

1Why have many people done everything possible to make sure the test goes smoothly?

A. Because the students have less choices now.

B. Because the test has become more important than in the past.

C. Because the test is an important and life changing event.

2What is TRUE about traffic control during the Gaokao?

A. It lasts for a long time.

B. It aims to create a peaceful environment for students.

C. It does not only happen around the examination sites.

3What is the most important lesson students should learn before graduation?

A. Respect other people's interests.

B. Don’t be too sensitive to the Gaokao.

C. Depend on themselves in life.

4What is the speaker's attitude toward traffic control in the end?

A. Negative. B. Positive. C. Uninterested.


1 C

2 B

3 A

4 B


Every year, around 9.4 million Chinese students take the Gaokao. Although young people have more choices nowadays than in the past, the test is still an important, life changing event. That's why local authorities and parents have done everything possible to make sure the test goes smoothly.

One measure taken lately is traffic control around examination sites. It aims to create a peaceful environment so that students taking the exam are not distracted.

Some are willing to cooperate. They understand students are all under great pressure. What's more, they say traffic control is just temporary. It doesn't last a very long time. So, it's not a big deal.

However, not everyone thinks so. Some people argue that the first and the most important lesson students should learn before graduation is to respect other people's interests. It is not reasonable to disturb other people's lives for the Gaokao. The second reason is that they think many parents are too sensitive to the Gaokao. One's future depends on one’s self, not on society.

Anyway, the whole society has done a lot for students and the exam. In my personal opinion, I take this sacrifice as a sign of special caring for students by society. It is very common to see some traffic policemen at the crossroads near high schools during these two special days.






【题目】A good hiking trip should be planned out ahead of time. Whether it is a hike on a mountain trail(路线)or through the woods, an enjoyable hiking trip can easily turn into a dangerous situation if safety is not considered well. North Mountain State Park recommends hikers consider the following tips before hitting any trails:

Make a copy of your itinerary to give to a family member or a friend. Make sure that someone close to you knows where you are and how long you will be gone.

Wear a good pair of hiking boots or strong athletic shoes. The right shoes will keep you safe, warm, and comfortable.

Prepare for various types of weather conditions. Check the forecast before you leave; take along sunglasses and extra clothing (e.g., a hat and /or a jacket for a day hike).

Pack plenty of food and water. Consider how long your hike will be and pack accordingly.

Pack basic and essential supplies. Bring a first-aid kit(急救箱), a flashlight, a pocket knife, a map of the area (if available), and a compass. You may need other supplies, such as matches, depending on the length of your hike.

Determine what time the sun sets. This information is available in most local newspapers. Most people become lost after nightfall, so it is important to know this information in advance.

Stay on properly marked trails. Stay on established trails to decrease the chances of becoming lost. Staying on established trails also lowers the risk of doing harm to rare and endangered plants.

Carry a whistle. Using a loud whistle is a good way to call attention to your location if you get lost.

Keep an eye out for wildlife. Do not approach animals in the wild, even if they seem friendly.

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission (WSPRC) manages a diverse system of more than 120 parks. The 90-year-old park system, which receives nearly 48 million visits a year, ranks 4th nationally in day-use attendance, 10th in overnight attendance, and the WSPRC has a smaller budget than most states.

1The underlined word “itinerary” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. a goal B. an address

C. a phone book D. a travel plan

2According to the text, if hikers ignore what time the sun sets, they might________.

A. have difficulty finding supplies B. need extra clothing

C. be attacked by wild animals D. become lost

3According to the text, hikers are advised __________.

A. to bring friendly animals home B. to use loud whistles

C. to set up camps D. to take new trails

4What can we learn about WSPRC?

A. It’s only accessible during summer months.

B. It’s operated very well.

C. It provides trails and wildlife protection.

D. It provides search and rescue services.

5The purpose of the text is to _______.

A. attract people’s interest in the park

B. explain the hiking routes

C. explain how to be safe when hiking

D. introduce various kinds of parks to visitors

【题目】请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

A person might have a great job, a nice house, and a great group of friends. They might feel they have everything they need, and so, they just settle, stop moving and pushing themselves. After all, their life seems to be going fine. You might have seen this with friends or acquaintances. This is fine for a time; but the problem is, when people stop moving or pushing themselves, the world keeps spinning. Time moves forward. Staying in the same place and not seeking self-improvement has the exact same effect as moving backwards.

