
3.My mother sat in silence,shocked by my guided tour of websites of adventurous families,who bike around the world for charity,sail the globe in search of their roots or see the world through children's eyes.We found many people on boats,bikes and foot,showing that adventure doesn't have to die when a new life is created.As one of my friends says,‘This is your one and only chance to explore the world with your children as they are now.'
‘Mum,'I began awkwardly.‘We're going to travel across New Zealand.Two bikes,two trailers(拖车),two toddlers(学步的孩子) and 2,000 miles.'
‘Two thousand nappies(纸尿裤)more like.'
My mother wasn't the only one to raise objections.While friends and family were impressed by our bravery,they were horrified at what it would involve.‘No nursery,no babysitters,no bath time,no peace,no escape…'And that was before we mentioned the real difficulty:pulling 50kg of trailer,toddler and baggage.And of course the nappies.
‘Is there anything I can say to put you off?'my mother asked.
‘No,Mum,'I replied firmly.
‘Well,we'll see about that.'
The challenge of dealing with my mother's phone call about potential disasters is as great as anything we may have to face on the road.Meanwhile,we rush to toilet-train both children to avoid the nappy carrying.Among the voices of doubt and disapproval,I still sometimes wonder if we are mad,but know we aren't mad alone.We have now been in communication with many of the families I showed my mother on the web.And we can feel our own voice getting stronger and more confident with their encouragement,advice and support.
Now we know there are so many families out there adventuring,we're already developing ideas for a world tour to meet some of these families and talk with them about their experiences and spread the word about the possibilities for independent family adventure.As a friend of ours said,‘The only limit is the parents'imagination.'We intend to let ours run wild.

28.What made the author's mother surprised?B
A.There're so many things to view on the Internet.
B.So many parents travel with their small children.
C.There're so many different ways to see the world.
D.The author made so many friends on the Internet.
29.When the author's friends knew her travel plan,they feltC.
30.When the author is travelling,her mother phones her toC.
A.offer her advice on training children
B.help her get in touch with friends
C.persuade her to stop travelling
D.make sure she isn't mad
31.According to the last paragraph,the authorD.
A.is planning a reunion party with her family
B.has already made a detailed plan for a world tour
C.is concerned that her imagination may cause problems
D.hopes to meet other families and share their experiences.

分析 本文是记叙文.作者夫妇带着两个蹒跚学步 的孩子骑车旅行,遭到了很多亲朋好友的反对,但 是作者认为这是他们跟两个小孩子一起探索世界 的唯一机会.

解答 24.B.细节理解题.根据第一段中的shocked by my guided tour of websites of adventurous families 及 We found many people on boats,bikes and foot,showing that adventure doesn't have to die when a new life is created可知,作者的妈妈 没想到有那么多家长带着小孩子摩行,感到很 惊讶;故选B.
25.C.推理判断题.根据第四段中的My mother wasn't the only one to raise objections.Awhile friends and family…they were horrified at what it would involve.*No nursery,no babysitters,no bath timfe,no pfekce,no escape'可以看出,除了 妈妈外,作者的其他亲朋好友也反对他们带着.孩子旅行,.对此表示担忧;故选C.
26.C.推理判断题.根据文中的raise objections,Is there anything I can say to put you off?可知,妈 妈反对作者带着孩子旅行;再根据倒数第二段中的 The challenge of dealing with my mother's phone call about potential disasters 可推测,在作 者旅行的时候,妈妈打电话说各种潜在的困难 是想劝作者中止旅行;故选C.
27.D.细节理解题.根据最后一段中的we're already'developing ideas for a world tour to meet some of these families and talk with them about their experiences 可知作者希望见到其他家庭和分享他们的经验;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

