
Speaking two languages can actually help reduce some effects of aging on the brain, a new study has found.

Researchers tested how long participants needed to _______ from one cognitive (认知) task to another, something that’s known to _______ longer for older adults, said lead researcher, Brain Gold, an expert at the University of Kentucky, “It has great effects these days because our population is _______ gradually,” Gold said. “Seniors are _______ longer, and that’s a good thing, but it’s only a good thing _______ a certain degree that their brains are _______.”

Gold’s team compared task-switching of younger and older _______, knowing they would find slower speeds in the _______ population because of previous studies. _______, they found that older adults who spoke two languages were able to switch mental gear (齿轮) ________ than those who didn’t.

First, Gold and his team ________ 30 people, who were either bilingual (双语的) ________ monolingual (单语的), to look at a series of colored shapes and ________ with the name of each shape by pushing a button. Then, they ________ the participants with a similar series of colored shapes and asked them to respond with what ________ the shapes were by pushing a button. The bilingual people had the ________ to respond faster to the shifting prompts (提示).

Researchers then gathered 80 more people for a second ________; 40 bilinguals and 40 monolinguals. This time, researchers used FMRI machines to ________ brain activity during the same shape-and color-identifying ________. Gold and his team found that bilingual people had different brain activity than their monolingual peers.

“Learning a second language in childhood was thought of as ________,” Gold said. “Actually, it’s beneficial.”

1.A. switch B. perform C. jump D. transport

2.A. hold B. spend C. last D. take

3.A. increasing B. aging C. growing D. exploding

4.A. surviving B. staying C. living D. expecting

5.A. with B. in C. at D. to

6.A. powerful B. healthy C. sensitive D. special

7.A. adults B. researchers C. leaders D. seniors

8.A. random B. ordinary C. older D. younger

9.A. Thus B. Otherwise C. Besides D. However

10.A. faster B. slower C. longer D. better

11.A. paid B. asked C. promised D. forced

12.A. yet B. nor C. or D. and

13.A. remember B. realize C. recall D. reply

14.A. presented B. rewarded C. assisted D. treated

15.A. forms B. types C. colors D. sizes

16.A. right B. ability C. opportunity D. determination

17.A. experiment B. conclusion C. lesson D. task

18.A. recognize B. improve C. make D. record

19.A. tools B. scores C. tasks D. games

20.A. useless B. reasonable C. simple D. interesting


My son Joey was born with club feet(畸形足). The doctors told us that with _____ he would be able to walk ______ but would never run very well. The first three years of his ______ were spent in surgery(手术). By the time he was eight, you wouldn’t know he had a _____ when you saw him walk.

The children in our ____ ran around as most children do during play, and Joey would jump right in and run and play, too. We never told him that he probably wouldn’t be ______ to run as well as the other children. So he didn’t know.

In seventh grade he ____ to go out for the cross-country team. Every day he trained with the team. He worked harder and ran more than any of the others. Perhaps he _____ that the abilities that seemed to come______ to so many others did not come naturally to him. ______ the entire team runs, only the top seven runners have the ______ to score points for the school. We didn’t tell him he probably would never make the team,so he didn’t know.

He ______ to run four to five miles a day,every day — even the day he had a fever. I was ______, so I went to look for him after school. I found him running alone. I asked him how he felt. “______.” he said.He had two more miles to go. The ______ ran down his face and his eyes were glassy from his fever. Yet he looked _____ ahead and kept running. We never told him he _____ run four miles with a fever. So he didn’t know.

Two weeks later the names of the team runners were ____ Joey was number six on the list. Joey had made the team. He was in seventh grade — the other six team members were all eight-graders. We never told him he couldn’t ______ to make the team. We never told him he couldn’t do it. We never told him he couldn’t do all those things. So he didn’t know. He ______ did it.

