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I always have a dream to be a fluency speaker. Therefore, I am too shy to say a word in public. What is just beyond my wildest imagination is fortune should bless me with a chance to realize my dream. One day, my English teacher asked me to go to her office and told us that I was given an opportunity to participate in an English speaking competition. Hear this, I could hardly hide my excitement. When making preparation for the competition, I write my speech heart and soul. After I finished the composition, I discussed it with my teacher and got many advice on how to improve it. Under the help of my English teacher, I made a great progress.














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You may like chewing gum (¿ÚÏãÌÇ) after meals to stop your breath smelling bad; or your mother might use a special neutralizer (µ÷Àí¼Á) to protect her permed hair (ÌÌ·¢). But have you thought about the chemical principles behind such everyday actions?
On March 2, the Senior 3 students from the IB (International Baccalaureate, ¹ú¼ÊÎÄƾ) classes at Beijing Huijia Private School presented their discoveries, all in fluent English. This kind of seminar is held every year to show the achievements of the IB chemistry experiment lessons offered by the school. IB is a qualification based on a common curriculum (¿Î³Ì) for students aged 16-18 in any country and is recognized by universities everywhere.

"Once I saw an advertisement for xylitol (ľÌÇ´¼) gum," recalled Zhang Xinju. "Suddenly an idea came to my mind: are there any chemical reactions when the xylitol is working on our teeth?"
Zhang and his partner Bu Xuan visited several hospitals to try and find out. "Doctors know that xylitol can protect teeth, but few could explain how the chemical reactions happen," said the 17-year-old boy.
Presenting the results of their research in English to an audience of Chinese and foreign judges was never a problem for the students.
"Textbooks for IB students are in English, and our teachers speak in English," explained Wei Duan and Han Yu, whose research topic was "The Acid-Base Reaction (Ëá¼î·´Ó¦) in the process of Hair-Perming".
"In Senior 1 we often referred to Chinese textbooks, but we found we could understand and express it all in English by the second year."
Lu Jiang, the school's IB chemistry teacher and China's only IB vice-examiner, is proud that her students can apply scientific theories they learn in class to daily life.
"You might have learned these facts from you kindergarten teachers, but few think about the theories behind them," Lu said. "This kind of practice is intended to develop the scientific thinking they will need in their future studies."
£¨1£©IB is recognized by____________.
A.Beijing Huijia Private School
B.univercities in China
C.schools in Engkish-speaking countries
D.universities in any country
£¨2£©which statement is true?____________
A.Doctors don't know that xylitol can protect teeth
B.Doctors can explain how the chemical reactions happen
C.Few could explain how the chemical reactions happen.
D.The foreign doctors can explain how the chemical reactions happen
£¨3£©Textbooks for IB students are in___________
C.English and Chinese
£¨4£©From the passage,we know_______
A.the students are creative
B.the students are poor in Chinese
C.the students don't like chewing gum
D.The students are hard-working
£¨5£©From the passage,we can infer _________________________
A.we only need to work hard in our study
B.we must learn English well
C.we should intend to develop the scientific thinking in our studies
D.we should have more time to play


India has many festivals, with some celebrations that last for weeks. However, none of them come even close to Holi, India's most colorful and fun festival. Celebrated on the day following the full moon, this year's festival happens to be on March 19th.
As with most Indian festivals, this one also has many different folk stories. Most of them center around the success of good over evil. The most popular one is about a king, who hates his son Prahlada for loving the creator of the Universe£­Lord Vishnu. When every attempt to stop him fails, his sister, Holika believed to be immune (ÃâÒßµÄ) to fire, joins in the effort by inviting the young boy to sit with her inside a huge fire. Helped by the power of Lord Vishnu, Prahlada escapes safely, while the evil Holika is burned to death. To remember this event, huge outdoor fires are lit in the night before Holi in order to clean the air of evil spirits and to celebrate the death of the evil.
So what's so great about this day? While there are some fun parades (ÓÎÐÐ) and folk songs and dance performances, the most fun of all is walking to the streets and splashing (ÆÃÈ÷) people with water guns and dry colors and even covering them with entire buckets of colored water. On this day, everybody is fair game, no matter how old or how young.
At about midday, the splashing comes to an end and people living close to oceans or rivers usually take a bath in the water to clean themselves before going home to a delicious homemade big dinner and a welldeserved short sleep, following this full day of fun and activities.
£¨1£©Why does the king dislike his son Prahlada?
A.Because Prahlada doesn't love him.
B.Because Prahlada is rude to Holika.
C.Because Prahlada loves Lord Vishnu.
D.Because Prahlada concentrates on his own success.
£¨2£©Prahlada gets out of danger ________.
A.with the help of Lord Vishnu
B.because of his good luck
C.by beating his aunt Holika
D.using his amazing talent
£¨3£©The underlined phrase¡°fair game¡±in Paragraph 3 refers to a person who ________.
A.fights against others fairly
B.enjoys splashing people
C.plays a trick on others
D.is the aim of splashing water
£¨4£©After the fun activities, people living close to oceans or rivers often take a bath because ________.
A.they have got dirty with dry colors and colored water
B.going home with colored water means bad luck
C.they believe clean water will bring good luck
D.taking a bath shows their true love for Lord Vishnu


A city without cars would be very strange, right? But Venice is such a city.
Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It wasn't built on land, like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more than 110 islands. Seawater is everywhere around the city.
Even so, travel isn't difficult. The waterways have always been the best way to get around. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want to go. People in Venice move from place to place by boat.
Water makes the city special, but it is also a big problem. Sometimes tourists will have such strange experiences. One moment they walk across the Rialto Bridge, and there's nothing special. But when they come back to the bridge an hour later, it's underwater and everyone is wearing rain shoes.
Once, people used too much underground water. This made the city get lower little by little. Now the city has gone down by 23 centimeters. Another problem is the rising seawater. The temperature has risen over the years. This has made the ice of the Arctic Ocean (±±±ùÑó) melt (ÈÚ»¯). Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter. When a lot of water comes, more than half of the city is underwater.
Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower. The Italian government has asked some of Italy's biggest companies to build the MOST project, which was planned to be build under the seawater to stop the rising water. Anyway, this project is helping solve the problem.
£¨1£©Which is the best way to travel in Venice?
A.The waterways.
B.Taxis and cars.
C.400 bridges.
D.Boats and rain shoes.
£¨2£©What doesn't cause Venice to get lower and lower?
A.The ice of the Arctic Ocean melt.
B.Seawater is everywhere around the city.
C.People used too much underground water
D.The temperature has become higher over the years.
£¨3£©What can we infer from the last passage?
A.Venice is sure to stop getting lower.
B.High waters won't hit Venice any more.
C.Scientists can solve the problems easily.
D.Some possible ways help to solve the problem.
£¨4£©What's the best title of this passage?
A.The History of Venice
B.The MOST Project of Venice.
C.The Places of Interest of Venice
D.The Specials and Problems of Venice

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