
It’s not easy growing up. Growing up can be a real “pain” for some of us. We are always doing things that someone else makes us do and aren’t allowed to do all the things we like. Sometimes we feel sad, sometimes we are fearful, and sometimes we just don’t understand why we can’t stay young forever. But we should take a look back on all the hardships (苦难) in life with a positive attitude and learn from them. We should realize that all of our growing pains actually turn into growing gains!
Throughout our lives we are going to face many challenges and pains, but we should never let these obstacles keep us from following our dreams. We must overcome every obstacle one small step at a time.
As a young girl, my parents forced me to do so many things that I didn’t like. They made me learn to play the violin and then the piano. At that time I hated music and I also hated them. But looking back now, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons. Music has enriched (丰富) my life in so many ways. I now realize that my parents and teachers wanted me to have a better life than they did themselves.
We are all going to experience growing pains, but they are just part of our life. Think about how we would feel if we had no challenges and lived a life like that. Life would be really boring and meaningless. The future is ours! A little hard work and sweat never hurt anyone! If we realize that these pains are just small bumps (碰撞) on our road to success, we will realize that our growing pains are actually growing gains!
1. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. No pains, no gains
B. Growing pains and gains
C. Growing up is a pain         
D. Growing up is easy
2. The underlined word “obstacles” (in Paragraph 2) refers to things that _____.
A. make it easy for you to do sth        
B. make it difficult for you to do sth
C. make you happy                            
D. make you full of energy
3. What does the author now think about what her parents did for her in the past?
A. She is angry with them.                     
B. She is dissatisfied with them.
C. She is thankful to them.                  
D. She couldn’t forgive them.
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Growing pains are part of our life.
B. Our growing pains will finally turn into growing gains.
C. We should stop when facing many challenges.
D. Life without challenges is boring and meaningless.


III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共15小题,计15分)
found, may, of, led to, sometimes, rather than, mad, in fact, even if, different,
water, part, drink, as well as, natural, include, important, wherever

   Many tourists nowadays walk around carrying plastic bottles of water, even in cities. The bottles seem to have become an (71)________ fashion accessory(配件), and not only for tourists. (72)________, nowadays everyone seems to carry a bottle of water with them (73)________ they go. This fashion for being seen with bottled water, (74)________ called “designer water”, has (75)________ a massive(大量的) increase in sales over the past few years. There are now so many (76)________ brand names available in the shops that it is hard to choose.
    But why do some people prefer their water from a bottle (77)________ a tap? To start with, water forms a very important (78)________ of a healthy lifestyle. We are now advised to (79)________ two litres of water daily, (80)________ eating large quantities of fruit and vegetables. Besides this, designer water offers the promise (81)________ purity.
It is advertised as clean and (82)________, while tap water (83)________ be viewed with suspicion (怀疑).
But is there really any difference between bottled and tap (84)________? Surprisingly, in the USA it was (85)________ that bottled water was not always as pure as most ordinary tap water.

