I am writing this letter to thank you for the guidance you gave me£®I was a perfectly stranger when reaching this city£®Once I lost myself for not know the way in a downtown street£¬although I stopped to ask some people for help£®As you knew£¬this is the first time for me to come up to this big city£®
I bought a guidebook£¬and there were still difficulties in going round the city£®The streets and shops puzzled me too much that I would rather stay indoors£®It is your valuable guidance which has enabled me go about the city without losing myself£®Now I begin to know how to take the proper buses£®Yesterday I went to downtown with some of my schoolmates for shopping£®
Lessons will begin after a few days£®I will come over to see you some days next week and tell you everything that has happened to me£®
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½â´ð I am writing this letter to thank you for the guidance you gave me£®
I was a perfectly stranger when reaching this city£®
Once I lost myself for not know the way in a downtown street£¬although I stopped to ask some people for help£®
As you knew£¬this is the first time for me to come up to this big city£®
I bought a guidebook£¬and there were still difficulties in going round the city£®
The streets and shops puzzled me too much that I would rather stay indoors£®
It is your valuable guidance which has enabled me¡Ägo about the city without losing myself£®
that ¼Óto
Now I begin to know how to take the proper buses£®
Yesterday I went to downtown with some of my schoolmates for shopping£®
Lessons will begin after a few days£®
I will come over to see you some days next week and tell you everything that has happened to me£®
6£®which¸ÄΪthat£®Ç¿µ÷¾äÐÍ£¬it is¡that/who¡
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A | ![]() | 2012 Mayans predicted that the earth would come to an end in 2012£®In the film£¬Jackson Curtis worked as a writer and was told the disaster would ruin the whole world£®So£¬he took his families to the Noah's Ark to avoid the disaster£®However£¬there were so many people who wanted to board it that many of them died£® |
B | ![]() | Roman Holiday A Princess makes a goodwill tour of Rome£®She is tired of the responsibility and demands of the role she has played£¬so she escapes and meets up with a newspaper journalist on a street and then they spend a whole day playing together and give us a romantic love story£® |
C | ![]() | The Shawshank Redemption In 1947£¬a man named Andyis was put into prison because he was thought to murder his wife£®He was sentenced to life sentences at Shawshank£®There£¬he spent 20 years digging a way with a rock hammer to escape from the prison£®Finally£¬he was free and lived in a costal town£® |
D | ![]() | The Pursuit of Happiness Every day£¬Christ had to work hard from morning till night£¬but still could hardly make a living£®With the failure of his business£¬Christ had no money to pay for the rent and lived a poor life£®However£¬Christ never gave up and believed that the happiness would come one day£® |
E | ![]() | Alice In Wonderland Alice£¬a beautiful 19-year-old girl£¬is to be married to a man who has a rich family£®At the engagement party£¬she escapes and falls down a hole in the garden where there are talking animals£¬villainous queens and knights£® |
F | ![]() | The Day After Tomorrow Professor Jack Hall predicts that new Ice Age will soon come because of the global warming£®Then the northern part of America will be covered by snow£®He tries to save the world while also trying to get to his son£¬Sam£¬who was in New York City attending a competition£¬when the city was overwhelmed by coldness£® |
61£®Tom is a boy who likes adventure£¬and he likes to watch a film full of a superhero£®Sometimes£¬he dreams of saving the earth£®F
62£®Jack is a boy who lacks perseverance in his study£¬so he wants to watch a film including a person who gets success by his long-time efforts£®C
63£®Lily is a girl who likes some romantic things£®She always likes to watch a film filled with love stories£®B
64£®Lucy is a girl who likes animals very much£®She wants to see a film where she can see a lot of lovely animals£®E
65£®David is a boy who always fails in the exam£¬so he wants to see a film where there is a person who keeps a positive attitude towards life£®D£®
Before that December day a/an£¨42£©Bbaby deer had been abandoned in the woods behind the Dotson's home£®So£¨43£©Dwas the little deer that he hadn't the strength to run from Maggie's father when he£¨44£©Dhim£®£¨45£©Dhe carried the little deer towards their home£¬Maggie rushed outside and £¨46£©Arubbed the little deer's nose£» it licked £¨Ìò£© Maggie's hand£¬which made her laugh£®Mr£®Dotson smiled and just shook his head£®He proceeded to carry the little deer to the £¨47£©B£®
