
4.Two disabled Chinese citizens who have planted trees (61)voluntarily(voluntary) in Northern China have been voted (投票) by Chinese netizens as their inspiring heroes.
The vote(62)has been organized(organize) by Xinhua News Agency since 2011 to inspire moral strength in the public by highlighting the good deeds of ordinary people.The event is the first of its kind(63)to find(find) heroes among grassroots people.
Jia Wenqi and Jia Haixia,both of (64)whomare aged over 50,have arm and sight disabilities.Disabled   (65)as/thoughthey are,they have planted over 10,000 trees in Jingxing County over the past 13 years,preventing their village from flooding and (66)improving(improve) the environmental surroundings.
"I am his hands; he is my eyes,"says Haixia."We are good partners."
Fully (67)devoted(devote) to protecting the environment,they have turned the wasteland into a green one,which attracts(68)alarge number of birds.Planting trees has become an important part of their life.
Despite their disabilities,they form a great team that makes a huge(69)diffference(different).They deserve to be called eco-heroes (70)fortheir unusual effort and amazing deed!

分析 两中国残疾公民自愿在中国北方种植的树木,他们的事迹鼓舞人心.他们立志保护环境,八荒地变成了绿洲.

解答 61.voluntarily   考查副词.此处是用副词来修饰动词plant"自愿种树".
 62.has been organized  考查时态.根据时间状语since2011 可以判断出主句用现在完成时,又因为
 63.to find 考查非谓语.本句用动词不定式做定语修饰the first 句意:这次活动是第一次在基层人民中找到英雄.  
64.whom   考查定语从句.先行词是 Jia Wenqi and Jia Haixia,定语从句中both of后只能用whom.
65.as/though 考查连词.本句是让步状语从句,as/though引导的让步状语从句,句子可到装.句意:虽然他们残疾,但他们在过去的13年里在井陉县种了10000多棵树.
66.improving 考查固定短语.prevent…from doing 是固定短语"阻止某人做某事",improve与动词flooding是并列的,所以答案填improving.   
 67.devoted 考查非谓语.they与devote之间是被动关系 they are devoted,所以用过去分词在句中做状语.           
68.a  考查固定短语.a number of 是英语的固定搭配"许多大量".      
69.difference   考查名词.根据句子判断此处要填名词,difference是名词"不同".
70.for 考查介词.句意:他们应该被称为生态英雄,因为他们非凡的努力和惊人的行为.介词for表原因.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

14.Today is a perfect day that can leave you with good memories you may someday share with your friends.Here's how:
(71)B You can see or do something a million times,but you can only see or do it for the first time once.As a result,first time experiences usually leave a deep mark in our minds for the rest of our lives.So try to experience something different and you'll have more memories!
Work on something that's great to you.(72)G Life is short.Today is the day to take action.
Smile and notice what's right.Everything that happens in life is neither good nor bad.(73)C And no matter how it turns out,it always ends up just the way it should.Either you succeed or you learn something.
Be true to yourself.The only shoes you can wear are your own.If you aren't being yourself,you aren't truly living.(74)E
Make a new friend.People are interesting creatures (生物),and no two people are exactly alike.(75)D Find out what makes them different.They'll likely open your eyes to wonderful ideas.And you never know,they just might change your life.
Be present.Be here now.Remember,right now is the only dear moment to you.Right now is life.Don't miss it.
A.Learn a new skill.
B.Try something new.
C.It just depends on your opinion.
D.So meet someone new today.
E.And in fact,you're only existing.
F.Pay close attention to what you're doing.
G.Make yourself busy with something meaningful.
12.All flowers are beautifulOne lunchtime(41)B I was in the third grade will stay with me always.I had been picked to be the (42)C in the school play,and for weeks my mother had (43)A rehearsed (排练) my lines with me.(44)C no matter how easily I them at home,as soon as I stepped on stage,every word disappeared from my(45)D.
Finally,my teacher took me(46)B.She explained that she had written a narrator'part to the play,and asked me to switch roles.Her words,(47)Cpainful,especially when I saw my part go to(48)Agirl.
I didn't tell my mother(49)Bhad happened when I went home for lunch that day.But she sensed my(50)D,and instead of suggesting we should practice my lines,she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.
It was a lovely spring day.I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the clumps(土块)."I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds,"she said,(51)B a flower up by its roots."From now on,we'll have only roses in this garden."
"But I like dandelions (蒲公英),"I(52)A,"All flowers are beautiful,even dandelions."
My mother looked at me seriously."Yes,every flower gives pleasure in its own way doesn't it?"She asked thoughtfully.I nodded,(53)D that I had persuaded her."And that is true of(54)C too",she added,"Not everyone can be a princess,but there is no shame in that."
Over the next few weeks,with her constant(55)B,I learned to take pride in the role.Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking about what I would wear.
Backstage the night of the performance,I felt(56)C.A few minutes before the play,my teacher(57)A to me."Your mother asked me to give this to you,"she said,handing me a (58)D.Its edges were already beginning to curl and it flopped (沉重地躺下) lazily from its item.But just(59)B it,knowing my mother was out there and thinking of our lunchtime talk,made me proud.
After the play,I took home the flower I had put in the pocket of my costume.My mother pressed it(60)A two pieces of paper in a dictionary.
48.A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.others
57.A.came overB.turned overC.pulled overD.went over
59.A.glaring atB.looking atC.staring atD.watching
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21.What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?D
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22.What can we learn from the text?C
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9.Good friendships improve all aspects of our life,reducing stress,providing comfort and joy,strengthening our health,and preventing loneliness.Friendship is a two-way street.Being a good friend to others brings them all of the above benefits.(36)G  However,your old friendships may simply change over time as interests and situations in your life change.So friendships take time to form and take even more time and effort to deepen.Here are steps that can help,you be a good friend and keep your friendships growing.
(1)Be the friend that you would like to have.(37)C  Be reliable,thoughtful,trustworthy,and willing to share yourself and your time.
(2)Invest (投入) in the friendship.(38)D  Find things you enjoy doing with your friend and devote the time to doing them,even when you're busy or stressed.
(3)(39)A  Don't be too dependent or needy.Don't set too many expectations.Be sure not to abuse your friend's generosity.Everyone is unique (唯一的).Everyone needs to be alone or spend time with other people as well.
(4)Be forgiving (宽恕的).(40)E You should learn to forgive others.So when your friend does something wrong,don't keep blaming them.Try to find a way to get over,the problem and move on.It will often deepen the friendship between you.

