【题目】A.to love, protect and care for (sb or sth that is important to you)
B.a building or object made in ancient times
C.to move from one place to another
D.a very famous person or thing considered as representing a set of beliefs or a way of life
E.the state of being well-known
F.a book, document, or other composition written by hand
G.the act of getting land, power, money, etc
H.born into the highest social class
I.an area that is strongly defended by a military group
J.a possibility or likelihood of sth happening
【1】“acquisition”意为“获得,取得”之意。通读选项,G项“the act of getting land, power, money, etc”意为:获得土地、权力、金钱等的行为。与之相对应。故选G。
【2】“antiquity”意为“古老,古代; 古迹,古物; ”。通读选项,B项“a building or object made in ancient times ”意为:古代建造的建筑物或物体。与之对应。故选B。
【3】“cherish”意为“珍惜,爱护”通读选项,A项“to love, protect and care for (sb or sth that is important to you)”意为:爱,保护和照顾(某人或某事对你很重要)。与单词相对应。故选A。
【4】“fame”意为“名声,名望”通读选项,E项“the state of being well-known”意为:总所周知的状态。与之对应,故选E。
【5】“high-born”意为“高出生”,通读选项,H项“.born into the highest social class
【6】“icon”意为“偶像”,通读选项,D项“.a very famous person or thing considered as representing a set of beliefs or a way of life”意为:被认为代表一组信仰或生活方式的非常著名的人或事物。与之对应,故选D。
【7】“manuscript”意为“手稿,原稿”通读选项,F项“a book, document, or other composition written by hand”意为:手工写的书,文件或其他作文。与之对应,故选F。
【8】“migrate”意为“迁移”。通读选项,C项“to move from one place to another”意为:从一个地方移动到另一个地方。
【9】“prospect”意为“前景,期望”。通读选项,J项“.a possibility or likelihood of sth happening”意为:某件事发生的可能性。与单词相呼应。故选J。
【10】“stronghold”意为“要塞,根据地”。通读选项,I项“an area that is strongly defended by a military group”意为:军事集团强有力保卫的地区。与单词对应。故选I。