1.A. examination B. experiment C. excitement D. treatment

2.A. silently B. usually C. normally D. quickly

3.A. school B. life C. illness D. time

4.A. confidence B. problem C. success D. comfort

5.A. neighborhood B. city C. family D. childhood

6.A. pleased B. certain C. able D. willing

7.A. refused B. decided C. remembered D. promised

8.A. sensed B. understood C. learned D. drove

9.A. suddenly B. actually C. naturally D. possibly

10.A. If B. Since C. Although D. Because

11.A. strength B. benefit C. intelligence D. chance

12.A. continued B. had C. wanted D. indicated

13.A. upset B. angry C. worried D. disappointed

14.A. Sorry B. Okay C. Right D. Absolute

15.A. tears B. heat C. sweat D. failure

16.A. obviously B. anxiously C. straight D. typically

17.A. couldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

18.A. discovered B. called C. acted D. taken

19.A. expect B. like C. fail D. try

20.A. seldom B. just C. always D. never

I stand outside waving at the car pulling slowly out of our driveway. I force a smile, hoping it will cover up my tearing eyes, but I know it’s not working. I run into the house, slam the door behind me, and begin crying. It’s just occurred to me that I can’t see my elder sister, Monsura, in the next four months.

I ask myself why it is that I’m crying when I know she's doing something good for herself. I feel selfish for thinking about it but I’d be lying if I said I was happy for her choosing to study in a university in Boston. When my brother, Shafat, left for college, it was different. I still had one sibling at home to call me the stupidest person on a daily basis.

I am reminded of the things we did together as kids. In our old two-bed-room apartment, our parents gave in to our constant begging and traded rooms with us for one night. It was like being part of the amusement park, using our parents’ big bed as a trampoline (蹦床).It was during the first night that I witnessed a full moon. My sister and I believed my brother. He said that the moon was yellow because it was made from cheese. We made plans to visit the moon so we could melt a part of it and make cheese dip. But now I laugh at myself for being so innocent.

Sitting in front of my computer, I listen to songs that remind me of my two best friends. I come to terms with the fact that there's no longer anyone here to laugh uncontrollably with me or to turn to at night when I have a nightmare.

I’m shaken into reality by the sound of my cell phone ringing. Shafat is calling. I pick up and he immediately says “Thank you for such a great childhood.'' Those few words mean the world to me. We three-way call Monsura and spend the next hour reliving memory after memory, and by the end, I forget that I’m alone at home.

1.Why does the writer feel very sad?

A. She isn't admitted to a university.

B. She has no one to accompany her at home.

C. Monsura thinks she is stupid.

D. Monsura and Shafat didn’t go to the same college.

2.The kids traded rooms with their parents because .

A. they hoped to sleep in one room

B. they expected to see a fall moon

C. they could play together on their parents’ bed

D. they wanted to make plans to visit the moon

3.What is the turning point of the story?

A. That the writer’s brother left home for college.

B. That the writer cried hard on the day when Monsura left.

C. That the writer listened to songs that remind her of something.

D. That the writer talked with her sister and brother on the phone,

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. My childhood B. A very sad day

C. A hard-won family union D. The most precious family love

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1.What are these ads for?

A. Food you can order for delivery.

B. Places to go on vacation.

C. Things on sale in a big store.

D. Special offers at a shopping center.

2.Which of the following is true according to the ads?

A. Spending $ 50 means 3 hours of free parking.

B. One person can buy 4 tickets for the price of three.

C. After buying two CDs, you can get another two CDs for free.

D. At Mike’s Cafe, people can get a free drink after spending $ 6.

3.We can know from this passage_________.

A. there are more than one theatre in the center

B. if you buy a book there, you may pay less than half the price

C. you may get a free one if you buy a shirt, or a tie, or a pair of shoes

D. you won’t enjoy the wonderful service at Mike’s Café

“Heaven is where the police are English,the cooks are French the mechanics are German,the lovers are Italian and everything is organized by the Swiss.Hell is where the.police are German,the cooks are English,the mechanics are French,the lovers are Swiss,and everything is organized by the Italians.”

Obviously the national stereotypes(模式化的思想)in this,old joke are generalizations,but such stereotypes are often said to "exist for a reason".Is there actually a sliver of truth in them?Not likely,an international research team now says.