14.Adult Basic Education (ABE) and GED PreparationTask:
The Adult Basic Education Department serves a huge population of learners.Our task is to teach basic skills and help learners to get more knowledge to function effectively as a family member,citizen,worker,and lifelong learner in a changing world.
ABE is a non-credit program of self-improvement designed to improve basic skills for students who are of different educational levels.Development of reading,writing,and math skills are paid special attention to,as well as life skills,employ-ability,and technology.Students without a high school diploma(文凭)also have the opportunity to prepare for the GED exams in the five subject areas writing,social studies,science,literature,and math.
ABE classes are open to anyone 18or over who desires to improve basic reading,writing,and math skills at the pre-college level.Students who are 16or 17must first obtain an official release (证书) from high school before attending class.
To be accepted,students must attend an Educational Planning Session.During the Educational Planning Session students will be given an overview of the ABE programs as well as PCC policies,fees,etc.Students will also have their reading,writing,and math abilities assessed(评估)during the Educational Planning Session.The results of their assessment will help the teachers develop individual programs of study for students to guide them toward their personal goals.Students needing special help must get in touch with the Office for Students with Disabilities (503-977-4341)at least two weeks before the session is held.
ABE0741:Beginning Literature
ABE0744:Intermediate II
ABE0746:Secondary II (Includes preparation for the GED Test)
21.The ABE Department serves an aim toA.
A.provide learners with basic knowledge and skills to fit in with society
B.help learners successfully get a job in a changing world
C.offer diplomas to those who fail to finish secondary education
D.provide students with opportunities to prepare for the GED exams
22.A 17-year-old is not accepted to ABE classes only because heC.
A.is below 18
B.can't offer a high school diploma
C.has left school without official permission
D.is assessed as poor in learning performance
23.What is the Educational Planning Session intended for?D
A.Providing special help to disabled students.
B.Helping students be better at the four basic skills.
C.Finding out whether they can be accepted to ABE classes.
D.An assessment of students'basic skill levels.
24.Different courses are offered to different students according toB.
A.their own choices
B.the assessments during the Educational Planning Session
C.their performances in school
D.how much they pay for the courses.
18.Diary of a Do-It-Yourself Book
This book based on Greg Hefley's own"diary"lets kids express themselves in an exciting way.In the book,kids will be asked:What was the best dream you have ever had?The worst thing you have ever eaten?The best secret you have ever heard?This Do-It-Yourself book is unique and special because it has blank pages for readers to write their own stories and keep their own diaries.
Author:Jeff Kinney
List Price:﹩10.95
Price:﹩6.57  Buy it on Amazon.com.
You save:﹩4.38(40%)
Chinese Children's Favorite Stories
This volume of beloved Chinese stories contains a delightful selection from the store of Chinese legend.Discover many delightful animal characters as well as Chang'E and Guan Yin.Retold for an international audience,the stories with beautiful pictures will give children aged six to ten in other countries a chance to learn about both the tradition and culture of China.
Author:Mingmei Yip
List Price:﹩18.95
Price:﹩12.89 Buy it on Amazon.com.
Yousave:﹩6.06 (32%)
The Way Science Works
The perfect introduction to show how science explains the world around us!Eye-opening experiments and extraordinary photography bring science to life.Discover science in action from the principles that explain everyday facts to the theories behind the technology in today's fast-moving world.Full of facts about famous scientists,technology news and more.
Author:Robin Kerrod
List Price:﹩24.99
Price:﹩16.49  Buy it on Amazon.com.
You save:﹩8.50 (34%)

21.Diary of a Do-It-Yourself Book is different from other books because you canB.
A.ask the author questions
B.write your own stories in the book
C.have a chance to see beautiful photos
D.read many interesting stories about the author
22.Chinese Children's Favorite Stories is written forD.
A.Chinese children aged 6to 10
B.teenagers in other countries
C.senior high school students in other countries
D.foreign children aged 6 to 10
23.Whose book would you like to read if you are interested in science and technology?A
A.Robin Kerrod's.
B.Mingmei Yip's.
C.Greg Hefley's.
D.Jeff Kinney's.
8.Have you ever lost your car on a parking lot?You don't have a clue where your car is after shopping.Then you start walking around clicking on your car keys so the alarm goes off.It can be annoying,especially on a hot sunny day.
No,you needn't install(安装) an expensive GPS system to keep track of your car.That's too expensive.You would need to pay a monthly fee to use it.
But is there a way to track your vehicle without spending a fortune?Yes,now there is!A California-based company has created a tiny device that works with your smartphone,which could be exactly what you're looking for!
?  What is it?
It's called TrackR.It is a state-of-the-art tracking device the size of a coin.It's changing the way we keep track of the important things in our lives.
?  How does it work?
It's easy!Install the free TrackR app on your smartphone,connect the app to your device and you're ready to go!Simply attach TrackR to whatever you want to keep an eye on.The entire process of setting it up only takes 5 minutes or less.
You can attach it to your keys,briefcase,wallet,your latest tech gadgets and anything else you don't want to lose.Then use the TrackR app to locate your missing item in seconds.
If you forget where you have parked your car,pull out your smartphone and open the TrackR app.Tap on the"find device"button on the screen and the app will tell you the exact spot of the last known location of the TrackR.
?  What else can I do with TrackR?
The device is small and unnoticeable enough that you can attach it to your pet.Put it on their collar,and the issue of searching for them when they run away to nearby places will be over!You'll never waste a minute searching the whol e house for it.
TrackR even comes with a double-sided glue so you can stick it to your laptop or under your bike seat.Track down and punish the thieves who steal your expensive things!
?  How much does it cost?
You're probably thinking that this device is very expensive.False!TrackR only costs $29!That's a small price to pay for peace of mind,isn't it?
?  Where can I buy one?
You can buy it directly from the company's website by clicking here https:∥buy.thetrackr.co/gu/special-offers/15/.

