
My alarm o’clock rings in my ears at 5:00 every morning. On hearing the ring, I will get out of bed and put on my glasses. The house is quiet as I walk downstairs while my husband and three kids sleep in peace. Instead of going for a long run as usual, today I chose my favorite exercise DVD and started moving. Sweat rolled down my face and into my eyes. My heart beat wildly as I face my body to finish each movement before a mirror. Of course I felt extremely tired towards the end, but a smile spread across my face. I smiled because the DVD was over, and there appeared a brighter smile of success from pushing my body to its extreme limit.
While some people are fond of chocolate, shopping, smoking, or work, what I need is taking exercise to pass each day. People shake their heads when they see me run with sweating heavily through the town. Some look surprised when I refuse to try just one bite of chocolate cake. They seem greatly puzzled by my “no thank you,” or by my choice to just have a vegetable salad. I have come to realize that it doesn’t matter to just say “No.” to any kind of food that I don’t want to eat.
Do you wonder what drives me to roll out of bed at 5:00 a.m. every morning? What makes me refuse ice cream firmly? Commitment—I’m determined to change my life with a way which can not only free me from daily anxiety, but also increase energy and self–confidence. And above all it will surely help me to keep good body shape and maybe extend my life. This is the real reason why there’s a huge smile spreading across my face when I look at myself in the mirror or try on my favorite pair of jeans that now fit me just right and look perfectly on me. I never doubt that I cannot make a difference within myself inside and out without such commitment and sweat.
小题1:From the text we can conclude that the author___________.
A.desires to look different from others.
B.expects to develop a good body shape.
C.has difficulty getting along with others.
D.behaves strangely every morning she gets up
小题2:Which statement is TRUE according to Paragraph 2 ?
A.Others don’t understand the author.
B.Others help the author by offering her food.
C.The author doesn’t understand others.
D.The author hates to make others surprised.
小题3:The underlined word “commitment” in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A.good healthB.firm beliefC.a habitD.a permission
小题4:Why is there a smile on the author’s face in the morning?
A.Because she sees her family sleeping peacefully.
B.Because she finishes her favorite exercise.
C.Because she enjoys the inspiring DVD music.
D.Because she feels a sense of achievement

小题1:细节题。根据文章最后一段第4行And above all it will surely help me to keep good body shape可知B正确。
小题2:推断题。根据文章第2段的People shake their heads,和Some look surprised。可知人们并不能理解作者。
小题3:猜测词义题。根据下文的I’m determined to change my life with a way which can not only free me from daily anxiety可知这是一种坚强的信念。

Children brought up on healthy diets are more intelligent compared with their junk food eating partners, a new research suggests.
Kids fed a diet packed high in fats, sugars, and processed(加工) foods had lower IQs than those fed pasta(意大利面食), salads and fruit, it was found.
The effect is so great that researchers from the University of Bristol said those children with a “healthier” diet may get an IQ improvement.
Scientists stressed good diet was essential in a child’s early as the brain grows at its fastest rate during the first three years of life.
This indicated head growth at this time is linked to intellectual ability and “it is possible that good nutrition(营养)during this period may encourage excellent brain growth”
Scientists tracked the long term health and happiness of around 14,000 children born in 1991 and 1992 as part of the West Country’s Avon Longitudinal(纵向的)Study of Parents and Children(ALSPAC).
Parents were questioned about the types and frequency of the food and drink their children consumed when they were three, four, seven and eight and a half years old. According to their different changing form, these children were marked and given grades which ranged from minus two for the most healthy to 10 for the most unhealthy.
In the research, IQ was measured of 4,000 children when they were eight and half years old, using a validated(经过认证的)test-the Wechsler Intelligence Scale(韦氏儿童智力量表)for Children.
The results found after taking account of some influential factors, a leading processed food diet at the age of three was associated with a lower IQ at the age of eight and a half, whether the diet was improved after that age.
Every 1 point increase in dietary pattern score was associated with a 1.67 fall in IQ.
小题1:          Scientists stressed good diet was essential in a child’s early life because   .
A.the brain grows at its fastest rate during the first three years of life.
B.those children with a “healthier” diet must get an IQ improvement.
C.children brought up on healthy diets are less intelligent.
D.these children were given good grades.
小题2:          Which of the following in NOT true?
A.Those children with a “healthier” diet may get an IQ improvement.
B.Good nutrition at any stage may encourage excellent brain growth.
C.Scientists tracked the long term health and happiness of about 14,000 children.
D.Every 1 point increase in dietary pattern score was associated with a 1.67 fall in IQ.
小题3:          The recults found if a child ate a leading processed food diet when he was 3, he would      .