A.Give your friend enough space.
B.Sometimes things don't go exactly as you expect.
C.Treat your friends just as you want them to treat you.
D.No friendship will develop without regular attention.
E.No one is perfect and every friend will make mistakes.
F.Good friends don't require you to always agree with them.
G.It also makes you feel needed and adds purpose to your life.
16.Do you know how to deal with failure at school?Four steps will help you get the most out of each failure and more on.
(36)D When you feel bad after failing,talk with your parents or good friends,or any other adult.Then decide to take the duty to improve yourself.Read the teachers'comments on your test carefully.
Ask yourself what you were trying to do and why you failed.(37)G Maybe you didn't have all the information you needed; maybe you made a mistake or a poor decision.If so,give yourself a pat on the back.Fewer people ever get something right the first time they try it,and often it takes them many times.(38)C Sometimes the failure isn't because of something you did or didn't do; it is someone else's fault.But don't spend time blaming them; instead,move on toward your goals.
(39)B.Review the situation to see what your choices are.There is a different between making a decision and giving up.Deciding to follow a better way is one thing; simply walking away means you really have failed.
Keep trying again.Successful people are different because they choose their next steps instead of just reacting to feelings.If a goal still important to you,figure out what to do and go after it again.(40)E.

A.No pains,no gains.
B.Don't give up easily
C.Failure is unavoidable
D.Remove your bad feelings
E.If it isn't,do your best on something else
F.Actually it was because you were very lazy
G.Usually it was because you were trying out a new skill or learning a new subject.
16.Icelanders have a beautiful tradition of giving books to each other on Christmas Eve and then spending the night reading.This custom is so deeply rooted in the culture that it is the reason for Christmas Book Flood,when the majority of books in Iceland are sold between September and December in preparation for Christmas giving.
"Books get attention here."Says Baldur Bjarnason,a researcher who has written about the Icelandic book industry.
The small Nordic island,with a population of only 329,000 people,is extraordinarily literary(文学的).They love to read and write.According to a BBC article,"The country has more writers,more books published and more books read,per head,than anywhere else in the world…One in 10 Icelanders will publish a book."
It seems there is more value placed on physical,paper books than in North America,where e-books have grown in popularity.One bookstore manager said,"The book in Iceland is such an enormous gift-you give a physical book.You don't give e-books here."The book industry is driven by the majority of people buying several books each year,rather than the North American pattern of a few people buying lots of books.
It sounds like a wonderful tradition,perfect for a winter evening.It is something that I would love to incorporate (吸收) into my own family's celebration of Christmas.

33.What do Icelanders do on Christmas Eve?A
A.They give books to each other and read books.
B.They buy a lot of books to read.
C.They check the mailboxes and send cards to friends.
D.They get together and sing Christmas songs together.
34.How many people in Iceland can be described as writers?B
A.329,000 B.32,900 C.3,290 D.3,290,000
35.What is the difference between Icelanders and North Americas on buying books?C
A.People in Iceland never buy e-books.
B.People in North America never buy physical books.
C.A few people buy a large number of books in North America.
D.In Iceland,everyone buys a large number of books each year.

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