
Eat your vegetables. Wash your hands. Always say “please" and“thank you". We are full of advice for our children, but when it comes to money, we often have little to say. As a result, our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners, but without any idea how to manage their money.
Here are some basics that will help guide them their entire lives:
Show them the future. If your 13-year-old girl were to save$1,000,invest(投资)it at 8%and add$100 every month,by the time she's 65,she would have$980,983!
Be careful of credit(信用).Credit cards can help you buy necessary things and build a credit history,but they must be used responsibly, which means paying off your debt in time. Explain to your children that when you buy something using a credit card,you can easily end up paying two or three times what you would have paid if you used cash.
Teach patience. Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $150. Rather than paying the cash,give him some regular pocket money and explain that by putting aside,say $15 each week,he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.
Provide incentive. Tell your children the importance of saving.“For every dollar he or she agrees to save and invest rather than spend, you agree to add another dollar to the pot,”says Cathy Pareto, expert in money planning.
Explain your values. Values and money are deeply intertwined, says Eilleen Gallo, co-author of The Financially Intelligent Parent. When your child demands that you buy something, explain why you really don’t want to buy it.“You might say,‘I'd rather save that money for your education,”,advises Gallo. Every time you spend or don't spend money,you have a chance to share your values.
64. The underlined word“incentive" in paragraph 6 means _____.
A. honor          B. praise         C. excitement      D. encouragement
65. What leads the writer to write this article?
A. Parents want to know how to educate their children.
B. He wants to share his good ideas about money matters.
C. He thinks money management the most important for children.
D. Parents care little about their children's management of money.
66. The writer gives some basics to help __________ in a proper way.
A. parents teach their children how to deal with money 
B. children follow their parents' instructions
C. children manage their money                   
D. parents save their money
64---66   DDA  
Positive Thought—A Strong Tool of Success
Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs that arranged a running competition. The  36  was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had  37  around the tower to see the race and  38  on the competitors.
The race began. Honestly, no one in the crowd really  39  that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard  40  such as, “They will  41  make it to the top. Or: Not a chance that they will  42  . The tower is too high!”
The tiny frogs began falling,  43  , except for those, who in fresh tempo (速度) were climbing higher and higher. The crowd  44  to yell (大叫), “It’s too difficult!!! No one will make  45  !” More tiny frogs got tired and gave up, but one continued higher and higher and higher. This one wouldn’t give up!
At the end,  46  else had given up  47  the tower, except for one tiny frog. After a big  48  , he was the only one who reached the top! Then all the other tiny frogs  49  wanted to know how this frog  50  to do it.
A competitor asked the tiny frog  51  he had found the  52  to succeed and reach the goal. It turned out…that the winner was  53  !!!!
Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be  54  or pessimistic (悲观的) because they take your most  55 dreams and wishes away from you—the ones you have in your heart! You should always be positive and above all be deaf when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams!
36. A. dream                                B. end                                   C. result                     D. goal
37. A. prepared               B. gathered            C. started        D. hidden
38. A. cheer                  B. depend             C. call             D. turn
39. A. doubted               B. hoped              C. believed        D. predicted
40. A. statements                      B. lines                 C. orders        D congratulations
41. A. finally                    B. sometimes          C. always                             D. never
42. A. fail                     B. succeed             C. fight                    D. follow
43. A. one by one               B. hand in hand           C. year after year            D. up and down
44. A. stopped                B. wished              C. continued               D. forgot
45. A. that                   B. them               C. one                   D. it
46. A. nobody                B. everyone             C. something             D. a few
47. A. climbing                 B. building               C. painting               D. examining
48. A. rest                   B. decision               C. effort                 D. difference
49. A. politely                   B. carefully               C. naturally               D. seriously
50. A. pretended              B. tried                 C. happened                       D. managed
51. A. why                  B. how               C. when                    D. whether
52. A. strength                         B. power              C. secret                  D. bravery
53. A. blind                   B. disabled              C. dead                   D. deaf
54. A. positive                  B. negative              C. common                D. active
55. A. interesting                B. dangerous           C. wonderful              D. frightening

Divorce is bad for environment
US researchers raised a new theory on Monday: divorce is bad for the environment.
The global trend toward higher divorce rates has created more households with fewer People,
scientists at Michigan State University reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
More households means more houses,fuel and water are Heeded for them,the researchers  wrote.“Globally,the number of households is increasing much faster than the number ofpeople,”said co-author “Jack” Liu in a telephone interview. “Even in regions with declining populationn, we see substantial increase in the number of households. Divorce is the main reason for reducingthe number of people in a household,” he said.
