
Some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the right family, and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. I’m not going to say luck,talent,and circumstances don’t come into play because they do. Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great intelligence, and that’s just the reality of how life is.
However,to succeed in life,one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical.And,in addition to that,in order to get really good at something,one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing.To become great at certain things,it’ll require even more time,time that most people won’t put in.
This is a big reason why many successful people advise you to do something you love. If you don’t enjoy what you do ,it is going to feel like unbearable pain and will likely make you quit well before you ever become good at it.
When you see people exhibiting some great skills or having achieved great success,you know that they have put in a huge part of their life to get there at a huge cost.It’s sometimes easy to think they got lucky or they were born with some rare talent,but thinking that way does you no good,and there’s a huge chance that you’re wrong anyway.
Whatever you do,if you want to become great at it, you need to work day in and day out,almost to the point of addiction,and over a long period of time.If you’re not willing to put in the time and work,don’t expect to receive any rewards.Consistent, hard work won’t guarantee you the level of success you may want, but it will guarantee that you will become really good at whatever it is you put all that work into.
小题1:Paragraph 1 mainly talks about ________.
A.the reasons for successB.the meaning of success
C.the standards of successD.the importance of success
小题2:In Paragraph 2,the underlined word that refers to ______.
A.being good at somethingB.setting a practical goal
C.putting in more timeD.succeeding in life
小题3:Successful people suggest doing what one loves because ______.
A.work makes one feel painB.one tends to enjoy his work
C.one gives up his work easilyD.it takes a lot of time to succeed
小题4:What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.Successful people like to show their great skills.
B.People sometimes succeed without luck or talent.
C.People need to achieve success at the cost of life.
D.It helps to think that luck or talent leads to success.
小题5:What is the main theme of the passage?
A.Having a goal is vital to success.
B.Being good is different from being great.
C.One cannot succeed without time and practice.
D.Luck,talent and family help to achieve success.


小题1:段落主旨大意题,通过第一段我们可以得知作者列出很多人认为成功的因素,如"Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great intelligence"出生在好的家庭,天赋异禀,可得知本段主要在讲一些成功的因素,故选A。此外根据上下文意思和排除法,不难得出答案是原因。其他meaning(意义),standards(标准),importance(重要性)都不正确。
小题2:猜词题 此种题目的答案多数在前文找,根据前文,不难得知答案。However, to succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical. And, in additional to that, in order to get really good at something, one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing. 译文为:然而,要在生活中取得成功,你必须要设定一个目标然后逐步将它变得更加实际。除此之外,要变得更加擅长某事,必须花费至少10,000个小时进行学习和实践。此外,也可以从结构上找到答案,出现两次的needs. 属于原词重现。
小题3:细节理解题根据第三段的this is a big reason why......, "If you don't enjoy what you do, it is going to feel like unbearable pain and will likely make you quit well before you ever become good at it.可知答案的关键是this。而this 指代的内容刚好是与时间(To become great at certain things, it’ll require even more time, time that most people won’t put in.)有关。属于原词重现。
小题4:推理判断题  根据第四段"It's sometimes easy to think they got lucky or they were born with some rare talent, but thinking that way does you no good, and there's a huge chance that you're wrong anyway." 句义为"很容易去认为他们是运气好,或者天生有些独特的天赋,但是这么想对你并无好处,而且极有可能你想错了。可以得知很多人的成功并不是因为天赋或运气。通过but之后的内容“thinking that way does you no good, and there's a huge chance that you're wrong anyway.”不难得出答案。而且也可以通过排除法得出答案。A项的“show skills 展现技能”表达错误。C项的表达“at the cost of life 以生命为代价”是错误的,这不符合常理,但这道题最容易出错。D项可以根据第四段最后一句的does you no good排除。
小题5:主旨大意题 可通过文章最后一段主题句"Whatever you do , if you want to become great at it, you need to work day in and day out, almost to the point of addiction, and over a long period of time. "以及文章多次提到要花费时间和精力可知正确选项为C。ABD项都是以偏概全。属于原词重现。
There is a virtue (美德)in China-Respecting the  36 and care for the young”. About the above two aspects, we will discuss the former one in this passage.
Why should we  37 the old? because they are ahead of us in age, in wisdom and in experience. Our elders have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us   38  everything to their kindness and love.
When we show them respect, whether it is by bowing to them, or   39   them with a smile, or offering them any help they need, it is one way of   40  our own love and gratitude to them.   41 , elders have also been through all the years you are   42  and know a little more about the world than you do.
It is   43  that you do not agree with the belief of your elders, but this is nothing new. All younger generations have always   44  with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human   45 . However much you disagree with them, give them credit for their   46 .