A.have a higher IQ
B.have a higher IQ as long as he improved his diet
C.have one IQ when he was 8
D.have a lower IQ whether he improved his diet
小题4:          Parents were questioned except when their children were      years old.
小题5:          What is the best title of the passage?
A.Food for thought
B.What is healthy food?
C.Healthy diet improves children’s intelligence
D.How to become clever?
How to Be a Winner
Sir Steven Redgrave
Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals
“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes (糖尿病) . Believing my career (职业生涯)was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was it----the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isn’t difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”
Karen Pickering
Swimming World Champion
“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success—you can’t follow a career in any field without being well-organized. List what you believe you can achieve. “Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and you’ll be a step closer to achieving them.”
Kirsten Best
Poet & Writer
“When things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I can’t achieve something. Then, there are other distractions, such as family or hobbies. The key is to concentrate. When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repeat words such as ‘calm’, ‘peace’ or ‘focus’, either out loud or silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence. This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological (心理的) tool.”
小题1:What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?
A.Difficulties influenced his career.
B.Specialists offered him medical advice.
C.Training helped him defeat his disease.
D.He overcame the shadow of illness to win.
小题2:What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?
A.Her training schedule.
B.Her daily happenings.
C.Her achievements.
D.Her sports career.
小题3:What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?
A.Ways that help one to focus.
B.Words that help one to feel less tense.
C.Activities that turn one’s attention away.
D.Habits that make it hard for one to relax.
小题4:According to the passage, what do the three people have in common?
C.Hard work.
Now, we know that if we do not get enough vitamins, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases. As a result, vitamin supplements(补品),though expensive, are popular with people who worry that they are not getting enough vitamins from the foods they eat. But contrary to what many people think, medical experts have found little evidence that most supplements do anything to improve health or protect against disease.
In fact, medical experts warn that taking too many of some vitamins can be harmful. For example, too much vitamin E can cause bleeding. People should discuss what vitamins they take with their doctors, as some vitamins can produce harmful side effects when mixed with medicines.
Experts, however, do say that sometimes vitamins can help prevent disease. People who know they lack a particular vitamin should take vitamin supplements. Some older adults, for example, may not have enough vitamin B-twelve. This is because, as people get older, their body loses its ability to take it from foods. Also, people who spend much time inside may need some extra vitamin D as the skin makes this vitamin from sunlight.
Different vitamins are found in different foods. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil. It also is in the yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A. Vitamin B-twelve is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods, like fruits. Vitamin K can be found in pork products.
In fact, for most people, a balanced diet can ensure enough of the vitamins our bodies need. So, it is important for us to eat a mixture of foods every day to ensure that we get enough vitamins our bodies need.
小题1:Vitamin supplements are popular with people because ________. 
A.people mistakenly think that they are good for their health
B.they contain more vitamins than the foods people eat
C.food does not provide enough vitamins people need
D.people fear that a lack of vitamins will lead to disease
小题2:From the passage, we can learn that medical experts advise people _________.
A.never to take any vitamin supplements
B.to depend only on food for their vitamins
C.not to take any vitamins together with medicines
D.to consult doctors before taking vitamin supplements
小题3:For people who lack Vitamin B-twelve, they can eat more from _______.
A. sweet potatoes   B. pork products   C. green leafy vegetables  D. eggs
42. What would be the best title of the passage?
A. Getting enough vitamins through a balanced diet.
B. Vitamin supplements do harm to our health.
C. Vitamins are important to our health.
D. Lacking vitamins can cause many diseases.
Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self-respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as “honor” help you create this life of good feelings.
Here’s an example to show how honorably actions create happiness.
Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If we keep silent, and profit from the clerk’s mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement. Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. One the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.
Then, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?
In the first case, where we don’t tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We damage our own reputations by telling others. In contrast, bringing the error to the clerk’s attention causes different things to happen. Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased. Whenever we take honorable action we gain the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.
There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions. Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence. And it’s easy to think and act honorably again when we’re happy. While the positive cycle can be difficult to start, once it’s started, it’s easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for our happiness.
小题1:According to the passage, the positive action in the example contributes to our__________.
A.self-respectB.financial rewards
C.advertising abilityD.friendly relationship
小题2:The author thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is equal to __________.
小题3:The phrase “bringing the error to the clerk’s attention” (in para. 5)means_________.
A.telling the truth to the clerk
B.offering advice to the clerk
C.asking the clerk to be more attentive
D.reminding the clerk of the charged item
小题4:How will we feel if we let the clerk know her mistake?
A.We’ll be very excited
B.We’ll feel unfortunate
C.We’ll have a sense of honor
D.We’ll feel sorry for the clerk
小题5:Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?
A.How to Live Truthfully
B.Importance of Peacefulness
C.Ways of Gaining Self-respect
D.Happiness through Honorable Actions
If your preschoolers turn up their noses at carrots or celery, a small reward like a sticker for taking even a taste may help get them to eat previously disliked foods, a UK study said.
