
2.One day,our teacher told us that we could have an exam and asked us to go over our  lessons carefully.However,my friend Lisa spends too much time playing computer games.As the result,she had no time to prepare and wanted to copy my answers.I   refused her and she became angry with me.In that exam,she got low scores by  copy another student's answers.She was happy and I advised her to tell the teacher  the truth.She was even angry.It was later when she realized her fault and  apologized to the teacher.From then on,I helped her a lot of with her studies and  she made great progress.Not until then she understand what friendship was.

分析 文章讲述了作者的朋友Lisa在一次考试中作弊的事情.Lisa因为玩游戏而没有认真准备考试,所以在考试中抄袭别人得了高分.我建议她告诉老师真相,她也意识到了自己的错误.能帮助别人改正错误,这才是真正的朋友.

解答 One day,our teacher told us that we could have an exam and asked us to go over our
lessons carefully.However,my friend Lisa spends too much time playing computer 
games.As the result,she had no time to prepare and wanted to copy my answers.I
refused her and she became angry with me.In that exam,she got low scores by
copy another student's answers.She was happy and I advised her to tell the teacher
copying                                                            but
the truth.She was even angry.It was later when she realized her fault and    
                                   angrier                     that
apologized to the teacher.From then on,I helped her a lot of with her studies and  
she made great progress.Not until then∧she understand what friendship was.
3.the改为a.冠词错误.as a result固定短语,结果.
8.when改为that.连词错误.it was…that…构成强调句型,对时间状语later进行强调.
9.of去掉.介词错误.句中a lot修饰谓语动词helped,在句中作状语.
10.加did.倒装句错误.not until加状语位于句首时,句子要倒装;句中的谓语是实意动词且表示过去,要添加助动词did构成倒装.

点评 短文改错题考查的是语境理解能力和用法基础知识.常考的知识点有:名词(单复数错误),动词(时态,语态,搭配,转换),代词(指代错误),形容词和副词(转换,比较等级),连词(and,but,or)等.偶尔也会考查逻辑错误,如本来用her,却用了his等等.解题是要注意:以句子为单位,以动词为中心.看句子要看完整,避免句子前后矛盾的错误;找错误要以动词为主,动词或与动词有关的错误占了改错的题的重要一部分.