The average divorced person’s household is about 40 to 50 percent smaller than the average married person’s household, Liu said. But whether there are three or six people in a house ,the amount of fuel needed to heat them is about the same. In the United States, divorced households used 74 billion kilowatt—hours of electricity and 2.850 trillion liters of water in 2005, half of which could have been saved if households had stayed the same size as when they were married.
In the United States and 11 other countries between 1998 and 2002, if divorced households had combined to have the same average household size as married households, there could have been 7.4 million fewer households.
The number of divorced households in those countries ranged from 40,000 in Costa Rica to
almost 16 million in the United States around 2000. The number of rooms per person in divorced households was 33 percent to 95 percent greater than in married households.
“If you really want to get divorced, maybe you can remarry with somebody else, or live together with somebody else you like”, Liu said.
1. In America when the number of households is_________, the number of people in a house is__________.
A. increasing, decreasing               B. decreasing, increasing
C. increasing, increasing                   D. decreasing, decreasing
2. What does the word “substantial” in the third paragraph mean?
A. Great        B. Little           C. Sudden                D. Timely
3. How much electricity would have been saved without so many people getting divorced in America in 2005?
A. 7.4 million kilowatt-hours                 B. 16 million kilowatt-hours
C. 37 billion kilowatt-hours             D. about 30 billion kilowatt-hours
4. The last paragraph is the writer’s_________for people.
A. advice            B. encouragement         C. demand          D. order
We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another. Then we get ___36___ because our children are not old enough, and that ___37___ will be well when they are older. Then we are frustrated ___38___ they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely we'll be ___39___ when they grow out of the teen years.
We tell ourselves our ___40___ will be better when our spouse(配偶)gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a ___41___, when we finally retire. The ___42___ is that there is no better time to be happy than ___43___. If not, then when? Your life will always be full of ___44__. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy ___45___it all.
For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start--real life.
But there was always some obstacle(挫折)along the way, an ordeal(苦难) to ___46___, some work to be finished, some time to be given, a bill to be ___47___. Then life would ___48___. It finally dawned on me that that those ___49___ were part of life. Little by little, that point of ___50___ also helped me see that there isn't any road to happiness.
Happiness is the road. So, ___51___ every moment. And bear in mind that ___52___ waits for no one. So stop ___53___ school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to ___54__ ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married,… before deciding to be happy.
Happiness is a voyage, not a destination. There is no ___55___ time to be happy than… NOW! Live and enjoy the moment.'
36. A. pleased        B. happy           C. frustrated   D. frightened
37. A. we             B. they            C. all         D. nothing
38. A. because        B. but             C. so          D. and
39. A. luckier        B. happier         C. older        D. healthier
40. A. life           B. study           C. children      D. condition
41. A. rest           B. bath            C. breath        D. vacation
42. A. idea           B. opinion         C. truth         D. thought
43. A. before         B. ever            C. just then     D. right now
44. A. challenges     B. troubles        C. awards        D. chances
45. A. instead of    B. in addition to    C. in spite of     D. up to
46. A. meet with     B. go ahead        C. turn to        D. get through
47. A. paid          B. got             C. asked         D. printed
48. A. end           B. start           C. reward        D. appear
49. A. achievements  B. obstacles       C. duties         D. opinions
50. A. view        B. life            C. position         D. condition
51. A. work        B. study           C. enjoy            D. wait
52. A. happiness   B. time            C. age              D. road
53. A. asking for  B. supposing       C. waiting for        D. hoping for
54. A. gain        B. reduce          C. weigh            D. enjoy
55. A. worse       B. better          C. more             D. less
         Men usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act as they like. No one, however, can have his own way all the time. A man cannot live in society without considering the interests(利益) of others as well as his own interests. “Society” means a group of people with the same laws and the same way of life. People in society may make their own decisions, but these decisions ought not to be unjust(不公平) or harmful to others. One man’s decisions may so easily harm another person. For example, a motorist may be in a hurry to get to a friend’s house. He sets out, driving at full speed like a competitor in a motor race. There are other vehicles and also pedestrians (行人) on the road. Suddenly there is a crash. There are screams and confusion. One careless motorist has struck another car. The collision(碰撞) has injured two of the passengers and killed the third. Too many road accidents happen through the thoughtlessness of selfish drivers.
