There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external(外部的) result or product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a promotion, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language--- all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.
By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since by definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they go through new experiences and unexpected obstacles. In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.
In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to be faced with the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail” at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow.
These feelings of insecurity and self – doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we do not face and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.
1.A person is generally believed to achieve personal growth when______..
A.he has given up his smoking habit
B.he has made great efforts in his work
C.he is interested in making anything new
D.he has tried to determine where he is on his journey
2.In the author’s eyes, one who views personal growth as a process would______.
A.judge his ability to grow from his own achievements
B.succeed in climbing up the social ladder
C.face difficulties and take up challenges
D.aim high and reach his goal each time
3.When the author says “a new way of being” (para. 3), he is referring to _____.
A.a new way of taking risks
B.a new approach to experiencing the world
C.a new system of adapting to change
D.a new method of finding ourselves
4.For personal growth, the author may not support __________. .
A.curiosity and more chances
B.being quick in self – adaptation
C.open – minded to new experiences
D.avoidance of internal fears and doubts
1.推理题:根据第一段中“People have generally viewed personal growth as an external result or product that can easily be identified and measured”人们通常把个人的成长视为非常容易识别和衡量的外在结果。因此正确的选项应该是一件完成的事情,而非在过程中。显然四个选项中只有A选项是确定性的结果,其他三项都还处于过程中。故选A。
2.细节题:根据第三段中“In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to confront the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may "fail" at first”为了成长、为了走上新的旅途,人们需要有承担风险、面对未知世界、接受初次失败可能性的意愿。四个选项中只有C符合题意。而其余三个选项的内容在原文中都没有相应的表述。故选C。
3.推理题:划线部分句意是“当我们尝试新的生存方式时,我们如何看待自身,是我们能力成长所必不可少的”, “a new way of being” 生存的新方式指的是探索世界的新方式。故选B。
4.细节题:根据最后一段中“These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow”如果我们希望改变、成长,那么这些不安全和自我怀疑的感觉是不可避免和必不可少的。D选项与原文意思相反,是正确选项。而A、B、C选项在第三段的三个问句和回答中都有所体现。故选D。