29.From the passage,we learn that TrackR canB.
A.take good care of your pets at home
B.help you locate your important things
C.work better after you pay monthly fee
D.track your wallet through GPS system
30.This passage is mainly developed byC.
A.providing statistics                          
B.giving examples
C.answering questions                              
D.making comparisons
31.Where is this passage most likely taken from?A
A.A website.
B.A journal.
C.A personal blog.
D.A research report.
13.A more organized home or workplace will allow you to carry out tasks quickly and more efficiently,can lower stress or frustration,and will avoid wasting time searching for lost items.(36)GOrganizing your keys and key rings can be easy and will lead to a calmer,less disordered life.Learning how to organize keys is a matter of assessing your use of the keys,grouping them appropriately,and storing them orderly.
●Gather all of your keys in front of you.You may have keys in multiple locations-in your pocket,in a drawer,or in a handbag,for example.Gather them all in front of you.(37)F●Identify every key you own.With all your keys in front of you,make sure you can readily identify each one.(38)CIf there are skill keys you can't identify after testing them,either set them aside or throw them out
●(39)AThese tags can be bought at any office supply store,and can be tagged with a pen or permanent marker.These tags will ensure that you never again lose track of each key's purpose.
●Place all the key rings in a sensible location.You may want to hang all of the key rings on a key organizing rack(支架),which will keep them from getting misplaced.(40)DKeep these keys somewhere where you won't forget them.

A.Label all keys that aren't used daily.
B.Group your keys by frequency of use.
C.If you are in doubt,test the keys in various locks.
D.However,you may want some keys to be less visible,such as a key to a safe.
E.Keys which are used only a few times a month should he placed together on a separate key ring
F.Make sure this includes all of your keys-even ones used infrequently like a safe key or a tool shed key.
G.While organizing all of your possessions can be a difficult task,you can begin the process by sorting out small things.
14.Housework is a frequent source of disputes (争论)between lazy husbands and their hard-working wives,but women have been warned not to expect men to pull their weight any time soon.
A study from Oxford University has found that men are unlikely to be doing an equal share of housework before 2050.Mothers,the researchers warned,will continue to shoulder the burden of childcare and housework for the next four decades,largely because housework such as cleaning and cooking is still regarded as"women's work".
The gap between the amount of time men and women spend on housework has narrowed slowly over the past 40years.But it will take another four decades before true housework equality  is achieved,the study concluded.The research found that in the Nordic countries,the burden of housework is shared more equally between men and women.In the UK,women spend an average of four hours and forty minutes each day on housework,compared with two hours and twenty-eight minutes for men.This is an improvement from the 1960s,when British women typically spent six hours a day on housework,while men spent just 90minutes every day.
But progress towards housework equality appears to be slowing in some countries.Dr Oriel Sullivan,a research reader from Oxford's Department of Sociology,said,"we've looked at what is affecting the equality in the home,and we have found that certain tasks seem to be given according to whether they are viewed as‘men's work'or‘women's work'."Dr Sullivan said cultural attitudes taught at school may be responsible for the views of housework."At school it is much easier for a girl to be a tomboy,but it is much more difficult for a boy to enjoy baking and dancing,"she said.

28.What does the underlined part word probably mean in Paragraph 1?D
A.Lose weight.B.Be lazy.C.Earn money.D.Do equal housework.
29.Why will women continue to do more housework before 2050?D
A.Because men are too busy to help.
B.Because they would like to do so.
C.Because they can do better in housework.
D.Because housework will still be considered as women's work.
30.From Paragraph 3,what do we know in the UK?C
A.Men now spend just 90 minutes a day on housework on average.
B.Women now are too busy with their work to do housework.
C.Women now spend less time on housework than before.
D.Housework is shared equally between men and women.
31.In Dr Sullivan's opinion,what is to blame for the housework inequality?A
A.Cultural attitudes towards housework.
B.Policies made by the government.
C.The time spent on work.
D.The type of housework.

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