With changing times and   47  influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to elders. Youngsters should   48  express their views and if there are arguments, they should not   49  their voices.
If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately   50  their places, and sit on the carpet. In buses and trains, youngsters are   51  to give up their places to older people. This is not a   52  of who has more rights. It is simply that those who are younger have the strength to bear   53 , or tolerate unpleasantness, so it is natural to show consideration to those who are older and perhaps at a   54  disadvantage.
When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become   55  that youngsters care for them, and they respond with affection and kindness.
A.grandpasB.friends C.fathers D.old
A.look forward B.contribute C.lovedD.respect
A.acceptingB.showing C.devoting D.greeting
A.describingB.expressing C.sending D.suggesting
A.ThoughB.Besides C.Therefore D.However
A.going throughB.experiencing withC.suffering fromD.worrying out
A.possiblyB.maybe C.likely D.probably
A.disagreedB.quarreled C.likedD.dealt
A.societyB.company C.community D.school
A.factB.experience C.emotion D.information
A.environmentalB.especially C.cultural D.good
A.indifferentlyB.quickly C.silently D.quietly
A.raiseB.rise C.rouse D.arise
A.give inB.get outC.send out D.give up
A.forcedB.expected C.needed D.reminded
A.questionB.doubt C.wonder D.challenge
A.sufferingB.discomfort C.trouble D.upset
A.slightB.light C.heavy D.serious
A.wanderB.living C.aware D.sensitive
Since the end of World War I(WWI) in 1918, Canadians, and millions of others around the world have paused at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to honour the sacrifice our soldiers have made in different ways, fighting for the freedoms that we all enjoy today.
Known as Remembrance Day, the day originated as a tribute to the soldiers of WWI, a dark period for our young country, which claimed the lives of over 60,000 military personnel and civilians and over 16 million dead worldwide. As there are no more surviving soldiers of WWI, today we rely on the wisdom and words of those soldiers who fought in the wars that followed and this day now also recognizes their heroic contribution. They tell us to always remember what those brave souls fought for, and all they ask in return is that we never forget.
That’s why we wear the red poppy(罂粟花);that’s why when we see a soldier in uniform we should stop him or her and say “Thank you”; that’s why we take a pause from our busy lives for two short minutes today to honor that request. Yet this message is fading away, year after year. Take for example the terrible decision to allow parents to excuse students from Remembrance Day ceremonies at school. Not only is this disrespectful, it distances the student from his or her classmates.
It is difficult to understand why any Canadian parent would want to remove their child from the time-honored tradition of reading the poem in Flanders Fields, while a wreath of poppies is laid. It is more important than ever to teach school-aged children about our history, no matter how violent it was. Sheltering them from the realities of war is a great disservice. Understanding why conflicts happened, or happen today can help shape choices and decisions they make as adults.
Of course, because we live in a free society, we cannot force an individual to do something. It is unfortunate, but some parents now have their child “opt-out” of the services. These people should be reminded they are free to make such choices only because of the men and women the rest of us are remembering.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a Remembrance Day activity today?
A.Stopping at 11a.m. to remember the war dead.
B.Listening to stories told by WWI soldiers.
C.Wearing a red poppy to show respect.
D.Showing gratitude to soldiers in uniform.
小题2:What can we learn from the passage?
A.War history is too violent for school children
B.The writer was once a soldier in the Canadian army
C.Few students are willing to take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies.
D.More parents are keeping their children away from frightening war stories.
小题3: The underlined word “It” in the last paragraph probably refers to_______.
A.the death of so many soldiers in wars
B.the fact that there were so many wars after WWI.
C.people’s ungratefulness for the freedom they have.
D.removing children from Remembrance Day events.
小题4:The writer believes that ______.
A.the sacrifice of the soldiers should always be remembered.
B.Remembrance Day is becoming less important for soldiers.
C.school no longer think Remembrance Day is necessary.
D.people should be forced to learn about the realities of war.
Fill Her Tank First
The summer of 1975 I’d just graduated from college in Southern California and received a 1968 Ford Capri for a graduation present. I had my first job, in Los Angeles. One Sunday night, __36__ myself a very independent grown-up, I left my uncle’s place in South Laguna after a visit, without __37__ to him that I had less than an __38__ of a tank of gas and no cash to buy __39__ on the way to L.A. I pulled onto the Pacific Coast Highway and watched the needle __40__ as I headed north. When I started running on fumes, I pulled into a __41__. There was no self-service __42__; there were no credit cards, no ATMs.
I begged the guy at the station. I __43__ write him a check for gas, I said, or I could sleep in my car and try to __44__ to a town with a bank the next morning. As he was informing me that I could sleep in my car but he’d have me __45__, a station wagon __46__ to the next pump. The driver--- a thin, plain, middle-aged guy---overheard the tail end of my __47__ request. As the attendant went to serve him, he nodded at me. “__48__ her tank first,” he said.
