
III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共15小题,计15分)
found, may, of, led to, sometimes, rather than, mad, in fact, even if, different,
water, part, drink, as well as, natural, include, important, wherever

   Many tourists nowadays walk around carrying plastic bottles of water, even in cities. The bottles seem to have become an (71)________ fashion accessory(配件), and not only for tourists. (72)________, nowadays everyone seems to carry a bottle of water with them (73)________ they go. This fashion for being seen with bottled water, (74)________ called “designer water”, has (75)________ a massive(大量的) increase in sales over the past few years. There are now so many (76)________ brand names available in the shops that it is hard to choose.
    But why do some people prefer their water from a bottle (77)________ a tap? To start with, water forms a very important (78)________ of a healthy lifestyle. We are now advised to (79)________ two litres of water daily, (80)________ eating large quantities of fruit and vegetables. Besides this, designer water offers the promise (81)________ purity.
It is advertised as clean and (82)________, while tap water (83)________ be viewed with suspicion (怀疑).
But is there really any difference between bottled and tap (84)________? Surprisingly, in the USA it was (85)________ that bottled water was not always as pure as most ordinary tap water.

71. important 72. In fact 73. wherever 74. sometimes 75. led to 76. different 77. rather than 78. part 79. drink 80. as well as 81. of 82. natural 83. may 84. water 85. found

Five thousand years ago, people thought that illnesses were the result of evil living in human bodies. They also believed that gods and superior spirits were punishing people through diseases. The practice of magic and witchcraft (巫术) was popular among many tribes, and charms (符咒) and images of gods to drive away the evil spirits were often used.
People also started using herbal(草药的) medicine and by trial and error (反复试验,不断摸索) learned how to cure stomachaches and fevers. They had a witch doctor in the community. He would treat people with simple herbal medicine and magic. Early medicine was practiced the way north tribal Indians did hundreds of years ago and the way some tribes practice it today.
The ancient Chinese believed that the body was ruled by two forces, which they called “yin” and “yang”. The body would become ill if one force overcame the other and the balance between them was changed. Acupuncture (针刺疗法) was the way to bring back the balance between the two.
Also sand painting was an important part of Navaho medicine. The medicine man paints loosely upon the floor of an earth-covered house, where the ceremony takes place, or on a buckskin (鹿皮) or a piece of cloth, by letting the colored sands flow through his fingers with control and skill.
Ancient Mesopotamians believed that diseases come either from an evil spirit or a physical problem, such as worms. The doctor would decide from which source the illness has come from and send the patient either to a herbalist or to a witch doctor.
Egyptians had a very advanced medicine. They would sometimes rely on the god’s power to receive healing, but they also treated illnesses and operated on minor health problems like snake bites. They sucked the blood from the wound and bound the affected limb to stop the poison from spreading.
66. The practice of magic and witchcraft was popular in ancient times because ________ .
A. people could avoid being punished by gods and superior spirits by doing this.
B. people thought they could avoid getting diseases in this way.
C. people believed the evil spirits could be driven away in this way.
D. people often got diseases and this way was very effective.
67. How many places are mentioned where early medicine existed in the passage?
A. Three.     B. Four.      C. Five.      D. Six.
68. From Paragraph 2 we can learn that ________.
A. people can cure lots of diseases by combining herbal medicine and magic.
B. herbal medicine is so effective that it can cure all kinds of diseases.
C. witch doctors treated people only with herbal medicine.
D. people tried lots of times to cure illnesses with herbal medicine.
69. Ancient Chinese people believed that ________.
A. diseases were the result of evil living in human bodies.
B. people would fall ill if the balance in human bodies was disturbed.
C. a medicine man could cure people’s diseases by sand painting.
D. diseases not only came from evil spirits but also were physical problems
70. The passage mainly tells us ________.
A. why ancient people became ill.
B. about the most advanced medicine in ancient times.
C. about the development of herbal medicine.
D. how ancient people cured their diseases.
完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Your parents have just told you the news­­—you’re moving to a new house. How in the world will you tell your friends?
First, CALM DOWN.  36   a while to ­­­catch your breath and let the news sink in before you call your friends. Make   37   you have the whole story before you start telling people.
38  friends who need to hear the news from you. Think about  39  you’d like to tell them, and when. A face-to-face talk may be the best way to let  40  frie-
nds know, but the phone may be fine for others.   41  after school or on a weekend is good. You don’t want to drop big news like this on your friends during the school day.
HOW SHOULD YOU START? Say something like, “I have some big news I want to share   42   you.” That will prepare your friend for what is going to come. Then say, “I’m    43  .” Tell him as many details as you know,  44   let him know how you feel about it.
Each friend will have a different   45  to the news, so BE PREPARED. Some girls may   46  crying. But some may get   47  , some may get silly, and some may give you the   48   that they don’t care.   49  happens, be sure to talk to your friends if the things they do and say   50  your feelings.
Ask friends not to tell anyone else   51  you say it’s OK. You could say, “Please don’t tell   52  until Monday.” That will give you a   53  to let close friends hear the news from you first.
Ask your parents for help if you need it. A(n)   54  may be able to help you
55   the right things to say and help you understand your friend’s reactions.
Take care of
Take notice of
Make a list of
Make use of
break down
give up
burst out
end up with
no one
figure out
give out
sort out
deal with