"National and cultural stereotypes do play an important role in how people see themselves and others,and being aware that these are not dependable is a useful thing,"said study author Robert McCrae of the National Institute on Aging."These are in fact unfounded stereotypes.They don't come from looking around you,"McCrae said.

If national stereotypes aren't rooted in real experiences,then where do they come from?One possibility is that they reflect national values,which may become known from historical events.For example,many historians have argued that the spirit of American individualism has its origins in the experiences of the pioneers on the Old West.

Social scientists such as psychologist Richard Robins have given several other possible explanations for stereotypes and why they may be incorrect.Robins notes that some stereotypes may have been correct at one point in history and then remained unchanged while the culture changed.

We may be "hard-wired",to some degree,to keep incorrect stereotypes,since we are less likely to notice and remember information that is different from our stereotypes.Generally,according to Robins,when we meet people who are different from our stereotypes,we see them as unique individuals rather than typical national or cultural groups.

1.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A. To introduce the topic of national stereotypes.

B. To make a comparison between the characters of different countries.

C. To exemplify the argument against stereotyping.

D. To analyze the strengths and weaknesses of people in different countries.

2.Which of the following best describes McCrae's attitude towards national stereotypes?

A. Supportive. B. Indifferent.

C. Critical. D. Uncertain.

3.According to social scientists,why aren’t national stereotypes always correct?

A. Because they are formed by individual historians.

B. Because people tend to have false idea about other cultures.

C. Because generalizations are made through personal experience.

D. Because what was true in the past may not be true at present.

4.What does the underlined word "hard-wired" in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Forgetful. B. Fixed.

C. Anxious. D. Helpless.

The English have a difficult and, generally speaking, dysfunctional (不协调的) relationship with clothes. Their main problem is dial they have a desperate need for rules, and are unable to get along without them. Tins helps to explain why they have an international reputation for dressing in general very badly, but with specific areas of excellence, such as high-class men’s suits, ceremonial costume, and innovative (革新的) street fashion. In other words, we English dress best when we are “in uniform”.

You may be surprised that I am including “innovative street fashion” in the category of uniform. Surely the parrot-haired punks (朋克摇滚乐迷) or the Victorian vampire Goths are being original, not following rules? It’s true that they all look different and eccentric(奇特的) but in fact they all look eccentric in exactly the same way. They are wearing a uniform. The only truly eccentric dresser in this country is the Queen, who pays no attention to fashion and continues to wear what she likes, a kind of 1950s fashion, with no regard for anyone else’s opinion. However, it is true that the styles invented by young English people are much more eccentric than any other nation’s street fashion. We may not be individually eccentric, apart from the Queen, but we have a sort of collective eccentricity, and we appreciate originality in dress even if we do not individually have it.

Another “rule” of behavior I had discovered was that it is very important for the English not to take themselves too seriously, to be able to laugh at themselves. However, it is well known that most teenagers tend to take themselves a bit too seriously.

The Goths, in their scaring black costumes, certainly look as if they are taking themselves seriously. But when I got into conversation with them, I discovered that they too had a sense of humor. I was once chatting to a Goth in the full vampire costume—with a white face, deep purple lipstick, and black parrot-hair. I saw he was also wearing a T-shirt with “Goth”. “Why are you wearing that?” I asked. “It’s in case you don’t realize I’m a Goth,” he answered, pretending to be serious. We both burst out laughing.

1.What can we know about the English people?

A. They need rules to dress well. B. They are in need of uniforms.

C. They are creative in general. D. They lead the world trend.

2.Who is individually eccentric in dressing?

A. A high-class man. B. A parrot-haired punk.

C. The Queen. D. The fashion innovator.

3.Which of the following can best describe the Goths?

A. They dress badly.

B. They dress in an amusing way.

C. They are unable to laugh at the way they dress.

D. They are less fashionable than the other English people.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. How the English Dress

B. How the English Admire Fashion

C. Why the English Like Uniforms

D. Why the English Are Eccentric in Dress

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