We’re living in a period of technological and social advancement never before seen. Technology has moved and developed more over the past one hundred years than it had in the previous thousand. With this speed of advancement, it’s easy to fall behind. Even if a person’s life seems to be going well now, and they don’t seek improvement, several years down the line, they may find that their lack of advancement and development in important skills may cause big problems in their lives. A person today who is comfortable in a job may be replaced by a machine tomorrow. Many people might soon find themselves out of a job.

Basically, no matter how hard we try, it’s impossible to predict how things will change over the next few years. We don’t know what skills will or won’t be needed. Nor do we know how our lives may change over the next few years. Something as simple as a new piece of technology can have an incredible impact on our lives. Because of this, you need to be ready to adapt and not fall into the trap of brief contentment.

A careful equation of things in your life and your skills is extremely useful. Pick one of your skills or an area of your life, and then critically evaluate it. Ask yourself how useful it is going to remain and how it is going to adapt to changing circumstances. After reviewing your skills and knowledge you’ll be able to decide which should be abandoned and which should be improved. It’s like throwing away old tools and devices that don’t work or are no longer useful, and replacing them with new better ones.

Staying ahead

Consequences of stopping moving ahead

Many people choose to stay in the same place and not to seek self-improvement, because they feel 1 with what they have, which is as 2 as moving backwards.

3for continuous learning

The fest advancement of technology makes it difficult for people to keep 4 with the present society, and people might even become unemployed if they stop learning or mastering new skills.

Things are changing in a(n) 5 manner, and no one knows what new things will make a 6 to our lives.

7to staying ahead

Carefully 8 your skills and knowledge.

9 the outdated things with the better ones.


By considering our skills and 10 ourselves to the changing circumstances, we'll stay ahead in the changing world.

【题目】 My husband came across the program from his father's high school graduation 90 years ago. It was the Class of 1928 and their class motto (格言)was, "Build for character, not for fame. "

I'm pretty sure society has done quite the opposite to that one. These days, we have people who are famous for simply being famous. They haven't done anything particularly impressive, but they do take great selfies (自拍照). We are all crazy about fame these days, mainly thanks to social media. All we want is for people to follow us, friend us, like us or share our posts. We are nearly mad about fame.

"Build for character, not for fame. ” is based on the belief that one is looking up and ahead. That's an encouraging idea, especially today, when most of us have our heads down, looking at the screens of our smartphones. Looking ahead and building for character takes thought and intentionality (意向性). One can be intentional in building for fame as well, but fame often relies heavily on the right timing and connections as well as the creation of a base of fans and supporters. Character isn’t decided by the ideas of others. Character is built with self-discipline (自律)and a willingness to learn from difficulties. Character grows inside and needs no praise.

Fame depends on people looking at you, while character is who you are when no one is looking. Fame often comes with jealousy (嫉妒)--a feeling that time is running out or that someone better than you is coming to steal your fans. Character is marked by feeling fulfilled and being generous . There is satisfaction that comes with the reward of achievements, but at the same time, good character willingly holds the door open for others who are also hoping to achieve.

This graduation season, speakers will tell new graduates to get out there and build a better world. The best way is to build character, the kind that runs deep and can carry you through lifers storms. Build character with courage, justice (公正) and strength. Build character by respecting yourself and others . Build character with kindness, hope and love. Build for character and you will build a better world .

1What does the author think of people nowadays?

A.They're mad about achievements.

B.They want to be famous very much.

C.They're trying to build for character.

D.They like doing everything impressive.

2What does building for character" require people to do?

A.Connect with others at the right time.

B.Mind their behavior when being looked at.

C.Behave themselves and learn from hardships readily .

D.Look ahead and accept other people's advice willingly.

3The underlined word "fulfilled" in Paragraph 4 probably means “________".



4Why does the author value "building for character”

A.It inspires people to achieve more.

B.It enables us to build a better world.

C.It allows graduates to get a good job.

D.It helps us again respect from other people.

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