You would like to take good photographs of real-life situations but you have few ideas for pictures. I suggest that you look around you. The everyday world is full of scenes being played by an ever-changing group of actors. You probably passed a dozen picture situations without noticing on your way to work this morning.
The realistic approach to photograph has been perfected in the past by such masters as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Bill Brandt. But while you can learn a great deal from looking at the work of others, any success you can hope to achieve in this field has to come from developing an individual approach.
The main requirement for any photographer has little to do with technical matters. You must develop an awareness of the world around you and the people who live in it, and you should learn to notice when a situation may develop to a point where you will be able to take a gook picture. Those who have reached this happy state will be prepared when that moment comes, and will simply raise their camera quickly and shoot. Others who are not so aware will be struggling with camera cases and lens caps.
Film manufacturers must be delighted at the thought of the inexperienced photographer setting out in search of the right situation and the right moment. Many miles of costly material have passed through thousands of cameras as this endless search continues. But although a lot of this waste must be put down to inexperience, you’ll find that even the professionals have to use a lot of film when they are out shooting.
Not every shot(镜头;景) is going to be a winner. If you look at the work of even the best photographers, you’ll notice dozens of pictures have had to be taken only because they lead up to the successful shot of a situation that the photographer has obviously been observing through the lens. You may find that you have taken one or two pictures after the right moment has passed as well. There is seldom more than one shot which stands out. There is just one point where it all comes together, and you often have to waste film to catch that precious moment.
51. According to the passage, one can become a better real-life photographer by ________.
A. watching other photographers at work                  
B. learning about famous photographers
C. just taking a great many photographers          
D. developing skills and ideas for yourself
52. The writer thinks that a photographer is required to ________________________.
A. go out and search for unusual situations  
B. be highly skilled in camera techniques
C. be able to tell when a good situation might come
D. have a camera which is easy and quick to use
53. Most likely, to catch the tight moment, one must ________________________.
A. take pictures without too much preparation           
B. take a whole series of similar pictures
C. take great care to set up the situation                    
D. take one picture just at the right moment
54. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The waste of film in photography is essential to the production of good pictures.
B. Film manufacturers usually enjoy pictures by inexperienced photographers.
C. Only amateur photographers waste film in taking pictures.
D. The waste of film, which is the result of poor choice of subject, is expensive and unnecessary.
55. The passage is _________________________.
A. part of a book of camera instruction               B. an advertisement for film
C. a history of photography                               D. an introduction to photography

