
1.Are your parents worried about your leaving home for overseas education?
     But mostly they are happy to see me grow up independent.(  )
A.Sort of.B.So what?C.By no means.D.No kidding?

分析 --你的父母对于你离家到国外求学担忧吗?

解答 答案:A.
由But可知,是表达相反的方面,即"看到我独立成长很开心",那就说明他们还是有点担心的,所以A项Sort of符合句意.故选A.So what?那又怎么样?
By no means.绝不.No kidding?没开玩笑吧?

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9.Meaning of Happiness
"Are you happy?"I asked my brother,Lan,one day,
"Yes.No.It depends what you mean,"he said.
"Then tell me,"I said,"when was the last time you think you were happy?"
"April 1967,"he said,
It served me right for putting a serious question to someone who has joked his way through life.But Lan's answer reminded me that when we think about happiness,we usually think of something extraordinary,a pinnacle(顶点) of sheer (纯粹的) delight,(71)D
(72)A I remember playing police and robbers in the woods,getting a speaking part in the school play.Of course,kids also experience lows,but their delight at such peaks of pleasure as winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved.
In the teenage years,the concept of happiness changes.(73)GI can still feel the pain of not being invited to a party that almost everyone else was going to.I also remember the great happiness of being invited at another event to dance with a very handsome young man.
In adulthood the things that bring great joy-birth,love,marriage-also bring responsibility and the risk of loss.Love may not last; loved ones die.For adults,happiness is complex.
My dictionary defines"happy"as"lucky"or"fortunate".But I think a better definition of happiness is"the ability to enjoy something".(74)E It's easy to overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved,the company of friends,the freedom to live where we please,even good health.
While happiness may be more complex for us,the solution is the same as ever.Happiness isn't about what happens to us; it's the ability to find a positive for every negative,and view a difficulty as a challenge.(75)F

