
【题目】Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet,but what is it?

The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.

Maybe that doesn’t sound interesting. But when we’ve joined the Internet, there are lots of things we can do.We can find lots of interesting information on the World Wide Web(www).We can use the Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homework. We can find information about our favourite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Inter-net. We can also send messages to other people by e-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending a letter.

Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer in front of them, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98%of the information is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?

【1】The passage is mainly about________.

A.the Internet B.information

C.computers D.e mail

【2】The quickest and cheapest way for people to send messages to their friends is________.

A.by post B.by e mail C.by telephone D.by TV

【3The Internet cannot be used to__________.

A.find information for our homework

B.get some information about our favourite sports stars

C.do some shopping

D.do our housework

【4】.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The Internet is aspan> big computer.

B.The Internet is lots of computer networks.

C.The Internet is very helpful.

D.People can work at home with the help of the Internet.

【5What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?

A.The Internet is more and more popular.

B.All the information is in English.

C.English is important in using the Internet.

D.Every computer must join the Internet.








试题分析: 这篇文章主要是普及英特网的知识,因特网是如何运行的,给人们带来了什么好处。


【2】细节理解题。根据第三We can also send messages to other people by e-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending a letter.得知发邮件是给朋友发信息最快最便宜的方式。选B


【4】推理判断题。根据第二A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.得知因特网是网络与网络之间所串连成的庞大网络不是一台大电脑。选A

【5】细节理解题。根据最后一段But do you know 98% of the information on the Internet is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow? 可知在使用网络时,英语一样重要。选C。


【题目】If your family is thinking of getting a pet, consider adopting from an animal shelter. Animal shelters are full of dogs, cats, rabbits, and more animals, all in need of loving homes. Some may come with emotional or behavioral issues, but most are happy, healthy, and ready for a loving home. Here are some tips for you to find great animals.

Make some decision.

Think about what you want in a pet and remember that all pets have different personalities. Cats tend to be more independent and need less affection, but kittens need lots of attention. Cats don’t need to be walked , but you need to clip their nails and play with them. Dogs need to be walked at the very least twice a day. However , they are usually great companions and love to spend time with their family.

Visit the shelter.

Set aside at least a few hours to visit shelters in your area—remember that you may need to visit more than one visit. Try to bring along everyone who will be living with a new pet. Ask the shelter staff lots of questions. And never adopt an animal because you feel sorry for it—be patient so you find a pet who is truly a good match for your family.

Get everything ready.

Buy all necessary supplies and food well before the animal comes home. Make sure that the entire household is in agreement about rules and responsibilities—will the dog be allowed on the couch? Who will clean the litter box? Put it in writing before the pet arrives.

Bring your new friend home !

You’ll probably be excited when your new pet arrives, but be sure to give them space and time to get adjusted to a new home and a new family. The pet may act differently once they leave the shelter. Interact(交流)with your pet a lot and get them used to a routine, and soon you’ll be one big happy family !

【1】Which of the following is the first important factor should be considered when adopting a pet?

A. Think twice about the adoption.

B. Get detailed information about the pets.

C. Make full preparations for the coming pet.

D. Try to make the pet your family member.

【2】According to the article, which of the following statements is true?

A. Both cats and dogs need walking and attention.

B. Both cats and dogs are human’s good partners.

C. All the animals in the shelter are in good condition.

D. It’s necessary to talk a lot with your new pets every day.

【3】Before a new pet comes home, we’d better ______.

A. show concern for the animals

B. set down an agreement on paper

C. bring all the members to visit the shelter

D. get it adjusted to a new environment immediately

【4】The article is intended for ______.

A. animal shelters B. shelter staff

C. pet lovers D. pet protectors

【题目】Recently, a scientist did some experiments. He left a group of 4-year-olds in a room with a bell and a candy. If they rang the bell, he would come back and they could eat the candy. If, however, they didn't ring the bell and waited for him to come back on his own, they could then have two candies.

In videos of the experiment, he can see the children kicking, hiding their eyes—trying to exercise self-control so they can wait and get two candies. The results are different. Some broke down and rang the bell within a minute. Others lasted 15 minutes.

The children who waited longer went on to get higher SAT scores. They got into better colleges and had better adult success. The children who rang the bell quickest were more likely to have received worse teacher and parental evaluations (评价) 10 years later and were more likely to have drug problems at age 32.

The experiments are worth noting because people spend a lot of time thinking about how to improve education, how to become rich. But when the result is not good, they will come back to ask " how do we get people to get the sort of self-control that leads to success? " This is to enter the world of human nature.

So these experiments along with everyday experience, tell us that self-control is most important. Young people who can sit through sometimes boring classes to get a degree can work hard in order to learn a language well. They can avoid drugs and alcohol. For people without self-control skills, however, school is a series of failed ordeals (煎熬). No wonder they drop out and their later life is a group of foolish ideas, such as drug use, stealing and so on.

【1】The scientist did some experiments to __________.

A. test children's self-control and later success

B. test children's intelligence of ringing the bell

C. find good ways of training children to learn

D. prove that children's education is important

【2】We can learn from the experiment that __________.

A. all children tried to ring the bell for more candies

B. some children didn't get any candy in the end

C. the children have different self-control

D. the last one to ring the bell is the most successful

【3】How long did the scientist's experiments last according to the text?

A. Just 15 minutes. B. Within 10 years.

C. Less than 14 years. D. More than 28 years.

【4】What will those without self-control do at school according to the text?

A. Improving their education.

B. Suffering a lot from boring lessons.

C. Working hard to catch up with others.

D. Becoming very rich and successful.

【5】What is the best title for this passage?

A. Ways of self-control training

B. Experiments on children's ringing the bell

C. Higher score, better achievements

D. Self-control is the key to success

【题目】Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the listeners, but then stopped for a while. He had forgotten her name.

Barbara hid her valuable things when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn’t remember where she’d put them.

Perhaps you’ve had such experiences like these. Most people have. But most of them haven’t realized that they have a memory problem. Neither do they know a simple but important fact: Memory can be improved. If you’ll just accept that, the following will show you how.

First, relax. If you are over worried about something, you’ll forget it. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you won’t remember things. When you forget something, don’t follow up with saying like “Oh, my god! I always forget things!” Such words will have a bad result on you and your memory.

But relaxing isn’t enough. To improve your memory, you’ll need to take an active role. Like your body, your memory can be made strong through exercise. Look for opportunities to exercise your memory. For example, if you’re learning a language, try to actively remember a lot of new words.

If you don’t take notice of things actively, you won’t remember them. So, you can make pictures of what you see in your mind every day. For example, don’t just put your keys down! If you want to find them again, make a mind picture of the place where you’re putting them.

【1】 The first two paragraphs just tell us .

A.Barbara was a very rich person.

B.examples of memory problems

C.Mark often forgot his friends’ names

D.language problems of two persons

【2】When you forget things, you _______.

A.must be too careless

B.shouldn’t take notice of the result

C.must accept the fact

D.shouldn’t lose heart about your memory

【3】The word “opportunities” in the fifth paragraph means “_______.”

A.places B.doctors.

C.chances D.positions

【4】According to the passage, _____ can make your memory better.

A.realizing your memory problems

B.talking to your friends

C.doing sports every day

D.making mind pictures of what you see

【5】The purpose of the passage is to help you ______.

A.to introduce the guest B.to improve your memory

C.to remember new words D.to forget unhappy things

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