
Robert Ballard is probably the most famous deep-sea explorer in the past 100 years. While he is best known for his historic discovery of the wreckage(残骸) of the R.M.S. Titanic which sank to the bottom of the sea in 1912, he also discovered the wreckage of the Bismarck and the Yorktown. Over his career, Dr. Ballard has completed over 120 deep-sea journeys and continues to push exploration to new depths with new technologies and strategies. His new high-tech Inner Space Center at the University of Rhode Island links scientists all over the world and makes it possible to identify new discoveries in realtime.

Reporter: What were you like as a kid?

Ballard: I was a very “active” kid with lots of interests including sports (football, basketball, and tennis), fishing, and studies.

Reporter: Do you have a hero?

Ballard: My hero is Captain Nemo from the book, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne and his submarine the Nautilus.

Reporter: What do you daydream about?

Ballard: I dream about undersea exploration.

Reporter: How did you get into your field of work?

Ballard: It started with a scholarship to the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, in the summer of 1959 when I was a junior in high school. That summer, I went to sea on two separate expeditions in Baja California with various oceanographers(海洋学家). During one of those expeditions, I met Dr. Robert Norris, a Scripps graduate with a Ph. D. in marine geology, who invited me to come to the University of California, Santa Barbara where I ended up getting my undergraduate degree in Geology and Chemistry with minors in Math and Physics.

Reporter: What’s the best piece of advice that anyone has ever given you that you can share with us?

Ballard: Follow your dreams and don’t let anyone talk you out of them.

Reporter: Do you have any good jokes?

Ballard: I prefer sayings to jokes. My favorite is, “Never get into the thick of thin things.”

1.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that Robert Ballard ________.

A. is president of a university and travels a lot

B. is the most famous deep-sea explorer in history

C. is still contributing to the development of deep-sea exploration

D. is best famous for the discovery of the wreckages of three ships

2.From the passage we know Nemo ________.

A. is Jules Verne’s nickname B. is the name of a ship

C. is a sailor on a submarine D. is a character in a book

3.What can we know about Ballard?

A. He was lucky to meet Dr. Robert Norris.

B. He once wrote a book about the sea.

C. He loves jokes more than proverbs.

D. He used to be tired of studying.

4.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The great achievements of Robert Ballard.

B. An interview with a famous deep-sea explorer.

C. A brief introduction to famous Robert Ballard.

D. What a famous deep-sea explorer is like.


If you're thinking about reaching for another biscuit to get you through the working day,think again.Eating unhealthy snacks at your desk makes you pile on almost half a stone a year,a survey has revealed.The waistlines of women suffer the most,with the average female putting on 61b 3oz—the equivalent of a whole dress size—while men see their weight increase by 51b 20z.

The report into our eating habits found that,on average,we eat at least two snacks a day,with 30 percent of us tucking into three or more.Women admit eating more than men,with a further 13 percent of ladies scoffing four or more snacks a day.The research,by The Village Bakery,found biscuits are the most common vice,with 42 percent regularly opening a pack,closely followed by chocolate (38 percent),crisps (32 percent) and cakes (13 percent).

And office workers are worse than most.Cakes and biscuits brought into work by colleagues are one of the main temptations office staff give in to.In addition,33 percent admit reaching for nibbles to cope with stress and 22 percent say they need a sugar rush to perk them up in the afternoon.

Simon Staddon,of The Village Bakery,said:"We were aware time-poor office workers can find it difficult to easily access a nutritional lunch.But we were really shocked by the extent to which 'quick fix' lunches are affecting weight gain and general well-being.Popular mid-afternoon pick-me-ups such as biscuits,chocolate and cakes are high in calories,fat and full of sugar,all of which affect your blood sugar levels and ultimately lead to weight gain."

The survey of 2,000 British men and women suggests we are often ashamed of our unhealthy eating. Twenty-four percent of Britons admit lying about how many snacks they eat with 33 percent of women lying, compared to 20 percent of men.Unfortunately,it's as if we are not likely to do anything positive to counteract the sweet treats.

1.According to the passage,women usually put weight on first______.

A. on the face B. on the legs

C. on the feet D. in the middle

2.What's the main reason of eating snacks in the office?

A. Colleagues eat them to save money.

B. Staff use them to cope with their lunches.

C. Colleagues often bring them to office.

D. Bosses invite staff to eat them.

3.Why do office workers eat a "quick fix" lunch?

A. Because it has much of nutrition.

B. Because it has little effect on weight gain.

C. Because it has little effect on general well-being.

D. Because they have a short time to have their lunches.

4.It can be inferred that British women are______.

A. less likely to lie on snacks than men

B. more likely to lie on snacks than men

C. more ashamed of eating snacks than men

D. less ashamed of eating snacks than men

Many thousands of Chinese are studying at schools in the United States. And writer Liel Leibovitz says the students are following an example that began in the eighteen seventies.

Mr. Leibovitz and writer Matthew Miller joined forces to tell the story of the students in their book, “Fortunate Sons.” The book says China sent one hundred and twenty boys from 1872 to 1875 to America to learn about developments that could help modernize their country.

Mr. Leibovitz got the idea for the book about the boys a few years ago when he was traveling with his wife in China.

