
【题目】His work was __________ by his boss.

A. high thought B. high thought of

C. good thought D. well thought of


【解析】句意:他的工作受到老板的高度评价。高度评价 think highly of think well of。


【题目】In American schools there is something called Homecoming. Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a Homecoming game. This can be the most important event of the year except graduation or commencement (授奖典礼) day. Students plan Homecoming for many weeks in advance.

Several days before Homecoming, students start to decorate the school. There are signs to wish luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the graduates. Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty years after their graduation.

The members of school clubs build booths (摊位) and sell lemonade, apples and sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome visitors. During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school.

Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the game is half over, the band comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the Homecoming Queen or King appears. All the students vote a most popular student Homecoming Queen or King. It is a great honor to be chosen.

Homecoming is a happy day, but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game. Even if the team loses, the students still enjoy Homecoming. Some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party. For everyone it is a day worth remembering.

【1】The most important event of the year in high schools and colleges is __________.

A. Homecoming B. the football game

C. graduation D. winning the game

【2】Which of the following is NOT done on Homecoming?

A. To see old friends.

B. To call on teachers they remember.

C. To watch the football game.

D. To go home to see their family.

【3】The underlined word "vote" in the fifth paragraph means __________.

A. attend B. elect or choose

C. hold D. have

【4】Who can probably become Homecoming Queen or King?

A. The student who is liked most by the others.

B. The guest who is most popular with the students.

C. The student who is most liked by the guests.

D. The player who plays best in the football game.

【5】This article can be adapted from __________.

A. Textbook B. Entertainment Journal

C. Sports Journal D. Science Report

【题目】Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet,but what is it?

The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.

Maybe that doesn’t sound interesting. But when we’ve joined the Internet, there are lots of things we can do.We can find lots of interesting information on the World Wide Web(www).We can use the Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homework. We can find information about our favourite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Inter-net. We can also send messages to other people by e-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending a letter.

Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer in front of them, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98%of the information is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?

【1】The passage is mainly about________.

A.the Internet B.information

C.computers D.e mail

【2】The quickest and cheapest way for people to send messages to their friends is________.

A.by post B.by e mail C.by telephone D.by TV

【3The Internet cannot be used to__________.

A.find information for our homework

B.get some information about our favourite sports stars

C.do some shopping

D.do our housework

【4】.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The Internet is aspan> big computer.

B.The Internet is lots of computer networks.

C.The Internet is very helpful.

D.People can work at home with the help of the Internet.

【5What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?

A.The Internet is more and more popular.

B.All the information is in English.

C.English is important in using the Internet.

D.Every computer must join the Internet.

【题目】Happy birthday

The China National Opera (CNO) will give a concert to celebrate its 50th birthday.

Different generations of CNO vocalists, like Li Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei, will present the concert which will feature both songs from famous Chinese operas like The White-haired GM and The Hundred Bride, as well as, arias (咏叹调) of such western opera classics as Madame Butterfly, La Traviata and Rigoletto.

Time/date: 7:30 pm, September 7, 8

Location: Tianqiao Theatre

Tel: 65514787, 83156170

Tickets: 60-500 yuan (US $ 7.2-60.2)

Folk music

A concert will be held to feature some recently-composed traditional Chinese music works. The concert, given by the Folk Orchestra of the China Opera and Ballet Theatre, will include such pieces as Memory of childhood, Memorial Ceremony for God and Wine Song.

Time/date: 7:30 pm, September 13

Location: Concert hall at the National Library of China

Tel: 6848-5462, 6841-9220 Tickets:30-200 yuan(US $ 3.6-24.1)

Moon Music

A concert of traditional Chinese music will be given on the eve of the Moon Festival which falls on September 21st this year.

The concert will feature a number of famous pieces centred on the theme of the moon, such as Moonlight, Spring Night on a Moonlit River and Lofty Mountain and Flowing river.

A number of popular traditional Chinese music performers, like Zhou Yaokun and Fan Weiqing, will play solos as well as cooperate with the folk music orchestra (管弦乐队).

Time/date: 7:30 pm, September 21st

Location: Grand theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities

Tel: 6606-8888, 6606-9999

Tickets: 40-220 yuan(US $ 4.8-27)

【1If you want to buy tickets for listening to the music Memory of Childhood, you will dial ______.

A. 6551-4748 B. 6848-5462

C. 8315-6170 D. 6606-9999

【2Which statement is right according to the passage?

A. Li Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei stand for the same generation of CNO vocalists.

B. Rigoletto is a famous piece on the theme of the moon.

C. Lofty Mountain and Flowing River is a traditional Chinese music.

D. Zhou Yaokun will play solos and Fan Weiqing will cooperate with the folk music orchestra.

【3Madame Butterfly is ______.

A. a Chinese opera B. a western opera

C. a pieces of music D. a song

【4In which column of a newspaper will the article be published?

A. Entertainment. B. People. C. Culture. D. Sports.

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