
【题目】As the richest man in the world, Bill Gates is no stranger to success. So when the billionaire offers advice, it’s smart to listen. On Monday, Bill Gates hosted an “AMA” or “ask me anything” session(会议) on Reddit, during which a participant asked, “If you could give 19-year-old Bill Gates some advice, what would it be?”

Gates said: I would explain that smartness is not single dimensional and not quite as important as I thought it was back then. I would say you might explore the developing world before you get into your forties. I wasn’t very good socially back then, but I am not sure there is advice that would fix that--maybe I had to be awkward and just grow up...”

In short: Intelligence isn’t one-dimensional-and it’s not the only ingredient required for success.

This isn’t the only time Gates has given out advice on navigating your years as a young adult. One of his best pieces of wisdom comes from fellow billionaire and friend Warren Buffett: Keep things simple. In a 2009 interview with CNBC. Gates said: “You look at his calendar; It’s pretty simple. You talk to him about a case where he thinks a business is attractive, and he knows a few basic numbers and facts about it. And he knows a few basic numbers and facts about it. And if it gets less complicated, he feels like then it’s something he’ll choose to invest (投资) in. He picks the things that he’s got a model of, a model that really is predictive and that’s going to continue to work over a long-term period. And so his ability to boil things down, to just work on the things that really count, to think through the basics —it’s so amazing that he can do that. It’s a special form of genius(天才).”

1What can we learn about 19-year-old Bill Gates?

A. He was not a smart youth.

B. He overvalued the importance of smartness.

C. He had developed great social skills.

D. He thought intelligence was multidimensional.

2What’s Warren Buffett’s motto?

A. Keep learning. B. Keep things simple.

C. Intelligence isn’t one-dimensional. D. Intelligence is the key to success.

3What does the underlined phrase “boil things down” mean?

A. Take things down clearly and in detail.

B. Break things down into many smaller pieces.

C. Make things shorter by leaving out unnecessary parts.

D. Do things at a slower pace in order to be careful.

4What does Bill Gates think about Warren Buffett?

A. Hard to understand. B. Easygoing and talkative.

C. Fearless in investment. D. Wise and extraordinary.








推理判断题。当有人请他给19岁时的自己几点建设时他说“I would explain that smartness is not single dimensional and not quite as important as I thought it was back then.”(我会解释说,聪明不是单维的,不像我那时认为的那么很重要。)分析这话可看出,当时的他把聪明看的太重了,故B项正确。


推理判断题。根据最后一段中One of his best pieces of wisdom comes from fellow billionaire and friend Warren Buffett: Keep things simple.和盖茨的话“You look at his calendar; It’s pretty simple.”(你看他的日程表,相当简单)“And if it gets less complicated, he feels like then it’s something he’ll choose to invest (投资)in”(如果它变得不那么复杂,他觉得那是他会选择去投资的。)由这两句可推断出,Warren Buffett的座右铭为Keep things simple(化繁为简)。故选B。


推理判断题。根据下句“to just work on the things that really count, to think through the basics —it’s so amazing that he can do that.(只从事于那些真正重要的东西,从基本的方面去思考—-他能做到这一点真是太神奇了。)由此可知,他能抓住重要的事,去掉不必要的东西,故与C相符,故选C。




【题目】Like most of you, I’ve grown up with science putting it into my head that eating Cholesterol (胆固醇) is bad for us. My doctor has scolded me repeatedly for liking high-cholesterol snacks. But now, after 40 years of giving cholesterol such a rap, the scientific experts are reportedly ready to reverse (颠倒) themselves. Suddenly, we’re going to be told that high-cholesterol foods are not bad for us after all.

This isn’t the first time science reverses what it believes to be true, nor will it be the last. To optimists, the fluidity of science’s conclusions is a good thing - prove that science is always correcting itself in light of the very latest information. But a modem society that looks increasingly to science for not just what to eat, but also how to behave and what to think? How can we trust an authority that often changes its mind in extreme ways?

Science’s typical way isn’t limited to matters of nutrition. Go ahead and check it out for yourself by looking at the qualifiers used in the vast majority of honestly written science news articles. You’ll see that the stories are laced with weak words and phrases such as: some, in certain circumstances, probably, perhaps, may, could, tends, suggests, indicates, according to, is linked to, plays a role in. The grave problem I’ve observed over the years is that too often science and its reporters create the impression of certainty when none is proved. The cholesterol story is but one example of that make-believe certainty.

How much should we be concerned about this? A great deal, I believe, given science’s great and growing influence on our lives. At the very least, each of us needs to -understand that the scientific worldview — impressive as it surely is — is built on shifting sands. As Einstein once observed, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”

1The underlined part “giving cholesterol such a rap” (in Para. 1) means the author .

A. always promotes use of cholesterol B. sometimes stands for cholesterol

C. avoids cholesterol generally D. eats cholesterol regularly

2In the eyes of the author, changes in scientific statements .

A. are worrying B. are meaningless

C. are a good thing in a way D. are the major way to improve science

3According to the text, which of the following is NOT the word commonly used in scientific articles?

A. Likely B. Surely

C. Seems D. Appears

4What can be concluded from the passage?

A. Science can blind us.

B. Science need be open to doubt.

C. Science is not as important as thought.

D. Science should be built on experiments.

An old woman having lost the use of her eyes visited a doctor to heal (治愈) them. She made this 1with him in the presence of witness (证人) that if he could 2 her blindness, he should receive a sum of money from her, but if her disease 3, she should give him 4.
After the agreement was made, the doctor, time after time, 5 some of his medicine on her eyes, and on every 6 took something away, 7 all her property (财产) little by little. And when he had got all she had, he healed her and 8 the promised payment. The old woman, when she 9 her sight and saw 10of her goods in her house, would give him nothing. The doctor 11 his payment and as she still refused he finally decided to go to the court (法庭) and reported his case before the 12.
The old woman, standing up in the court, 13, “This man here speaks the 14in what he says, for I did 15 to give him a sum of money if I could recover my sight, but if I continued to be blind, I was to give him nothing. Now he says that I am healed. I, 16, think that I am still blind, 17 when I lost the use of my eyes, I saw in my house a lot of property and 18 goods, but now, though he 19 that I am cured of my blindness, I am not able to see a(an) 20 thing in it.”
(1)A.agreement B.medicine C.excuse D.decision
(2)A.discover B.prove C.cure D.operate
(3)A.escaped B.remained C.improved D.disappeared
(4)A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything
(5)A.used B.tested C.made D.found
(6)A.visit B.point C.tour D.scene
(7)A.accepting B.realizing C.examining D.stealing
(8)A.advised B.demanded C.commanded D.regretted
(9)A.recovered B.increased C.balanced D.lost
(10)A.all B.none C.either D.both
(11)A.depended on B.insisted on C.gave up D.picked up
(12)A.master B.officer C.police D.judge
(13)A.argued B.shouted C.laughed D.ordered
(14)A.lie B.truth C.secret D.answer
(15)A.promise B.refuse C.remember D.expect
(16)A.in the end B.by the way C.at present D.on the contrary
(17)A.like B.though C.but D.for
(18)A.valuable B.useful C.necessary D.modern
(19)A.says B.suggests C.supports D.congratulates
(20)A.pretty B.single C.latest D.important

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