It’s not easy growing up. Growing up can be a real “pain” for some of us. We are always doing things that someone else makes us do and aren’t allowed to do all the things we like. Sometimes we feel sad, sometimes we are fearful, and sometimes we just don’t understand why we can’t stay young forever. But we should take a look back on all the hardships (苦难) in life with a positive attitude and learn from them. We should realize that all of our growing pains actually turn into growing gains!
Throughout our lives we are going to face many challenges and pains, but we should never let these obstacles keep us from following our dreams. We must overcome every obstacle one small step at a time.
As a young girl, my parents forced me to do so many things that I didn’t like. They made me learn to play the violin and then the piano. At that time I hated music and I also hated them. But looking back now, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons. Music has enriched (丰富) my life in so many ways. I now realize that my parents and teachers wanted me to have a better life than they did themselves.
We are all going to experience growing pains, but they are just part of our life. Think about how we would feel if we had no challenges and lived a life like that. Life would be really boring and meaningless. The future is ours! A little hard work and sweat never hurt anyone! If we realize that these pains are just small bumps (碰撞) on our road to success, we will realize that our growing pains are actually growing gains!
1. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. No pains, no gains
B. Growing pains and gains
C. Growing up is a pain         
D. Growing up is easy
2. The underlined word “obstacles” (in Paragraph 2) refers to things that _____.
A. make it easy for you to do sth        
B. make it difficult for you to do sth
C. make you happy                            
D. make you full of energy
3. What does the author now think about what her parents did for her in the past?
A. She is angry with them.                     
B. She is dissatisfied with them.
C. She is thankful to them.                  
D. She couldn’t forgive them.
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Growing pains are part of our life.
B. Our growing pains will finally turn into growing gains.
C. We should stop when facing many challenges.
D. Life without challenges is boring and meaningless.

I know what you’re thinking: pizza(比萨饼)? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last night’s leftovers in the a.m. if you want to.
I know lots of women who skip breakfast(不吃早餐), and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it. Some say they don’t have time; others think they’re “saving” calories(卡路里);still others just don’t like breakfast food . 
But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you’re trying to lose weight. “Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine Brooking R.D., who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year’s “SELF CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it’s loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece. 
Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories. Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who regularly have a morning meal.
So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast altogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers—it may sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can always eat it tomorrow,” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it. You may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat-burning effects.
68. The word “leftovers” in Paragraph 1 probably means_______. 
A. food remaining after a meal         B. things left undone
C. meals made of vegetables           D. pizza topped with fruit
69. What can we infer from the text?
A. Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B. Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast. 
C. There are some easy ways of cooking a meal. 
D. Eating vegetables helps save energy. 
70. According to the last paragraph, it is important to________. 
A. eat something for breakfast           B. be careful about what you eat
C. heat up food before eating it          D. eat calorie-controlled food
71. The text is written mainly for those________. 
A. who go to work early        B. who want to lose weight
C. who stay up late            D. who eat before sleep

A learning style is a way of learning. The styles which are often talked about are the Auditory(听觉的), Visual, and Tactile (触觉的) learning styles. Read about each of following learning styles to decide what your learning style is.
Are you an Auditory Learner?
Auditory learners learn best when information appears as sounds. Do you seem to learn best in classes where teachers speak more? Does listening to tapes help you learn better? Do you find yourself reading out loud or talking things out to gain a better understanding? If so, you are probably an auditory learner.
Are you a Visual Learner?
Visual learners learn best when information is presented as something such as a picture or a drawing. Do you do best in classes in which teachers do a lot of writing on the blackboard and make full use of the TV? Do you take written notes from your textbooks and in class? If so, you are probably a visual learner.
Are you a Tactile Learner?
Tactile learners learn best in hands-on learning settings in which they can use something or play with it in order to learn about it. Do you learn better when you touch or handle things? Do you do well in lab classes? If so, you are probably a tactile learner.
Your learning style is your strength. Go with it whenever you can. When you can choose a class, try to choose one that works best with your learning style. When you can choose a teacher, try to choose one whose teaching methods are the best match for your learning style.
65. How many learning styles are mentioned in the passage?
A. 2.         B. 3.            C. 4.            D. 5.
66. The underlined word “visual” in the first paragraph probably means “______”.
A. connected with one’s actions   B. connected with the sense of sight  
C. knowing by touching something  D. having good eyesight 
67. If you do well in lab classes, you are probably ______.
A. a Visual Learner           B. an Auditory Learner  
C. a Tactile Learner        D. an Active Learner
68. The last paragraph mainly tells readers ______.
A. how to choose good teachers and good classes
B. that learning styles are people’s strengths
C. how to choose good classes and good schools
D. that learning styles should go with classes and teachers



