
I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people        I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a       person.
I think my        started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my       and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever         to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really        . It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So tried a (n)        . I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I       to help. That was really a big        for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of        are still my best friends today. 
A bigger cause of my new        , however, came when I took a part-time job at a Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimer’s disease became my         . Every time I came into her room, she was so       because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never        her, so I took her place. She let me       that making others feel good make me feel good, too, when she died, I was       , but I was very grateful to her.
I think I am a much        person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not        these experiences. They have         me to care about other people more than about myself. I        who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago.
A.since B.before C.or D.unless
A.famousB.simpleC.different D.skilled
A.education B.careerC.tourD.change
A.talkedB.wrote C.lied D.reported
A.argument B.game C.experimentD.defense
A.dared B.offeredC.hesitated D.happened
A.dream B.problemC.dutyD.step
A.usB.which C.them D.whom
A.attitude B.hobbyC.hope D.luck
A.friendB.partnerC.guide D.guest
A.politeB.happy C.strangeD.confident
A.bothered B.answered C.visitedD.trusted
A.homelessB.heartbrokenC.bad-tempered D.hopeless
A.quieterB.busier C.better D.richer
A.forget B.faceC.improveD.analyze
A.missB.like C.wonder D.expect


试题分析:作者讲述了自己从一个自私的人变成现在能为他人着想的人的感受和过程。上大学时一心只想着拿学位而拼搏,结果一个朋友都没有感到很孤单。后来作者在Vista 护理之家,结识了一位改变了她、把她当作女儿的重病缠身的老妇人。老人告诉她:只有别人感到高兴自己才快乐。
小题4:考查名词辨析。因为对应前文中的在大学里,只想取得学位。balance平衡;homework家庭作业;degree级别;interest 兴趣。选C。
小题5:考查动词辨析。talk to sb和某人谈话,因为前文说是自己认为比别人聪明,因此几乎不和别人说话。talked谈论;wrote写;lied说谎;reported报道。选A。
小题6:考查形容词辨析。孤独的,没有朋友,正好对应下文的It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. careful细心的;lonely孤独的;curious好奇的;guilty犯罪的。选B。
小题8:考查动词辨析。offer to do sth表示主动提出做某件事情,更能体现出想改变的决心。dared敢;offered提供;hesitated犹豫;happened发生。选B。
小题9:考查名词辨析。表示一种进步。紧接着,对应下文的具体的进步之处。dream梦想; problem问题;duty责任;step台阶、步骤。选D。
小题11:考查名词辨析。由首句可知,作者之前是个self-centered person,通过一次经历发生了变化并对比自己的今昔,所以可得出是Attitude(态度)的变化attitude态度;hobby爱好;hope希望;luck幸运。选A。
小题12:考查名词词义辨析,通过文章的became.可推测出old lady是作者的friend(朋友)。partner伙伴;guide向导;guest客人。选A。
小题13:考查形容词词义辨析,通过空格后面的because she thought I was her daughter可推测出old lady是非常高兴的。polite礼貌;happy快乐;strange奇怪;confident自信。选B。
小题14:考查动词词义辨析,通过文中信息得知old lady是一个病人,所以可推测出是来看望(visit)自己
小题16:考查复合形容词辨析。she died, but I was also very grateful to her.可知作者当时的心情肯定是悲伤的。homeless无家可归的;heartbroken心碎的;bad-tempered坏脾气的 hopeless没希望的。选B。
小题17:考查动词词义辨析。作者通过这次经历使自己变得更好。quieter更安静;busier更忙;better更好;richer更富有。 选C。
小题18:考查动词词义辨析,作者通过这次的experience发生了好的变化,可推测作者想记住这次经历,所以选will not forget,其他均不符合语境。forget忘记;face面对;improve改进;analyze分析。选A。
It was an autumn morning shortly after my husband and I moved into our first house. Our children were upstairs unpacking, and I was looking out of the window at my father moving around mysteriously on the front lawn. My parents lived nearby, and Dad had visited us several times already. “What are you doing out there?” I called to him.
He looked up, smiling. “I’m making you a surprise.” Knowing my father, I thought it could be just about anything. A self-employed jobber, he was always building things out of odds and ends. When we were kids, he always created something surprising for us.
Today, however, Dad would say no more, and caught ups in the busyness of our new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise.
Until one gloomy day the following March when I glanced out of the window. Any yet… I saw a dot of blue across the yard. I headed outside for a closer look. They were crocuses (番红花), throughout the front lawn. Lavender, blue, yellow and my favorite pink --- little faces moved up and down in the cold wind.
