.

D. One way to get rid of the polluted air is to build a car that does not pollute.

E. However, the number of vehicles(车辆) has continued to increase in recent years.

F. Americans won’t live without cars!

G. Inventors are now working on steam car as well as electric cars.


Sports are the base of my life, next to my mother who raised me when my dad left us.I have been into sports since I was six years old.I have known many coaches and heard hundreds of their tips, but they usually focused on drills to develop my skills and reach the next level of play.

When I was in Senior Two, I met the new school basketball coach, Brian Pawloski.I thought I was certain to be selected for the school team since I had been in it the year before.I showed up to the tryouts and put out about 90% effort since I thought I’d make it with no problem.That was a big mistake.

Brian Pawloski is the hardest-working coach I have ever met.He didn’t expect 100% effort, he expected 200% effort.One example: he once made us do 40 suicide drills for the 40 lay-ups (投篮) we missed in a game.Some think this is crazy, but it isn’t.After this conditioning practice, as we were getting a cup of cold water to drink, I said, “coach, that was the best practice I ever had.” I was completely sincere.This man was and is the person who influenced me most at my high school.He expects us to be excellent not just on the court but in the classroom.If I am not working on basketball, I am reading a book that he thinks will help us better understand life’s challenges, including Wooden, Coach, and The Screwtape Letters.

In the first two years I slacked off, not putting forth my full potential.Now, unlike the coaches of my youth, this man was interested in how he did off the court.

He always made sure I kept up with my studies and was able to be trusted.I can honestly say that no other coach has given me so much advice on how to succeed in basketball, but more importantly, in life.My school is lucky to have such a great person to teach, coach and influence their students.I will always remember my high-school basketball days as one of the hardest times I have ever worked in my life not only in basketball but in my growth as an individual.

【1】Different from other coaches, Coach Brian ________.

A.concentrated on skill training

B.expected the team to do well in their studies

C.trained the team to the edge of death

D.asked the team to do more reading than training

【2】The underlined phrase “slacked off” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

A.paid no attention

B.showed no interest

C.made less effort

D.had less passion

【3】In the author’s eye, Coach Brian is ________.

A.professional and serious

B.hardworking and honest

C.skilled and cruel

D.strict and helpful

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