A.For a child,happiness has a magic quality.
B.You never know where happiness will turn up next.
C.So we chase it and make it equal to wealth and success.
D.And those pinnacles seem to get rarer,the older we get.
E.The more we can enjoy what we have,the happier we are.
F.It's not wishing for what we don't have,but enjoying what we do possess.
G.Suddenly it's conditional on such things as excitement,love,and popularity.
6.Biologists believe that love is fundamentally a biological rather than a cultural construct,because the capacity for love is found in all human cultures and similar behavior is found in some other animals.In humans the purpose of all the desire is to focus attention on the raising of offspring.Children demand an unusual amount of parenting,and two parents are better than one.Love is a signal that both partners are committed,and makes it more likely that this commitment will continue as long as necessary for children to reach independence.But what does science have to say about the notion of love at first sight?
In recent years the ability to watch the brain in action has offered a wealth of insight into the mechanics of love.Researchers have shown that when a person falls in love,a dozen different part of brain work together to release chemicals that trigger feelings of euphoria,bonding and excitement.It has also been shown that the unconditional love between a mother and a child is associated with activity in different regions of the brain from those associated with pair-bonding love.
Passionate love is rooted in the reward circuitry of the brain-the same area that is active when humans feel a rush from cocaine.In fact,the desire,motivations and withdrawals involved in love have a great deal in common with addiction.Its most intense forms tend to be associated with the early stages of a relationship,which then give way to a calmer attachment form of love one feels with a long term partner.
What all this means is that one special person can become chemically rewarding to the brain of another.Love at first sight,then,is only possible if the mechanism for generating long-term attachment can be triggered quickly.There are signs that it can be.One line of evidence is that people are able to decide within a second how attractive they find another person.This decision appears to be related to facial attractiveness,although men may favor women with waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7,no matter what their overall weight is.(This ratio may indicate a woman's reproductive health.)
Another piece of evidence comes from work by a psychologist at Ben-Gurion University,who found in a survey that a small percentage (11%) of people in long-term relationships said that they began with love at first sight.In other words,in some couples the initial favorable impressions of attractiveness triggered love which sustained a lengthy bond.It is also clear that some couples need to form their bonds over a longer period,and popular culture tells many tales of friends who become lovers.
One might also assume that if a person is looking for a partner with traits that cannot be quantified instantly,such as compassion,intellect or a good sense of humor,then it would be hard to form a relationship on the basis of love at first sight.Those more concerned with visual appearances,though,might find this easier.So it appears that love at first sight exists,but is not a very common basis for long-term relationships.
62.When a person falls in love,C.
A.he feels as if he were addicted to cocaine.
B.he will be committed to the beloved as long as necessary.
C.he will experience complex feelings brought on by different regions of his brain.
D.he will experience a calmer attachment form of love before he feels the extreme love.
63.We can infer from the passage thatD.
A.pair-bonding love comes from a long stable friendship.
B.the mechanism for creating long-term attachment ensures love at first sight
C.it is impossible for those ordinary-looking people to fall in love at first sight.
D.men may be attracted by a girl whose figure suggests her admirable reproductive capacity.
64.The underlined word"traits"in the last paragraph probably meansC.
B.something typical in your temper
C.particular quantities in your personality
D.attitudes that show your moral standards
65.Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?B
A.The stages of passionate love
B.The science of love at first sight
C.The biological construct of pair-bonding
D.The mechanism for generating long-term love.
13.About dancing bears
Young bears are captured in the wild,separated from their mothers,and taught by a trainer to become dancing bears in conditions of unimaginable cruelty.
The young animals are forced on to sheets of really hot metal and,(25)to escape (escape) the pain,the bears alternate lifting up one paw (爪子) and then another while music is played.The process is repeated again and again (26)until/before the animals automatically begin to raise their paws-to"dance"-in fear of the pain,even when there are no metal sheets.
As the bears get older,the trainers keep them under control by imposing pain.They do this by putting rings through the bears'highly sensitive noses and jaws.The pitiful truth is (27)that they are not put to sleep for this painful process.Chains (28)are attached (attach) to the rings so the trainers can control the animals,(29)which weigh up to 350kilograms,with only a slight pull on the chains.
The bears'nails are cut several times a year and their teeth broken or removed in order that they cannot get their trainers (30)injured (injure).The bears also suffer with an inadequate diet usually (31)consisting (consist) of white bread,sugar and cheap fruit juices.All these cause the bears serious physical health problems (32)so that many of them display strange behavior such as swaying (摇摆) and pacing as they cannot follow natural behavioral patterns and instincts.
13.When did you last visit a shopping mall?In many places,the answer would be"last weekend."Some people go even more often.Why?Shopping malls offer goods and services all in one place:food,clothing,things for their houses,entertainment,even medical services.So,are they one of the highlights of modern civilization?Environmental activists would say no and would go even further,arguing that consumer behavior is causing a huge environmental disaster.They cause consumers'ignorance of the side effect of their shopping----urban sprawl (蔓延).
Social scientists agree that patterns of development have changed the landscape a lot.Before 1950,most people lived in towns or cities and either walked to work or took public transportation.Only very wealthy people had automobiles.Farmers lived in rural areas or far-away villages and came into town only when they needed things they couldn't produce themselves.If you stared at the landscape you would see towns surrounded by the countryside.
Now automobiles become affordable and people are quick to make use of them.Ambitious workers could live in suburbs,just outside cities,which have started to grow rapidly.As long as there is lots of cheap land there,no one pays much attention to the usage of that land.Malls,fast food restaurants,cinemas,and such spread out in large,flat buildings.These one-storey buildings and their parking lots take up too much space.Many farmers think they are better off selling their land than growing crops.No one has realized once the land is built up in urban sprawl,the good farming land will be ruined forever.There is no way to preserve it.
Only in recent years have people come to miss the old way of life as they have looked into the problems of unconditional growth.Now people realize that urban sprawl has come with serious environmental problems.The bad effects that sprawl brings about include air and water pollution,loss of agricultural land,traffic jams,and so on.Many scholars think it's time to analyze the problems better so we can develop proper policies to control further sprawl.Some think the best way to do is to educate citizens.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)

78.What does the underlined word"They"refer to in the first paragraph?Shopping malls
79.In the past,farmers in the countryside only went to towns or cities tobuy things they couldn't produce themselves.
80.Besides the mobility made possible by automobiles,what other two factors have led to the unconditional growth?.Cheap land/Wrong (Wasteful) land usage and farmers'selling their (farming) land
81.Now people come to realize the importance of protecting environment and dealing with the serious problem brought about by(further) urban sprawl.

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