“Really?” I said. Hope __49__. “Oh, thank you. Thank you. But please. I just need two dollars’ __50__. I just need to go home.”
“Fill it,” he __51__ to the attendant. Then to me, “You will do the same one day, for someone else.”
I keep looking for that unlucky young person, __52__ to save her night on the road. Meanwhile, in case she never __53__ up, I try for other acts of random kindness. That __54__ driver is always at the pump a few feet away, __55__ the attendant to fill mine first.
A.train stationB.bus stationC.railway stationD.gas station
A.at one timeB.at a timeC.at timesD.at that time
A.went upB.drove upC.pulled upD.drew into
A.FillB.FilledC.FillingD.To fill
Bad behavior is something that most people don’t want to tolerate. However, we have had to tolerate it more and more with each passing year. There seems to be no concern for other people’s feelings; nor do we seem to care about other people’s property. We live in an age where saying what is on our minds has priority over any harm that it might do.
There are ways to deal with bad behavior in modern times, though. Too many of us let bad behavior go because we don’t want to rock the boat. This is the time that you should rock the boat and rock it hard. Let people know that you expect it to change. That is the key to dealing with bad behavior. If it continues, take the proper action for the situation you are in. If you have developed the habit of bad behavior, take a hard look at it and then change it. You can’t expect others to behave well if you aren’t willing to look at your own bad behavior and change it.
If you don’t have control over anything in a situation, just walk away from it and move on to something that you do have control over. You needn’t feel ashamed of that. Besides, you must stand firm in what you believe. You can’t control what other people do, but you can control what you do about it. You can’t go wrong if you stand firm in what you believe. Understanding your responsibility is also important. Don’t try to take on the responsibility for other people’s behavior. Take care of what you have to and do it in the way you know it should be done. The rest will take care of itself.
Bad behavior is on the rise with more and more people behaving badly without having to pay any consequences. Worry about how you behave rather than how others behave. Pretty soon, it just may catch on.
小题1:It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that _____________.
A.bad behavior is common today
B.bad behavior is sure to hurt people deeply
C.people behave badly because of carelessness
D.people are more understanding than before
小题2:When dealing with people’s bad behavior, you are advised to ____________.
A.fight it bravely whenever it happens
B.ignore it if it is beyond your control
C.let it go to avoid trouble
D.make people feel ashamed of their bad behavior
小题3:Why do many people behave badly according to the passage?
A.Because bad behavior is often ignored.
B.Because people are often influenced by others.
C.Because people aren’t punished for their bad behavior.
D.Because people haven’t realized its consequences.
If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a ___36___reason, such as your job or your studies?___37____ perhaps you’re interested in the ___38____ , films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a ___39____ of the language.
Most people learn best using a variety of ___40____, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They___41__an environment where you can practice under the __42___ of someone who’s good at the language. We all lead ___43___ lives and learning a language takes __44___. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a ___45___. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes __46__.
Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too __47___, ” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more __48___ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any ___49___. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. I’ve also heard people ___50___ about the mistakes they make when ___51___. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes __52____ you’re much less likely to make them again.
Learning a new language is never ___53___. But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be __54___ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in ___55___ own language. Good luck!
A.some risksB.a lot lessC.some notesD.a lot more
Motherhood Is a Career to Respect
A woman renewing her driver’s license at the Country Clerk’s office was asked to state her occupation. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.
“What I mean is,” explained the recorder, “do you have a job, or are you just a …”
“Of course I have a job,” said Emily, “I ’m a mother.”
“We don’t list ‘mother’ as an occupation…‘housewife’ covers it,” said the recorder.
One day I found myself in the same situation. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, confident and possessed of a high sounding title. “What is your occupation?” she asked.
The words simply popped out. “I’m a Research Associate(研究员) in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.”
The clerk paused, ballpoint pen frozen in mid-air.
I repeated the title slowly, then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement(声明) was written in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.
“Might I ask,” said the clerk with interest, “just what you do in your field?”
Coolly, without any trace of panic in my voice, I heard myself reply, “I have a continuing program of research (what mother doesn’t), in the laboratory and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities (any mother care to disagree?), and I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it). But the job is more challenging than most careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.”
There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk’s voice as she completed the form, stood up, and showed me out.
As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up(激励) by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants—ages 13,7, and 3.
Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model (a 6-month-old baby), in the child-development program, testing out a new vocal pattern.
I felt proud! I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable(不可缺少的) to mankind than “just another mother”.
Motherhood… What a glorious career! Especially when there’s a title on the door.
