




1.What is the man doing?

A.Asking for help.

B.Making an apology.

C.Expressing dissatisfaction.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At an airport.

B.At a hospital.

C.At a school.


3.Why doesn’t the man want to see Mrs Cathy?

A.He thinks she is not kind

B.He is tired of waiting for people.

C.He thinks she is boring.

4.Whom does the man have to see at 10 a. m?

A.Mr White.

B.Mr Potter.

C.Mrs Cathy.

5.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Boss and secretary.


6.Where was the woman when the hurricane took place?

A.In her father’s friend’s house.

B.In the house with her husband.

C.On her way home.

7.When did the hurricane hit the area where the woman lived?

A.At 3∶30 a. m. on August29.

B.At 5∶00 a. m. on August 30.

C.At noon on August 30.

8.Why did they chive very slowly?

A.Too many cars were on the road.

B.Broken branches were everywhere.

C.There was a very strong wind.


9.Who is the speaker?

A.A student.

B.A player.

C.A manager.

10.What time does the center open?

A.9∶00a. m.

B.9∶00p. m.

C.5∶00 p. m.

11.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.Different sports rules.

B.Different indoor sports.

C.Different sporting activities.


12.Why are people interested in vegetable gardening?

A.Because people can make money from it.

B.Because people can relax themselves.

C.Because people can sell vegetables.

13.In what season(s)can a well-kept garden provide fresh, vegetables?

A.In late autumn.

B.From late spring to autumn.

C.From spring to late autumn.

14.What is needed to keep the garden well?

A.Great efforts.

B.A lot of money.

C.little time.

15.What can you learn from Professor Smith?

A.Tips on how people grow vegetables.

B.Reasons for doing vegetable gardening.

C.Kinds of vegetables people prefer.



A summary of research into the ways Chinese students in Auckland spend their leisure time.

How many?On 8th November 2004, a survey was conducted among(16)________ Chinese students.

In what way?Conducted by means of a(17)________ given to the students to complete.

Ways(18)________ of the students went shopping

56% of the students spend time(19)________ or doing nothing at all

(20)________ of the students said they spend all their time on school and homework


  答案:C B C A C A A B C A C B C A B 400 questionnaire 75% sleeping 25%(a quarter)



  Text 1

  M:Excuse me, have you got a minute?11mm, I'ye been waiting for ages and I was wondering.

  W:The doctors are very busy.

  M:No, no, no.It’s not that.It’s just that I’m rather thirsty after all this time.Have you thought of getting a drink machine put in?

  W:Err; I’ll speak to the hospital management about that.

  Text 2

  W:Good morning, Mr.Potter.How are you today?

  M:Oh, not too bad, thanks.How are you?

  W:Fine, thanks.Err, excuse me, but you do know you have to see Mr.White, your bank manager, at ten, right?

  M:No…I mean…, yes, of course!Do I have to see anyone after that?

  W:After that you are supposed to go and see Mrs.Cathy.Remember?

  M:Oh, do I have to?She’s very kind, I know, but she’s not interesting!And besides, she’s so far away.Can she come here?

  W:Well…no…not really.And you’re going to be in town anyway, aren’t you?Or have you forgotten about that too?

  Text 3

  M:Where were you when the hurricane hit your area?

  W:We were invited to stay in my daddy’s friends in Amelia.

  M:What do you know about Katrina?

  W:Katrina was the strongest hurricane in the history of hurricanes.When she hit early Monday on August 29, 2005, it was about 3∶30 in the morning.The storm lasted until about noon on Monday.The winds were very strong, with wind up to about 100 miles per hour.It was very frightening.

  M:Was there any injury?

  W:Thankfully, no one was hurt in our area.

  M:Can von say something about your trip back home?

  W:Finally, on August 30, 2005, we were on our way home from Amelia.Our trip home was sad seeing houses with roofs torn off.We had to drive slowly because the broken tree branches were every?where

  Text 4

  Good morning ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to our sports centre.Here, between nine o’clock in the morning and nine o’clock in the evening, you can enjoy a number of different sporting activities.The outdoor tennis courts arc open all day, and the running track is used for various forms of athletics, also all day.Most visitors of course, come to use our Olympic-size swimming pool.The hours for swimming are nine 0'clock to half past twelve and two o’clock to nine p. M.…Then there’s the gym.There, we have aerobics for women from nine a. m. to a quarter to eleven, and for men from a quarter past eleven to one in the afternoon.You can play basketball in the gym between one and five, or do fitness training in the evening between five o'lock and half past seven.Then we also have two badminton courts that are open all day.