If we really want to be happy, why do we complain all the time in our daily life? We can be active in our life by setting goals and going   34   what we want. But if we’re always expressing complaints, we can not really live   35  .
If you don’t believe me,   36   how many times you complain about something or other in one day. Whether it is being stuck in traffic, being bothered by the weather, or whatever it is, there are endless   37   where you can find a reason to complain. But it’s not just outside circumstances   38   we complain about. We also complain about   39  . We complain constantly that we don’t have enough time, that we don’t have enough money and that we’re not   40   enough, cool enough, or just enough.
Most of us have experienced plenty of unpleasantness   41   complaining about things we can’t control, so do I. And I   42   really thought about it much until I found the website about “living in a complaint-free world”, which   43   my attitude towards life.
Imagine how   44   you would be if you simply stopped being a complainer.   45   of what you complain of is outside of your control anyway.   46  , it is no use thinking about something you have no power to change. When you   47   that you’re complaining, stop and ask yourself if you would rather complain, or be happy.
In our daily life, we have many choices. As Dale Carnegie puts it, any fool can criticize and complain but it takes character and   48   for the wise persons to live a complaint-free and happy life.
34.   A. without                B. against              C. after             D. over
35.   A. effectively                B. normally           C. casually             D. honestly
36.   A. scan                         B. evaluate            C. witness              D. count
37.   A. effects                            B. cases                 C. consequences     D. anecdotes
38.   A. that                         B. which               C. where               D. what
39.   A. yourselves                B. themselves         C. oneself              D. ourselves
40.   A. clumsy                     B. attractive           C. neat                  D. awesome
41.   A. due to                      B. in addition to     C. by means of       D. in spite of
42.   A. ever                         B. even                 C. never                D. once
43.   A. reflected                  B. strengthened      C. abandoned         D. changed
44.   A. awkward                  B. confident           C. awful                D. cheerful
45.   A. Few                         B. Little                C. Much                D. Many
46.   A. Therefore                 B. However           C. Otherwise          D. Anyway
47.   A. guarantee                 B. determine      C. realize               D. recommend
48.   A. dignity                     B. self-control        C. judgement         D. affection
One dark and stormy night, an elderly man and his wife entered the hall of a small hotel in Philadelphia, hoping to get shelter for the night.
The clerk, a friendly man with a beautiful smile, explained that there were three conferences in town. “All of our rooms are taken,” the clerk said, “but I can't send a nice couple like you into the rain at one o’clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to sleep in my room? It’s not a suite, but it will be good enough to make you comfortable for the night.” The couple agreed.
As the elderly man paid the bill the next morning, he told the clerk, “You are the kind of person who should be the boss of the best hotel in the United States. Maybe someday I’Il build one for you.” The clerk looked at them and smiled. The three of them had a good laugh.
Two years passed. The clerk had almost forgotten the incident when he received a letter from the elderly man, asking the clerk to pay him a visit. The elderly man met him in New York, and led him to the corner of the Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. He then pointed to a great new building there, a reddish stone one with watchtowers thrusting up to the sky, and told the clerk that it was the hotel he had just built for him to manage.
That wonderful building was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. And this young clerk whose names was George C. Boldt never foresaw the return of events that would lead him into the manager of one of the world's most attractive hotels.
56 .When the elderly couple left the hotel, they ________.          .
A .took what they said as a joke
B .wanted to build the same hotel in the future
C .hoped that the clerk would replace the boss of the hotel
D. thought the clerk was talented in managing hotels
57. Why did the elderly man build a hotel for the clerk?
A .He was grateful to the clerk.         B.They had a bet at first.
C.He wanted to please the clerk.        D. He wanted to sell the hotel.
58. According to the text, the clerk         
A. helped the couple because he thought they were poor
B. hoped that the old couple could give him a large amount of money
C. didn't expect to receive things in return from the old couple.
D. became rich, thanks to his own efforts
59. From the text, we can infer that        .
A. anybody can be a successful manager          B. old people are always very rich
C. good luck is always waiting for lucky people    D. kindness can bring a good return
60.What do you think of the clerk?
A. He was willing to help.                      B. He was very attractive.
C. He tried to make money for his hotel.         D. He liked making friends.

 Three armed robbers stole two Pablo Picasso prints from an art museum in downtown Sao Paulo on Thursday, which was the city's second high-profile art theft in less than a year. The bandits also took two oil paintings by well-known Brazilian artists Emiliano Di Cavalcanti and Lasar Segall, said Carla Regina, a spokeswoman for the Pinacoteca do Estado museum.
The Picasso prints stolen were "The Painter and the Model" from 1963 and "Minotaur, Drinker and Women" from 1933, according to a statement from the Sao Paulo Secretary of State for Culture, which oversees the museum. The prints and paintings have a combined value of $612,000, the statement and a museum official said.
About noon, three armed men paid the $2.45 entrance fee and immediately went to the second-floor gallery where the works were being exhibited, bypassing more valuable pieces, authorities said. "This indicates to us that they probably received an order" to take those specific works, Youssef Abou Chain, head of Sao Paulo's organized crime unit, told reporters at a news conference. The assailants overpowered three unarmed museum guards and grabbed the works, officials said. The robbery took about 10 minutes and the museum was nearly empty at the time. The assailants took the pieces — frames and all — out of the museum in two bags. The institution has no metal detectors.
In December, Picasso's "Portrait of Suzanne Bloch" and "O Lavrador de Cafe" by Candido Portinari, an influential Brazilian artist, were stolen from the Sao Paulo Museum of Art by three men who used a crowbar(铁撬棍)and car jack to force open one of the museum's steel doors. The framed paintings were found Jan. 8, covered in plastic and leaning against a wall in a house on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, South America's largest city. One of the suspects in that robbery — a former TV chef — turned himself over to police in January, who already had two suspects in custody(监禁).
56. What did the armed men steal on Thursday?
A. Two prints by Pablo Picasso
B. Two oil painting by Brazilian artists
C. Two prints by Pablo Picasso and two oil paintings by two Brazilian artists.  
D. Two prints by two Brazilian artists and two oil paintings by Picasso Pablo.  
57. Why didn't the thieves take other more valuable works?  
A. Because they didn't know that the other pieces were worth more.  
B. Probably because they had received an order for the prints that they took.  
C. Because they didn't have enough time.
D. Because they were in such a hurry that they couldn’t get them all.  
58. How many people were in the museum during the robbery?  
A. A lot. The museum was crowded.  
B. Not too many. It was almost empty.  
C. There were a lot of people outside the museum.  
D. Only three of them.  
59. According to the passage, which of the followings is TRUE?
A. In December, "Portrait of Suzanne Bloch" and "O Lavrador de Cafe" painted by Candido Portinari were stolen.  
B. There are steel doors and no detectors in Sao Paulo Museum of Art.  
C. Three robbers defeated three armed museum guards and took away the works on Thursday.
D. Three suspects in the first high-profile art theft in less than a year were arrested.  