Dad! I smiled, remembering the things he had secretly planted last autumn. He knew how the darkness and dullness of winter always got me down. What could have been more perfectly timely to my needs?
My father’s crocuses bloomed each spring for the next four or five seasons, bringing the same assurance every time they arrived: hard times was almost over. Hold on, keep going, light is coming soon.
Then a spring came with only half the usual blooms. The next spring there were none. I missed the crocuses. I would ask Dad to come over and plant new bulbs. But I never did.
He died suddenly one October day. My family was in deep sorrow, leaning on our faith. I missed him terribly.
Four years passed, and on a dismal spring afternoon I was driving back when I found myself feeling depressed. “You’ve got the winter depression again and you get them every year.” I told myself.
It was Dad’s birthday, and I found myself thinking about him. This was not unusual --- my family often talked about him, remembering how he lived his faith. Once I saw him give his coat to a homeless man.
Suddenly I slowed as I turned into our driveway. I stopped and stared at the lawn. And there on the muddy grass and small gray piles of melting snow, bravely waving in the wind, was one pink crocus.
How could a flower bloom from a bulb more than 18 years old, one that had not blossomed in over a decade? But there was the crocus. Tears filled my eyes as I realized its significance.
Hold on, keep going, light is coming soon. The pink crocus bloomed for only a day. But it built my faith for a lifetime.
小题1:According to the first three paragraphs, we learn that _________.
A.the writer was unpacking when her father was making the surprise
B.the writer knew what the surprise was because she knew her father
C.it was not the first time that the writer’s father had made a surprise
D.it kept bothering the writer not knowing what the surprise was
小题2:Which of the following would most probably be the worst time of the year as seen by the writer?
小题3:The writer’s father should be best described as_________.
A.a full-time gardener with skillful hands
B.a part-time jobber who loved flowers
C.a kind-hearted man who lived with faith
D.an ordinary man with doubts in his life
小题4:At the end of the passage, crocus was viewed as the symbol of _________ by the writer.
John Smith,an office worker,lives in Washington.He inherited (继承) a million dollars when he was 23,but he wasn’t happy at all.When his college friends were looking for their jobs,he didn’t have to.Jack decided to living a simple life like everyone else.He gave $l0,000 of his money to a charity (慈善机构) to help poor children live a better life.Today he is 36.He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and drives a small car only,but he is very happy.
Up to now John has helped some children from poor countries all over the world,by sending them each $200 a month.The money was used for the children’s study, food, medicine and clothing.John receives a report each year on the children’s progress.They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English.
When John first heard about these children,he wanted to help them.“It was nothing special,” he said.“Until I went to these countries and met the children I was helping,I didn’t know anything about their life.” Once John went to meet a little girl in Africa.He said that the meeting was very exciting.“When I met her.I felt very ,very happy."he said.“And I saw that the money was used for a good cause.It brought me happiness.I want to do everything I can to go on helping those children.”
小题1:John didn’t need to look for a job ___________.
A.before he went to collegeB.after he went to Africa
C.because he got a lot of moneyD.before he received a report
小题2:John has sent them each $200 a month to help some poor children _______.
A.near WashingtonB.in European countries
C.only in AfricaD.throughout the world
小题3:John learned about the children’s progress by ________.
A.visiting them each yearB.getting a report every year
C.staying with themD.talking to them in English
小题4:The underlined words “for a good cause ”means“­­­­­­­­________” in Chinese.
小题5:What’s the main idea of the story?
A.Help others,and you will feel happy.
B.It’s necessary to write letters to poor children.
C.Live a simple life,and you can give others help.
D.It’s the most important to help the children in Africa
During my high school years, the most important thing was what I was wearing to the Friday night dance and who I was taking. Although college was talked about, it was the least of my worries. 
When I was graduating eighth grade and starting high school, my older brother was graduating twelfth grade and going onto college. For my graduation, he gave me a card in which he wrote, “Enjoy your four years…, they go by fast.” I remember not believe him then, but looking back…, he was right. Those four years shaped who I was as a person, pushed me to my limit and encouraged me to become an adult. 
However, I was so completely absorbed in my junior and senior years of high school, that when someone spoke of college I brushed it off. I wasn't ready to leave my comfort zone of having all of my closest friends together and knowing what every single day was going to be like . Studying was something I did only AFTER I nailed my half-time dance performance. I knew my parents wanted me to go to college, so I told them I would go to commuity college (社区学院)and I didn’t worry about my SAT(美国大学入学考试)scores. 
When my senior year passed and everyone graduated and went off to their own college ,I started to wish I had done the same. My friends were living away, meeting new people, discovering new places, and I was living at home and driving to and from class every day. It seemed exactly like high school. I hated it! I thought college was supposed to be different! Why didn’t I take more time to research colleges and do the same? I ended up loving college and wishing I had four years to enjoy the campus(大学校园)atmosphere instead of two. 