Though it might seem obvious that a reward could encourage young children to eat their vegetables, the idea is actually controversial, researchers wrote in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. That’s because some studies have shown that rewards can backfire and cause children to lose interest in foods they already liked, said Jane Wardle, a researcher at University College London who worked on the study. Verbal praise, such as “Brilliant! You’re a great vegetable taster,” did not work as well.
The study found t hat when parents gave their small children a sticker each time they took a “tiny taste” of a disliked vegetable, it gradually changed their attitudes. The children were also willing to eat more of the vegetables-either carrots, celery, cucumber, red pepper, cabbage or sugar snap peas-in laboratory taste tests, the study said.
Researchers randomly assigned(分派)173 families to one of these groups. In one, parents used stickers to reward their children each time they took a tiny sample of a disliked vegetable. A second group of parents used verbal praise. The third group, where parents used no special vegetable-promoting methods, served as a “control”.
Parents in the reward groups offered their children a taste of the “target” vegetable every day of 12 days, Soon after, children in the sticker group were giving higher ratings to the vegetables-and were willing to eat more in the research lab, going from an average of 5 grams at the start to about 10 grams after the 12-day experience. The turnaround also seemed to last, with preschoolers in the sticker group still willing to eat more of the once disliked vegetable three months later.
Why didn’t the verbal praise work? Wardle said the parents’ words may have seemed “insincere” to their children.
小题1:The purpose of writing the passage is       .
A.to introduce a practical method of making children eat vegetables
B.to show the procedure of an experiment on children’s diet
C.to explain why children hate to eat vegetables
D.to present a proper way of vernal praise to parents
小题2:The underlined word “backfire” in Paragraph 2 probably means “           ”.
A.shoot from behind the back
B.make a lire in the hackyard
C.produce an unexpected result
D.achieve what was planned
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A.Most children are born to dislike carrots or celery.
B.It remains a question whether rewarding is a good way to get children to eat vegetables.
C.Oral praise wokrs quite well in encouraging children to eat vegetables.
D.Children in the sticker group will never lose interest in eating vegetables.
小题4:How did the researchers get their conclusion from the experiment?
A.By comparison.B.By asking questions.
C.By giving examples,D.By discussion.
小题5:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Children like rewards, not verbal praise.
B.Parents should praise their children in a sincere tone.
C.Children are difficult to inspire.
D.Parents should give up verbal praise.
Health experts are calling for action to expand cancer care and control in the developing world. A medical research paper says cancer was once thought of as a problem mostly in the developed world. But now cancer is a leading cause of death and disability in poor countries as well. Experts from Harvard University and other organizations urge the international community to fight cancer aggressively, saying it should be fought in the way HIV/AIDS has been fought in Africa.
Cancer kills more than 7.5 million people a year worldwide. Almost two-thirds are in low-income and middle-income countries.
They discover cancer dills more people in developing countries than AIDS, tuberculosis (肺结核) and malaria (疟疾) combined. But the world spends only 5% of its cancer resources in those countries.
Felicia Knaul from Harvard Medical School was one of the authors of the paper. She was in Mexico when she was found to have breast cancer. She received treatment there and her experience showed her the sharp difference between the rich and the poor in treating breast cancer.
Felicia Knaul says, “And we are seeing how this is attacking young women. It’s the number two cause of death in Mexico for women thirty to fifty-four. All over the developing world, it’s the number one cancer-related death among young women. I think we have to again say that there is much more we could do about it than we are doing about it.”
Professor Knalul met community health workers during her work in developing countries. They were an important part of efforts to reduce deaths from the cancer. They were able to persuade people to get tested to prevent the illness. The experts say cancer care does not have to be costly. For example, patients can be treated with lower-cost drugs.
小题1:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Cancer – a leading cause of death in poor countries
B.What should we do in preventing and treating cancer?
C.What makes the first killer in developing countries?
D.Experts urge more efforts to fight cancer in poor countries.
小题2:Felicia Knaul’s experience in Mexico shows that       .
A.many Mexican women suffer from breast cancer
B.there is not enough medicine for cancer there
C.many Mexican women can’t afford medical care
D.patients with breast cancer are treated differently
小题3:From what Felicia Knaul says, we can draw the conclusion that       .
A.breast cancer is a great threat to young women
B.people don’t pay enough attention to breast cancer
C.breast cancer is the second killer among women in Mexico
D.effective treatment for breast cancer is available in developing countries
小题4:Who plays an important part in preventing the cancer in developing countries?
A.The cancer patients.
B.The health experts.
C.Community health workers.
D.Young women.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The number of cancer cases is decreasing.