Women’s roles have changed throughout the world in recent years, but nowhere so obviously as in America .As the roles of women have changed ,so have men’s .In many American homes today ,the husband still carries on his traditional role of breadwinner ,while his homemaker wife is in charge of the home and child—raising. But it is more and more common to find that the children are left in day –care centers or nursery schools while both parents work .The woman may earn as much or more money than her husband. At home ,household duties are shared in varying degrees by all family members .It is not unusual to find father cooking dinner ,cleaning the living room or changing the baby .Mother might be outside mowing the lawn or washing the car .Children have responsibilities ,too .One of the goals of the Women’s Liberation Movement has been to have both men and women share in childcare, housework and financial responsibility. Today many American women will not marry a man who is not willing to share equally in household responsibilities.
The high cost of living has made it necessary for many women to have jobs outside the home ,but women often choose to have jobs in order to use their skills and education or to seek a more fulfilling and interesting life .Many American women enjoy the independence that an outside job and the salary give men and even some women—sometimes are not for women working outside the home ,and in some cases ,a woman might be paid less than a man who performs the same job .American women ,however ,have met challenges(挑战)since pioneer days ,and they continue to work for true equality.
45.Many American women go out to work in order to            .
A.earn enough money to support the family
B.make their husbands share in the housework
C.enjoy independence
D.get more money than their husbands
46.What does sex discrimination mean, EXCEPT            ?
A.It’s harder for women to get a same job as men
B.Women get less paid than men at the same position
C.Women do most of the housework
D.Women have jobs outside house
47.         for the women to win true equality.
A.It’s impossible         B.It takes a long time
C.It’s greatly successful      D.It’s not difficult
48.From the text we known          .
A.women’s roles in the world have changed a lot but men’s roles haven’t changed
B.American women continued to work for their true equality
C.in all areas of American men and women got paid equally
D.most women began to work outside the home

