
My first full-time job after high school was selling vacation packages(旅行产品) via the telephone for a well-known company. One day, I was put throughto a man who sounded a bit out of breath. I started with my normal pitch (音高), expecting to hear the normal reply —"I don’t want any."

Instead, he spoke in a faint, weak voice and told me how he wished to take a vacation I was offering, but he couldn’t because he was dying of illness. He explained how he was lacking in oxygen then, and it took almost all his energy to answer the call. He asked if I smoked, which I did, and begged me to stop. He told me smoking was what was killing him. He told me to spend every day with my loved ones, and tell them how much I love them. At this point, I couldn’t control myself. We ended the call, but I held on my phone to prevent another call coming in so I could collect myself.

I wrote down his name and address, and sent him a card appreciating(感谢)his advice and praying for him and his family. Shortly after, I received a letter from Frank, along with a picture of him and his wife. We continued to write back and forth over the next few months, and became very fond of each other. He was old enough to be my grandfather, and in many ways, I felt as if he was.

About a year later I received a letter from his wife. When I started to read, tears came to my eyes. She told me how Frank’s battle with the disease had finally come to an end, and he passed away shortly before the Christmas. She wanted to thank me for the letters to Frank, and explained how Frank touched(感动) many lives over the years. At his funeral, to show just that, they read the 1st letter I had written to Frank to show how he affected a 19-year-old boy he’d never met.

1.The author was then probably working for ______.

A. a travel agency

B. a cigarette company

C. an e-shopping store

D. a vacation school

2.The underlined part "collect myself" in the second paragraph probably means "_______".

A. gather together

B. disappoint myself

C. cheer myself up

D. calm down

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. Frank was in hospital while answering the phone.

B. Frank is actually the author’s grandfather.

C. There was something wrong with Frank’s lung.

D. The author asked Frank to travel and he took his advice.

4.We can learn from the text that the author ________.

A. took down Frank’s name and address to visit him in person

B. was warmly welcomed by her customers when she called them

C. didn’t stop smoking even though Frank asked him to

D. kept in touch with Frank through letters until he died

5.At Frank’s funeral the author’s 1st letter to Frank was read in order to ____.

A. encourage people to fight against disease and live bravely

B. show that Frank touched(触动)many people’s hearts

C. show the good relationship between Frank and the author

D. make the author remember the letter


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1.Many Americans fail to lose weight probably_____________

A. they lack confidence B. they do exercise alone

C. they are under great pressure D. they don’t get enough exercise

2.From the text, we can learn that if you join the gym, ___________

A. you will lose weight safely but slowly

B. you will struggle with workout routines

C. you will be advised to pay attention to nutrition

D. you will be advised to have nothing in between workouts

3.How much do a couple have to pay if they join the gym today?

A. $ 800 B. $500

C. $ 900 D. $1,000

4.This text is most probably taken from a ___________

A. newspaper B. magazine

C. website D. textbook

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