My advice to anyone thinking about attending college is to think about it very seriously and look into all of your choices well ahead of time. Now I have graduate and I am working full time and I would do anything to go back to my high school days for a second chance!
小题1:Why didn’t the author worry about his SAT scores? 
A.He wanted to go to community college.
B.He had a gift for dance.
C.He was well prepared for the exam.
D.He believed his brother would help him.
小题2:When in high school, the author          .
A.drove to and from class every day
B.buried himself in his study all the time
C.enjoyed talking about future college life
D.lived in the school except on holidays
小题3:What did the author’s brother mean by “Enjoy your four years…, they go by fast.”?
A.He wished the author to have more dance.
B.He advised the author to value the years.
C.He encouraged the author to leave his comfort zone.
D.He suggested the author aim at a community college.
小题4:Talking of his high school years, the author feels       .
Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just be­cause the salesman talked you into it? Many people are afraid to support themselves. Dr Robert Albert, author of Stand Up, Speak Out, and Talk Back thinks it' s because their self-respect is low. "There's always a' superior' around­— a parent, a teacher, a boss— who knows better."
But Albert and other scientists are doing something to help people help themselves. They offer "assertiveness training" courses , A.T. for short. In the A.T. Course people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive without hurting other people.
In one way, learning to speak out is to get rid of fear. A group taking an A.T. Course will help the timid person to lose his fear. But A.T. uses an even stronger motive— he need to share. The timid person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels. Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-respect. If someone you face is more "important" than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your answers to problems. You can get to feel good about your­self. And once you do, you can learn to speak out.
小题1:The problem the writer talks about is that ________.
A.some people buy things they don't want
B.some people are afraid to speak out for their rights
C.there are too many superiors
D.some people don't think enough of themselves
小题2:The cause of the problem talked about in this pas­sage is that ________.
A.some people have a low self-respect
B.there is always someone around who "knows better"
C.salesmen talk people into buying things they don't want
D.people don t share enough
小题3:The A.T. Courses often ________.
A. make people distrust their own answers
B. make things more favorable for "superiors"
C. help people know as much as their "superiors"
D. help people become more important
小题4:A good title for this passage could be "________".
A.The Need to ShareB.Talk Back When Necessary
C.One Way to Build Self-RespectD.One Way to Train Speaking Ability
I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I am so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said,“ Excuse me too… I wasn’t even watching for you.” We were very    , this stranger and I. Then we went on our     ways after saying goodbye.
But at home, a       story is told. Later, in the     , as I cooked our meal, my daughter crept up to me, very still. When I turned, I nearly     her down. “Get out of the way!” I        with a frown(皱眉). She left,       her little heart broken.
That  night, as I     awake in bed, God’s quiet     spoke to me and said, “While
      with a stranger, you are     and polite, but with those you love, you are quick and excited… Go look right now on the kitchen floor, you will find some       there by the door. Those are the flowers she brought for you. She picked them herself- pink, yellow, and blue. She stood there quietly, not to      your surprise, and you never saw the tears in her eyes.”
By this time, I felt sad and small and now my own tears had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her bed,“Wake up, sweetheart, wake up,” I said,“Are these the flowers you picked for me? She smiled, “I found them, out by the tree. I wrapped them in a napkin, just for you. I knew you would like them.     the blue.” I said,” I am so sorry that I missed them today… And I shouldn’t have fussed at you that way.”
And she whispered, “Mommy, that is okay… I still love you     .” I hugged her and said, “ I love you too… And I love my flowers, especially the blue.”
Are you     that: If you die tomorrow, the     that you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days. But the family you leave     will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we     ourselves more to our work than into our families- an unwise       indeed.
A.living roomB.bedroomC.toiletD.kitchen
A.dealtB.dealC.dealingD.to deal
I left university with a good degree in English Literature, but no sense of what I wanted to do. Over the next six years, I was treading(在...上面走) water, just trying to earn an income. I tried journalism, but I didn’t think I was any good, then finance, which I hated. Finally, I got a job as a rights assistant at a famous publisher. I loved working with books, although the job that I did was dull.
I had enough savings to take a year off work, and I decided to try to satisfy a deep-down wish to write a novel. Attending a Novel Writing MA course gave me the structure I needed to write my first 55,000 words.
It takes confidence to make a new start — here’s a dark period in-between where you’re neither one thing nor the other. You’re out for dinner and people ask what you do, and you’re too ashamed to say, “Well, I’m writing a novel, but I’m not quite sure if I’m going to get there.” My confidence dived. Believing my novel could not be published, I put it aside.
