





Yesterday morning£¬I was surprising to hear that my best friend Allee has been hit by a car and was in hospital£®The other day when he was going to cross a street£¬he was such careful that he didn¡¯t go until he saw the traffic light to turn green£®But hardly had he got to the middle of the street while he saw a car suddenly appear on his right-hand side and come directly towards them£®It was too late for Allee to escape£®He was hit by the car or was thrown a few meters away£®He was sent to the nearest hospital immediately and had operation£®When I went to see him£¬he was out of dangers but still looked pale£®I sincere hope he will recover and return to normal as soon as possible£®

















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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Carrot juice, because of its many healthy benefits, is commonly called the "magic juice". It has been found that adding carrot juice to people¡¯s diets greatly improves their health. And its delicious taste makes it popular with all members of the family as a beverage.

Carrot juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin A that can be used in the daily diet. Lack of vitamin A can cause dryness and damage to the skin, nails and hair. Drinking carrot juice to increase the vitamin A in the diet is said to be good for many parts of the body, including the bones and teeth.

Drinking carrot juice is thought to be extremely helpful to the liver (¸ÎÔà), because vitamin A helps to clean the liver and reduce fat in it. And it is suggested that drinking carrot juice should be done regularly, rather than just from time to time.

Drinking carrot juice is also thought to improve the eyesight because of the vitamin A in the juice. Lack of vitamin A can lead to night blindness, which can be very dangerous, especially when the person is driving a car. An easy way to find out if you are lacking in vitamin A is to walk from a bright room into a dark room. Your eyes may have some trouble in getting used to the change of light if you are lacking in vitamin A.

How can you make carrot juice? Wash some carrots well in cold water. Scrape (¹Î) them lightly, but do not peel them, as this will take away valuable vitamins and minerals that lie close to the skin.

¡¾1¡¿ Lack of vitamin A can lead to _____.

A. broken bones B. complete blindness

C. skin dryness D. liver cancer

¡¾2¡¿ According to the passage, carrot juice ______.

A. does a lot of good to the teeth and other parts of the body

B. is popular because it is a magic cure for many diseases

C. can wash away the waste from the body

D. may be harmful to the body if it¡¯s drunk too much

¡¾3¡¿ We can learn from the fourth paragraph that _____.

A. you will find it easy to get used to the change of light if you lack vitamin A

B. driving cars at night may lead to night blindness

C. walking from a bright room into a dark room may lead to night blindness

D. drinking carrot juice helps to protect your eyesight

¡¾4¡¿ Which would be the best title for this passage?

A. Tips on How to Make Carrot Juice

B. The Great Benefits of Carrot Juice

C. The Way to Keep Good Health

D. A Healthy Diet for Patients

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Dolphins call out the specific names of loved ones when they become separated, a study finds£®Other than humans, they are the only animals known to do this, according to the study£®The big difference with dolphins is that these communications consist of whistles£¨Ãù½Ð£©, not words£®

Earlier research found that dolphins have a ¡°signature whistle¡± that would be somewhat like human shouting, ¡°Hey everybody! I¡¯m an adult healthy male named George, and I mean you no harm£®¡±

The new finding is that dolphins also say the names of certain other dolphins£®¡°Animals produced copies of the same sound when they were separated from a close partner£®This supports our belief that dolphins copy another animal¡¯s signature whistle when they want to reunite with that animal,¡± Stephanie King, who led the study, says£®

King and her colleagues collected acoustic£¨ÉùÒôµÄ£©data from wild dolphins around Sarasota Bay, Florida, from 1984 to 2009£®The researchers also studied four adult male dolphins housed at the Seas Aquarium, also in Florida£®

Those males are adults that keepers named Calvin, Khyber, Malabar and Ranier, all of whom, as well as all of the wild ones, developed their own signature whistles that served as names in communication with other dolphins£®

¡°A dolphin uses its signature whistle to broadcast its identity and announce its presence£®The signature whistles allow animals to identify one another over long distances and allow animals to recognize one another and to join up with each other,¡± King explains£®¡°Dolphin whistles can be heard up to 20km away, depending on water depth and whistle frequency£¨ÆµÂÊ£©£®¡±

The researchers said dolphins copy the signature whistles of loved ones, such as a mother, when the two are separated£®These ¡°names¡± are always used in positive situations, and are only directed toward loved ones£®

While researchers are often unwilling to apply the word language to non-human communications, dolphins clearly have a very complex communication system£®

¡¾1¡¿The underlined word ¡°housed¡± in Paragraph 4 probably means ¡°_________¡±£®

A£®raised B£®saved C£®discovered D£®hunted

¡¾2¡¿Which one plays a part in whether dolphin whistles can be heard over a distance?

A£®The dolphin¡¯s identity£®

B£®The water temperature

C£®The whistle frequency£®

D£®The dolphin¡¯s age£®

¡¾3¡¿When do dolphins copy the signature whistles of loved ones?

A£®When there is a fight£®

B£®When their keeper comes£®

C£®When they are apart£®

D£®When they are hungry£®

¡¾4¡¿The passage probably is taken from______

A£®A magazine about scientific advances£®

B£®A website about various animals£®

C£®A report on animal acoustics£®

D£®An essay about the relationship between humans and animals£®

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿There are 67 counties in the state of Alabama. Each county is rich with history and its own unique stories. Colbert County, located in the northwest corner of the state, has its share of exciting stories and claims to statewide fame. The county was created on February 6, 1867, and Tuscumbia became the county seat (the town in which the offices of the county government are located).

