
将有15秒钟的时间阅读试题。独白读两遍。    用听到的信息(单词或词组)完成下列句子。

1. Charles Dickens was born in   __ . in one of the small towns of England.
2. When Dickens was nine years old, the family moved to   __ .
3. Dickens could not go to school until his father was   __ .
4. Dickens often went to the  __  to read books.
5. Dickens died over __   . years ago,but people ale still reading his books with great interest.
1. 1812 2. London  3. out of prison  4. library  5. a hundred/100





1.What is the man doing?

A.Asking for help.

B.Making an apology.

C.Expressing dissatisfaction.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At an airport.

B.At a hospital.

C.At a school.


3.Why doesn’t the man want to see Mrs Cathy?

A.He thinks she is not kind

B.He is tired of waiting for people.

C.He thinks she is boring.

4.Whom does the man have to see at 10 a. m?

A.Mr White.

B.Mr Potter.

C.Mrs Cathy.

5.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Boss and secretary.


6.Where was the woman when the hurricane took place?

A.In her father’s friend’s house.

B.In the house with her husband.

C.On her way home.

7.When did the hurricane hit the area where the woman lived?

A.At 3∶30 a. m. on August29.

B.At 5∶00 a. m. on August 30.

C.At noon on August 30.

8.Why did they chive very slowly?

A.Too many cars were on the road.

B.Broken branches were everywhere.

C.There was a very strong wind.


9.Who is the speaker?

A.A student.

B.A player.

C.A manager.

10.What time does the center open?

A.9∶00a. m.

B.9∶00p. m.

C.5∶00 p. m.

11.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.Different sports rules.

B.Different indoor sports.

C.Different sporting activities.


12.Why are people interested in vegetable gardening?

A.Because people can make money from it.

B.Because people can relax themselves.

C.Because people can sell vegetables.

13.In what season(s)can a well-kept garden provide fresh, vegetables?

A.In late autumn.

B.From late spring to autumn.

C.From spring to late autumn.

14.What is needed to keep the garden well?

A.Great efforts.

B.A lot of money.

C.little time.

15.What can you learn from Professor Smith?

A.Tips on how people grow vegetables.

B.Reasons for doing vegetable gardening.

C.Kinds of vegetables people prefer.



A summary of research into the ways Chinese students in Auckland spend their leisure time.

How many?On 8th November 2004, a survey was conducted among(16)________ Chinese students.

In what way?Conducted by means of a(17)________ given to the students to complete.

Ways(18)________ of the students went shopping

56% of the students spend time(19)________ or doing nothing at all

(20)________ of the students said they spend all their time on school and homework





1.What is the woman’s office phone number?




2.What does the woman book?

A.Three bottles of red wine.

B.A table in the general restaurant.

C.A table in a private room without KTV.

3.When does the woman have to work?

A.On Monday

B.On Saturday

C.On Sunday


4.What is the woman doing in Britain




5.What does the man think of the discussions in class?

A.They is different from those in China.

B.They are difficult.

C.They are useful.

6.Why does the woman thank the man?

A.He has introduced some teaching methods.

B.He has invited her to travel with him.

C.He his given her some advice.


7.What is the possible relationship between the speakers?


B.Wife and husband

C.Teacher and student

8.What does the woman think about starting one’s own business?

A.It needs good education.

B.It provides experience.

C.It is difficult.

9.What do we know about the man?

A.He hasn’t decided what to do.

B.He will start his own business.

C.He prefers living a peaceful life.


10.Where does Mrs.Cox teach?

A.In Britain.

B.In America.

C.In India.

11.How long has Mrs.Cox been teaching in the high school?

A.For 5 years.

B.For 6 years.

C.For 8 years.

12.What is Mrs Cox’s favorite subject?





13.When did the woman prepare for her final examinations?

A.A year ago.

B.Five years ago.

C.Nine years ago

14.What is the woman now?

A.A librarian

B.A business woman

C.A waitress

15.Why does the woman want to open the look café?

A.To have a relaxing lifestyle

B.To make more friends

C.To own her study room







1.What did the woman buy?

A.A video recorder.

B.A video camera.

C.A CD-player.

2.What was the seller's excuse for not opening the box?

A.It's a store rule.

B.If it is opened, nobody will buy.

C.If it is opened, other people won't believe it's new.

3.What do you think of the guy on the sidewalk?

A.He is an excellent seller.

B.He is a very poor beggar.

C.He cheats others out of their money.


4.What is the general idea the woman has on modern art?

A.She thinks very highly of it.

B.She thinks most modern art is good.

C.She doesn't think modern artists are serious.

5.Why does the man want to stop discussing the matter of modern art?

A.It is no good talking about the problem.

B.His opinion does not sound reasonable.

C.He will lose the argument soon.

6.What will the woman most probably do if there is a modern art exhibition?

A.Do anything except visit the show.

B.Visit the show as much as possible.

C.Take photos of it.


7.Where is the speaker from?

A.A noisy city.

B.A developed town.

C.A quiet original village.

8.What can we see in the speaker's hometown?

A.Wide roads running alongside a big river.

B.Few ducks swimming in the river.

C.A river running into the sea.

9.How will people in the speaker's hometown gain more money?

A.They will develop agriculture and the fishing industry.

B.They will develop the tourist industry.

C.They will mine valuable minerals.


10.Why do people in Finland wear paper boots in winter?

A.They feel they are the warmest boots.

B.They don't have enough money to buy expensive boots.

C.They can only find paper to protect themselves from the cold.

11.Which of the following can be made of paper now?




12.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman will give a lecture about paper.

B.Researching paper is the woman's favorite.

C.The woman is an expert on paper.


13.Why did Marie Curie leave Warsaw?

A.Because she wanted to go to school for a general education in Cracow.

B.Because she took part in a students' revolutionary organization.

C.Because her family would move to Cracow.

14.When did Marie Curie get married?

A.In 1894.

B.In 1895.

C.In 1903.

15.What can we learn about Marie Curie from the speaker?

A.She was the first woman who became Professor of General Physics in the Faculty of Sciences.

B.She and her husband were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1911.

C.After a short illness, she died in France in 1921.






1.What has the man already bought?

A.A wallet.

B.A jewel.

C.A sewing machine.

2.Where are the speakers?

A.At an apartment.

B.At a coffee bar.

C.At a hotel.

3.What do we know about the woman?

A.She found a new job.

B.She prepared the food.

C.She appreciated the man's help.

4.What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Boss and worker


5.How will the woman probably contact Mr.Nordby?

A.Over the telephone.

B.Through a letter.

C.On the Internet.

第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,共15分)



6.Who will the woman have dinner with first?


B.The man.

C.The man's parents.

7.What day is it the day after tomorrow?





8.What happened to the man?

A.He lost his MP3.

B.He broke his borrowed MP3.

C.He lost his borrowed MP3.

9.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Ask his parents for help.

B.Tell the truth to his teacher.

C.Borrow money from other students


10.Why does the man congratulate the woman?

A.She will get married.

B.She is promoted.

C.She is recovered.

11.What is the result of me conversation?

A.The woman feels disappointed.

B.The man will change his plan.

C.The woman is angry win the man.


12.Where is the speaker?

A.In a park.

B.In a zoo.

C.In a museum.

13.Which animals can people see in the first show?




14.When will the first show probably end?

A.At 3∶00 p.m.

B.At 4∶00 p.m.

C.At 4∶30 p.m.

15.What do we know about the last show?

A.It's a guided tour.

B.It's free.

C.It's beside a shop.

第三节 听取信息


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