小题1:How did the female clerk feel at first when the writer told her occupation?
小题2:How many children does the writer have?
小题3:Why did the woman clerk show more respect to the writer?
A.Because she thought the writer did admirable work.
B.Because the writer cared little about rewards.
C.Because the writer did something that she had little knowledge of.
D.Because she admired the writer’s research work.
小题4:What is the point of the article?
A.To show that how you describe your job affects your feelings toward it.
B.To show that the writer had a grander job than Emily.
C.To argue that motherhood is a worthy career.
D.To show that being a mother is hard and boring work.
I was eleven years old, waiting for my exam at Saraswati Vidyalaya, my school in Nagpur. “No. 12, please come forward.” Kirti, a very fat girl from my class, stepped ahead. I heard my classmates laughing and so I tried to stop them with my eyes. But my good intentions were mistaken. The next morning, my teacher, Mrs. Kamble, told me, “Ashwini, I’ve received a complaint about you.” I was shocked. The girl I was protecting thought I’d been laughing at her.
I tried to explain but the teacher refused to hear me out. She punished me by making me stand by the door. I knew I was right. Such punishment to a class topper was simply unheard of. But, slowly, my pride disappeared. Instead of being angry, I understood the other students who have been punished at times. For the first time, I felt humbled (谦逊的).
Three years later, I was in the math class. Mr. Prabhuraman, wrote an equation (方程式) — one he’d taught us the day before — on the blackboard. “Anyone who doesn’t know how to solve this,” he said, “please leave the class at once.” I knew I could solve only the first two steps. But my pride made me stay there. Unfortunately, the one who was asked to solve it was me. I just stood there, chalk in hand, trying not to look foolish. I prepared myself for a good talking-to (斥责), but Mr. Prabhuraman told me kindly, “Go back to your seat.”
Today, two decades later, those incidents have made me think. One teacher punished me for something I didn’t do; the other forgave me for something I did wrong. Both experiences had an effect on me. They remind me that no matter what you accomplish (完成), you must always be humble.
小题1:When the very fat girl appeared, Ashwini _____.
A.took no notice of her B.laughed at her
C.said hello to her D.tried to stop others making fun of her
小题2:After receiving a complaint, Mrs. Kamble _____.
A.said nothing about it B.was disappointed
C.felt very angry D.tried to find out the truth
小题3:Why did Ashwini refuse to leave the class?
A.He felt it would make him lose face.
B.He could work out the equation.
C.His teacher believed in his ability.
D.His teacher never asked him any questions.
小题4:The text is a story about _____.
A.how to communicate with others
B.how to get along with teachers
C.the ways to protect others
D.the danger of pride
It was the first day of second grade, and Sarah had been looking forward to this moment. The night before, she laid out her favorite clothes: a white coat and a bright yellow shirt.
When having breakfast, Sarah dropped some food on her shirt, so she had to change into her second-best clothes, blue jeans and a Jonas Brothers T-shirt.
After breakfast Sarah rushed to catch the school bus and when she was just reaching the door the bus driver opened it. The door hit right in Sarah’s face and blood dripped from her nose. The driver wanted to send her home, but she refused, "It is the most important day of the year! I can’t miss it!"
Before classes, Sarah went to her favorite swing. When rising high, she saw her best friend little Jack. She let go of the swing and waved to him with one hand. Unfortunately, she flew out of the swing and landed hard on the sand, breaking a leg and an arm. As she lay in the sand, she noticed a shiny thing on the ground beside her. With her good hand she took it.
When Sarah’ mother rushed into the ward she was surprised by what she saw: her girl was lying in bed with an arm and a leg in the splint (夹板), a broken nose, and blood stains on her second-best clothes. Expecting to see her child crying, she was confused when she saw a big, bright smile on Sarah’s face.
"Sarah, look at you!" her mother cried. "You were hurt so badly and why are you smiling?"
"Look, Mommy, I found a diamond!" Sarah laughed.
Life can be like that. It can be tough, even painful sometimes. But there are always treasures that make the pain worth suffering.
小题1:When Sarah went to school, she was wearing ________________.
A.a white coat and a Jonas Brothers T-shirt
B.blue jeans and a yellow shirt
C.a white coat and a yellow shirt
D.blue jeans and a Jonas Brothers T-shirt
小题2:Sarah fell off the swing because _____________.
A.she seldom played swing
B.she rose too high
C.she waved one hand to her friend
D.she was pulled down by her friend
小题3: When Sarah’s mother saw her in the ward she felt _______________.
A.upset B.puzzledC.relaxed D.disappointed
小题4:Which of the following can be used to describe Sarah’s story?
A.Every cloud has a silver lining.
B.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
C.First think, then act.
D.No pains, no gains.

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