We have governments, the police and the law courts to prevent or to punish such criminal acts. But in addition, all men ought to observe certain rules of conduct. Every man ought to behave with consideration for other men. He ought not to steal, cheat, or destroy the property(财产) of others. There is no place of this sort of behavior in a civilized society.
51. A man cannot have his own way all the time because________.
A. he may have no interest in other people
B. he has to share the same interest with the people in the same society
C. his decisions are always unjust            D. his decisions always harm other people
52. According to the passage, people in a civilized society should usually______.
A. be honest to each other                         B. be cautions in doing everything
C. behave in a responsible way                 D. punish criminal acts
53. The purpose of this passage is to_________.
A. tell people how to behave in society  
B. illustrate the importance of laws
C. teach people how to prevent criminal acts
D. persuade people not to make their own decisions
54. It is implied that there will be fewer road accidents if_______.
A. the drivers are more considerate(体贴的) of other people
B. there are fewer cars or walkers in the street
C. the motorists are not always in a hurry
D. the passengers are calm but not confused before the accidents
55. We can draw a conclusion that_______.
A. the government should contribute more efforts
B. the criminals should be more severely punished
C. man should be more strict with himself
D. man should have more and more similar interests

Because of the development of agriculture, the area of land affected by sand has gradually increased. During the 1950s and 1960s the land affected by sand expanded on average into 1,600 square kilometers per year. By the 1990s, the area had reached 2,500 square kilometers per year.  This kind of situation is particularly serious in many regions upwind(逆风的) from Beijing. Fengning City in Hebei Province and Duolun City in Inner Mongolia lie to the north of Beijing, and in the last 50 years the population of these two cities has grown by 2 to 3 times. In order to obtain more resources, the inhabitants have been busy with  heavy farming, tree-cutting and keeping animals. The result is that the soil which has sustained damage, and the sand layer below the earth is now exposed on the ground and the ground is rapidly being controlled by the spread of sand.
China has already noticed this problem, and has take measures to save the land. Nowadays, some land used for farming has returned to forestland and grassland. The Chinese government announced that it would invest more than RMB 600,000,000 to control Beijing’s sandstorms in the coming years. Only by decreasing the damage caused by man and restoring the natural environment will it be possible to well control the sources of the sand and dust. We hope in the not-distant future, we will solve the problem successfully and effectively.  
63. Compared with 50s and 60s, the land affected by sand increased by _____ square kilometers by the 1990s.
A. 1,600        B. 2,500         C. 900          D. 1,100         
64. Which of the following is NOT the cause of the damaged land?                      
A.People use the resources too much.
B.People keep animals which need more grain.
C.People prepare too much land to grow crops.
D.People cut a lot of forests and raise animals.
65. The major measure that Chinese government has taken is _____.                                                          
A.controlling the growth of the population     
B. making better use of natural resources
C. killing fewer animals and cutting fewer trees   
D. returning some land to forestland and grassland
66.According to the passage, it can be inferred that _____ was the major factor of the environmental damage.
A. man       B. animal      C. nature    D. desert 
It is a typical case. A young professional has just moved to a new city. She is very active in her new job but wishes to meet people socially outside of work. How does she do this?
  Signing up for a night class is always a good starting point. Not only is it an ideal way to meet like-minded people,it can also be a great new learning experience. Pubs and clubs can be a good meeting place but can be a bit hard if you are on your own.
  Join a gym
  GL-14 health club in Manchester city centre is a gym which also has lots of member activities outside the gym from charity fashion shows to dinner dances giving members a chance to socialize away from the treadmill(繁忙的工作). Or if you want a gym with a difference,try a“Green Gym”for people who want to exercise but wish to be outdoors and doing something that will benefit the environment at the same time. The“work out”could involve such activities as practical conservation or gardening work. It’s a great way to get people’s heart and muscle working. And many agree that meeting other people and having a matter and a laugh is a big attraction of the scheme.
  Reading groups
  In the Reading Groups,Jenny Hartley suggested that there may be as many as 50,000 people in reading groups in the UK. They range from informal groups of friends or colleagues who meet in someone’s home or at the local pub,to discuss a book. If you want something a bit more structured,lots of libraries have reading groups and could have a broader group of members.
  The BBC recently conducted a survey called Going solo:single life in the 21st century. You can look at the overall results or search by area. It found that:
  *69% of people thought that the gym was a good place to meet new
  *Pubs or clubs were considered to be good meeting places by 58% of people in the UK
  *68% thought that work was a good place to meet people
  *72% thought that internet chat was not an ideal way to meet people
(  )56.“Green Gym”in Paragraph 3 refers to an activity in which you can________.