Mr. Leibovitz learned that Qing government sent a whole delegation (代表团) of boys to learn the ways of the West. The goal was for them to return to China and help their country.

The book says the boys received their American training in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. It must have been a very good education. Mr. Leibovitz says the first prime minister of the Chinese Republic completed this program. And so did the first engineer to build a large-scale railroad without foreign help. The same was true of the fathers of Chinese education, diplomacy and the Navy.

The book-writers had only to open some boxes containing the writings of these men to learn about them. Their notebooks, Journals, letters and postcards were in English. Mr. Leibovitz said he was lucky to have so much information from events that took place long ago.

The students returned to China after about nine years. They no longer spoke Mandarin (国语) well enough to answer questions. Police welcomed them home by putting them in jail. The young men were released after about a week. But they were given low-level jobs.

Mr Leibovitz says it took about ten years for them to rise to higher positions. He said their story continues today with large numbers of Chinese studying in the United States.

1.How many exchange children did Qing government send to America?

A. 1872. B. 1875.

C. 120. D. 210.

2.Qing government sent the boys to America because it .

A. wanted them to help their country

B. lost the war

C. expected them to destroy the culture of the West

D. wanted the Western to help the boys

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Many thousands of Chinese are studying at schools in America.

B. Some of the boys received their American training in California.

C. Police welcomed the boys home by putting them in jail.

D. One of the boys became the father of Chinese education.

Walking alone on a remote beach in southwest Florida, I was surprised to hear splashes coming from the water. As I walked in the _______ of the sounds, I saw a manatee(海牛) show its head out of the water, _______a great snuffling(带鼻音的) breath. It seemed that it was in _______and trying to get out of it.

I'd never seen a _______ like this before. I wanted to _______, but there was no one else on the beach. So I went into the shallow water and went toward the animal. I came _______enough to make out the manatee. Then, a second manatee, much smaller, appeared beside it. _______, the manatees were also moving toward me. Soon I was _______by several manatees. I could clearly see the larger manatee _______the little one up with her flipper(鳍状肢) and pushed it to the ________beside me.

As the two slipped underwater, two other manatees moved up from behind, one on either side, ________gently against my body as they swam past. They circled and________ the action, this time ________by the mother and her baby. I held my hand out touching their back as they passed me. Since they obviously enjoyed touching me, I began ________each of them as they swam by.

I stood there enjoying the scene, ________to move, until finally the rising tide forced me back to the shore. Later I knew exactly what took place that morning. The manatees ________me in their celebration of a birth and I was welcome to meet the ________member of their family.

During that unexpected scene, I felt more involved in the rhythms of ________on our earth than ever. Each year, I head for that ________for a quiet little birthday picnic on the shore. After all, you never know who might ________up for your party.

1.A. direction B. condition C. middle D. side

2.A. making out B. putting out C. coming out D. letting out

3.A. force B. trouble C. loss D. action

4.A. look B. feel C. sight D. smell

5.A. leave B. see C. find D. help

6.A. close B. soon C. quick D. straight

7.A. Luckily B. Personally C. Unexpectedly D. Sadly

8.A. watched B. surrounded C. attacked D. separated

9.A. turn B. eat C. throw D. hold

10.A. field B. surface C. pool D. bank

11.A. rubbing B. preventing C. surfing D. comforting

12.A. practiced B. changed C. repeated D. showed

13.A. seen B. followed C. taught D. ordered

14.A. moving B. hitting C. catching D. touching

15.A. unwilling B. ready C. unable D. afraid

16.A. invited B. protected C. included D. fought

17.A. best B. oldest C. toughest D. newest

18.A. life B. music C. world D. development

19.A. boat B. hill C. beach D. scene

20.A. build B. show C. look D. step


Ways to Have an Amazing Day

I’m a big believer in the Law of the Harvest: 1 . If we plant the seeds of success every day, we will reap a successful harvest. If we delay the planting, we cannot expect to harvest. Here are a few tips for making sure you can answer the pop quiz of life confidently:

Keep Learning

A child has the opportunity to learn about 100 new things a day and they love the feeling of learning something new. That’s why a young child will ask their parents, "Why?" about a thousand times a week. They are learning and growing. It wouldn’t hurt us to look around throughout the day and ask, "Why did that happen? How does that work? What can I do about that?" 2

Be Kind

It has been said that you can measure a person by how they treat the people who can do nothing for them. One great way to get more out of your day is to fill it with people you know. 3 The best way to know more people is to take a moment to learn a little about them.


I have noticed for some time that a lot of the happiest and most satisfied people I know have one or more big "life goals" they are working towards. It may be to run a marathon, write a book, start a business, develop a product, or learn a new hobby or profession. It doesn’t really matter what it is as long as it is something big, something that inspires you, and something that will take a lot of time and hard work.

5 In fact, most people experience something like a "pop midterm". Those are the moments in life where you wake up and realize that you have wasted the last 5—10 years on cruise control. Some people lose a job and realize they haven’t taken the time to develop any skills that would help them find another one.

A. Find A Suitable Purpose

B. Be kind to everyone you meet.

C. Look for some ways to serve.

D. We harvest what we sow.

E. Is your life filled with meaningless activities?

F. A lifetime of learning leads to a love for life.

G. Life doesn’t always throw us too many pop quizzes.

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