  And now I’d like to walk with you around the centre and show you the facilities we have to offer.First, though.…are there any questions?

  Text 5

  W:Good morning, everyone.We are happy to have Professor Smith talk something about vegetable gardening.As we know, vegetable gardening is the relaxing art and science of turning a love for growing plants into worthwhile activity.What do you think about it, Professor Smith?

  M:Well, many things make vegetable gardening a national hobby for both young and old.For a large number of people, the thoughts of spring gardening provide a happy escape from winter boredom.

  Vegetable gardeners agree that many home grown vegetables picked at their best are better than those vegetables purchased from markets.From spring through late fall, a well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables, thus increasing the nutrition of the family diet.

  Having vegetables in the backyard makes home gardening appealing to many people.In addition, vegetable gardening provides exercise and fun for both urban and suburban families.

  Although the money spent for a garden may be little, one cannot escape the fact that gardening requires hard work and time.Many of the gardening tasks must be performed at times that are most inconvenient.Not doing jobs that should be done on a regular basis may result in failure and a negative feeling toward gardening.

  W:Thank von so much for your wonderful talk, Professor Smith See you next week.


  On 8th November 2004, a survey was conducted among 400 Chinese students at different universities in Auckland.The purpose of the survey was to discover what the students do in their free time, after school.

  The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire given to the students to complete.The first section of the questionnaire dealt with the students'free time activities.The second part was concerned with the types of jobs students did, if any.

  The most important results from the survey were as follows.In the first section, 81% of the students complained that school took up too much time, and that they were given too much homework.44% of the students said they would like to have a part-time job, but simply did not have the time.Another 40% of the students said they had part-time jobs.The following comments and observations can be made about the way students spend their time after school.They are based on answers given by the students part one of the questionnaire.75% said they sometimes went shopping, while 69% sometimes go to the cinema, 62% said they spend most of their time doing homework, and 56% sometimes spend time sleeping or doing nothing at all.A quarter of the students said they spend all their time on school and homework.


第一部分 听力

第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What do the man and the woman mean?

A.They really enjoyed the party.

B.Their friends seemed rather old.

C.They met some funny people at the party.

2.When is the man's birthday?

A.April 1st.

B.April 2nd.

C.April 3rd.

3.When will they get home?

A.Three o'clock.

B.Four o'clock.

C.Ten o'clock.

4.What's Paul's address?




5.What does the man mean?

A.He can't hear the woman clearly.

B.He doesn't think the woman is right.

C.He likes the sunny day.




6.What are they talking about?

A.Buying dresses.

B.Making dresses.

C.Borrowing dresses.

7.What kind of dress do they like for spring?

A.Woolen dress.

B.Cotton dress.

C.Silk dress.

8.What color does the woman prefer?





9.What kind of cakes did the customer take?

A.Chinese rice cakes.

B.French cakes.

C.American cakes.

10.What's inside these cakes?


B.Bean jam.

C.Peanut jam.

11.How many cakes did the customer take?





12.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What they are going to do.

B.What they did.

C.A restaurant.

13.What was not mentioned in the conversation?





14.How did the man spend his weekend?

A.He went to his uncle's farm.

B.He planted some trees in his backyard.

C.Both A and B.

15.Why didn't he get some trees in the town?

A.Because there were only apple trees in the town.

B.Because there were only cedar trees in the town.

C.Because the trees sold in the town were expensive.

16.What did he bring home from his uncle's farm?

A.Some apples.

B.Some young trees.

C.Both A and B.


17.What do you think the speaker is?

A.A visitor to the park.

B.A guide from a touring company.

C.A staff of a park service.

18.What does the speaker say about the Yellow Stone National Park?

A.It was the first national Park.

B.It was not managed by the National Park Service.

C.It was managed by the National Park Service in 1800.

19.What is one of the duties of the speaker?

A.To build fires.

B.To guide nature walks.

C.To train animals.

20.When did the speaker give the speech?

