
19.At 2:30 on December 5,1945,five US Navy training planes took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale,Florida.The planes flew cast over the coast…and disappeared.The group was Flight 19,on a run between Florida and Bahamas.Tailor was the group leader.At about 3:40,Tailor reported that his compasses were not reading properly.The other planes followed their leaders aimlessly,first east,then west,then northeast over the ocean,as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio.Then,suddenly Tailor was heard to give orders to dive…
Quickly,two giant Martin seaplanes were sent up to search for Flight 19.Several hours later,the wind became strong and visibility (能见度) dropped.A return to base was ordered.But only one of the Martin seaplanes landed.Four days later,the Navy and Coast Guard combed a 100,000 square miles area with more than 100planes and ships.No sign was ever shown of the missing planes.
Today,people have noted the disappearance of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角区).
The points of the triangle are Bermuda,Puerto Rico and a spot in the Gulf of Mexico,west of Florida.It is a two-faced water world of tiny islands,bright beaches and beautiful waters.Yet thick fogs,powerful currents(激流) and sudden storms are hidden behind this smiling surface.

12.Why did Flight 19 disappear?D
A.Because the wind became strong and visibility dropped.
B.Because Tailor was given wrong orders to dive.
C.Because Tailor couldn't read his compasses correctly.
D.Because something unknown made the compasses unable to work as usual.
13.In what position did Flight 19 disappear?A
A.In the southwest part of the North Atlantic Ocean.
B.In the northeast part of the North Atlantic Ocean.
C.To the southwest part of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.
D.To the northeast part of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.
14.How many planes disappeared altogether that day?B
D.Only one.
15.The underlined word"combed"in the passage mean"D".
B.flew over
C.did up one's hair with a comb
D.searched all over.

分析 本文属于新闻类阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了飞机在百慕大三角失踪的事情.

解答 12.D  细节理解题,根据第一段The group was Flight 19,on a run between Florida and Bahamas.Tailor was the group leader.At about 3:40,Tailor reported that his compasses were not reading properly.The other planes followed their leaders aimlessly,first east,then west,then northeast over the ocean,as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio.可知19号航班消失是因为某种未知的东西使指南针不能正常工作,故选D.
13.A  推理判断题,根据第三段Today,people have noted the disappearance of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle可知19号航班是在北大西洋的西南部消失的,故选A.
14.B  推理判断题,根据第一段five US Navy training planes took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale,Florida.The planes flew cast over the coast…and disappeared.The group was Flight 19,on a run between Florida and Bahamas可知一共有六个航班消失了,故选B.
15.D  词义猜测题,根据第二段Four days later,the Navy and Coast Guard combed a 100,000 square miles area with more than 100planes and ships可知海军和海岸警卫队找遍了十万平方英里的面积,故选D.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

10.Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1876.Her parents both taught at school with small salaries(工资).Marie led a hard life as a girl,especially after her mother stopped teacing to raise(抚养)five children and take care of her poor health.Marie's mother suffered from tuberculosis(肺结核) and died of it when Marie was ten.
When Marie was young,she showed great interest in science.She loved to study and hoped to become a scientist when she grew up.Her parents encouraged her interest in science.Excellent as she was in her studies,she couldn't g on with the advanced education she needed because Poland(波兰)was then ruled by Russia(俄罗斯) and women were not permitted to go to college.
In order to continue her education,she cleared up many difficulties and entered Paris University,where she lived a simple life and studied har,so she graduated with the highest grades in her class.
After graduation she took up scientific research in Paris University.There she met Pierre Curie,whom she married later.Pierre joined her in her research into an unknown phenomenon(现象)-radiation(放射,辐射),which a certain scientist had declared(宣布)that uranium(铀) gave off.The Curies spent several years trying their best to find the element(元素)that produced radiation.Finally they succeeded in 1902.
Marie Curie won two Nobel Prizes,one for physics in 1906,together with her husband and another scientist,the other for chemistry herself in 1911.Madame Curie was a scientist of great achievement,and the first woman ever to be honored in the Nobel Prize history.

32.Why did Marie's family become poorer when she was young?C
A.Because her family had five children.
B.Because her father got small salary as a teacher.
C.Because her mother gave up her job.
D.Because both of her parents were teachers.
33.Marie couldn't continue the advanced education becauseD.
A.she wanted to help her father to support the family
B.her father couldn't afford to send her to college
C.her grades were very poor
D.colleges in Poland would not take women as students then
34.The underlined words"cleared up"in Paragraph 3 could be replaced by"C".
A.came            B.went      C.solved    D.avoided
35.In 1906,a certain scientist shared the Nobel Prize with the Curies becauseB.
A.he depended upon the Curie's discovery
B.he made some contribution to the discovery
C.he persuaded the Curies to take up the research
D.the Curies were greatly encouraged by him.
7.Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl from Manitoba,Canada.One day,when she was five years old,she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg.They saw a man(36)B out of a garbage can.She asked her mother why he did that and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry.Hannah was very(37)D.She couldn't understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough food.Hannah started to think about how she could(38)C,but,of course,there is not a lot one five-year-old can do to solve(解决)the problem of homelessness.
Later,when Hannah attended school,she saw another homeless person.It was a woman,(39)A an old shopping trolley(购物车)which was piled with(40)D.It seemed that everything the woman owned was in them.This made Hannah very sad,and even more(41)B  to do something.She had been talking to her mother about the lives of homeless people(42)A they first saw the homeless man.Her mother told her that if she did something to change the problem that made her sad,she wouldn't(43)C as bad.
Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces.She hoped to(44)Dher message of hope and awareness.She started the Ladybug Foudation,an organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness.She began to(45)C"Big Bosses"lunches,where she would try to persuade local business leaders to(46)A  to the cause.She also organized a fundraising(募捐)drive in"Ladybug Jars"to collect everyone′s spare change during"Make Change"month.More recently,the foundation began another(47)A  called National Red Scarf Day-a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada′s (48)Band homeless.
There is an emergency shelter in Winnipeg called"Hannah′s Place",something that Hannah is very(49)C  of.Hannah′s Place is divided into several areas,providing shelter for people when it is so cold that(50)Boutdoors can mean death.In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities,she has received a lot of(51)A.For example,she received the 2007 BRICK Award recognizing the(52)D of young people to change the world.But(53)C all this,Hannah still has the(54)C life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl,except that she pays regular visits to homeless people.
Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a(55)Din the world.You can,too!
50 A.goingB.sleepingC.travelingD.playing
8.面对繁重的高中学习任务,高中生对参加学校活动有着不同的看法,请以 Taking Part in School Activities 为题,用英文写一篇100词左右的短文,着重介绍两种不同的观点和态度,最后谈谈你的个人看法.
参考词汇:实践知识 practical knowledge 高考 College Entrance Examination
Taking Part in School ActivitiesWe had a heated discussion about whether senior high school students should take part in school activities.As for school activities,students mainly hold two views.Many students are very enthusiastic about school activities because they think that learning from textbooks is not their only task and they should take every chance to get some practical knowledge.(高分句型一)Besides,after long hours'study,they can relax themselves by practicing in school activities.
However,a large group of students take little interest in them and spend most of their time on study.They believe that they should make full use of time to study and that school activities have nothing to do with their further development.(高分句型二)
As far as I am concerned,I prefer the first view.On the other hand,we can learn a great deal from other students we meet in activities.(高分句型三)Furthermore,modern society requires many qualities of young students,so"book worms"can't keep up with the times..

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