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Mike was a small boy£¬whom hated soap and water£®Three or four time every day his mother asked him to wash his dirty hands£®Mike only put his hands in the water for the few seconds and then took them out again without really wash them well£®One day Mike's aunt come to visit his parents£¬but she brought her small son£¬Ted£¬with her£®Ted£¬a year younger than Mike£¬he didn't like washing his hands£¬either£®When they were alone outside£¬Mike looked Ted's hands and then said proudly£¬"My hands are dirty than yours!""Of course they are£¬"Ted answered angry£®"You're a year older than I am£®"
·ÖÎö MikeÊÇÒ»¸öСÄк¢£¬Ëû²»Ï²»¶·ÊÔíºÍË®£¬Ã¿ÌìËûÂèÂèÒªÒªÇóËûÈýËÄ´ÎÈ¥ËûµÄСÔàÊÖ£¬Ã¿´ÎËû¶¼°ÑÊַŵ½Ë®Àï¾ÍÄóöÀ´£¬¸ù±¾Ï´²»¸É¾»£®Ò»Ìì¼ÒÀïÀ´ÁË¿ÍÈË£¬´øÀ´ÁËÒ»¸öСÄк¢Ted£®Ted±ÈMikeСһË꣬ËûÒ²²»Ï²»¶Ï´ÊÖ£®µ±ËûÃǵ¥¶ÀÔÚÍâÃæµÄʱºò£¬Mike¿´ÁË¿´TedµÄÊÖ£¬½¾°ÁµØ˵£º"ÎÒµÄÊÖ±ÈÄãµÄÔà"£¬TedÉúÆøµÄ˵£º"µ±È»ÁË£¬ÒòΪÄã±ÈÎÒ´óÒ»Ë꣡"
½â´ð Mike was a small boy£¬whom hated soap and water£®Three or four time every day his mother asked him to wash his dirty hands£®Mike only put his hands in the water for the few seconds and then took them out again without really wash them well£®One day Mike's aunt come to visit his parents£¬but she brought her small son£¬Ted£¬with her£®Ted£¬a year younger than Mike£¬he didn't like washing his hands£¬either£®When they were alone outside£¬Mike looked¡ÄTed's hands and then said proudly£¬"My hands are dirty than yours!""Of course they are£¬"Ted answered angry£®"You're a year older than I am£®"
3£®the¸ÄΪa£»¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê£¬a few Êǹ̶¨¶ÌÓÒâΪ"һЩ£¬¼¸¸ö"£¬ºóÃæ¸ú¿ÉÊýÃû´ÊµÄ¸´ÊýÐÎʽ£®
7£®È¥µôhe£»¿¼²é¾ä×ӽṹ£¬ÕâÀï¾ä×ÓµÄÖ÷ÓïΪǰÃæµÄTed£¬a year younger than MikeÊDzåÈëÓËùÒÔºóÃæҪȥµôhe£®
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-Oh£¬I _____ that£®I won't do it again£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | don't know | B£® | didn't know | C£® | won't know | D£® | haven't known |
A£® | Oh£¬don't say that again | B£® | Then you'd better see a doctor | ||
C£® | Well£¬I suggest you have a rest | D£® | But you should go up a bit |
Renee and I had been classmates since kindergarten£®She was always wherever I was and she was always £¨38£©A of me£®The school plays£¿Renee would have the leads£®Softball£¿She played first base£®Dance-class recital needs a big finish£¿Renee was £¨39£©D£®The only time I ever came in ahead of Renee was at roll call£¨µãÃû£©£®Hamond comes before Swanson£®I count that as a £¨40£©B£®
The choir concert tryouts were £¨41£©B for me£®We waited while Ms£®Jenkins called us one at a time into the choir room£®When Ms£®Jenkins got to the H's£¬my heart sped up and my whole body was shaking£®When I came back£¬Renee smiled at me£®Ms£®Jenkins called her name and Renee calmly followed her£®She was still £¨42£©C and smiling when she came out£®
When Ms£®Jenkins announced who£¨43£©D the choir group£¬I wasn't surprised when Renee's name was on her list and mine wasn't£®"So£¬"I said under my breath£¬"what else is £¨44£©A£¿"
Sudden clapping came£®Everyone was looking at me£®I've £¨45£©B something here£¬I thought£®Ms£®Jenkins looked at me£¬"Cindy£¬you will have to start £¨46£©C with me£®The solos take extra preparation£®"Solo£¿I got the solo£¿I glanced Renee smiling and giving me the thumbs-up sign£®
Now the day had come£¬we filed onto the £¨47£©B£®I was front and center£®The spotlight circled me in its bright light£¬but I £¨48£©D right there£®I couldn't breathe£®I couldn't think£®I couldn't sing£®The note started up and then£¨49£©B in my throat£®"You can do it£¬Cindy£¬"Renee whispered£®"I know you can£®"I wasn't as £¨50£©B as she was£®
My £¨51£©A came again£®I took a deep breath and sang out£®All that came out was a rusty-sounding squeak£¨´Ì¶úµÄÉùÒô£©£®But in that same moment£¬from behind me£¬came the pure tone of the right note£®Renee gave me a gentle poke£¨Çá´Á£©£®My voice lifted and £¨52£©C hers£®When the next note came£¬it was all me£®
The rest of the solo went well£®And when the concert was over£¬the applause was thunderous£®Renee was the first to hug me£®
"Thanks£¬Renee£¬"was all I £¨53£©D get myself to say£®
Renee smiled and gave me another hug£®"What are friends £¨54£©B£¿"
Friends£¿Did she say friends£¿
"You're right£¬"This time I hugged her£¬beginning to £¨55£©D the feeling of being her friend£®
36£®A£®song | B£®photo | C£®name | D£®writing |
37£®A£®refuse | B£®judge | C£®bear | D£®believe |
38£®A£®ahead | B£®proud | C£®afraid | D£®nervous |
39£®A£®cared | B£®picked | C£®blamed | D£®mentioned |
40£®A£®talent | B£®symbol | C£®treasure | D£®victory |
41£®A£®smooth | B£®stressful | C£®exciting | D£®disappointing |
42£®A£®patient | B£®serious | C£®calm | D£®frightened |
43£®A£®defeated | B£®led | C£®organized | D£®made |
44£®A£®new | B£®popular | C£®ready | D£®important |
45£®A£®regretted | B£®missed | C£®forgot | D£®expected |
46£®A£®playing | B£®performing | C£®practicing | D£®recording |
47£®A£®field | B£®stage | C£®steps | D£®floor |
48£®A£®rose | B£®relaxed | C£®waved | D£®froze |
49£®A£®went | B£®stuck | C£®sounded | D£®flew |
50£®A£®moved | B£®sure | C£®shy | D£®worried |
51£®A£®turn | B£®friend | C£®choice | D£®interest |
52£®A£®raised | B£®weakened | C£®matched | D£®beat |
53£®A£®dare | B£®might | C£®should | D£®could |
54£®A£®after | B£®for | C£®against | D£®with |
55£®A£®forgive | B£®mind | C£®consider | D£®love |
A£® | what | B£® | which | C£® | that | D£® | as |
A£® | the thief ran | B£® | were the thief running | ||
C£® | did the thief run | D£® | ran the thief |