¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ÇëÒÔ¡°We Are What We Eat¡±ÎªÌ⣬ÓÃÓ¢Óïдһƪ¶ÌÎÄ£¬ÄÚÈÝ°üÀ¨ÒÔÏÂÐÅÏ¢£º

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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÒûʳϰ¹ß£º eating habits ΪijÈËÌṩijÎprovide sth. for sb.

ÓªÑøÎnutrient (n.) µÖ¿¹£ºprevent (v.) ¾ùºâÒûʳ£º balanced diet

We Are What We Eat


We Are What We Eat

Nowadays people are paying more and more attention to healthy eating habits. There are many good reasons for it. First, a good eating habit provides the nutrients that we need to keep healthy. Meanwhile, studies have shown that a healthy diet is important in the prevention of many diseases.

On the other hand , if we have a bad eating habit, like never having breakfast or eating too much sugar, it can lead to serious problems such as getting too fat .

In fact, everything we eat can be either beneficial or dangerous to our health. So let¡¯s try to keep our diet balanced. After all, we are what we eat..


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Robert Owen was born in Wales in 1771. At the age of ten he went to work. His employer had a large private library so Owen was able to educate himself. He read a lot in his spare time and at nineteen he was given the job of superintendent(¼à¹¤) at a Manchester cotton mill. He was so successful there that he persuaded his employer to buy the New Lanark mill in Scotland.

When he arrived at New Lanark it was a dirty little town with a population of 2,000 people. Nobody paid any attention to the workers¡¯ houses or their children¡¯s education. The conditions in the factories were very bad. There was a lot of crime and the men spent most of their wages on alcoholic drinks.

Owen improved the houses. He encouraged people to be clean and save money. He opened a shop and sold the workers cheap, well-made goods to help them. He limited the sale of alcoholic drinks. Above all, he fixed his mind on the children's education. In 1816 he opened the first free primary school in Britain.

People came from all over the country to visit Owen¡¯s factory. They saw that the workers were healthier and more efficient than in other towns. Their children were better fed and better educated. Owen tried the same experiment in the United States. He bought some land there in 1825, but the community was too far away. He could not keep it under control and lost most of his money.

Owen never stopped fighting for his idea. Above all he believed that people are not born good or bad. He was a practical man and his ideas were practical. ¡°If you give people good working conditions¡±, he thought, ¡°they will work well and, the most important thing of all, if you give them the chance to learn, they will be better people.¡±

¡¾1¡¿For Owen, his greatest achievement in New Lanark was _____________.

A. improving worker¡¯s houses

B. helping people to save money

C. preventing men from getting drunk

D. providing the children with a good education

¡¾2¡¿From the passage we may infer that Owen was born ___________.

A. into a rich family B. into a noble family

C. into a poor family D. into a middle class family

¡¾3¡¿We may infer form the passage that no children in Britain could enjoy free education until ___.

A. 1771 B. 1816 C. 1825 D. 1860


Lately, there is a rising trend in families choosing to homeschool their child than send their child to a traditional educational institution. Let¡¯s look at some of the benefits of homeschooling.

1. Flexible Schedule

Homeschooling enables a flexible schedule. ¡¾1¡¿ With homeschooling, your child can start homeschooling at 9 am or later depending on your preferred schedule. You can schedule your child¡¯s homeschooling education as you see fit with materials or subjects that may be not available in a traditional school.

2. Individual Attention

With homeschooling, your child gets all the individual attention. For example, if your child is weak in maths, you could devote more time and energy to teaching maths. Your child¡¯s homeschooling schedule can be adjusted for that. For example, if your child is better at science than at maths, simply devote more homeschooling hours to maths and cut back on science. With homeschooling, the choice is yours. ¡¾2¡¿

3. Family Activity

The schooling of the child can become an extended family activity. Examples are field trips and experiments. Plus, the child also receives more quality time with his/her parents. ¡¾3¡¿ The child is also free of any negative peer pressure or influences.

4. ¡¾4¡¿

With homeschooling, the child does not need to prove his/her abilities to other children. Parents are able to plan the learning program according to his strengths and weakness.

Parents can also change the curriculum to suit the learning style of the child. ¡¾5¡¿ Some children even learn better from experiencing or seeing things in action.

A. No peer pressure

B. Religion Learning

C. Traditional schools can¡¯t do that.

D. There is more time for family bonding.

E. For example, the child needn¡¯t wake up at 7 every morning.

F. Plus, it is quite impossible to provide individual attention to all students.

G. For example, some children learn better from reading while others need to write.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿James Cameron was born in a small town in Canada on August16,1954. At 15 he discovered what he wanted to do with his life. ¡¾1¡¿ The movie was Stanley Kubrick¡¯s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Cameron set his hope high. ¡¾2¡¿ But he didn¡¯t know anything about cinema. What¡¯s more, he lived far away from Hollywood, the place for him to realize his dreams.

__¡¾3¡¿__ His father told him they would be moving to California and living only a few miles from Hollywood. At that time, he had a great desire to attend film school, but his family couldn¡¯t afford it. So he went to study physics at Fullerton College.

Before long Cameron dropped out of college and began earning his living as a truck driver. But he still hadn¡¯t given up his dream of becoming a movie maker. His first professional film job was an art director in 1980, and in 1984 he wrote and directed the Terminator. ¡¾4¡¿_ after it came a series of successful science fiction action films.

Cameron now could do whatever he wanted. He had several projects in mind, including Titanic. ¡¾5¡¿ But it ended up earning almost $ 2 billion. After Titanic, Cameron started making Avatar in 2005. It took his team two years just to do the technical research, but the movie has become another huge success.

A. It was a huge success.

B. He wanted to make movies.

C. Cameron had to face the facts.

D. This movie cost $ 200 million to make.

E. owever, Cameron got a lucky break in 1971.

F. It happened one night after he saw a movie.

G. They used high technology to get the effects they wanted.

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