In what seemed like a few seconds to Mr£®Dotson£¬Maggie rushed to the house and came back carrying a medical bag£¬and a £¨48£©Cof lettuce £¨Ý«ÜÄ£© she had £¨49£©Bfrom the refrigerator£®Maggie handed her father the bag£¬and then placed the lettuce by the little deer's mouth--but he wasn't £¨50£©D£®
As Mr£®Dotson placed a £¨51£©Daround the little deer's injured hoof £¨Ì㣩£¬Maggie became excited as the little deer began to bite on the lettuce£®It was dark outside and the temperature was quite £¨52£©A£®Maggie insisted that her father return with carrots and warm blankets for him£®He promised he £¨53£©B£®
After he£¨54£©Cthe light in the garage£¬Maggie turned to her father and said£¬"I'm going to name him Paxton£¬Daddy£®
With time and £¨55£©A£¬Maggie finally gained the little deer's£¨56£©D£®In fact£¬he was soon eating carrots right out of her hand£®And when the holidays were over and Maggie was back in school£¬she never left £¨57£©Bfeeding Paxton first thing every morning£®
Mr£®Dotson could see the£¨58£©Cthat his daughter felt for the little deer£®That scared him£¬£¨59£©D£¬because he knew Maggie would never be able to say £¨60£©A£®So when his hoof had finally healed£¬Mr£®Dotson came home early one afternoon to set him free£®
41£®A£®asked | B£®advised | C£®told | D£®meant |
42£®A£®lost | B£®injured | C£®escaped | D£®freed |
43£®A£®weak | B£®sick | C£®tired | D£®frightened |
44£®A£®threatened | B£®scratched | C£®witnessed | D£®approached |
45£®A£®Before | B£®Since | C£®While | D£®As |
46£®A£®gently | B£®slightly | C£®toughly | D£®voluntarily |
47£®A£®house | B£®garage | C£®woods | D£®backyard |
48£®A£®row | B£®mouthful | C£®handful | D£®basket |
49£®A£®stole | B£®grabbed | C£®threw | D£®kept |
50£®A£®absorbed | B£®engaged | C£®satisfied | D£®interested |
51£®A£®ingredient | B£®label | C£®restriction | D£®bandage |
52£®A£®freezing | B£®warm | C£®hot | D£®normal |
53£®A£®could | B£®would | C£®should | D£®might |
54£®A£®turned up | B£®turned on | C£®turned off | D£®turned out |
55£®A£®persistence | B£®recognition | C£®sequence | D£®sacrifice |
56£®A£®appetite | B£®security | C£®awareness | D£®trust |
57£®A£®except | B£®without | C£®after | D£®until |
58£®A£®beauty | B£®bridge | C£®bond | D£®bitterness |
59£®A£®therefore | B£®thus | C£®still | D£®though |
60£®A£®goodbye | B£®good night | C£®hello | D£®apology |
A£® | cabbage | B£® | narrow | C£® | famous | D£® | tradition |
Job Title | Children's Science Presenter |
City/Town | Nationwide |
Company Name | Sublime Science |
Pay | ¡ê30per hour |
It is a unique position that you will never forget£®Enjoy entertaining and educating children by making sweets and earn a great income while having fun!
No particular background in science is required as full training is provided£®Enjoying working with children is far more important£®Looking for people right away!
Hours are flexible but the majority of work will be at weekends with only occasional weekday opportunities£®The role would be perfect as a part-time opportunity£®
Don't Miss Out-Click the"Apply Here"button to see a video of what it's all about!
"I thoroughly enjoy doing my events£®No party is ever the same but you can be sure that it'll be good fun£®The children love getting involved and the parents are always appreciative£®I love working with Sublime Science and I'm sure you would too£®Fill in the application form now!"
Laura from Sublime Science
Qualifications Required£º
•A Typical Event£ºYou will travel directly from home to a pre-booked science party for around 15-20children aged 5-12£®You'll need to arrive in good time to set up the equipment and greet the guests£®All events vary but they typically last from 1to 2hours£®
•Essential£ºEnjoying working with children aged 5-12£®
Reliable fully insured car£®
Happy to work regularly at weekends£®
Don't miss out an awesome job-Click"Apply Here"Now!Applications welcome from anywhere£®
36£®If you work from 9a£®m£®to 2p£®m£®with a break hour for lunch£¬you will getD£®
37£®The people who want to apply for the job shouldC£®
A£®be flexible in the working hours
B£®have received teaching training
C£®enjoy working with children
D£®have relative background in science
38£®What's the purpose of Laura's wordsC£¿
A£®To explain a typical but difficult event£®
B£®To make the passage more interesting£®
C£®To encourage more people to involve£®
D£®To give advice to parents and children£®
39£®What can we learn from the passageA£¿
A£®The age of children in Sublime Science ranges from 5to 12£®
B£®People can only apply for the position as a full-time job£®
C£®The applicants don't need to set up the teaching equipment£®
D£®The class periods in Sublime Science vary from 1to 2hours£®
40£®In which column of the Internet could we find this advertisement£¿A