


What causes traffic jams? Too many cars,right? No! Some Brits are now saying that trafficlights are to blame for much of the congestion.

They suggest that traffic lights be removed at busy roads.They believe people are a better judge of when it’s safe to go,not a traffic light programmed by an absent regulator.

A report from the Institute of Economic Affairs,a UK think tank(智囊团),argues that

abolishing traffic signals would decrease congestion,reduce exhaust(废气)emissions(排放)and improve safety.

The report said that removing lights should also prevent other bad behavior caused by signals.such、as speeding up to catch a green light It would also avoid the wasted time when drivers have to sit at a red light even if no one is using the green

The idea may sound strange,but it’s not new.Seven cities and regions in Europe are experimenting with no-lights roads.

Drachten in the Netherlands has gotten rid of 16 of its traffic light crossings and changed the other two to roundabouts under a“shared space”scheme.At crossings, cyclists dutifully raise their arm when they want to make a turn,and drivers follow a first.arrived,first.through approach and communicate by hand signs,nods and waving.The result? Typical journey time has been cut in half and accidents and congestion have mostly disappeared.

There have been small collisions but no problem,said Hans Monderman,creator of the scheme.“We want small accidents,in order to prevent serious ones.It works well because it’s dangerous.The driver has to be responsible for his or her own risk

 “The many rules take away the ability to be considerate”Monderman added.“We’re losing our responsibility for socially responsible behavior.”

 So far,Drachten’s locals have called the experiment a success.“I am used to it now,”said Helena Spaanstra.24.“You drive more slowly and carefully.but somehow you seem to get around town quicker.

    Tony Ooostward,70,was equally enthusiastic.“I am a walker and now you are the boss at the crossroads,everyone waits for you.But at the same time walkers wait until there are a number of people wanting to cross at the same time.”

    Owen Paterson,UK’s Shadow Transport Minister。visited Drachten.He said Britain should learn from the model.“The idea is to create space where there is mild anxiety among everyone so they all behave cautiously.No one drives fast along a busy street thinking that they have right of way.”

The model is being tested in London’s Kensington neighborhood.

6.Abolishing/Removing/Abandoning Traffic Lights?

77.Much congestion/Traffic jams    78.Advantages/Benefits

79.Improvement of safely          80.Avoiding wasting time

81.Measures/Actions              82.Results

83.Saving more time               84.responsibility becoming stronger





第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


Recently divorced in my 30s, I had no job and was on my way downtown on a rainy day to go to the employment offices. I had no umbrella, for my old one had   21   apart, and I couldn’t afford another one.

I sat down in the streetcar — there against the   22   was a beautiful silk umbrella with a silver handle inlaid with gold and bright enamel(珐琅). I had never seen anything so lovely. I

  23   the handle and saw a name on it. The   24   procedure would have been to turn in the umbrella to the conductor, but I decided to take it and find the   25   myself.

I got off the streetcar in a downpour and   26   opened the umbrella to protect myself. Then I searched a telephone book for the   27   on the umbrella and found it. I called and a lady answered. Yes, she said in   28  , that was her umbrella, which her parents, now dead, had given her as a birthday present, but it’d been   29   from her locker at school years before.

She was so excited that I forgot I was looking for a job and went   30   to her house. She took the umbrella, her eyes filled with tears. I was only too happy to see her get back the lost umbrella, and get a job she offered me.

21.A.taken                      B.torn                        C.broken                    D.fallen

22.A.seat                        B.door                       C.engine                    D.floor

23.A.watched                  B.shook                     C.examined                D.tested

24.A.usual                      B.ordinary                 C.normal                   D.odd

25.A.thief                       B.owner                     C.robber                    D.keeper

26.A.hopefully                B.helpfully                 C.carefully                 D.slowly

27.A.name                      B.number                   C.address                   D.brand

28.A.happiness                B.disappointment        C.laughter                  D.surprise

29.A.robbed                   B.stolen                     C.taken                      D.hidden

30.A.simply                    B.calmly                    C.directly                   D.suddenly



L = Lucy   J = Jim

L : Oh, I’ve just had a (76) t        day today.        76.     

J : What (77) h         ?                 77.     

L : Well, I overslept in the morning. I didn’t hear the       

   (78) a        clock.                    78.     

J : Oh, everyone does that once in a (79) w          79.     

L : I was late for class, so I drove a little (80) f       . Guess who saw me?


J : A policeman? You got a ticket?

L : Yeah. He didn’t care that I was late. Anyway, I got to class,

   (81) b        I had brought the wrong book. The teacher wasn’t     81.     

   (82) h         .                  82.     

J : That’s really had.

L : What’s (83) w        , I have a paper due tomorrow. It’s on a 83.     

Hard drive (硬盘). I went to the computer lab and I couldn’t

(84) f          my file. I forgot to save the information.       84.     

J : Oh, not!

L : And now I need to go home. And you know (85) w       ?       85.     

   My car keys are missing.

The British people either don’t care or are kept in the dark regarding    31   country’s colonization overseas. When you talk to an average Britisher, he doesn’t seem to know   32    about his country’s glorious days as a result of colonization one or two generations ago. When Britain handed over Hong Kong in 1997, the Hong Kong press went to London and tried to get a sense of the popular mood by interviewing students and business people in the streets. Most of them didn’t know    33   handover event took place. Some expressed surprise to hear the question. Some even thought that Britain returned Hong Kong to Japan! For the British people to know: Hong Kong is a big deal    34    it’s a tiny dot on the map. HK was the most successful British colony, maybe the longest   35     ( keep ) too. Certainly, HK   36   ( bring ) a lot of money to the British Treasury, to the business elites, and to a lot of English civil servants who had worked there before. All you need is to look at the HK government    37      ( office ) records, the salary scales of English officials, the subsidized housing they got, and the    38    ( retire ) benefits they enjoyed. Remember the British colonial government in HK ran continuous huge surpluses every year, a clear sign that they were not spending the money  _ 39  they earned it. The money was deposited in the British Treasury and major banks. If you are a responsible English citizen, you should ask where the surplus money went, if it didn’t go to  40       ( serve ) the people.

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