A.While riding in a bus.

B.While sitting around a fire.

C.Just before nature walks.



1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Who bought the vase.

B.Who broke the vase.

C.Who hurt the cat.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The boy doesn't like Mr.Smith to teach him.

B.Mr.Smith is returning to his country.

C.The girl likes Mr.Smith to teach her.

3.What is the woman going to do?

A.Work in France.

B.Take picture lessons.

C.Take a trip.

4.Who is wearing glasses according to the conversation?

A.The woman's sister.

B.The woman.

C.The woman's mother.

5.What will the man do?

A.Stop to do other things.

B.Have a good rest.

C.Give up the problem.



6.Where did the man go just now?

A.He went to the teacher's office.

B.He visited a new school.

C.he went to a northern district.

7.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.


C.Teacher and student.


8.What happened to the man?

A.He was hurt by the woman accidentally.

B.He got injured by himself.

C.He has been badly ill for a long time.

9.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man will be disabled.

B.The woman is a doctor.

C.The man will be taken to hospital.


10.How about the man's hair?

A.It is dry and thin on top.

B.It is oily and wavy on top.

C.It is dry and wavy on top.

11.Who will come to the woman's at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon?

A.The man's friend.

B.The man's wife.

C.The man's sister.

12.How much tip does the man give the woman?

A.A dollar.

B.Two dollars.

C.Fifty cents.


13.What did the woman do last weekend?

A.She visited her mother at Sunshine Hotel.

B.She wrote a paper about the beach.

C.She relaxed on the beach.

14.Why did the woman have to stop playing in the volleyball game?

A.She had to return home.

B.She was too tired to continue.

C.It rained suddenly.

15.Why didn't the woman go swimming?

A.The water was not warm enough.

B.She didn't know how to swim.

C.The water was too dirty.

16.What can we know about the man?

A.He is hard-working.

B.He has been to the beach once.

C.He is poor in English.


17.What does the speaker want to tell us?

A.Many people like planting flowers.

B.We should be careful to give others flowers.

C.Many people don't know how to express themselves.

18.What was a lady's reaction if we gave her yellow roses in the past?

A.She was angry.

B.She was happy.

C.She was grateful.

19.What kind of flower will we give him if somebody helps us?

A.Lily or tulip.


C.The peach rose.

20.What kind of flower will we give a person to show that we admire him?

A.The red rose.





1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Customer and waitress

B.Boss and secretary

C.Patient and nurse

2.Why is the woman in such a hurry?

A.To catch a ship

B.To catch a plane

C.To catch a train

3.What is the woman going to do on Friday?

A.Go to a dance

B.Go to a lecture

C.Go to the Student Centre

4.What are the speakers discussing?

A.Vacation plan

B.Visit to Shanghai

C.Reading plan

5.What is the baby doing now?



C.Listening to the radio



6.Whom is the woman talking to?

A.Her brother

B.Her husband

C.A friend

7.Why was the woman in California?

A.To visit Alice

B.For a vacation

C.On business

8.What about the man’s vacation?

A.It is about to start

B.It will be in California

C.It has just ended


9.What are the speakers talking about?


B.Their old classmates

C.Their happy school life

10.Who was always trying to join Alfred and Colin?




11.What was Barbara’s best friend’s name?





12.What is the man’s job?

A.A chemist

B.A dentist

C.A tailor

13.What does the man finally give the woman?

A.An operation

B.Some advice

C.some medicine

14.How does the woman feel?





15.What are the speakers discussing about?

A.Whom to invite for supper.

B.Where to eat for dinner.

C.How to serve their friends.

16.What is “California Rosy” in the conversation?

A.a kind of cigarette

B.a kind of wine

C.a kind of flower

17.Where are the speakers going next?

A.a restaurant

B.a dinner party

C.a store


18.Which of the following is mentioned as a possible outdoor sport?




19.Which of the following is not mentioned in the monologue?

A.Swiss people are brave

B.Switzerland has a variety of attractions.

C.Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe.

20.What do Swiss people like to do in the evening?

A.Going to movies


C.Listening to music


第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?





1.What does the man want to do?

A.Take photos.

B.Buy a camera.

C.Help the woman.

2.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A noisy night.

B.Their life in town.

C.A place of living.