One of the most famous residents of Tuscumbia was Helen Keller. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880. Her home was a white frame cottage built by her grandparents. Since ivy (³£´ºÌÙ) grew everywhere, the house was called Ivy Green. It was here, at the water pump in the backyard, that Keller learned the word ¡°w-a-t-e-r¡± with the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Visitors to Ivy Green can walk under boxwood trees that are 150 years old. The home has furniture that the Keller family used. It also has Keller¡¯s Braille (äÎÄ) books and her original Braille typewriter.

Spring Park is Tuscumbia¡¯s most popular park and favorite tourist attraction. This park has the world¡¯s largest manufactured waterfall called Coldwater Falls. The Spring Park Light and Water Show is an amazing sight to see. It takes place every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at sundown. The water appears to dance to music and colored lights. The music played during the show is recorded by singers and musicians from Alabama.

Fame Recording Studios is in the city of Muscle Shoals in Colbert County. The studio is the first successful recording studio in Alabama. It is best known for creating ¡°Southern rock,¡± ¡°Southern soul,¡± and ¡°county soul.¡± Well-known performers like Aretha Franklin and musical groups such as Alabama and Lynyrd have made recordings at this studio.

Visitors can continue to explore music in Alabama by visiting the Alabama Music Hall of Fame in Tuscumbia. Built in 1990, this site recognizes the musical talents of more than 500 Alabama residents in a wide variety of musical styles, including country and rhythm and blues.

Truly, Colbert County has a lot of wonderful locations to visit. Guests will not be disappointed in a visit to this delightful place.

¡¾1¡¿Which of the following is TRUE about Alabama and music?

A. Alabama musicians have established exhibits for visitors.

B. There are a great many talented musicians in Alabama.

C. Music is the most important industry in Alabama.

D. Alabama residents enjoy listening to music.

¡¾2¡¿ How many locations related to music in Colbert County are mentioned in the text?

A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.

¡¾3¡¿The author writes the text mainly to persuade the reader __________.

A. to learn from Helen Keller

B. to visit businesses in Alabama

C. to stop for a visit in Colbert County

D. to listen to Southern styles of music

¡¾4¡¿The text is most probably taken from __________.

A. a story book B. a book review

C. a personal diary D. a travel magazine

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿GUATEMALA CITY£¨Reuters£©-----A fish that lives in mangrove swamps£¨ºìÊ÷ÕÓÔó£©across the Americas can live out of water for months at a time, similar to how animals adapted to land millions of years ago, a new study shows.

The Magrove Rivulus, a type of small killifish, lives in small pools of water in a certain type of empty nut or even old beer cans in the mangrove swamps of Belize, the United States and Brazil. When their living place dries up, they live on the land in logs(Բľ), said Scott Taylor, a researcher at the Brevard Endangered Lands Program in Florida.

The fish, whose scientific name is Rivulus marmoratus, can grow as large as three inches. They group together in logs and breathe air through their skin until they can find water again.

The new scientific discovery came after a trip to Belize.

¡°We kicked over a log and the fish just came crowding out,¡± Taylor told Reuters in neighboring Guatgemala by telephone. He said he will make his study on the fish known to the public in an American magazine early next year.

In lab tests, Taylor said he found the fish can live up to 66 days out of water without eating.

Some other fish can live out of water for a short period of time. The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at a time, while lungfish found in Australia, Africa and South America can live out of water, but only in an inactive state. But no other known fish can beout of water as long as the Mangrove Rivulus and remain active, according to Patricia Wright, a biologist at Canada¡¯s University of Guelph.

Further studies of the fish may tell how animals changed over time.

¡°These animals live in conditions similar to those that existed millions of years ago, when animals began making the transition (¹ý¶É) from water onto land,¡± Wright said.

¡¾1¡¿The Mangrove Rivulus is a type of fish that __________.

A. likes eating nuts

B. prefers living in dry places

C. is the longest living fish on earth

D. can stay alive for two months out of water

¡¾2¡¿Who will write up a report on Mangrove Rivulus?

A. Patricia Wright B. Scott Taylor

C. Scientists from Belize D. Researchers in Guatemala

¡¾3¡¿According to the text, lungfish can____________.

A. breathe through its skin

B. move freely on dry land

C. remain alive out of water

D. be as active on land as in water

¡¾4¡¿What can we say about the discovery of Mangrove Rivulus?

A. It was made quite by accident

B. It was based on a lab test of sea life

C. It was supported by an American magazine

D. It was helped by Patricia Wright









The saying that practice makes perfect mean that after you have plenty of practice in what you were doing£¬you will be perfect in it£®If you want improve your study and work£¬remembering that the most important thing is how to put the knowledge you have learned into practice£®For example£¬when learning a language£¬though you can make full use for your talent£¬practice is necessary£®If you only learn grammar rules by the heart and don¡¯t do enough exercise£¬it¡¯s certain that you can¡¯t understand the language perfectly£®But if you real practise a lot£¬maybe you will understand them much better£®In this way£¬you can apply that you have learned better£®

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