Then I met an agent(代理商)who said I should send my novel out to agents. So, I did and, to my surprise, got some wonderful feedback. I felt a little hope that I might actually become a published writer and, after signing with an agent, I finished the second half of the novel.
The next problem was finding a publisher. After two-and-a-half years of no income, just waiting and wondering, a publisher offered me a book deal — that publisher turned out to be the one I once worked for.
It feels like an unbelievable stroke of luck — of fate, really. When you set out to do something different, there’s no end in sight, so to find myself in a position where I now have my own name on a contract(合同)of the publisher — to be a published writer — is unbelievably rewarding.
小题1:The author decided to write a novel ______ .
A.to finish the writing courseB.to realize her own dream
C.to satisfy readers’ wishD.to earn more money
小题2:How did the writer feel halfway with the novel?
小题3:What does the author mainly want to tell readers in the last paragraph?
A.It pays off to stick to one’s goal.
B.Hard work can lead to success.
C.She feels like being unexpectedly lucky.
D.There is no end in sight when starting to do something.
Dreaming is a natural part of who we are. We explore our dreams and develop personal dreams. We even like to dream BIG!
For the most part our dreams and wishes focus on the end result. We see ourselves in love, married, driving a great car, on vacation, with tons of money, in a great career, etc. Dreaming about the end result is just fantasizing and wishing. Wishing relies on some magical force to make our dreams turn into reality, and we become unhappy as we’re not living(实现) our dreams.
So how can we make our dreams come true? That is a question we all often struggle with. Even though we struggle with the answer, the answer is not that clear. We make our dreams come true with the action we take.
In my opinion, if you dream about being in good health, then change your dream to see yourself working out and eating right day by day. See the beginning of the dream and let the dream build day by day with all the action that gets you to the end dream of you being in good health.
If you want riches, then change the dream. Dream of yourself going to school, developing a career, working hard and taking the steps to arrive at the destination. If you want love, love the process. Love the dating process(过程). Love yourself and the journey to find love.
Make all your dreams include the beginning, middle and end. Then when you are doing the action instead of thinking to yourself, “This is a drag. I don’t like working out,” or if you are having any negative thoughts about doing the work it takes to create your visions(梦幻), realize then that every step of the way you are living your dream. You are living your dream because you made the action and journey part of your dream.
小题1:According to the writer, most of the people____.
A.pay more attention to developing their dreams
B.enjoy the process of their dreams
C.are always ignoring the process of living their dreams
D.probably dream of making much more money easily
小题2:In order to live our dreams, we must____.
A.struggle with dreams day and night.
B.have great wishes and thoughts.
C.have magical forces every night.
D.take action or steps.
小题3: If you want to keep fit,______
A.you’d better dream a sweet dream first.
B.you must love the process of the journey.
C.you would rather begin with your diet and exercise.
D.you should have a good beginning first.
小题4: what can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.It’s important to focus on your final result.
B.Good mind and action can help you live your dream.
C.Think to yourself while living your dream.
D.Creating your visions comes first.
Most people agree that it’s important to have a sense of humor. Having the ability to laugh can help one overcome anxiety, and make better decisions in difficult situations. People with a well-developed sense of humor appear to be happier, and some are healthier as well. This suggests that having a sense of humor is good for you. Humorless people may find themselves being treated as a fool, and become anxious and upset.
A sense of humor also plays an important role in human relationships. However, not everyone has a sense of humor. People with developmental disabilities (发展性能力丧失) can sometimes have no sense of humor, or have a very strange one.
A number of factors affect a person’s sense of humor, with the age probably being the main one. Young children are often highly amused by simple jokes or shows, while teenagers prefer to enjoy the ironic (讽刺的) events. Educational level, culture, and religious faith also affect one’s sense of humor. While Christians, for example, may have a deep appreciation of jokes about the Bible, others may find them disrespectful.
Many people believe that a sense of humor is something that develops on its own, and that you cannot teach someone to understand why jokes, certain comments, situations or events are funny. However, things can be done to enhance one’s sense of humor. Children, for example, benefit from being told jokes and encouraged to laugh, although some children’s jokes might seem rather strange to adults. If you have children, try to encourage them to tell jokes and think about what makes things funny. And it will help them develop a sense of humor.
小题1:The purpose of the passage is to _______.
A.explain what influences a person’s sense of humor
B.tell readers the importance of being healthy
C.explain how to make better decisions
D.tell readers how to understand jokes
小题2:What does the underlined word in Paragraph 4 “enhance” probably mean?
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following isn’t talked about in our passenger?
C.Educational level.D.Family backgrounds.

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