Spring is just around the corner and it’s a time to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Here is a selection of festivals around the country that are a great excuse to travel and get back in the spring sunshine.
Dana Point Festival of the Whales
Dana Point, California
March 7 to 8 and 14 to 15, 2010
Each year, over two sunny weekends in March the town of Dana Point, California celebrates the return of migratory California gray whales to this part of the Pacific Ocean. Festivities include whale-watching, an arts festival and educational hands-on activities for the entire family. Prices start at $29 per adult and $19 for children. For more information, visit:
Chandler Ostrich Festival
Chandler, Arizona
March 13 to 15, 2010
Chandler is the center of ostrich ranching (鸵鸟经营) in the USA. You can see jockeys ride these feathered beasts around the ostrich track at Tumbleweed Park. General admission is $9 for adults, $8 for seniors, $7 for children aged 5 to 12 and kids 4 and under are free. For more information, visit:
Festival of Houses and Gardens
Charleston, South Carolina
March 19 to April 18, 2010
The Historic Charleston Foundation gives curious travelers the opportunity to explore gardens of some of the finest private residences in America. Each 3-hour tour (afternoons from 2 to 5 pm and evenings from 6 to 9 pm) lets you visit 8 to 10 properties dating from the American colonial period. Prices range from $25 to $45. For more information, visit:
Tulip Time Festival
Holland, Michigan
May 1 to 9, 2010
You don’t need to travel to the Netherlands this spring to see and smell some of the world’s finest tulips (郁金香). The annual Tulip Time Festival, one of the largest flower festivals in the country, will kick off with fireworks on May 1. Admission fee ranges from $6 for the children’s area to $38 for theatre tickets. Tickets and more information are available at:
60. A couple with their 4-year-old son will go whale-watching. They have to pay _____.
A. $58                         B. $38                        C. $48                   D. $77
61. The underlined word “jockeys” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.
A. judges                     B. children                   C. riders                      D. beginners
62. A group of travelers who want to have fun in mid-April will go to _____.
A. Festival of Houses and Gardens                     B. Chandler Ostrich Festival
C. Dana Point Festival of the Whales                  D. Tulip Time Festival
63. Which of the following is TRUE of Tulip Time Festival?
A. It is held in a town in the Netherlands.
B. It will start with fireworks on the first day.
C. It is the largest flower festival in the world.
D. Admission is free for children.
When nature is left alone, a balance is reached among the animals and plants living in one area. But when man starts his work in nature, the balance is likely to be destroyed. He grows a crop and takes it away to eat; then there are no dead leaves to fall on the ground, holding water while it sinks into the surface, or decaying (腐烂) and adding humus (腐殖质) to the soil. Unless a farmer acts with knowledge and skill, he is therefore most likely to make the land poorer. To take the place of the useful matter in the crops that he removes, he uses some kind of fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers are of great help, but the waste products of animals and decaying remains of plants should also be put on the land. In some places, it is a habit to burn waste material lying about, but such burning destroys the useful matter in the dead plants. Although the ashes that are left are valuable when put on the land, a better practice is to bury the waste so that it decays and increases the humus in the soil.
In the past, when the world population was much lower than it is now, a man had little difficulty in ordinary times in growing the food that was needed. When a field had been used some years and had become tired, the farmer could move to another place. The tired land then slowly recovered. Gradually grasses and other plants would appear on it and its productive power would slowly return to normal through their decay. But nature, left alone, would take a long time to bring back the land to its former state; the length of time required would depend on local conditions, but it might well be ten years.
It is a bad practice to grow the same crop in a field year after year. If the crop is changed, the land will suffer less because it is treated and used in a different way. Different plants have different effects on the soil. Therefore, a change of crop will do less harm than the growing of the same crop year after year and a regular change to grass will do good to the soil. Much will therefore be gained if different crops are grown one after another, a method known as the rotation (轮作) of crops.
72. According to the passage, the land will become poorer________.
A. if all the dead leaves are cleared away         
B. if the humus is increased after the harvest
C. if dead leaves decay in the soil by themselves   
D. if waste plant material lying about is buried
73. We can learn from the passage that the tired land has gradually recovered_______.
A. when grasses and other plants appear again
B. when the treatment is given by nature alone
C. after new grasses and other plants have decayed again
D. after nature has been left alone for several months
74. A modern farmer can hardly move to another place as he did before because_______.
A. the productive power of a new field isn't higher than that of an old one
B. there are few free fields left for him to do farming
C. it takes a farmer more than ten years to start farming in a new field
D. there will be too many grasses in a new field to grow crops
75. It is most likely that the author will go on to ______ in the paragraph following the passage above.
A. introduce other methods of planting crops       
B. deal with how to prevent land getting tired
C. start another topic of how to make use of land
D. explain what the rotation of crops is      

Young people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.
  Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and fun in work. Some teenagers work in the forests or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills.
  There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photo-taking or drawing. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to pass his free time.
  When people live together, they should have rules. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”
  One of the teenagers has said something about it, “You have to stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group.”
41. In one special program in New York State, young and older people_______.
 A. don’t work well together                                B. are friendly to each other
  C. teach each other new ways of building houses
 D. spend eight weeks together, working as farmers
42. All the members work some time every day mainly to________.
  A. lead a busy life                                           B. learn new skills of farming
 C. get used to the life on the farms                        D. find useful things and pleasure in work
43. Living together, ________.
  A. the teenagers don’t have to obey the rules
 B. the members have to obey the rules the adults make
  C. the members have no free time but on weekends
 D. the members should not break the rules they make together
44.The best title for the passage is________.
 A. The Rules of Living Together                 B. Life in New York State
 C. Teenagers and Adults Together          D. Free Hours in the Special Work Group 

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