
【题目】Maybe you have travelled to many parts of the world, but nowhere else striking attractions.

A. you can see so many B. can you see such many

C. you can see such many D. can you see many such


【解析】D。考查倒装结构及such的用法。根据句中的nowhere置于句首, 句子要部分倒装; 当such修饰a/an时, 放在所修饰词的前面, 除此之外, such置于所修饰词后。


【题目】改编】One day, while I was walking to work, I decided to bring some flowers that I had picked from my garden that morning. On the way, I a stranger and presented the flowers to him with a smile card. by the sense of joy I felt from giving flowers to person, and may be his day, I wanted to do it again.

When I got to my office, I had the of anonymously (匿名) leaving flowers around the workplace. The impersonal (无人味) of the building where I work makes me . It just feels a little boring sometimes, though it’s a nice building with great light. I lots of people might feel the same way, so why not put a little there, and throw in an inspirational quote (引言) while I’m at it? , who doesn't like flowers?

So, for the past month, I’ve been flowers in a little cup on the sink in the bathroom. Each week, I the flowers and the quote. It always feels for me to read quotes like Henry David Thoreau’s “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, he will meet with a unexpected in common hours.”and Gandhi’s “The fragrance(香味) always on the hand that gives the rose.” If anything, I figure, but it at least makes me each time I visit the bathroom.

Then today, when I walked in, I noticed flowers in the cup, and a quote that someone else had written! It , “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ------- Gandhi.

This little act me that, at the end of the day, we’re all just people with hearts the various roles and different hats we may wear in the workplace.

I did a little dance and am smiling wide for the rest of the day!

【1】A. picked out B. came across C. called up D. pointed at

【2】A. Struck B. Informed C. Surprised D. Honored

【3】改编】A. another B. other C. others D. the other

【4】A. calming B. determining C. reflecting D. brightening

【5】A. belief B. way C. idea D. aim

【6】改编】A. surrounding B. atmosphere C. design D. people

【7】A. uncomfortable B. impolite C. impatient D. unforgettable

【8】改编】A. concluded B. confirmed C. considered D. believed

【9】A. mystery B. smile C. beauty D. courage

【10】改编】A. All in all B. First of all C. Above all D. After all

【11】A. growing B. watering C. putting D. picking

【12】A. count B. check C. clean D. change

【13】A. refreshing B. interesting C. satisfying D. puzzling

【14】A. prize B. truth C. success D. shock

【15】A. holds B. attaches C. remains D. focuses

【16】A. strong B. happy C. surprised D. shocked

【17】A. good B. new C. small D. special

【18】A. told B. replied C. wrote D. said

【19】A. introduces B. warns C. suggests D. reminds

【20】改编A. regardless ofB. because of C. in spite of D. despite of

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