
【题目】By the time Jack returned home from England, his son __________ from college.

A. graduated

B. has graduated

C. had been graduating

D. had graduated


【解析】句意:到杰克从英格兰返回家时,他的儿子已大学毕业。本题考查时态。根据句意可知,设空处说的是过去的事情,故用过去时,排除B项;设空处的动作( graduate)先于returned这一动作,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。


【题目】When I was growing up I do not recall hearing the words I love you from my father.When your father____says them to you when you are a child,it gets tougher and tougher for him to say those words as he gets____.To tell the truth,I could not honestly remember___I had last said those words to him either.I decided to____my ego (自尊) and make the first move.After some____,in our next phone conversation I____the wordsDad ...I love you!”

There was a____at the other end and he awkwardly (笨拙地)____Well,same back at you!

I chuckled and said,Dad,I know you____me,and when you are ready,I know you will say what you want to say.

Fifteen minutes later my____called and nervously askedPaul,is everything____?” I explained to her perfectly.

A few weeks later,Dad____our phone conversation with the wordsPaul,I love you. I was at work during this____and the tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally“____”the love.As I sat there in tears,I____that this special moment had taken our fatherson____to a new level.

A short while____this moment,my father narrowly____death following heart surgery.Many times since,I have pondered (沉思) the thought____I did not take the first step and Dad did not____the surgery,I would have never heard the love.

【1】A.ever B.sometimes C.never D.often

【2】A.stronger B.older C.slower D.taller

【3】A.when B.how C.why D.where

【4】A.get over B.figure out C.take up D.set aside

【5】A.research B.hesitation C.struggle D.wonder

【6】A.burst out B.worked on C.made up D.looked for

【7】A.cry B.cough C.laughterD.silence

【8】A.replied B.apologized C.shouted D.asked

【9】A.respect B.love C.like D.miss

【10】A.father B.mother C.wife D.brother

【11】A.happy B.over C.OK D.crazy

【12】A.concluded B.introduced C.attracted D.interrupted

【13】A.meeting B.program C.conversation D.trip

【14】A.felt B.heard C.received D.touched

【15】A.realized B.noticed C.understood D.observed

【16】A.communication B.distance C.connection D.relationship

【17】A.since B.at C.after D.of

【18】A.avoided Bescaped C.reduced D.refused

【19】A.because B.as C.if D.though

【20】A.survive B.require C.perform D.accept

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