A.have night classes with like-minded people
B.do something good for the environment on your own
C.discuss a book with other members at a pub
D.benefit the environment while doing outdoor exercise
(  )57.Which of the following is a Green Gym activity?
A.Gardening work.         B.Chatting on the Internet.
C.A charity fashion show.    D.A dinner dance away from the treadmill.
(  )58.What’s the most popular place to meet new people outside of work?
A.Pubs or clubs.  B.The Internet.  C.The working place. D.The gym.
The phone is ringing at the other end of the line and it clicks as it is being answered.A voice says quickly, “Hello, will you hold, please?” Then there is another click, followed by silence.It seems like hours before someone comes back on the line ---- that is, if you don't hang up first.
Office calls are, perhaps, the most difficult and the most important part of a secretary's work.The first impression that a man receives about a business is often through a telephone contact.A caller who is left hanging on “hold” will get the feeling that he or she has been forgotten or ignored.If a call is answered rudely, the caller may become angry.And if the call is not routed directly to the right person, the caller may feel that he or she is getting the “run-around”.
Laura Needham is a secretary in the executive offices of a large manufacturing company.As a good office secretary, Laura knows that all phone calls must be answered without delay and handled efficiently. She knows that a secretary must be pleasant and helpful, no matter how busy she is or what kind of feeding she may be in.She knows she must keep calm if a caller gets impatient or becomes angry; also, of course, she knows she can never allow herself to lose her temper (脾气).If she does not have the information the caller asks for, she must know who does have the information.Finally, she knows that one of her most important responsibilities(责任)is to “screen telephone calls” and to know which calls to refer to her boss, which calls to refer to other people, and which calls to handle herself.
A well-handled telephone call will give the caller a good impression of the company he or she is dealing with.For this reason, an office secretary who can handle telephone calls cheerfully, tactfully (老练的), and efficiently is a valuable asset  to any organization
63. Good secretaries find it       to handle office calls well.
A. very. boring           B. very important
C. quite necessary         D. extremely difficult
64. The underlined word "nmaround" here means       .
A. a flat refusal              B. a not-so-warm welcome
C . an unpleasant refusal                    D. an unhelpful response
65. In Laura's opinion a secretary can never be a good one until     .
A. she often asks her boss how to answer a telephone call
B. she knows how to please all the people
C. she has the information that others need
D. she can keep calm and never loses her temper
66. This passage is mainly about     .
A. well-handled telephone calls                                    ,~
B. an efficient office secretary called Laura Needham
C. the importance of how office calls are dealt with
D. a secretary being a valuable asset to her company

More than 10,000 people were made homeless in Ternang when the Sungai Mas overflowed its banks yesterday after six days of continuous heavy rain.
The wooden bridge across the river has been washed away. The town is cut off by flood waters. At the fifth mile, Jalan Tengkn, the water is two meters deep. It is closed to all traffic. Flooding first happened at mid-afternoon yesterday along the river banks. People trying to get to higher ground were just in time to escape the destroying of the flood. Most of the flood victims(受害者) had to leave all their things behind.
The National Flood Relief(救济) Center was reported to give its help and by early evening the whole town was moved out, helped by the army, police, Red Cross Society and volunteers(志愿者).
The flood victims are now housed in different simple relief centers in the nearby town of Ternang. “Everything possible is being done to help the unlucky people,” a government spokesman said, “In fact, money, food and clothing have begun to come in from public organizations and helpful people. A Disaster Relief Fund(救灾基金会) will be started as soon as possible.”
According to the latest reports it is still raining heavily at Ternang. The whole town is expected to be wholly covered by the water. So far no deaths have been reported.?
64. This passage is probably taken from ______.
A. a storybook              B. a textbook         C. a magazine        D. a newspaper
65. It seems that the flood happened just because ______.
A. the banks were too low                   B. the wooden bridge across the river was broken
C. the river was too narrow                 D. they had had wet days for some time
66. From the passage we know that ______.
A. though the town was flooded, you could still go there by bus
B. as soon as the water flowed over the banks, people began to go to higher lands
C. the government and the whole society are taking great care of the flood victims
D. the flood hasn't brought a large loss to the town as nobody died in the flood
67. What is the best title for this passage?
A. A Big Flood                                                B. Ternang Is in Danger
C. Over 10,000 People Are Homeless                 D. Great Help Is Needed

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