B.HIV/AIDS is not being taken seriously in Africa.
C.Over 7.5 million people die of cancer every year.
D.It is very expensive to treat cancer.

You feel generally depressed and unable to concentrate. Your pattern of daily activity may change:you find yourself awake and active in the middle of the night;you sleep late into the day.  You stay in your room and have little contact with people except with those who speak your language. In your mind,you criticize the people around you;You are constantly comparing between life here and the perfect life back home. Above a11, you are homesick almost all the time.
If you ever find yourself behaving in these ways,you are probably suffering from culture shock. Culture shock is a psychological condition that sometimes has physical effects. It affects people who have moved away from an environment where they know how to live into a new environment where much is unfamiliar to them-the food,the weather, the language,and especially the unwritten rules for social behavior.
Culture shock is caused. therefore,by a lack of familiarity with the system of rules that the new society uses for everyday living. Language is an obvious example of one type of these rules. If your language is limited,even the simplest task can suddenly become difficult for you. However, knowledge of the language doesn’t make you free from the effects of culture shock as many Britons in the United States and many Americans in Britain will experience. Most people are unaware that each culture has its own rules for social behavior;they certainly think that polite, civilized people behave the same way worldwide. This mistaken belief will cause you to behave and judge the behavior of others according to the rules you learned as a member of your own culture. If the rules are different, then people will misunderstand your behavior, and you will misunderstand theirs.
How can you deal with culture shock? First, you need to realize that every newcomer suffers from some culture shock. You’re not the only case. Second,remember that culture shock can be cured. The process of recovery will start as you begin to become used to the new culture. Of course learning the language will help remove the obstacles to communication and will ease the job of making Mends with people. Recognizing and learning the new cultural rules of behavior, however, may be just as important. You’ll still have emotional reactions to unfamiliar situations but you’11 find yourself making jokes about them rather than condemning the entire society as “stupid.” The jokes are a good sign:they show that you are recovering.
小题1:What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.the causes of culture shock
B.some signs of culture shock
C.the cure for culture shock
D.an explanation of culture shock
小题2:What does the underlined word obstacles mean?
A.things that make a task easy
B.things that make at ask enjoyable
C.things that make a task difficult
D.things that make at ask funny
小题3:What can be concluded when you find yourself making jokes about new culture?
A.You are about to recover from culture shock.
B.You have completely got rid of culture shock.
C.You never suffered from culture shock before.
D.You’re in culture shock for many years.
小题4: Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.The passage suggests that culture shock makes you miss your family badly.
B.A good knowledge of the language will prevent you suffering from culture shock.
C.In the writer’s opinion,the social rules for polite,civilized behavior are international.
D.If you have a perfect knowledge of their language, you will never be misunderstood.
Most schools forbid chewing gum(嚼口香糖), but in a few years they might consider changing that rule. Why? Scientists are finding evidence that gum chewing may be good for your health. It may even help improve your test scores. This exciting research is just beginning. And in the meantime, companies are also experimenting with adding vitamins, minerals, medicines, and other substances that could give gum the power to cure headaches and fight everything from serious diseases to bad breath.
Other researchers are finding that gum might work better than a pill to deliver medicines and other substances into the bloodstream. That’s because the lining (膜) of our cheeks can absorb certain substances more quickly than our stomachs and intestines (肠) can. That discovery could help other researchers develop medicine-containing gums that fight colds, ease headaches, battle nervousness, and
more. Scientists might even create anti-microbial (抗菌的) gums that cure bad breath.
Those projects may take years, but gum scientists have already had at least one recent success: They’ve created a gum that could help us stay awake. Researchers have produced a gum called Stay Alert. Each stick has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. It can take an hour for the caffeine in coffee to have its full effect, but the caffeine in Stay Alert hits in just a few minutes. The gum is easy to transport and it’s stable in cold and hot climates. Unlike a pill, it doesn’t require water to swallow. Those qualities make it easy for soldiers to use. For now, Stay Alert is available only to the military (军队). The manufacturer may one day offer it for sale to the public. People who work at night, such as truck drivers and medical personnel who ride in ambulances, might benefit from a product like Stay Alert.
小题1:The passage mainly talks about _____.
A.the rule of forbidding chewing gum in school
B.new research on chewing gum
C.different kinds of chewing gum
D.the relationship between chewing gum and medicine
小题2:What does the underlined word “hits” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
A.Touches. B.Attacks.C.Takes effect. D.Affects badly.
小题3:According to the passage, Stay Alert is a gum which can help people _____.
A.stay awakeB.fight colds
C.cure headachesD.overcome nervousness
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A.stay Alert is not easy to store
B.stay Alert needs water to swallow
C.stay Alert is available to the public now
D.we can’t buy gums which cure bad breath now

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