People tend to become more personal and hide less of themselves when using email. Researchers from Open University in Britain have found in a recent study that there are good reasons for this.
The team of researchers asked 83 pairs of students, all strangers to each other, to solve a problem. They had to discuss this question: If only five people in the world could be saved from a world disaster, who should they be? The pairs of students had to talk over the problem either face to face or by computers. Dr. Johnson said, “They told their partners four times as much about themselves when they talked over the Internet as when they talked face to face. When the computers were fitted with cameras so that students could see each other, this limited the personal side of the conversation.”
Generally the information was not extremely personal. It was mainly about things such as where they went to school, or where they used to live. But some students discussed their love stories, and personal childhood experiences.
Dr Johnson believes that emailing encourages people to focus on themselves. And when they do this, they become more open, especially if there are no cameras. “If you cannot see the other person, it becomes easier to talk about yourself. This is because you are not thinking what the other person is thinking of you. So emailing has become the modern way of talking,” said Dr. Johnson. However, this style of talking is not entirely new. “In the 19th century people started to use the ‘telegraph’ to communicate. Now the same kind of thing has happened and people ended up speaking more freely.”
Dr. Johnson thinks that emailers need to know about these effects of emailing, especially when they start work in a company. “ If you don’t know about it, you could find yourself saying more about yourself than you wanted to.”
60. The subject discussed in this passage is _______.
A. how people open up when emailing               B. how people do research studies
C. how to communicate at work                         D. how to discuss and solve a problem
61. The reason that some couples talked freely about themselves is that _______.
A. they didn’t talk about very personal things       B. they couldn’t see each other
C. the cameras on the computers were turned on   D. they had to discuss a question
62. What does the underlined sentence refer to?
A. The telegraph.          B. The computer.          C. Emailing.          D. Face-to-face talk.
63. In the writer’s opinion, one should ______.
A. focus on oneself when emailing                            B. talk more freely in emails than usual
C. discuss any subject that one wants to                     D. consider how one uses email at work

Kino, a poor fisher man, found a pearl (珍珠) which was    36    big as an egg and very beautiful. He set out for the nearest town to    37    it. He needed money very much to get    38    for his sick baby.
    The news that Kino had found the pearl spread (传播) the    39   . Every man suddenly became connected with Kino's pearl, and    40     went into the dreams, wishes and hungers (欲望)  of everyone.  Only one person  stood in the    41    and that was Kino,  who became every man's    42    .
     Before Kino reached the town, the pearl buyers somehow    43    he was coming and were    44    for him.
   Kino walked into the first shop. An old man    45    to have a look at the pearl. The old man's heart missed a beat (跳动) when he saw the pearl, but he took    46    not to show his excitement (激动). He looked at it for a moment and then said    47   a sad smile, “I'm sorry, my friend. It's too large. Nobody's going to    48    one like this. I can give you a thousand pesos (比索) for it.”
  “Go and    49    it to the other buyers, or I can ask them to come here if you    50   .” They soon came. They looked as if they didn't know   51    about the pearl. They    52    five hundred for it.
Kino    53     the pearl and left.    54    he never knew he was followed by a group of men who all had    55    with them.
36. A. so          B. too            C. very       D. as
37.   A. buy       B. sell            C. show      D. go with
38.   A. clothes       B. delicious food    C. sweets     D. medicine
39.   A. town      B. village              C. city        D. street
40.   A. they       B. he              C. it         D. which
41.   A. way       B. street         C. town      D. dream
42.   A. friend     B. enemy         C. follower     D. boss
43.   A. saw       B. realized         C. knew     D. recognized
44.   A. ready     B. worried         C. happy     D. afraid
45.   A. ordered      B. suggested      C. wanted       D. promised
46.   A. care       B. notice         C. attention     D. place
47.   A. on         B. in                  C. with       D. by
48.   A. want      B. get             C. carry      D. buy
49.   A. take       B. show          C. give       D. hand
50.   A. want      B. pleased          C. sell        D. like
51.   A. something  B. everything     C. anything     D. nothing
52.   A. gave      B. offered          C. paid       D. bought
53.   A. fetched      B. carried              C. brought      D. took
54.   A. But        B. Though         C. And       D. However
55.   A. pearls     B. money              C. guns      D. nothing

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