3.Where is the man now?

A.On his way.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At home

4.What will Celia do?

A.Find a player.

B.Watch a game.

C.Play basketball.

5.What day is it when the conversation takes place?




第二节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读下各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What is Sara going to do?

A.Buy John a gift.

B.Give John a surprise.

C.Invite John to France.

7.What does the man think of Sara's plan?





8.Why does Diana say sorry to peter?

A.She has to give up her travel pan.

B.She wants to visit another city.

C.She needs to put off her test.

9.What does Diana want Peter to do?

A.Help her with her study.

B.Take a book to her friend.

C.T eacha geography lesson.


10.Why does the man call the woman?

A.To tell her about her new job.

B.To ask about her job program.

C.To plan a meeting with her.

11.Who needs a new flat?




12.Where is the woman now?

A.In Baltimore.

B.In New York.

C.In Avon.


13.What does Jan consider most important when he judges a restaurant?

A.Where the restaurant is.

B.Whether the prices are low.

C.How well the food is prepared.

14.When did Jan begin to write for a magazine?

A.After he came back to Sweden.

B.Before he went to the United States.

C.As soon as he got his first job in 1982.

15.What may Jan do to find a good restaurant?

A.Talk to people in the street.

B.Speak to taxi drivers.

C.Ask hotel clerks.

16.What do we know about Jan?

A.He cooks for a restaurant.

B.He travels a lot of his work.

C.He prefers American food.


17.What do we know about the Plaza Leon?

A.it's new building.

B.it's a small town.

C.it's public place.

18.When do parents and children like going to the Plaza Leon?

A.Saturday nights.

B.Sunday afternoons.

C.Fridays and Saturdays.

19.Which street is known for its food shops and markets?

A.Via del Mar Street.

B.Fernando Street.

C.Hernandes Street.

20.Why does the speaker like Horatio Street best?

A.It has an old stone surface.

B.it is named after a writer.

C.It is a famous university.



1.What's the rent for the two-bedroom flat?




2.What's the man trying to do?

A.Call somebody.

B.Find a telephone.

C.Check the telephone service.

3.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Park the car somewhere else.

B.Pay some extra money.

C.Get a VIP parking permit.

4.What is the main subject of this conversation?

A.South America.

B.Mary's grandmother.

C.Holiday plans.

5.Why does the boy refuse to sleep?

A.He is waiting for his father.

B.He is expecting some presents.

C.He is not used to sleeping in a new bed.



6.How does the man react to the woman's request?




7.Who might the woman be?

A.The owner of the house.

B.A policewoman.

C.A thief


8.What kinds of places have the speakers been staying in?

A.Cheap places.

B.Uncomfortable places.

C.Expensive places.

9.Where does the man want to stay next?

A.At someone's home.

B.In a cheap hotel.

C.In a youth hotel.

10.Why don't they need to go to an Internet cafe?

A.They can use the woman's phone.

B.They have a computer with them.

C.They will use the hotel's computer.


11.What is the woman's main problem?

A.She is fearful of strangers.

B.She doesn't know the way to the hospital.

C.She doesn't think it right to take the man's car.

12.Why does the woman decide to ride with the man?

A.It's hard to call a taxi.

B.He is cheaper than other drivers.

C.He knows how to get to the hospital.

13.Why does the man become impatient?

A.The woman is hesitant.

B.The woman is rude.

C.The woman is too talkative.


14.What might NOT be a good idea when eating with Westerners?

A.Taking food from other people's plates.

B.Talking loudly.

C.Adding spices to the food.

15.What does the woman say about American hamburgers?

A.Americans often order hamburgers in restaurants.

B.Americans prefer home-made hamburgers.

C.Americans love McDonald's.

16.What does the woman think of Chinese food?

A.The way it's cooked is more or less the same.

B.It's influenced by different cultures.

C.Its flavors are similar.


17.How often is the Academy Award presented?

A.Once a year.

B.Once in two years.

C.Once in three years.

18.Which award is for television?




19.Why was the AMPAS set up at first?

A.To improve the image of the film industry.

B.To make Louis Mayer a famous star.

C.To provide better benefits for the actors.

20.Where was the most recent Academy Awards ceremony held?

A.In a hotel.

B.In a theatre.

C.In a gym.

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