6£®Doctor ChenÊÕµ½Ö¶×Ó³ÂÀ¤µÄÀ´ÐÅÌᵽѧУ×î½üÓв»ÉÙµÄͬѧµÃÁ˺ìÑÛ²¡£®¼ÙÈçÄãÊÇDoctor Chen£¬ÇëÄã¸øÄãµÄÖ¶×Ó»ØÒ»·âÐÅ£¬Ìá³öÔ¤·ÀºìÑÛ²¡µÄ½¨Ò飮ÄÚÈÝÒªµãÈçÏ£º
²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ººìÑÛ²¡the pink eyes rub one's eyeÈàÑÛ Ã«½ítowel Á³Åèwashbasin
Dear Chen Kun£¬
I am delighted to receive your letter asking me how to prevent ourselves from the pink eyes£®
Uncle Chen£®
·ÖÎö ÌâÄ¿ÒªÇó¸øÖ¶×Ó³ÂÀ¤Ð´Ò»·â»ØÐÅ£¬¾ÍÔ¤·ÀºìÑÛ²¡Ìá³ö×Ô¼ºµÄ½¨Ò飮д×÷Òªµã°üÀ¨£ºÐ¡ÐĽ÷É÷£»ÉÙÈ¥¹«¹²³¡Ëù£»Ñø³ÉÁ¼ºÃ¸öÈËÏ°¹ßµÈ£¬ÖÁÉÙ²¹³äÁ½µã½¨Ò飻´ÊÊýÔÚ120´Ê×óÓÒ£¬¿ªÍ·ºÍ½áβ²»¼ÆÈë×Ü´ÊÊý£»²»ÄÜ͸¶¸öÈËÐÅÏ¢£»×÷ÎıØÐë°üº¬ËùÓÐÒªµã£¬Ê¹Óï¾äͨ˳£»²»³öÏÖƴдºÍ±êµã´íÎó£¬Êéд¹æ·¶£¬×ÖÌåÃÀ¹Û£»×¢ÒâʹÓòο¼´Ê»ã£»×¢Ò⽨ÒéÐŵĸñʽºÍʱ̬£®
·¶ÎÄʹÓÃÁËÊ¡ÂÔif possible£»¶¨Óï´Ó¾äwhich makes it less likely to expose ourselves to the disease£»Ö÷Óï´Ó¾äwhat we'd better do£»Ê±¼ä×´Óï´Ó¾äwhen we are in the classroom£»Ìõ¼þ¾äif my suggestions are taken into consideration£»±öÓï´Ó¾äthat they will assist you in preventing the diseaseµÈÓ﷨֪ʶ£¬±ÜÃâÁ˾äʽµ¥Ò»£¬Ê¹×÷ÎÄÄÚÈݳäʵ£»
·¶ÎÄʹÓÃÁËһЩ¶ÌÓïºÍ´îÅ䣺put forward£»faced with£»expose oneself to£»avoid doing£»such as£»are supposed to£»as well as£»in no sense/in no case£»more thanµÈ£¬Ê¹×÷ÎÄÄÚÈݱäµÃ³äʵ£¬ÌáÉýÁË×÷Îĵĵµ´Î£»
·¶ÎÄ×¢ÒâʹÓÃFirst of all£¬Besides£¬What's more£¬More importantlyµÈÏνӾä×ӺͶÎÂ䣬ʹÐÐÎÄÁ¬¹á¡¢Í¨Ë³£®
½â´ð Dear Chen Kun£¬
I am delighted to receive your letter asking me how to prevent ourselves from the pink eyes£® I'm writing to put forward some constructive proposals£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©
First of all£¬faced with the disease£¬we are supposed to be cautious but do not be scared£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©It's a good idea for us to avoid going to the public places if possible£¬which makes it less likely to expose ourselves to the disease£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Besides£¬what we'd better do is keep healthy living habits£¬including washing our hands frequently as well as not rubbing our eyes with the hands£®What's more£¬in no sense/in no case will we share the items such as the towel and the washbasin with the infected person£®More importantly£¬we do remember to keep the air fresh by opening the window often£¬especially when we are in the classroom£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©
I would be more than happy if my suggestions are taken into consideration and sincerely hope that they will assist you in preventing the disease£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©
Uncle Chen
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A£® | As long as | B£® | As good as | C£® | As well as | D£® | As far as |
I have noticed this tendency in me for a long time now£¬£¨44£©B I have never been able to stop£®I did some£¨45£©D management work with a therapist£¨ÖÎÁÆר¼Ò£© a while ago£¬but because I moved and£¨46£©C an advisor at school who can't see me £¨47£©A£¬I have not been able to continue this important work£®They tell you to stop and count to 10£¬£¨48£©D your breathing£¬calm yourself down before you£¨49£©C£®But that's the whole problem£®I could never think of£¨50£©A myself until it was too late!The£¨51£©A things had already come out of my mouth£¬and I was stuck picking up the pieces£®
Right now the£¨52£©D is urgent because my relationships with a wonderful boy is £¨53£©C because of my being afraid of being wrong£®He is closing himself off from me because I have hurt him£¬and£¨54£©A I am no longer attractive as a woman with no confidence in myself and a bad temper£®How do I stop ruining my relationships and hating myself£¿How do I stop55B being wrong£¿
36£®A£®bad | B£®good | C£®hateful | D£®quick |
37£®A£®disappointed | B£®excited | C£®attacked | D£®ashamed |
38£®A£®wrong | B£®foolish | C£®empty-headed | D£®right |
39£®A£®unusual | B£®immediate | C£®following | D£®last |
40£®A£®raise | B£®lower | C£®keep | D£®change |
41£®A£®remember | B£®regret | C£®forget | D£®realize |
42£®A£®her | B£®him | C£®me | D£®myself |
43£®A£®it | B£®her | C£®them | D£®us |
44£®A£®so | B£®but | C£®although | D£®however |
45£®A£®health | B£®action | C£®calmness | D£®anger |
46£®A£®headed to | B£®asked for | C£®turned to | D£®referred to |
47£®A£®regularly | B£®carelessly | C£®immediately | D£®patiently |
48£®A£®stop | B£®manage | C£®keep | D£®control |
49£®A£®say | B£®chat | C speak | D£®talk |
50£®A£®stopping | B£®managing | C£®persuading | D£®helping |
51£®A£®hurtful | B£®surprising | C£®colorful | D£®dangerous |
52£®A£®event | B£®thing | C£®affair | D£®problem |
53£®A£®in the way | B£®in the end | C£®in danger | D£®in the beginning |
54£®A£®no doubt | B£®no problem | C£®no wonder | D£®no way |
55£®A£®liking | B£®hating | C£®finding | D£®dealing |