
Psychological studies show that some people are quick-tempered _____.

  A. at heart B. on purpose   C. in person  D. by nature



by nature 天生,生来。in person 1)亲自,亲身:I shall be present at the meeting in person.(我将亲自出席会议。)2)身体上,外貌上:In person he was handsome, strong and healthy.(他面目清秀,体格强壮。)at heart 1)内心里,实质上:His manners are cold, but he is at heart a kind man. (他的言谈举止有些冷淡,但实际上他是一个好心肠的人。)2)考虑的是......:When I say don't eat sweets, I have your health at heart.(我叫你别吃果糖,是考虑到你的健康。)on purpose 故意地。


The best way to come first is to go last.An analysis of almost 50 years of competitions--including Eurovision Song Contests and world skating championships--has found that contestants are more likely to win if they are among the last to appear before the judges.

 The study by an American university appears to provide scientific proof(证据)that the best man,or woman,does not always win.

 It found that。on average,the last competitor to appear in the Eurovision Song Contest was more than twice as likely to win as the one who went on first.

 The first rounds of figure-skating championships,for which the running order is selected at random,showed more dramatic results.The final skater had a 1 4 per cent chance of victory,making him or her more than four times as likely to win as the first skater.

The study showed a gradual worsening of chances for competitors who appeared earlier in the running order.A contestant who appears first in a contest is two per cent less likely to win than one who appears second.A contestant who appears second is two per cent less likely to win than one who appears third,and so on。

 The findings are published in the March issue of Acta Psychologica,a scientific journal.

 Robert Hardman,a senior lecturer in psychology at London Metropolitan University who specializes in the science of decision-making,said that the results were interesting。He suggested that the effect was caused by the limitations of the human memory.

“When people make comparisons;they aren’t really able to make a lot of fine-grade discrimination.When contestants appear at the beginning of a contest, judges have little to compare them to and are perhaps wary(谨慎的)of the scores they give,” he said.

“Later on,when judges are able t0 compare the contestants to those that have gone before,

they might give more extreme marks because they feel more confident about their judgments.”

11.Robert Hardman’s words mainly tell about his       .

A.own achievement in the research

B.explanation for the findings

C.suggestion to solve the problem

D.comments on the findings

12 The first skater in the first round of figure skating championships had a        percent chance of winning.

A.two    B.three    C.four        D.six                         

13.According to the study,the best competitor does not always win possibly because he/she


 A.fails to show his/her very best

B.is mistakenly put in the running order

C.meets with unfair judges

D.appears too early before the judges

14.Judging from the context,the underlined word  “worsening” in the 5th paragraph should mean        .

A.decrease in number

B.increase in degree

C.reduction in possibility

D.rising in quantity

15. What may be a problem with the judges according to the article?

A.They can’t remember things well enough.

B.They believe the first is seldom the best.

C.They don’t really know what is good.

D.They show favor towards the contestants they like.

The best way to come first is to go last.An analysis of almost 50 years of competitions--including Eurovision Song Contests and world skating championships--has found that contestants are more likely to win if they are among the last to appear before the judges.

The study by an American university appears to provide scientific proof(证据)that the best man,or woman,does not always win.

It found that。on average,the last competitor to appear in the Eurovision Song Contest was more than twice as likely to win as the one who went on first.

The first rounds of figure-skating championships,for which the running order is selected at random,showed more dramatic results.The final skater had a 1 4 per cent chance of victory,making him or her more than four times as likely to win as the first skater.

The study showed a gradual worsening of chances for competitors who appeared earlier in the running order.A contestant who appears first in a contest is two per cent less likely to win than one who appears second.A contestant who appears second is two per cent less likely to win than one who appears third,and so on。

The findings are published in the March issue of Acta Psychologica,a scientific journal.

Robert Hardman,a senior lecturer in psychology at London Metropolitan University who specializes in the science of decision-making,said that the results were interesting。He suggested that the effect was caused by the limitations of the human memory.

“When people make comparisons;they aren’t really able to make a lot of fine-grade discrimination.When contestants appear at the beginning of a contest, judges have little to compare them to and are perhaps wary(谨慎的)of the scores they give,” he said.

“Later on,when judges are able t0 compare the contestants to those that have gone before,

they might give more extreme marks because they feel more confident about their judgments.”

1.Robert Hardman’s words mainly tell about his    .

A.own achievement in the research

B.explanation for the findings

C.suggestion to solve the problem

D.comments on the findings

2.The first skater in the first round of figure skating championships had a     percent chance of winning.

A.two  B.three  C.four    D.six            

3.According to the study,the best competitor does not always win possibly because he/she


A.fails to show his/her very best

B.is mistakenly put in the running order

C.meets with unfair judges

D.appears too early before the judges

4.Judging from the context,the underlined word “worsening” in the 5th paragraph should mean    .

A.decrease in number

B.increase in degree

C.reduction in possibility

D.rising in quantity

5.What may be a problem with the judges according to the article?

A.They can’t remember things well enough.

B.They believe the first is seldom the best.

C.They don’t really know what is good.

D.They show favor towards the contestants they like.


     The best way to come first is to go last. An analysis of almost 50 years of competitions—including
 Eurovision Song Contests and world skating championships—has found that contestants are more likely
 to win if they are among the last to appear before the judges.    
     The study by an American university appears to provide scientific proof that the best man, or woman, 
does not always win.    
     It found that, on average, the last competitor to appear in the Eurovision Song Contest was more than
 twice as likely to win as the one who went on first.    
     The first rounds of figure-skating championships, for which the running order is selected at random, 
showed more dramatic results. The final skater had a 14 percent chance of victory, making him or her
 more than four times as likely to win as the first skater.    
     The study showed a gradual worsening of chances for competitors who appeared earlier in the
 running order. A contestant who appears first in a contest is two percent less likely to win than one who
 appears second. A contestant who appears second is two percent less likely to win than one who
 appears third, and so on.    
     The findings are published in the March issue of Acta Psychologica, a scientific journal.    
     Robert Hardman, a senior lecturer in psychology at London Metropolitan University who specializes 
in the science of decision-making, said that the results were interesting. He suggested that the effect was
 caused by the limitations of the human memory.    
     "When people make comparisons, they aren't really able to make a lot of fine-grade discrimination. 
When contestants appear at the beginning of a contest, judges have little to compare them to and are 
perhaps wary (谨慎的) of the scores they give," he said.    
     "Later on, when judges are able to compare the contestants to those that have gone before, they
 might give more extreme marks because they feel more confident about their judgments." 
1. Robert Hardman's words mainly tell about his  _____.   
A. own achievement in the research
B. explanation for the findings   
C. suggestion to solve the problem
D. comments on the findings
2. The first skater in the first round of figure skating championships had about a   ____ percent
     chance of winning.  
A. two          
B. three            
C. four             
D. five
3. According to the study, the best competitor does not always win possibly because  he/she  _____ .  
A. fails to show his/her very best
B. is mistakenly put in the running order   
C. meets with unfair judges
D. appears too early before the judges
4. Judging from the context, the underlined word "worsening" in the 5th paragraph should mean _____  .   
A. decrease in number
B. increase in degree  
C. reduction in possibility             
D. rising in quantity
5. What may be a problem with the judges according to the article?   
A. They can't remember things well enough.   
B. They believe the first is seldom the best.    
C. They don't really know what is good.   
D. They show favor towards the contestants they like.

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