
【题目】Does this meal cost $50? I ____something far better than this?

A. prefer B. expect

C. suggest D. suppose





【题目】Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet,but what is it?

The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.

Maybe that doesn’t sound interesting. But when we’ve joined the Internet, there are lots of things we can do.We can find lots of interesting information on the World Wide Web(www).We can use the Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homework. We can find information about our favourite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Inter-net. We can also send messages to other people by e-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending a letter.

Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer in front of them, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98%of the information is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?

【1】The passage is mainly about________.

A.the Internet B.information

C.computers D.e mail

【2】The quickest and cheapest way for people to send messages to their friends is________.

A.by post B.by e mail C.by telephone D.by TV

【3The Internet cannot be used to__________.

A.find information for our homework

B.get some information about our favourite sports stars

C.do some shopping

D.do our housework

【4】.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The Internet is aspan> big computer.

B.The Internet is lots of computer networks.

C.The Internet is very helpful.

D.People can work at home with the help of the Internet.

【5What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?

A.The Internet is more and more popular.

B.All the information is in English.

C.English is important in using the Internet.

D.Every computer must join the Internet.


Chocoholics everywhere have a duty to help preserve the world’s dwindling supply of cocoa. Leading chocolatiers offer their advice.

We are running out of chocolate, by 2020 as predicted. Sure, some might say this is due to serious economic and geopolitical reasons climate change, rising demand in Brazil and China, the spectre of Ebola spreading to west African cocoa-growing nations such as Ivory Coast and Ghana.

We know the real reason. It’s the fault of posh(考究的)choc. In the last 10 to 15 years, we have gone from buying a foil-wrapped bar from the newsagents to an unprecedented age of cocoa decadence demanding a minimum of 70% cocoa solids.

With the shortage, is it time to dial back on this gourmet choc free-for-all, so when the bad times come, there’s enough cocoa left for Cadbury’s to eke out a few Dairy Milks?

We asked chocolatiers to help create a “code of conduct” for responsible chocolate eating in the event of a shortage …So how best should we use what’s left?

Switch to carob (even if it doesn’t taste very nice)

Carob is a chocolate substitute made from the pods of the carob tree and it’s been languishing(低迷)in a health-food shop near you for years. “Is carob an alternative?” says Young. “If it was used as an ingredient, in a cupcake or chocolate bread, we could accept it”.

Ration(定量)chocolate in cakes and other dishes

Does that triple chocolate cake you’re making need the choc buttercream, the dark chocolate ganache and the white chocolate curls? Certainly when it comes to bought products, Young thinks “there’ll be a change to the amount of chocolate you get in things like cakes and flavoured milks”. “Revere chocolate more. Cut out all the other stuff,” says Coady.

Be prepared to pay more. A lot more

“A Dairy Milk will be a luxury item we’ll have to save up!” speculates Young. That would be bad news for consumers, but there is an upside to the looming shortage it could finally spell good news for cocoa growers, many of whom receive a “small amount” for their product, says Harcourt-Cooze: “If a shortage meant cocoa farmers got high prices, it would make me smile.”

Stop abusing chocolate

Yes, we’re looking at you, ChocoChicken the restaurant that serves chocolate fried chicken with chocolate ketchup and white choc-fried potatoes. Other offenders we have spotted include white chocolate sauces for meat dishes and Scotch eggs with a cacao nib crust.

【1】Which of the following explains the underlined word dwindling?

A.extreme B. whole

C. increasing D. decreasing

【2】What is the root cause of chocolate shortage?

A. Increasing demand B. Climate change

C. Epidemic disease D. Excessive consumption

【3】Which option is NOT correct according to the passage?

A. “Young” is probably a chocolatier.

B. Cocoa farmers might benefit from the shortage.

C. Carob is much more delicious than cocoa products.

D. Carob can be accepted as an ingredient in a cupcake or chocolate bread.

【4】Choose the action recommended according to the code of conduct for responsible chocolate eating.

A. Mary tries to reduce the amount of cocoa when baking cookies.

B. Jack often treats himself with a chocolate feast after work.

C. Dan refuses to eat carob products as a substitute.

D. Rachel throws away chocolate bars which she has not finished.

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