13.There is a growing number of kidults---or adults who wear the mask of maturity but prefer to pander(迎合) to their inner child.
     They feel ill equipped for parenthood,because they don't see what values or lessons they could honestly pass on to their young,besides self-centeredness and a passion for the good things in life.They are trying to live by not acting their age.
    As Ms Jane put it in her letter:I am married,in my late 20s and enjoy a lifestyle other married graduate couples enjoy:winning and 2016 dining,tasteful clothes,travel and a career.Why give up all these for a baby?
    It is reported that when asked whether they were adults,most people in their 20s answered they were not sure.This reflected a global economy in which people chased more papers to get better jobs that would comfortably support middle class living.
    Being a kidult is not all about being selfish,though.With the untold uncertainties of war,fluctuating(波动)markets,disease and terrorism,many see this world as a poor place to live in-let alone bring kids up in.This seems especially so in urban living.All anyone wants after a long,hard day at work is some peace and quiet.
    My classmate,Jenny,mused(沉思)recently how our friends living in small Malaysian towns were onto their second or third kids.Maybe they just loved having children around.Or maybe,in their own way,they wanted to leave the world a better place than they found it.
     That's how you,I and everyone know we have the chance to breathe air,touch grass and see sky.I think out parents understand that just being alive is an experience worth passing on.
28.What is a kidult in the writer's opinion?B
A.A person who doesn't have a child       
B.An adult who actually has a psychology of a child
C.A child who doesn't want to grow up     
D.A person who doesn't know that what values he has
29.What does the underlined word"paper"in Para.4 mean?C
A.money          B.reputation         C.qualification         D.power
30.The author explains the kidult phenomenon byD
 A.presenting research findings  
B.making comparison  
C.showing her own experience  
D.using examples
31.We can learn from the text that kidultsA.
A.know little what they can pass on to their children   
B.are sure of their abilities for good life
C.living in urban can enjoy more peace             
D.living in small towns know well what they're living for.
10.The best job in the world?
Chocolate consultant
This could well be the best job for anyone with even the (51)C passion for chocolate-and yes,jobs like these really do exist.There are lots of different types of chocolate consultant.Louise Thomas has worked in the chocolate industry for two years and has been (52)D about chocolate.She became (53)B by the lack of education and awareness regarding fine chocolate,so started her own company to share her love of the cocoa bean.She now runs tastings to find a(n) (54)A chocolate for every customer or to extend their range.If you don't yet have what it takes to be a chocolate consultant,you can still work with chocolate as a pastry chef.
LEGO (55)D
Who hasn't at some point in their life sat down in front of a box of Lego and (56)B building (or helping someone else to build) a fantastic creation in multi-coloured blocks?For some people this becomes more than just something you did as a kid.Lego has a number of(57)A who work with the company to create sets and build models for them.They work against fairly tight budgets and thematic restrictions,and are based in Legoland Discovery Centres around the world.However,competition for the jobs is (58)A,with estimates varying as to exactly how many there are in the world-from 9to 30.The latest one to get a job was 23-year-old Andrew Johnson,and then competed in a tough three-round build-off,(59)B 45other competitors.If you love childhood toys but don't fancy building them,why not consider working in a toy shop?
Shark tank cleaner
Window cleaning is probably not the most fun of professions.However,add in the requirement to share your job with a lot of sharks while simultaneously (同时地) (60)C by a crowd of people,all of whom are no doubt secretly hoping at least one of the sharks is feeling a little hungry,and suddenly the (61)B levels rise up a level or two.However,if you want to work with fish,perhaps the job would be a good choice.
Professional sleeper
(62)C you're addicted to your alarm o'clock or spend all day at your desk yawning and drinking cups of coffee to stay awake,then maybe you should consider turning your comments into a profitable career.Believe it or not,you can actually get paid to wear the pajamas.(63)D,these professional sleepers participate in a lot of university studies on sleep or dreams,etc.to decide whether the beds are comfortable or not.In 2009during an art show at The New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York,women were paid to sleep as part of a"living art"exhibition,so you never know (64)C you could be asked to rest your head next.If you enjoy your sleep,you probably want to (65)A jobs that lead to sleep withdrawal.

56.A.taken upB.set aboutC.given offD.got in
59.A.cooperating withB.beatingC.discussing withD.encouraging
64.A.whyB.how longC.whereD.how often
7.When we were growing up in our grandparents'home,Jack,my grandfather,was always in his room sitting in the chair and listening to the radio.The voices speaking from the metal box day and night,taught us that there was a larger world outside.He would roll the black dial (刻度盘) back and forth until the signal was clear.Then he would listen.
Now he is old and falls ill.When I went to visit him,he said to me,"I dislike the Internet.The problem is that we're losing primary contact with each other.No more shaking hands.Everyone is so busy.We want too much and in the process of getting it we miss so much."He stopped for a while."It makes me lonely and sad."Then he looked at me,"I just want to hear your voices."
I think of all the voices on the radio he has spent a lifetime listening to.I asked,"How did you become interested in radio?""I don't know,"he said."It was another way to reach people.I was always interested in searching for a better signal,a clearer,more powerful signal that could communicate with someone somewhere."
"And I'll tell you another funny thing:you can electronically  eliminate all kinds of noise from the signal,but you can't remove natural noise caused by thunder and lightning,rainstorms,or snowstorms."
He closed his eyes and smiled."I was just thinking that in spite of all our technologies,maybe we haven't progressed that far as human beings.We shouldn't forget we still have the same basic needs."

56.What did Jack use to do in his room?(No more than 15words)
He used to sit in the chair,listening to his radio.
57.Why did Jack roll the black dial back and forth?(No more than 5words)
To find a clear signal.
58.How is Jack feeling now?(No more than 10words)
He is feeling lonely and sad.
59.What does the underlined word"eliminate"in Paragraph 4mean?(1words)
60.What should you do to solve the problem of losing direct contact with others?
(No more than 20words)
We should reduce the time we spend on the Internet and find more time to communicate with others..

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